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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. Mystic

    [Denied] ban appeal

    -1 didnt follow format. i cant read it
  2. If you could check when you get home I would appreciate it immensely.
  3. Question: What happened to this pack? = Comments/Concerns: I don't really care about why it was removed or anything of the sorts, I guess im asking if it was something we personally had access to or was it a workshop item thats long since gone? If its not gone can i get a link to it? Staff Member you're asking: Dev team freinds Additional info: Referring to these specifically
  4. got me out here needing to bring my zoom in like my grandma reading texts. -1. This application is the shortest app ive ever seen on the forums. There is no plan here and frankly its just "i want" not how you plan to achieve those "i wants" The comment about "almost" making 104th BOTM is based too. There's no way to compare how your battalion did to others. I think it's a bad look to be that arrogant about a small reward like BOTM. I also don't think that the reason for becoming BCMD should be "i already run the battalion". For your "Dire Company" suggestion. 332nd has changes pending and as i've heard has been a struggle even for a popular battalion like 501st. How would you rectify this or incentivize adding ANOTHER stepping stone to something as bland as DS? I'd also like to mention that for updating docs, as 104th's Intel Director just reach out to me. I am more than happy to pop into TS on one of my days off to assist in updating documents. Which just happened while Vango was still BCMD
  5. @Super_yes he has permission to post this.
  6. +1 holyy i would help this man out with whatever he may need
  7. Mystic

    Zombie Attack!

    3/3/5 Good late night event. Nice back and forth and a good credit/point farm
  8. +1 i do want to be harassed!
  9. Question: Recently i went onto another SWRP server. Ran into a saber that had a working Adrenaline and Saber Throw. My question is will Adrenaline ever be fixed, same with Saber Throw? Comments/Concerns: This was now made over a year ago. Adrenaline still doesn't work and Saber Throw has never worked afaik. Is there any word on progression? Jedi kinda lost all hope when Forseen resigned and at least giving our Masters the abilities they should have on their unique sabers is something that crossed my mind, Considering this is one of the perks of becoming a Master. Staff Member you're asking: @Xaze, Developers or Founders. I have no idea who does WiltOS shit. Additional info: Jedi bugs seem to get little attention for it being the paid faction.
  10. Mystic

    Forums Badges

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Mystic Suggestion: Implement Forums Badges. Why should we implement this? They've been around forever and the only people with them are either friends with High Staff or people who can give them to themselves. How will this improve the Forums? It'll give something to work towards , Not to mention giving it a set requirement to obtain them would increase interactions on the forums. It'd be cool to see other people that aren't super High staff or apart of a clique have them for no reason other than they got them via a friend or themselves. At the very least if this is to be denied can we get a reason? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Combine this and the BVB suggestion. Bring back CIS and have a Faction v Faction.
  12. Mystic

    Bring back BVB

    I would be inclined to see it slowly reimplemented somehow. -1 for now though. I only say this because there are still battalions that struggle to keep numbers consistently, and scheduling BVB and deployments fills up schedules for people working. As it stands i also feel a good bitt of the server at the moment hardly focuses on PVP and it would be hard to find people interested in participating. This isn't really even touching on what Marvel mentioned with toxicity and bad blood. Marvel really said all i worry about in terms of that. However, I also remember there were a couple times battalions never got their rewards whether it was a promise or credits or a deployment etc. If this did return there would also be a need to find incentives to make it appealing to people not interested in PVP. As well as making sure theyre followed through with. Ill watch the thread for new opinions but for now ill retain a -1
  13. 3/3/5 Pretty standard. Good solid event.
  14. Mystic

    More music discs

    Use the TVs? The impact is minimal. It seems more like a Halo Music suggestion in which case id just say use the entity on server
  15. +1. Luther has a good head on his shoulders and experience. I do hope this doesn't wind up like your Palpatine term, but we can only find out.
  16. +1 but give him the Dengar model.
  17. +1. If you guys can get the Bowcaster Darman can eventually. This would be a great day for me.
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