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Everything posted by Ratio

  1. I can basically agree with the Pog man. Here's a bit of a story for context. If it's TL;DR, go read his post instead. Activity quotas are a big part of what pushed me away from SOBDE after a campaign that lasted over a year and I wanted to make motions to remove the sign-ins, but that was when Fyi was a Regimental Commander and he wasn't a fan, so I dropped the idea. Then by the time I was ready to try again, my own activity had dwindled so I basically felt I had no ground to stand on because I couldn't get on the server and no life it as much as I used to. The SOBDE requirement is 3 hours every 3 days and people like Woeny have stated that if you can't do that then you're just plain inactive. I do agree with this, actually. But I feel that psychologically it made me feel like I couldn't hit it. When I'd come home from work, I was tired as ass and had minimal time in the evening on weekdays. Shit just changed on me and I wasn't ready. So I rationalized that I'd spend my evenings on GMOD trying to get my SOBDE hours in every two days which would still be double the activity req. For a while, this worked, but then one day I came home from work just absolutely out of it, tired as fuck, and I hadn't signed in in three days. My Squad Lead was no doubt about to roll up and I had already been on multiple LOAs. It was then when I was playing SWTOR and having fun not being forced to get on my clone that really nailed the coffin down. I already felt fake as fuck saying I was having fun when really it just ended up feeling like I had to get on my RC all the time. I didn't want to feel like I should play the server for any reason because video games are supposed to be fun and people were already regularly giving me headaches on the server and I wasn't in the mental state to deal with it. When I left, I felt like a huge weight was off my shoulders. Felt lighter than air, and once I also dropped my CG officer I've never felt like I've been obligated to get on the server. As a result of the lack of activity constraints, I've been on the server more. And I'm not just saying that to fuck with everyone here and make excuses for inactivity. I've genuinely had more fun without feeling the need to do all that extra stuff. Bit of a conclusion here: It's not just SOBDE but the server as a whole that has a toxic outlook on activity constraints and what it means to be an active leader (hell even an active trooper) on the server. Often the need to maintain numbers and keep slots full will eventually kill enjoyment for the person it restricts. That's why I'm a big supporter of the idea that battalion removals for inactivity should be pretty rare, and should only really occur when it's been a long time. Instead, people who are inactive should simply be stunted at a certain rank and be unable to move up until they can get things sorted. I still believe that leaders should be active, but not to the extent of them feeling pressured to hop on at every point. (Versocks please help make this happen thnx) Thank you for making this post, never thought I'd see the chance to rant about this. sorry 4 grammur mistake wrote in rush
  2. -1 Despite me wishing I could undo some stuff in the past, I've resigned to the idea that shit happens. Sometimes you have a bad day, sometimes you don't communicate things properly, and sometimes people just disagree with you. This community is filled with very forgiving people, and despite the fact that they get pissed off at each other, in the end, everyone usually realizes that humans are gonna human.
  3. +1 I can expect you to drop random music discs everywhere of Temple March because you'll forget to clean them up. But in all seriousness, I'm very happy for you for stepping up for the 501st. Nothing's ever wrong with them from an outside perspective because it's a well-oiled self-sustaining machine like the 212th, but every time I hear someone talking about the 501st they're usually talking about how it's in disarray on the inside. I can't say you'll be the perfect person to fix it completely and with pretty lofty goals I doubt you'll accomplish everything, but I can say that you'll give it your all and attempt to leave a lasting legacy in a sea of torch-passing. Get some help, make the necessary compromises, and you'll do great.
  4. 6/10 If I were to go by the scale. I didn't get to see much aside from the SHB defense, but my suggestion is that if you're going to have a ton of droids (which you were talking about pushing for the GM team) then make sure they have a lower health pool. Higher if there's less and you want performance to be better. I realize there's a lot of us but I think that's the best way to compensate for high numbers. Other than that, standard shoot-'em-up with a sincere attempt at a bit of innovation.
  5. (This is probably going to be my last word on it before I finally put the #RemoveJedi meme to rest because it's genuinely starting to cause problems) Now I want to say that with the efforts of the current council, the Jedi Order is a much more healthy beast than it was before. My issues with Jedi span numerous little reasons that ultimately lead up to the big picture that many things about them are very uninspired. Jedi players are bored. It doesn't have that same sense of community that being in a battalion has. When you're looking at Jedi as a big picture, it's a secondary faction that only certain people main. I can confidently say that there has been a more tight-knit group forming nowadays, but even then, it's nothing like being a clone (or hell, even a BH). You'll hardly ever see a Jedi channel being utilized as a hub for common Jedi players for any other reason than to do trials. When you see a Clone Trooper Officer, everyone knows who it is. Everyone identifies him by his clone character. When you see a Jedi, they're either defined by their clone or they're just flying under the radar. Even the most well-known Jedi (currently people like Orion, Jabaku, Stix, etc.) struggle to get actual notoriety around the server, and because notoriety is a big thing when it comes to representation and leadership, Jedi tend to fall short on picking good leaders to run the faction. Instead it devolves into the numbers game that still goes around. The leaders don't know how to BE leaders so they focus on the numbers. How many trials has this person done? How many Padawans has this person burned through? How many times has this guy been elected as Manager of the Week? Boxes all ticked! Master material! It just turns into a perpetual cycle by those