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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/29/2022 in Posts

  1. This app is a interesting one. Just by the comments and the reactions alone. it shows Squishy is right about cliques and bias. For the past year the Council has got softer and softer, getting annoyed at the slightest mistake or any attitude problems, forgetting that this is a fucking gmod server and they are expecting the most professional people. The replies here are so nit picky, with loads a varying of opinions and their own side of things, where I dont know whats true and what isnt. What is true is that Squishy has a strong and ambitious plan, too ambitious i would think, but hes the only one here standing up and attempting to take it on, which I admire. Squishy, If you are to get Yoda, this is going to be no easy task. You will always have people going to hate you and you are always going to have people actively working against you. What matters is you stick to your guns and your plan and see it out. If you do fail, then it should be acknowledged that you tried and gave your best shot. I hope High Command see your case out and prove the people wrong, cause you may be by far the most interesting and intrigueing choice for yoda, dispite peoples opposition. (which some dont even play anymore, shocker). +1 Give them hell.
    4 points
  2. -1, There’s a few issues I have. Normally I don’t vote on possibly controversial applications (because I’m a pussy) but, there were situations involving CG under you as CMD that I was left to oversee during my time as MCMD that most people (I believe) don’t know about. That situation was poorly handled by CG high command on multiple fronts, leaving me with a poor taste on how your “term” as CMD went. (I know that it wasn’t directly your fault, but being apart of it/not doing much about it didn’t paint you in a good light.) Moving past that situation, as I don’t believe 1 situation identifies someone. Along with that, I believe your plans are extremely underwhelming. CG needs an incredible amount of work, and majority of your plans that you highlighted are basic BCMD duty. Such as upkeep of docs, and discord clutter… and the CG website? Honestly a website for a battalion seems really useless but that’s not the point. As for the rest of your plans, none of them strike me as “battalion-changing.” CG needs activity, it needs representation, and the plans I’ve seen doesn’t work towards either of those things. I do believe CG needs a Fox, but not at the cost of putting someone who may not know what the battalion needs. I do like you Arizona, but I don’t enjoy your leadership style. It’s nothing against you personally. It’s just a big red flag seeing that majority of your application is just your experience, and not your plans. Both of us can also agree that CG’s public relations aren’t amazing with other battalions, yet that’s also not even talked about. (Besides simply saying “Oh, my officers will step in and help”) There are issues within CG that it seems like you’re not even aware of. But I digress. this is simply someone from the outside looking in, I can be wrong. But from what I’ve seen looking through the window of CG, it isn’t doing great. I think you need to really take a long look at the battalion as it is right now, and understand where it is vs. where it needs to be. Some of your plans are decent, enlisted/nco player interaction is an okay plan, same with officer/HC quality. (although I’d sure hope that if they were promoted to anything about 2ndLT, they’d be quality troopers already. But maybe I just have high standards) if you take anything from this, it’s mainly to inform and give your constructive criticism. At the end of the day, I wish you the best of luck with both the application and the interview if you make it to the interview, I think you’ll do okay if you do get the position. I just wanted to highlight some of the things I see that’s wrong with this application and past experiences. Good luck Arizona, I hope you take this criticism well as it’s not intended to offend.
    4 points
  3. I don't think that RP can be serious to full/complete capacity because I've witnessed firsthand how skewed the mentality of "serious roleplayers" can get on both this server and others (myself included since I've made mistakes in pursuit of this). It would require a complete overhaul from how the people up top act because they're either apathetic or participating in minging themselves. At the very least, I think that someone could start with these three specific things to get things under some semblance of "order" again. 1. Make Coruscant Guard and Temple Guard actually enforce the rules and discipline them if they neglect to do so because they signed up for it. I'm not saying you have to demote or remove them, just talk to them and tell them how to do their jobs. 2. Take RDM more seriously. I shouldn't be able to set someone on fire in a public area and get away with it. 3. Stop talking in debrief. There's a designated speaker and you can save your attempt at being funny for the PTS section. Two out of three of these things are very simple and things people can start doing immediately, and in general would improve the roleplay experience. I don't care if people b-hop, goof around, or jetpack all over the place. I just think that there's a time and a place for everything.
