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Everything posted by Comics

  1. You already have a lot of shit 332nd on the way I'm Cody but even I have to admit not every minor character needs a job
  2. +1, this guy does a lot of behind the scenes shite and still manages to be insanely active. He got Commander so quickly for a reason. This guy is a legend, and up tha UK
  3. 9/10, Honestly sickage. Great shoot em up. Alot to do, places to go, droids to clap, battalions did different things Don't target me on fucking jah More events like this, epsecially with some management for BCMDs, and we can be happy
  4. +1, This guy is an active leader, clearly does shit, the next in line to the ever expanding Rex legacy.
  5. We had the perfect roster o7
  6. +1, why is it a requirement to fill in a specific doc, Just restrictive for no reason. If you have a good Idea you'll have doc made anyway so this is just unnecessary. This guy is great and knows all that he needs too. Plus don't you need GMs?
  7. +1, very active and the most capable member of the team. You might be able to walk through doors now
  8. Comics

    Who is Stahl?

    Do not please
  9. Good plans, small event so not everyone could get involved: that's just how it is 6/10, more RP is always appreciated and maybe more set up or a base (despite the fact you're an A)
  10. This guy knows what he's doing. He's not a dip-shit and he has all the exprience needed. Level head, sick guy, and won't cause anymore problems for Null +1, I like this guy
  11. +1, keep a close eye. Everyone can learn
  12. +1, sick guy. Knows what he's doing and is a reliable eastern lad
  13. You learn something new every day :)
  14. I actually liked you. You were good kid, many one of the best o7 best of luck sonny
  15. I like hurt man with syrum. And I liked yelling at the CTs. Good RP and Overall Good event. Maybe some more conflict with the CTs would've been good 7/10
  16. My bike doesn't have a motor do it count?
  17. +1, this guy is just the best guy. I'm like his best mate in naval so I can tell you: He's confident, he thinks shit through, and he's not retarded. He's by far one of the best Admirals we will ever have
  18. +1, he got XO for a reason. Guy is active, dedicated, and has what it takes.
  19. i feel doing this would bring a whole new dimension to our Elite subunits. I'm so happy you actually know all 3 212th Subunits and Parjai, You clearly know what you're doing. I think we would have to combat possible elitism that would build up but that's easy to over come. This is a pretty decent idea but would need some real oversight, planning, and real leadership. If pulled of right this could really bring something new to the server And SOCOM is a great name, just saying. The small event idea also gave me a brain boner, it made me so happy seeing someone plan out proper utilisation. Love this idea tbh PS Gc has 11-12 spots
  20. At least this old boy won't be gone forever. God's speed
  21. Comics


    Yeah I do @Mantis I had some shitty Aldi Knock-Off Cereal I was gonna scran outside the gaff but it'd pissed it down so stayed in
  22. I love this guy. Even though you've just come back you've clearly got some fucking gall. Look at my guy go. I have endless confidence in nade to help maintain the 3 biggest battalions on the server. He has too much experience to not know what he's doing. I can't say enough nice things about this guy. I hope 212th will strive with you assisting us. +1
  23. Comics


    I cried for a solid 3 hours and then got on my PC. #gamer4life
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