who only know how to mess with the system rather than people who genuinely would do well. People who only know how to abuse numbers are people that can't handle situational things. Bring a new Jedi Master to deal with a disciplinary issue and you'll need at least four more, counting how many of them it takes to screw in a light bulb. Or in some cases, Masters get involved with situations that another one is handling so they can look good. For the longest time, this was the norm. Jedi was a contest to see how big-dong you could be in comparison to the Jedi next to you. Not an environment suited for the largest VIP faction on the server. There's very little respect for Knights and Masters in general when it comes to chain of command because of how clones act (controversial opinion, sometimes clones are the worst group of people on the server). Jedi just don't demand respect because no one knows them. Battalions neuter their Jedi Corps to make Knights SNCOs when they're supposed to be Officers. All the while, the Jedi Order always seeks to take the least offensive route possible and subsequently are either useless even in RP situations or are walked over no matter how hard they try. Even their events don't ever stand out. Try and point to a Jedi event that didn't involve a Sith Lord and a holocron/artifact. There's no originality. That's what Jedi struggles with. They try too hard to be a piece of a puzzle with the clone battalions instead of being their own thing. Clones would function fine without Jedi and I was convinced of this for a long time to the point where I genuinely thought that Jedi would be better off as event jobs at times. You can't make Jedi good by integrating them with Clones. You can only make them good if they become a respectable entity by their own right. Will probably have more to say later. It's 3am so it's not all coming to me yet.
  6. * Also regulate the RDM that happens. It's one thing if it's happening before/after an event, but there were a few cases where a droideka RDM'd a BH during it and that wasn't cool. If you don't regulate these things, that can also effect the enjoyment.
  7. 5/10 I liked the use of separate maps, and for the only admin, you did your job well. But when it comes to it, it was a shoot-'em-up with just a bit of complexity. I didn't attend to your RP-oriented CIS event, and wish I did now as it seemed like it got nice feedback. Your event jobs fucked around a lot, with a Talz on the intercom saying "don't shoot me, I'm innocent, it's FailRP". Not to mention the sudden reappearance of the civilian at the end when we killed him. Just make sure you keep that stuff in line, it's good your EJ's were having fun, but don't be lenient if it effects the quality of your event. Thank you for having us BH's btw. <3
  8. This argument from Republic players annoys me the most and makes me scream into my pillow at night. Yeah... that's how BH works. They stalk you and use underhanded tactics to take out targets. Welcome to being a trooper in Star Wars. You don't win 100% of the time and sometimes you're just cannon fodder. You're obviously not here to roleplay on a roleplay server, just here to shoot shit.
  9. I'd agree to this if I essentially had a written guarantee that BH wouldn't be touched by this change. @berryI know you're not advocating for the removal of it but I've been told before by Founders that BH would need to be removed for Sith to work. Call me bias all you want, but the reason BH gets so much shit a lot of the time is because people are often too lazy to RP with them. When you stand for like a half-hour outside of the gate asking for a base pass only for someone to "[OC] No. :)" you, I can't really blame them for wanting to go hostile against the Republic, or at the very least dread the idea of working for them. Myself, Sinister, Scarecrow, and everyone in-between had worked to make sure that BH wasn't in a position where it was at risk because people flip-flop on removing factions so much that it's honestly just distasteful. This *did* happen to Sith, but we've all managed to heal from it and the server has changed massively -- be it for better or worse. In a perfect world, yes, I'd love to be a BH that had the option of choosing to ally himself with both the Reps and a Darkside cult (because let's face it, no matter how you twist it, Sith in CW era is dumb). It would highlight the neutrality aspect that BH is supposed to have, however it's not seen as a possibility by the server's leadership so until I get 100% confirmation that nothing will happen to BH (or a Founder pops in and tells me that they don't have these beliefs), I am giving to give a -1.
  10. 8/10 I like that you go all-out with the shoot-'em-ups, pushing players back and spawning droids reasonably and such. Dupe was good. Didn't see the inside of it, but my only issue is that it kept giving me the shitty TFA FPS glitch where my aim goes crazy. Some of the CG weren't a fan of the turbolasers but I like them, kept me on my toes.
  11. Your biggest hurtle that you'll need to overcome is that you're very adept at turning what should be leadership positions into tard wrangling, and a lot of that is in your head. You're competent and know what you're doing but are easily made upset or annoyed by people being dumb. Try and work on this and view things from the perspective of others. What seems dumb to you might be perfectly logical to someone else -- no matter how brain dead it objectively is. Tentative +1 because while I do like you, that type of attitude can really make or break someone.
  12. Thing is I feel like I spent a lot of my "good ol' days" stressing out over stuff that didn't matter nearly as much as I thought it did. If I could go back I'd probably be putting things under a wider lens and try to understand why people did what they did back in the day. The good ol' days weren't even that good a decent amount of time, but the feeling of wanting to get on and chill out with people who just wanna have fun is something I only had a very short experience doing before being put in a position where I had basically no choice but to absorb all the drama. Trying to be better about it these days but I still slip every now and then, be it my fault or someone else's. But the community has changed me for the better considering where I was before I first connected to Synergy. Chiefly, it's put me in a position in life where I feel like I can enjoy things (in this case SW RP) and not care what others have to say about it. Liking something without feeling sorry for doing so is something I desperately needed at the time.
  13. Ratio

