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Everything posted by Comics

  1. If Billiam got unbanned +1
  2. 7/10, I enjoyed everyone having a different part and coming together at the end But the choke point stuff made me wanna die. Dunno if it's some SOBDE bullshit but that stuff should prolly be slightly cut down on in the future. Fun overall
  3. Longest running 212th. Everyone has to retire the cap at some time. Sad to see you go :/ you were real good, maybe even the best
  4. 10/10 Actually shit myself
  5. Bro Is there a way to vote -1/10 cause that shit was painful. There's a shoot up and then there's this fucking mac check on an event
  6. +1, unbanned from in game. How much damage can one person do on the forums :)
  7. +1, some people really dig as far as they can and will find any reason even if they aren't on you at all. You are extremely capable and I've never seen you cause any problems. You do great work and I have a lot of faith in you.
  8. -1, Sprry but I've literally never seen you on. I dunno what you do for the server and I don't trust anyone I don't know to run all clone business Also I agree with whoever said that you haven't had enough of an effect outside your battalion.
  9. +1, great applicant and I believe he can make SOBDE a more respected and overall more liked part of the server. You also posted it in the wrong section before
  10. +1, honesty is the best policy mate. You are one lad I think we'd do good letting back into the community
  11. I heard the BLM fist was the cool new thing
  12. I'm only in it for these bad boys
  13. Bro I'm pretty sure only 0.1% of the server own the NASA computer required to run ARMA 3 on low
  14. Well we can have inquisitors instead of Jedi: it would be a hell of a lot smaller though BH could definetly exist. The empire made extensive use of Bounty Hunters, could even bring some lore slots to BH We can take current battalions can we not? Like there was a transition period with things like Imerial Commandos and what not. We wouldn't have to dive head first into full imperial The amount of stormtroopers is a lot a lot bigger than you think. They just all happen to fall under the Storm trooper corps. GCW is always more fun than clone. You get to be the bad guy, that's always more fun
  15. This causes a lot of confusion for a lot of people. SOBDE are the only people who run this in a good fashion, as they just remove rank entirely and and all CPTs (SL being BCMDs) To change to the lore rank is really gonna fuck yourself sideways. By having your name set to the lore rank you are removing the ability for people to know your real rank which means you will be capped to that single rank. It's pretty smooth brain to do this but if you really want to limit yourself then go ahead but don't fucking cry when you get kicked out of BCC for being a SGT and no one listens to you Having real rank in ID and lore rank in name is shit. This is to increase immersion and IDs are literally RP exclusive. If anything this would ruin RP and be far far more confusing. Overall, +1 as long as people accept they will be treated like their Lore rank. You can't have everything, the rank in your name is your rank (also I suggest making so you cannot have a lore rank if it's above your actual rank)
  16. the rishi moon is beautiful korm you truly are doing a great service for the server with all these suggestions +1
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