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Everything posted by Comics

  1. Do admins have anything better to do?
  2. avoids arguments. I'm very happy to tell people my side multiple times as long as it avoids horrible petty public arguments. I am not looking for a witch hunt or drama, this is not to quench the drama thirst the community has, this is literally PR and re-establishment of trust. I can address them if you want but I assure you there will be points of conflict which will result in an argument, keeping it private allows to subdue public argument and for two sides to eventually and privately come to an understanding of each other.
  3. We can "raise awareness" of situations for things all day but it will result in a large public row which does not help anyone. I can talk about your MoH situation if you really want but it's not going to achieve anything. Look I understand what you're trying to do but it's not a game I'm wanting to play by. I'm tryna At least up hold good public face and devolving into petty argument and squabble is not the solution. I know you all want a huge argument because I'm the guy who likes to argue about stuff but that's the one thing I am not here to do. If you want fireworks you'll be waiting until new years, I'm here to sort out private issues and resort out private situations. This isn't a show of anything; this is PR
  4. I did say contact me through discord specifically to avoid this exact situation of doing a load of public explanations of situations. I'd rather keep it a private affair
  5. Recently I have had news that there are members of the community who disapprove of how I conducted myself as ATK Regimental. I'd like to urge anyone who had a bad interaction, argument, or viewed anything I did ,during my term, to reach out so we can both more understand each other and so that I can know how I need to improve for the future. I appreciate anyone reaching out as it will be a huge help in getting me to better understand how to work with others in the future My Discord: Mr. Comics#9650 This is rather late but I wanted to let the water settle first. Every little helps and thank you in advance.
  6. D: you were my favourite. I'll miss you, Sina
  7. you are genuinely ancient
  8. Comics

    Remove Fists.

    -1, learn to not RDM. Don't ruin fun shit for everyone else just cause you dunno when to say "I am at low health"
  9. it's a lovely message but...
  10. Comics

    Clone 99

    -1, janitor RP is not used by the Navy for a reason. This is just enshrining it into the server when it's always been stomped on by the people who you want to use it
  11. There are lots of people out there. A lot of people go through this sort of stuff. And a lot of people care about you. There is a light at the end of every tunnel. Once you find that light you won't want to ever leave it, so keep pushing and don't be afraid to talk to people you trust or even professionals. I hope you to recover as soon as possible and I wish you the best in life. The community will happily welcome you back with open arms.
  12. Good to space yourself from the community. Enjoy your retirement, it truly is a wonderful pleasure. Best of Luck
  13. Comics

    41st Changes'

    -1, humorous. I gave a good chuckle, a guffaw, a sniggle of the purest variety. This is not a good way to approach the issue of lacking leadership. I suggest not removing such important an integral regiments, and also do not expand ENG tools to everyone, that's just rather silly. Focus on leadership of these things do not just remove the issued area.
  14. RANCOR isn't safe I love you, Pythin. You were a good RCMD, I will never argue that o7
  15. Why do we get A million times more responsibility than fucking Pythin??!?!?! If regiments can run themselves then why does Recon need getting rid of? We're being made to take more responsibility over our battalions. We're being told to be more involved. Being HC is already quite a bit of work, myself and shanty don't need more problems to try and solve.
  16. WHY DO I NEED ANOTHER FUCKING BATTALION!!!! They don't fit in at all. I already lead the 3 largest battalions (-21st) I don't need to care for another one. SOBDE already has it easy (comparatively) this makes it excessive. Expand the SOBDE reg's position, since he is cruising. I don't think you understand. You want 1 guy to run the HUGE battalions? I think you guys have got this all outta wack. this all sorta seems like a haphazard suggestion because Recon is failing and hasn't received a reg. Why wasn't this ran through the regimentals? This affects us very heavily an we matter as much as any other. i understand its a high staff decision but this affects us Regs the most. You're making it: Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Hard Tryouts HC is RCMD+ not MCMD, Palpy, and directors. So no this is just a lie This is a simple solution for a complex problem. I think we should have a High Command meeting about this issue, and a meeting where RCMDs are there. YOU DIDN'T CONSULT 41ST??? Did you even talk to RANCOR??? This is the worst communication I've seen in my life. It's you're pretending the Phone lines are down
  17. +1, you do well. Cannot see anyone else holding it
  18. 9/10 Great event, got kinda hectic towards the end but that is the nature of these events More great RP and shit like this will go down well
  19. +1, only one capable of this position (at least right now) You can't really mess this up tbh, best of luck.
  20. Comics

    Jet's Unit

    -1, ratio was on the dot.
  21. Why would you also admit to that. You did yourself dirty in so many ways
  22. :( you were on of the good ones. You will be missed
  23. -1, HS was added with the express idea they would not have shields to make them a more mobile unit. Kinda defeats the point of them existing, just makes them a name at that point. +1 to the weapons. DC-17s are shit though
  24. 10/10, mega sick RP, mega poggers everything. More shit like this :D
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