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Everything posted by Comics

  1. +1, this man can RP and knows what the fuck he's doing. I personally believe he has the gib and ability to lead BH to something great. great ideas. Just a great leader for BH. Please let me make a techno union clan under Gume Saam
  2. :( sad I'm too old. I'm outliving new gen too.
  3. Comics

    The immortals

    There is no way to be nice about this, sorry in advance. 0/10, I just cannot describe the pain of killing multiple Sith, max health antlions, and topped off with the fucking placement. I don't think I have ever disliked a Event more. IF there is anything to take away from this please do not make anything like this again. Try to make it easier, take more time to plan, and think about the players. To help soothe my pain I will post all the jokes I could think off: That was the Detroit of events. I will be playing part II in my fucking nightmares. It felt like a war documentary on Iraq. It was like clearing out a Roach factory but your guns shoot roaches aswell. The social commentary on the treatment of natives during manifest destiny. This was the McDonalds Sprite of events. Felt like Christmas in the hood. That being said I truly am hyped for part II.
  4. POGGERS PUMPKIN 212TH Also Extensive was the good days
  5. 104th is a more difficult subject. They don't really fit in with 501st and 212th: different styles of combat, different cultures. I would say they still don't really fit in. I plan to work with 104th HC to fully establish a proper position within the server and especially within the regiment for 104th. Of course this will probably end up with them focusing on use of mechanised vehicles & extraction of hostages. Once again, it's difficult to give exact plans when you aren't the BCMD so it's all general plans which will adapt with I work with each battalion HC. I also think there might be discussions of expanding negotiations as I've heard 104th actually get quite tired of always doing all the negotiations. I may also grant some vehicular specialisations to 501st and 212th (ATTE and LAAT, things which fit into their lore). TL;DR it's hard to say but I desire to make them fit more in line with the other attack battalions & spread their responsibilities a bit.
  6. -1, we don't need another faction first of all. Secondly No one ever likes grey Jedi. They are famous for being unpopular and constantly causing problems. I've already watched people celebrate as they got removed 2 different times. And when we need to help keep BH alive, another faction won't help anyone. Edgy Jedi Bad. There is no way around it: This server hates Grey Jedi in all forms.
  7. Comics

