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Everything posted by Comics

  1. I'm still pro-cereal. But if you like subjecting yourself to daily breakfast burritos I won't stop you <3
  2. How long ago were these? Can you even check?
  3. Bruh you ever heard of cereal. What's with all the cooking bro. Just get some cornflakes and milk bro
  4. Just make smth with eggs bro. Eggs are the most useful things unless you're a dumbass vegan
  5. Comics


    +1, you seem to have it more figured out now and I sure as hell don't want a rank snatcher stealing your battalion to "mentor" you. I expect good things from you and try to keep 21st going in a good direction. Surprise surprise this is not a real military. This is a star wars roleplay server. Just because he knows how to lead real soldiers in real combat does not mean he is in any way qualified to lead a bunch of none military kids in a made up battalion on a roleplay server. The situation has greatly changed from when he was a Commander and there is nothing that has proved he even cares about the battalion. He's even going against most of their wishes and demands. I understand real life military experience looks great but realistically not much of it is going to matter in the server.
  6. -1, I'd prefer if you crawled back into your toxic sludge cave. Take a little longer to repent buddy, cause you guys were uber toxic. I don't even dislike you but I doubt you could've learned much since.
  7. Comics

    21st Bacara BCMD

    I feel like my comment will be longer than you application Bro there are skeletons with more meat than this HAHAHAHHAHA -1, just please write at least 1 paragraph in total I understand maybe not wanting too use too much text but there are no plans. How can we trust you if you have basically nothing. I just cannot understand how this could give us any faith in you coming back to save the battalion. How do we know you don't just want the rank. There is nothing to prove: Your understanding of inter battalion issues Why you'd be a good person to save the battalion How you would even save the battalion It really looks like you just have all the confidence but nothing to show for it. I have never seen you before. I don't think anyone does, this is an honourary rank snatch. If you really wanted to best you'd stick around as a major in game and start making changes from there. You don't need to instantly launch into BCMD if you're already a Major.
  8. +1, you been there long enough. It's 3 dudes I doubt you can fuck it up that much.
  9. RIP, how could you leave bleach in charge tho
  10. +1, great attack reg. Really couldn't wish for anyone better You've been great for attack so I know you can be great for everyone else
  11. -1, are you poor LMAO is the WESTAR not enough?
  12. +1, You seem like a great leader and 104th needs one of those
  13. +1, about time tbh Best of luck buddy. You need it
  14. Sorry to hear that buddy. You were a sick guy And I will miss you
  15. Comics

    eat a dick

    Ayo, don't catch me eating dick round the homies I ain't sus but chocolate good
  16. Fuck you I am sick of not being able to move a tonne of people, it's like just random roles aswell. +1
  17. What a fucking shit fest. People will find anything, anything at all to drag someone through the dirt. Fuck all the work someone has done and what they have provided towards the battalion, you did 1 thing wrong therefore you are completely incompetent and incapable of holding this leadership position. Constantly dragging someone on what I can see is a singular example of a poorly handled situation. exaggeration also does not help anyone's situation. If someone is shit the facts should be enough claiming someone to be "intoxicated all the time" is just slander at that point RANCOR is a battalion which needs strong central leadership as to upkeep the ARC program. I don't think it's too controversial to say RANCOR is not in the best state: not dead but I wouldn't say it's thriving. Hades shows good signs of leadership and is a very active member of the battalion. He has ambitions which would be nice to be emphasised on but honestly I have no fucking clue how RANCOR works. As long as he aims to make RANCOR more active and have a real presence in the server that's all I can ask for. Also, this is a situation where choice is extremely limited. Unlike recent situations there hasn't been massive moral issues and problems of power playing. Hades clearly fucked up once and that's about it. If I am ignorant on some grand scheme or horrible war crime he has committed please inform me. +1, don't be a disappointment I guess it's anything to be the hero these days
  18. There is the whole "quality over quantity" idea that I firmly agree with. unfortunately you do need some form of quantity to actually get quality in the post. Usually when people complain about how short an application it is more in the fact there is not enough content about plans and vision. A bare bones application is one that conveys very little information except "I would be good". A document should be more focused on why you'd be good but many short applications cannot get this across with how short they are. If someone gets their ideas across and how the want everything to work, how they will do it, ect ect ect in a short manor good on them. but, generally people can't get their ideas across in a short app
  19. Comics


    Isn't it weird that after you remove your own BCMD you seem to have no viable replacement. Your battalion votes out a BCMD for making a controversial move and the solution is to put in place someone who is even more controversial? This seems like a great way to doom a battalion's future by going back down the same rabbit hole which is gonna kill the battalion's activity again. I don't think it's the best choice to rush a random guy into the position who doesn't seem to want Next time. before you make a quick decision to remove your only good option for a BCMD. Find a viable replacement -1
  20. Comics


    "I want to make my battalion good" That's all I see. No word on how you will do it. Makes it hard to see how you will actually achieve anything. How can we trust you to run a battalion if you don't have any suggestions on method You also need to address the Commander Report situation. because I've seen how snakes operate. And they can't run battalions for shit. how do we know you're not just gonna get booted like Claw. Or that you not just using the report to snag the position. Unless Claw makes it obvious he wants you to take Bacara, XO doesn't mean shit (in that regard) -1
  21. The server really won't be the same without him. I hope he can rest easy now
  22. -1 Just become a jet trooper not that hard
  23. DU kinda needs a BCMD rn Only advice is to be more open to asking for help with Du issues. If you have a problem don't try and hide it to save your reputation The betterment of the battalion > your reputation, that goes for everything. it's best to die as the most hated Doom who did the most good for Du than the favourite Doom who did nothing for DU +1
  24. If our beloved Former President of the United States of America connected to Synergy Garry's Mod Star Wars Role-play Server, what would happen?
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