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Everything posted by Comics

  1. -1, I don't wanna be a debbie downer but there was a genuine reason 101st & ranked CTs were removed. It causes people to think they can progress outside a battalion, which they cannot. The whole point of clone is to pursue a battalion and help those strive, I can understand the idea of CT leadership but this has already happened before and it achieved little to nothing. CT leadership has kept people in CT instead of in battalions, it pretty much always does this without fail. People don't need to join battalions they're free to roam and do what they want but if they wish to progress they need to join one. I doubt this sorta thing would achieve anything really. People are always "mature" enough to join battalions, because the point of battalions is to join them and become disciplined and skilful. And I don't see how you could help someone "find that battalion that best suits them" as a CT leader, if they wanna know they should just hop around battalions and see what best suits them. Second hand knowledge will never be as good or useful as first hand experience. Another side note, you can't actually send people back to Kamino, like you can't re-train a CT. How mature they are is how mature they are and the only thing that will change that is proper experience and discipline. As much as we all want it, you cannot have the best of both worlds. Either settle down as a simple CT PVT or join a battalion to actually progress, there is no in-between.
  2. +1, I've never seen people complain about so many non-issues. You're a fantastic leader and there's little to no criticism I can really think of. The battalions going in a good direction, I'm confident you can help finish the path myself and mason set up.
  3. The fact you put venator as one options says a lot about society Oh and you forgot rishi moon, the best base map Extensive supremacy
  4. Comics

    Buff Heavy

    HVYL is quite possibly the worst position cause there is no way to keep those people. This regiment is my life and I hate how shit it is +1, genuinely needed.
  5. +1, way better than the current one
  6. +1, make sure to follow the wishes of your regiment
  7. Just it's agreed it doesn't mean it's not extremely excessive rates of promotion. A group decision can still be a bad one Just because you've talked to people it doesn't mean you understand their battalions or how they work in anyway. You just haven't been around long enough to understand either battalion. This is just a blatant lie there are multiple witness who were in the channel when you literally said you carried the battalion as an outreach And I didn't really have anything to say to you at the time cause I had literally 0 idea who you were. Your plans seemed pretty flimsy and under-baked but I didn't say anything cause I just wouldn't have anything to say. I've constructed these opinions way after you talked to everyone individually (15 days into you being back). Don't really know what you'd want me to say "I think you're incapable because you've just come back". It takes time to create opinions and criticisms and there wasn't much time between you suddenly saying you're going for it and you actually applying. I also have pretty much nothing to say to this. I don't really know what you're trying to prove or even say. I understand working with the old Marshal and a regimental but that doesn't really demonstrate a knowledge of current High Command. I don't think I'm allowed another comment so uhhh Best of Luck.
  8. TCC is currently a LTC & I don't think they have an IFC right now. So I'm not so sure about that being a rule
  9. -1, You seem to be fast promoting people. Like Tup & Kix have absolutely fired up the ranks in the few days or weeks they've been there (Tup getting Captain in 3 weeks). I understand sometimes you need to skip ranks for the better but this is like pretty insane. Huge jumps to do what I can assume is to fill ranks. People won't gain anything from mass promotion and will just burn out quite quickly. Also appointing yourself as REGL is suspicious at best , I'm assuming a Senior officer could have held this position and you took it for the sake of more centralised power. Or no one could've wanted it but I have no proof of the either just sticks out to me. You've barely come back and I doubt you can be properly adjusted to the current server situation surrounding HC. You could have made a good Rex but you appear to have no ambitions towards 501st and seem to be using it as a stepping stone towards ATK Reg. You just seem to be doing a lot of trainings, which sort of help relations, but they appear to be more of a show thing then actually genuinely useful. I also have issue with the little to no grasp you could have of current High Command. You've barely been back and suddenly want to launch into High Command in a very important position with little to no knowledge of the current server standings. You've barely become the leader of 501st and just want to leave it behind. All your work in 501st is inflating numbers and regressing on many of the cores & traditions of 501st. You don't really have a grasp on how either 104th or 212th work (and debateable if you understand how 501st is supposed to work). A lot of your promises & plans are just focused on making the battalions work more like they do in Lore. Less focus on out of event relations and more just getting battalions to work together in events. Also you had a pretty insulting description of your own achievements. Especially when you described yourself as doing Bro's job (BCMD Cody) when you were an Outreach Colonel. You pretty much just went on about your achievements and old positions and how you helped carry 212th. But honestly those mean nothing in the way of modern Synergy. (These accounts were when you were talking to members in TS) The only really positive thing I can say about you is that you talked to a lot of people but I'm still not sure any of those comments got to you and you seem to just be applying to get the position. You did just apply as soon as you could, leaving 501st in the dust.
  10. +1 you're the only capable candidate currently. I'm very happy to have you continue your time as HC and leader of the Navy No one better for the job
  11. :( you we're my rex son You did well for what you could. I'm sorry I didn't help you more. This really is on me
  12. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I love 2021 refer to this when something horrific happens to me
  13. You bring up some good points marvel but I personally believe in second chances for situations like this. +1
  14. Comics

    Add ComLink

    +1 can't wait to breath very heavily over the Radio
  15. +1, I can't see anyone else holding it as well as you can. You're a fantastic leader and have some real drive when it comes to Senator. You are beyond fit for the position. Don't fuck up the interview and don't get burnt out
  16. +1, delta wants you and that's all that really matters
  17. For my vote. You've been pretty redundant in your position (from what I've seen and what has been said). Also I have a huge issue with the fact you only seem to want the positions for the sake of having the positions. Also, stop going on about experience. If it means literally nothing to you do not mention it. Experience is to show what positions you had and how they affected you and your abilities not how many positions you've held. Include important things which actually mean something. Ratio and Marvel have said it best, -1.
  18. Comics


    I really wish I could tbh. Sadly I am far too poor
  19. 212th Officer meetings will finally be good again
  20. It's a real thing some people use but all it's gonna get is you being called a fucking pendejx
  21. yeah, I'm epic and woke and white pilled I know exactly what minorities want, I don't need them to tell me that Latinx literally does not work in their languages at all
  22. Fuck you gaster. I'll have you know I love BIPOCs and Latinx people
  23. You've spent a whole post attacking the two people who were outspoken about you and avoided all the accusations of disgusting behaviour. Are you gonna address any of the fucking videos? or are you just gonna point out the flaws of others so you can say "I'm just as bad as you." This is a horrific response, you insulted and berated these two people. No wonder no one wants to say anything about you cause all you do is insult them and refuse to address anything about yourself. Maybe this should've been handled privately but you're not even answering the questions now. How can we expect you to take any reports seriously when all you do is avoid the accusations and complain about other people. These are some serious issues, some serious problems and I cannot understand how your reply is "you were bad and should've been removed" Piff wasn't even a officer. YOU ARE A BCMD. How can we see you as a reliable leader if you keep some hidden rule which clearly just allows you to silence people. The fact this battalion is still here is just a testament to a slide in standards all the way to the ground floor. The fact this all went private until now is truly horrifying. Being heated is not an excuse for blatant racism lol. Go for a walk, grab a drink don't say racially charged shit like that. there is no excuse. And just cause your racially abused the wrong person it doesn't mean fuck all I'm not a saint but you're truly something else man. Plus weren't you supposed to give up BCMD or Dooku? I can't believe I actually waited for this, you made us all wait for this sorta response. Take some responsibility, admit you're wrong and man up. +1, it's depressing RANCOR even has to put up with stuff like this.
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