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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. Stole my suggestion. +1. Scout blaster is non existent. Literally didn't know it existed. giving ARF a purpose in a recon unit is a big plus. Not like the sniper is super OP either. Its a very good beginner weapon and perfect for snipers with no perma weapons
  2. 3 - Enemies were too strong. Gameplay was confusing. Map was poorly picked and spawns weren't updated. 3 - Im sure it was planned out decently. but the execution was choppy and the negotiations RP was poor. 3 - Lag, Crashes riddled the deployment. Map issue not so much your fault
  3. RP Name: Omega 36 PVT Darman Steam ID: 76561199046704275 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 19 Timezone: EST What was your previous staff rank?: VA Are you currently staff on a different server?: Na Why did you leave the staff team?: I was forced down to SA for ahem Not doing enough as a VA. Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I still dislike GM work, but as it stands i have the motivation to retain SA and do my quotas. After speaking with a VA and a few SAs i have a solid group of people I would like to assist in events and whatnot. I also miss the ability to solo host trials or help spawn dupes and shit for tryouts. Being staff was a nice change of pace during downtimes as sometimes having a small shoot em up or a patrol was nice. I don't really have much to type here as i can't really stretch "i want to be staff again, do GM work and take tickets/help people" into a bunch more words. How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): My time previously as staff was fine. The reason for my forced demotion was due to an attempt to increase the quality of VAs. While hurtful, was understandable even though i don't think it panned out how they wanted to. I usually always hit my quota and helped plenty of people in the AMs and PMs. I was capable of handling sits/bans and talks on my own, and was well versed in all the work that SAs and VAs do from helping train NAs to training CRs, taking tickets and handling sits/events. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Uh huh.
  4. Glad to hear. Hope to see you back soon.
  5. not possible dawg. Kiss ass is real +1 again
  6. 5/5/5 I stood in BBC protecting the whole event
  7. -1. Not shit to do at Thesh, Passive RP quality has dropped over the years and droids shoot through the walls of the outpost. Just wouldn't be fun.
  8. he's got a point. make hanz your guild lead Also beef this app up man this shit looks shorter than my co.... coat. +1
  9. I think back when there were certain jobs that had the model this would be much more feasible. After the swap to Onderon its no secret alot of BH jobs lost their models including a couple of the named models. Now they're scattered across a few whitelists or just blatantly missing. I think this would rectify that issue for the common person. Not everyone wants to main BH or Civ to get Renown to buy the correct whitelist (if there is one idk) and adding to that, giving it a job could boost its role on the server in terms of pushing RP between the Village and the Base, which is a very rare occasion aside from the couple of Base raids that happen a month. As it stands i believe SOBDE already handles the full tryout and standards for Walon. I don't really think anything here would change just because he got a job. If that was the case though i do believe a sit in with the Directors or Palpatine could resolve or at least set a precedent for the job itself, Kind of like the Senators/Mas Amedda. For the "confused" part, i think this could be a good bridge into bringing about some possible lore BH names that would be absolutely sick to have around the server. (this is all just my speculation none of this is actually a confirmation of any kind,. just how i viewed it,)
  10. +1. Civvies could use some Lore Jobs.
  11. irl always first. Just feedback on his AAR. Hope it didn't come off any other way
  12. No. I'm saying if you really wanted to join the server, you would've used your alts for a reason other than to continue annoying people
  13. 2 - Gameplay was slow. OOC spawns weren't updated so we were getting stuck at an FOB by insane amounts of droids. 3 - I won't say there wasn't planning. I won't say you didn't try. It was just roughly executed with alot of bite from the GM team when people attempted to complain about the pacing. Which isn't the right course by the players, but should've also merited a response other than "its your fault" 3 - Performance was rough from the get go. With globs of droids MTTs and pods. 30 FPS 200 ping while still briefing was kinda crazy. but not the worst performing deployment we'd seen. For a first deployment you did good. Just hope you get more criticisms through your events and deployments instead of bland 5/5/5s
  14. Instead of alting to avoid your ban you should've just alted and attempted to rejoin the community. -1. Dealt with you several times as staff and you've been arrested more times than ive resigned from 21st. If you were truly apologetic you should've written it out here rather than a platonic "im sorry unban me and if i mess up perma me" (again btw)
  15. -1 For a full appeal i think that you need to wait longer, There's cases of Harassment going for a couple of months, I think i'd love to have you back eventually if you can wait a little bit longer and turn this into a ban reduction post i believe that's the best route for you. (go suck a shotgun is a little harsh) -1 for full appeal +1 for a ban reduction @Rohan@gohn You guys were the ones who escalated to a perma. Can you elaborate for the reasoning?
  16. Changing my mind. -1. bad idea having 3 sub units. even if youre built different. i dont want 212th RP
  17. theyre only removing Barlex lmfao. They would still have their 2ndAC jobs
  18. I was poor man's Foxtrot once +1 Also @CcmontyMarvel has stated plenty of times its not against the server rules to ping for a suggestion
  19. -1. For as much as i enjoy talking to you and enjoy playing with you in TS and Jedi, I've spoken to some people around server about your Clone life, and from some of the things ive heard + the lack of experience i think its best if you grow under another BCMD and then reapply. I'll be looking forward to seeing a BCMD app of yours again in the future man.
  20. Just a heads up, for you and anyone else reading this, Mentioning someone's opinion on an application (even at a bad time) to them is not against any rules, and speaking on it in open channels also isn't against rules. This sounds much like something that should be discussed privately to a further extent, and not be released on the forums when its nobody else's issue. (I love you Guac, this is a informative bit for anyone reading this app since it seems to be an issue to others please don't yoink me )
  21. 2/4/2 Gameplay was hard. It was rough to progress and the droids had enough health to survive 5 of my sniper shots. It seemed planned out and there was some on the fly improv. Server performance was ATROCIOUS. Prespawned too much, left over music discs and droids werent being despawned etc.
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