    Scientist Rescue

    7/10 The Commando Droid used the CIS Shotgun and that wasn't really a fair gun to fight since its made to be a response weapon to the DC-17m Shotgun (Red), which none of us were using. There was also a lot of hand-holding during the event and I feel that there may have been too many rules to remember to the point where it scrambled everyone's brains. Next time for these types of deployments I recommend just improvising. There was also the fact that you took a page from our book and didn't read the comms or really monitor what some of us were doing as we were told to take out the NW Comms Relay and tried to tell you that we placed the dets already. It wasn't bad, but those were my main problems with it. It was scuffed on our part too, especially on Omega's POV because our Medic literally left out of nowhere.
  14. The reaction is a bit ridiculous but I'm gonna go ahead and be that guy and say that you shouldn't have recorded this and posted it on the forums. He's clearly just extremely upset and people are irrational when upset, and now people are only going to know him as the dude who made a mistake and melted down if he comes back when he was really just a chill ass dude who had a bad day. Edit: I was spoken to by the Founders on behalf of the staff team about the context of the situation and now understand their thought process behind it. While I still wish it didn't come to the public posting, most of it extends to the fact that I wish it didn't happen at all. Heart fucked up and got an equal response to it. Sucks these things happen but it does.
  15. Ratio

    Who Goes There

    2/10 This rating is if I followed the system. You didn't seem to be quite ready for the player choice but my honest rating is probably 8/10 if I were to rate my enjoyment. The feeling of it was lost and it was all Marvel's fault. And our stubborn unwillingness to die.
  16. Ratio


    8/10 No complaints here. I'm sure the pilots wished they had a bit more to do though. You also spent like 8 years explaining the rules to us, so maybe write down the rules next time so you can get through it sooner.
  17. Ratio


