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Everything posted by Comics

  1. You don't know the half of it. The server definetly changed. I paranoid for a good reason. Ain't no one ever got my back.
  2. I dunno bro. I used to love the server and that always overshadows the drama but it just all feels like drama. I find it hard to make friends here cause iunno whose out for my throat. Back then we was just chilling. Maybe I'm just less retarded but I'm not sure. All I know is that I miss having friends
  3. I just hate what the community has become tbh. Every week there is some other huge drama and I just can't bear it bro. What happened. Why'd everyone change. Like why do all this shit for gmod. I wish we could go back to when people did this shit for fun. Rank wasn't a concern we only cared for each other. It's cut throat and I hate it. This place used to be a great place to escape and I just don't feel it anymore. I love this server and I love my battalion but it's a job and I feel like I'm here for no reason. I dunno why I force myself to play anymore cause it don't make me happy. I ain't leaving anytime soon, I gotta help my boys and do what's right. Prove everyone wrong It just comes at a price
  4. That's what they all say. Minds can change and I think you were a great wolffe even if it were short term
  5. Thar she blows Not even the bravest can last that long any more. Good to see you back once again
  6. Jedi have a fuck tonne and I mean a fuck tonne of models. And once again they've asked for more. Battalions have to prove they deserve models and even then it's battalion to get the community's respect. Jedi just gotta slap up a random model which does nothing for anyone and everyone just claps along because jedi. Jedi don't need more models, it won't help jedi, it won't do anything. It's a slap in the face to anyone whose, especially in clone, who've been shut down for models they so desperately actually need to help something grow. Jedi just what a model because they want it
  7. Numbers have pretty huge gaps from what I can tell. Don't think it's be a huge hassle +1
  8. -1, I know it's rich coming from cody but dont you have enough models Like how many is ever going to be enough. Jedi aren't special and gotta work like all other battalions Lose some of get none. You already have a fuck tonne already and I doubt this will bring anything new
  9. Comics

    Parjai Model

    +1, models are clean GC better get theirs on jah
  10. When we on private 212th business w3 cannot deploy them separately. They are still essential members in our battalion and will fight in the frontlines but allowing them to be more independent when needed is great. They will not go all SOBDE and ditch, I sit letting it happen. I honestly dunno why all of you are pretending they're just gonna become some elite fuck off squad that never works with 212th and only goes on private missions. They'll be working separately on 212th missions. They will fight with us on da battlefield but if we see an opportunity we can send them around so they can do some RC stuff to help the 212th attack. Honestly bruh, rn foxtrot just a gun and that can't be changed without diversified jobs
  11. Wagwan slime. You bringing the dark fruits?
  12. Bullshit was it 212th mf we got like 1 episode devoted to our clones. We got only 4 named clones with personalities It's 501st series
  13. Classy. You're one of those traitorous ones and you don't seem to be any better than the others. Toxic Fisher seems to be the common thing. Ain't I glad you skipped over all the gritty details as it's much funnier to watch other people grill you. -1, maybe don't join dying fantasies next time
  14. Battalion needs a BCMD, a damn good one, and you're the one who applied. You got waived for a reason, go get em tiger +1 Also want to add. RANCOR is battalion which needs a guy incharge. It's a small battalion with a key role. Unlike 212th and 501st there isn't a huge amount if people to fill up the positions. RANCOR needs a BCMD as it just fails to function without one
  15. They're still uniquely 212th. They aren't even close to going back to SOBDE. they are all key members of the battalion and fall directly under cody (me). They will deploy with 212th. They will work with only 212th. They aren't running off with SOBDE, not under me atleast. To suggest this makes them SOBDE without saying it is just moronic. Squadification is different to total disconnect from 212th and having them become their own independent squad.
  16. No. No one likes listening to recordings of meetings. Notes are concise and cut through the riff raff. If you want to listen to a 1 hour recording for 5 bits of key info a few other tid bits, be my guest. But, I doubt anyone else would want to.
  17. They're 212th to the core and I will not have them wisked off to SOBDE. Those members are integral to my battalion. While I don't really like the Squadification of Foxtrot group it's what gregor wants. It's not my company to tell what it wants so I'm happy to let you shape it as you desire +1
  18. They only want a medic. That's it, it's not gonna be a slippery slope into anything. They need a medic to act independent. Having a medic allows they to do stuff by themselves. They still very much so are 212th. All the members at important to the battalion. They aren't becoming like SOBDE. This just allows them to do what GC & 2ndAC already can, have a medic in their company. They are still uniquely 212th and won't stop being that.
  19. Comics

    BadDog's re-app

    +1, up tha UK. Reliable lad if only a little difficult to understand
  20. +1, needed to have foxtrot behave like an actual squad.
  21. Mf didn't even answer my question. From all I can remember and what people have said you clearly haven't had a great time leading. And I don't think you've demonstrated anything which proves you've changed for the better I think you're a solid bloke but I think the other candidates are better suited. -1 Best of luck of course
  22. This guy was cool The server takes it toll :( sad to see another guy go
  23. Comics

    DC-17m Buff

    -1, that shit is already alpha dog status. Why would it even need to be any better
  24. You were a real one o7 big respect
  25. People seem to take issue with your prior term as yoda. What have you done which proves you're better than you were before? What proves you're going to do a better job than the any other contender?
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