    Quad Blaster

    +1, seems pretty cool. No reason not to get it :D
  8. +1 very capable and the program also needs new blood> Give him da power
  9. Bro wtf You did a great job but holy shit that was quick Wolffe is cursed
  10. +1, Great Admiral but make sure to increase behaviour standards and professionalism
  11. He was banned by @Gene_Starwind and @Taur I think, these were the two accounts: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Gene_Starwind/ https://steamcommunity.com/id/Taur03/
  12. that doesn't really explain what he did. Like you got to do smth pretty bad to get perma'd for just minging Even MRDMers don't get perma banned
  13. +1, best applicant we will have Also add senior senators
  14. What the fuck did you do that was so mingey it got you banned?
  15. :/ I'm so fucking old
  16. Steam Name: Mr. Comics RP Name: Comics (Cody, Gume Saam, Vacant) RP Rank: Battalion Commander, Senator, CPO Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:151046311 Regiment you are applying for: Attack Experience: 212th I have served many roles in the 212th most prominently GCXO, WO, & Commander Cody. I spent around 2 to 3 years within the 212th and have learned a huge amount from the 10 Codys I have seen lead the 212th through ups, down, and everything in between. I had learned a huge amount and eventually applied for Cody (from 2ndLT). I had a successful term and have set a good groundwork for the next Cody to grow upon. I did this not to only prove to myself and others that I was more than capable but because I knew nothing was going to get done if all I did was complain and sit back. 212th has taught me countless things and I cannot go over all of them here but I will give a brief list: Respect for all The Value of everyone within a battalion/regiment The need for variety of opinion Difference between faith and confidence Real leadership skills How to compromise and better both sides How to properly utilize all those around you The importance of communication The list really could go on forever but I must keep this readable. Senator I am nowhere near done with Gume and plan many future endeavours with the Techno Union but I can say it has really opened my eyes to how to really enjoy RP. I really feel RP will always be fun when you force yourself into a whole character and go as over the top as possible. Gume has created some fantastic moments for me and he is one of my proudest positions because nothing beats the Saam. Naval Despite not playing much it used to be my life on the server. It taught me mostly to enjoy positions and not to flex power too much. Back then you’d receive spankings for even a single order to troops so it taught me large restraint but how to also act more professionally and proper event etiquette. Why should you become a Regimental Commander?: I am the oldest Attack BCMD as I served alongside JBfox and Forseen previously. Within my term, like the rest of Attack, I have kept to my own battalion and never really starting relations with the other Battalions. I spend my time purely on inner 212th and it paid off, the battalion is in a much better place and I already have a succession set up. I believe I have already done my part in helping the 212th and would be just hogging up the spot. I also believe I have proved my ability and gone against the prejudices people have had about me. Right now I believe that the best place to apply my knowledge and skills is towards bringing together the Attack Battalions. To waste away in the cody position is stupid when I could be applying myself to other things. I have enough experience in leadership that I feel like I’m in the best position right now to coordinate and better the brotherhood between the 3 Attacks. I also believe getting a foot into high command would allow me to further grow my own abilities, keep expanding my scope, and continuing to prove my own abilities to everyone (including myself). Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: The 212th attack battalion, of the 7th Sky Corps, was a Clone unit based around aerial assault and creating Landing points. They specialised in LAAT and AT-TE usage within the battlefield They were led by Marshal Commander Cody and High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi. They also had many subunits, Including: 2nd Airborne Company & Parjai, Ghost Company, & Foxtrot. The 501st Legion was a clone unit based around full frontal assault and unconventional warfare. They were a highly famed battalion, considered one of the most elite in the whole GAR. They were led by Commander Rex, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, & Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano. They had a few highly elite subunits, including: Torrent Company, & 332nd Legion. The 104th Battalion was a clone unit based on mechanised assault and extraction of VIPs. They specialised in Hostage negotiation and use of many republic tanks. They were led By Commander/Commodore Wolffe and Jedi General Plo Koon. They also had a elite close-knit sub unit: Wolfpack Availability: 10am to 12am every day Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: 212th: GCXO, WO, BCMD Naval: Captain (2ndLT in many other battalions) Senator Gume Saam Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?: I want to have established proper and inbuilt connections between all 3 battalions. They need to act not as unrelated battalions but as 1 whole regiment who will work independently to complete missions collectively. They have no real issues and I want to make sure that’s kept up but that lies mainly with the BCMDs. I will put a majority of my focus unifying the battalion. I also want to ensure each battalion’s subunits become useful and develop a position within the server. I want to make them worth getting into so they aren’t just: The lore names, the funny ones, ones with jetpacks. I hope this would go alongside the Noble’s desired changes to improve total cohesion and highlighting battalion and sub unit differences. The battalions are all in a good state & can run themselves independently so: As simple as it is I want Unification and Specialisation. How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?: I will ensure to start off my term with a week of getting to know and understand the battalions and their High Command. This will give me a lay of the land and help me grow into my positions within the starting weeks. I also will need to get accustomed to the I desire to actually finish the CET programme to properly establish a job for 212th and 501st. This would come alongside training and events which emphasise each job the battalions are to play, both individually and collectively. Using events and deployments I would ensure to emphasize the differences between the 3 battalions, this will especially be applied to the subunits of the battalions as they are greatly underutilised. I can achieve this through events which will prioritise the usage of Sub Units and differentiation and coordination. Separate objectives which will allow the battalions to properly use their subunits and battalion speciality. I also wish to get high level trainings going on for each battalion. Both general and specialised. General would focus on battle tactics and etiquette, showing all the attack troopers everything they are capable of doing. Specialised trainings will focus on each individual's battalions abilities and specialities. 104th would obviously focus on hostage extraction and mechanised assault. 212th will focus on multiple front assault, with 3 sub-units with the additional regular troops allowing them to work in multiple directions to achieve one goal. 501st, having little variation between sub unit, will focus on full frontal assault and use of abnormal battle tactics. Having these focuses will allow each battalion to specialise while still up keeping the idea of a general attack formula (assault focused) Of course these ideas are likely to be adapted as nothing will be put in place without consulting the respective HC. This allows ideas to grow and develop to suit all the battalion. I also hope to stomp down on things like disrespect and drama. They have not been heavy in attack for a while and I greatly hope to keep that going. Drama cripples battalions and I will keep close to all HCs to ensure they trust me to help them deal with any internal issues. I want to be trusted as not only does it make planning simpler but also ensures close coordination between Myself and ATK HC. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes
  18. +1, I've never had a bad encounter with you. And there is a reason everyone knows Omega is the best squad. Highly qualified and I'd enjoy another Palpatine.
  19. it still exists LMAO Literally just dead tho
  20. I think you're by far one of the most capable regimental Commanders, it would be novel if people actually utilised you like a regimental commander and quit pretending it is up to you to sniff out drama. You are a stand back leader for them to reach out to but I digress. I think you're a fantastic role model and Specialised is rather lucky to have you, in my humble opinion. I find it quite funny that your regiment always seems to dig itself into more and more issues, truly a test but you are still standing. +1
  21. You're going to have to trust myself and the other senators Owen cannot provide massive activity but that is not what we need for a new Mas. Wolfro set a great foundation now we need someone whose gonna implement stuff to keep Senators afloat, I am extremely confident in Owen to do so. I believe the other senators will also have faith in him
  22. You're next in line for Wolfro And you have the drive and want for change so I don't see why you cannot sit there +1, from the techno union
  23. 7/10 Maybe more RP please but apart from that top notch shite
  24. 2nd chances is a lot different to 8th chances Look I get you can make mistakes but how do you make so many so quickly. And how do you not understand from the first ban. +1, but you sure as hell are never getting unbanned ever again
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