    8/10 A lot of the issues could have been avoided if people didn't forget to put their listening ears on. Sometimes you can give very clear instructions and people will still be as stubborn as ever. It was an amazing concept that could have been pretty thrilling but, eh, people.
  18. Ratio

    The Defector

    8/10 Sorry this is kind of late, I had to leave shortly after the event ended. I liked the event just fine. I like your emphasis of player choice but a lot of it felt pretty lenient in the long-run. Maybe it's because we took the correct route? Just throw us more curveballs in the end. No operation ever goes completely right and that should be reflected in the future.
  19. 6/10 It was well-made. Would have liked some enemy variety but I understand why you didn't have it. You also had issues with people crashing which is something you couldn't have helped, however there was little direction on how to get where we needed to go. The only reason we found the Scientist is because we swept all of the map's landmarks! Also be careful when you spawn because I was almost killed by an antilion guard when your helper spawned the NPC dupe, lol.
  20. While I am going to -1 I will say that a decent amount of others were doing it for very selfish reasons, in particular, two which I can point out right away. Wren, I think if you had the time to really prove yourself a capable leader then you could have done so. But due to your own inabilities (and likely a little bit of baiting from legacy members), you've shown to me that you're not exactly qualified. For one, there's a clear issue is that you caused a rift between the older members but that's the least of my worries because of how they were acting as well. You allowing this to happen in your own battalion makes me wonder why you didn't just cut off the fat. But a lot of your bad decision-making stems from one thing: You lie. A lot. And you do it because you're too scared to confront people for wronging you and the battalion as a whole and then proceed to punish groups of people rather than a singular person. You've also shown with the RDM incident that you'll act in this way to protect yourself as well from humiliation rather than taking your lumps and learning from your mistakes. And that leads me to my next point. Your legacies are absolutely out of control. Their biggest issue is that they didn't realize that no leader is perfect, especially when just starting out. None of them allowed you to make mistakes and learn from them, instead they grabbed your hand and yanked you in the direction that they wanted to go. And many of them weren't civil about it at all. The only ones I can think of are Grief, Egg, and (to a lesser extent) Cloud that would actually ask questions and try to help you get better. But in the conditions you were under, I almost can't blame you for acting the way you did. Almost. Literally probs just parroting from someone else. My man, you got removed from the battalion because instead of trying to make things better, you decided to talk shit about him behind the man's back. Extremely disrespectful and absolutely uncalled for. In my experience, you joined, goofed around, and then were completely destructive towards Wren. You deserved your punishment. The "little interactions" you've had have been almost nothing but talking shit in the Discord. When we were messing around in the memes channel you literally couldn't help but to throw shade at Wren for having to put legacies in timeout for a bit. Do I think he should have punished the group? No. But that doesn't absolve you of being a huge problem child. I'm surprised Wren hasn't pulled up his big boy pants and dealt with you in particular. I thought he would after Comrade's punishment but apparently not. Also you don't play anymore. But anyway, that's all I'll say here. I'm tired and wanna go to bed. Inactive Lumi out. Good luck on your app.
  21. +1 all the way if you can make it work. You can also reskin the bacta kit to be a "repair kit" or something if it's too difficult to code.
  22. Ratio

    Siege on Mustafar

    7/10 Multi-layered, made good use of another planet and the dupe was beautifully built. Good interaction with the players as well. Only complaint is that the B1s were kinda beefy.
  23. -1 This is clearly a very personal issue that you're blowing out of proportion because you were told you were still blacklisted from some battalions/regiments on the server. You can easily get a permanent blacklist removed by actually communicating with the Command Structure and going through the necessary steps, as well as genuinely having a sense of self-awareness. The server doesn't need to get themselves together here, you do. Realize this and grow from it.
  24. -1 With what I've been told, I can't, in good conscience, support you as Niner this time around. Know this is because I care about you and I'm not trying to be ugly with you. You're going for it because you feel you have to; you should only go for it when you want to. If your heart isn't in it, the Squad will be missing its appeal. Wait a bit, get inspired, and then I'll support you.
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