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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. 4/4/5 I wasn't there for it all. Confused at first. but i caught on. I got to blow up alot of stuff and even killed a mortal deity.
  2. +1. This is one of the healthiest 41st eras ive seen. Pinkdonut has helped abit in making this happen from what i've heard.
  3. Mystic

    Zombie Portals

    3/3/5 Great money and WIltOS XP event. Fun and simple.
  4. Bug Type (Server:): Name Severity level (Low - Medium - High): 1 Evidence (if you can): Description of the bug: This pistol in game is labeled as the DC-17 side arm which is the one commonly used by ARC and Clone Commanders in the Clone Wars https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/DC-17_hand_blaster/Legends Whereas the pistol wielded by the Commandos was the DC15s Side Arm https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/DC-15s_side_arm_blaster So change the name from the DC17 Side Arm to the DC15s Side arm How can we recreate it: Look at the name of the DC17 Side Arm in game.
  5. o7 man, Didn't speak much but the work done in 41st spoke for itself
  6. music gum and relax. I think theres some scientific thing where mint helps your brain kick into gear
  7. 1/1/3 This was the deployment
  8. +1. I have full faith in you this time around. if you get it this time i get to pay for your guys next phasmo games.
  9. bruh you finally got it too. o7 get better quick man
  10. True. My fault. Thank you for the response. Just wanted to know if we should suggest to have the NPC removed or stay. Glad to see it's gonna be continued. @Naffen @Guac Answered.
  11. Question: Will Jedi finally get the 2nd part of the Yaddle Holocron quest with the Female Master? Comments/Concerns: Just curious now that you're back (welcome back to the quest team by the way!) if this quest line will be finished now that you're back! Staff Member you're asking: @Maddoxx Additional info: N/A
  12. Going to ask a question here actually. Do you have any experience in 212th? While 501st and 212th aren't really the hardest battalions to manage i do wonder if you have any experience with the inner workings of the battalion? The app is fairly short so i was left abit undecided upon a re-read
  13. Mystic

    Captured ships

    damn a B1 in an ETA at 3am is an event now? crazy.
  14. 4/4/4 wasnt there for all of it but really played out decently well through the end
  15. clip for context. probably shoul've posted this in my reply
  16. worded this horribly. gonna leave this edit here🙏 (But really big o7. Had some Great events with you and your time as Jedi was absolutely a blast)
  17. Took y'all long enough. Congrats @Tetra @gurk
  18. Gameplay: 3. Was fine towards the start, got a little confusing in the middle and end. Weird DRG spam kinda turned it into walking simulator. Care and Effort: 3. Basic deployment. March to and from OBJ. Shoot. Not very much RP. Server Performance: 3. Had some chugs. Crashed once. not much else
  19. +1 probably one of the worst picks for staff
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