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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. If your price range is 1500 step as close as possible to it tbh. Find a little more powerful GPU or bump up to 32 gigs of RAM. Otherwise this is a great build. 5800X is easily one of the best budget CPUs right now Alternatively, you can swap to a B450/550 board and save some cash to push towards a better GPU. Maybe a 6700XT. Either way it goes bumping up RAM would be my go to and call this build perfect.
  2. As someone who knows the dude IRL its not who he is. His persona online and irl are completely different. I'm not even calling him an idiot or stupid. The things im saying apply to how he acts and his personality. Which is what he asked for advice on.
  3. You're blunt. Stupid Idiotic You are not very approachable to everyone and give off a vibe that kinda shows you want to run by yourself. (these are describing his personality and how he acts, not Deathtiger as a person) You don't outreach, you don't really communicate clearly. You struggle to follow set rules, or are argumentative when people disagree/have an issue with something you've done. You're passive aggressive as all hell. Your biggest issue, really is your attitude and the way you respond to criticism/handle yourself. Fix these things and the joking behavior and minor minge things that you do can easily be overlooked so long as you stay serious when it matters. Since this needs to be stated, this is said with love. I know the guy IRL. How he acts here is NOT how he acts in real life. You have a tendency to get too into the "its just a game mindset" at the wrong times. Thinking of it as a game is just fine too, but you also need to incorporate how other people feel during times, which you struggle with. My advice to you is to sit down, step out of the box and reach out to other Officers in other battalions and start scheduling things to do with them. This way you work on your communication and understanding, as well as you try to work on addressing others concerns/accepting a compromise rather than a "my way or the highway" type of thinking. If you have any issues with people on the server sit down over TS or Discord and talk it out. Repairing bonds or attempting to is better than letting them stay broken. That's all i can really say to help you. As alot of it is completely up to you and how you decide to act.
  4. huh... half this application looks familiar.... +1
  5. changing to a +1. I've seen worse accepted, and there is now some form of a plan being talked about here. I appreciate you reaching out to me once it was updated Best of luck Peethin
  6. Late but better than never. I wasnt there for all of em, and im sure some had flaws, but it was an insane amount of dedication and sure as hell provided alot of entertainment. Nothing but dubs all around. props to you and @Zeros
  7. -1. There is MAYBE 4 sentences in each section and i didn't need to know about your time on a completely different game type. Ive seen you active and i know you have good intentions, just can't justify supporting something as bland as this.
  8. Mystic

    Life's Gift

    3/4/5 It was solid all around. No performance issues really.
  9. i still laugh at your GM app sometimes. +1 though. More staff is a good thing.
  10. Proof Also allowed me to shove diamond shards up Brooklyns ass
  11. 1/1/1 No thought TOo Many bugs Bad server performance
  12. I prayed and i still miss @Ratio
  13. Not to mention there are still bugs pending with some quests not being acceptable on certain jobs
  14. +1. If you keep it up you will eventually surpass Mazen as the best Cody.
  15. o7. Seems like you've been around for as long as time has existed. Rest easy
  16. @Bleachwhat's our verdict? (+1 i literally dont see anyone else stepping up, you weren't god awful, you helped your battalions. I see no wrong and no reason to not give you a 2nd time if its not wanted)
  17. -1. I've been thinking on this, and i think it needs adjusted. That's a no brainer, but changing the entire gun and how it functions defeats the purpose of it being on sale and ruins the reason people may have bought it, (even though i only bought it because i promised Xaze i'd buy whatever the next item was). If they want to change the gun but keep the function, fine. If they want to change the function but not the gun, fine. We agreed to own the gun regardless of future tweaks, but not to replace the entire weapon itself and what it did. While the Founders CAN do that, i think that its a bad choice. Also, Jedi can't block shotguns in general. Sure the fire makes it worse, but the blocking thing isnt new.... at least they cant block every pellet.
  18. Well time to do the holocron raid with it while i still can...
  19. I'll only +1 this if you promise to actually play the server when you get the position +1.
  20. Feels like something a VA should know
  21. +1 sure why not. Seems dumb they don't have Pauldrons anyways
  22. Mystic


    some Genoa Salami
  23. I drive out Main Gate just to blow up. But the cannons are OP. -1
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