    4 points
  4. Something I feel you should know before you get into these kind of things, you can't eliminate bias. It's an ever-prevalent factor that's always going to be looming over you in some shape or form, and to claim you can eliminate it is very improbable. The position of Yoda has you running an entire faction in which various people will be in and out of on a regular basis, and from what I know (being good friends with two different past Yoda's and listening to the rants of several masters) it can get really, really stressful and people will test your patience constantly. My recommendation for you is to get people beneath that can make up for your shortcomings. The reality is that you can be presumptuous and you can have this mentality that people are out to get you, but you also have very promising strengths demonstrated by the fact that you're willing to talk with just about anyone and the few interactions I've had with you have shown you to be a very nice, approachable person overall--not to mention, you actually have pretty decent ideas. Play to your strengths and don't be afraid to get help for your weaknesses. +1 I think you should at least have a chance at the interview. If the big men don't see you as fit for the position, then use it as an opportunity to address concerns that others may have. Good luck to you.
    4 points
  5. If this is true, then this needs to be determined on branch work, leadership, and RP. I know some people are going to say "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN, LOOK AT PEOPLE LIKE BRO AND CONRAD". Not saying those were wrong exactly. What speaks volumes is that Ratio is willing to come out of hiding and give you a shot. He's honest and hates bias in general. I will agree that you should be given a shot as well. Good luck boyo. +1
    3 points
  6. having like full on seriousRP wouldn't work knowing the people in this community, and if anything id say it should be a more situational seriousRP server where events and such should be full on seriousRP, like strict no dumbass shit, but downtime of course do what you want which i mean should go without saying i hope that it'd be like that, but just going full on seriousRP regardless of whats going on would please and displease some people, it honestly depends, but you know this is my two cents, but personally i dont care
    2 points
  7. 5/5/5 Fun late night event, thanks for entertaining the 20 people on the server!
    1 point
  8. 5/5/5 Like the utilization of vents
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. +1 good luck my guy I believe in you
    1 point
  12. 1 | 1 | 5 The reason I gave this was because all the 5 event jobs did was mess around. They keep walking into BCC and using the intercom, they shut the HMC off 2-3 times during the event, and one gungan keep getting killed by guild LT and would just tp back and then repeat it. This event was just people trolling around
    1 point
  13. +1 I have served most my time in CG with Arizona and everytime I have been in CG with him he has done a great job. I have been talking with Arizona for the past few weeks and I like what he is talking about doing with the batt.
    1 point
  14. +1 Dude knows what he's doing. I hope.
    1 point
  15. Maj Alaska | former Thorn here. Mans does excellent work and i think he would do a fantastic job in these changing times +1
    1 point
  16. +1 Everyone got their opinions, but I still think Squishy makes good points. Let's see what the man can accomplish with Yoda +1
    1 point
  17. I've always had pretty good interactions with you. I got a single question If you got BCMD would you attempt to mend the ties between TG and CG? (no offense meant here) As all of TG Leadership is ready to do so, but CG is a little hard headed haha Other than that big +1 from me,
    1 point
  18. Arizona is a very capable leader and one of the very few officers in CG right now taking initiative and wanting to help the battalion. I have known Arizona for several years and he knows what CG should and shouldn't look like, Wish you best of luck. +1
    1 point
  19. Arizona, I have to ask this: Why the fuck does CG have a website? Please forgive me for this, but please explain as someone out of loop why this is important for CG that couldn't be done in some document on google sheet with a link within discord?
    1 point
  20. I understand your concerns and I did also leave a message in your DMs if you had any concerns or questions to let me know but you never responded. I wouldve been able to answer your questions entirely then Aswell. However, during my time as CMD I wasn't able to do anything major as i wanted to as my time as CMD. I was in the position where my fox was MIA and there were multiple issues with people refusing to listen to CG HC in general at the time. I did my best with the drama surrounding CG and with also not being able to do what most CMDs in other battalions were allowed to do. When Odric (fox) at the time left on an LOA i was told to go by the book and in doing so caused issues because others didn't want to do the same. Being the CMD at that time where everyone wanted to their own thing and even Ren had trouble and he was the XO that assisted me. It wasnt a great time im not denying that but that was over a year ago and the people in CG have changed and so have I. I do not have a lot of plans here your correct however that's not what im running on. Im trying to run on me pacing myself and the battalion im not gonna sit here and promise everything under the sun because that takes away from me and my officers doing a GOOD JOB and making quality changes that stick. I am sorry if my application is lacking big ideas but i feel and so does my battalion, that my ideas get the core problems solved. I also would love to hear back from you in discord DMs if you have more questions like this because i tried my best to get everyone's feedback or at least some response in advance.
    1 point
  21. +1 This is would be a great change of pace for CG. I also like that you give a hint of possibillity of more terms after this term is done, really like the way this reads and looking forward to it.
    1 point
  22. +1 It's about time. You've had the qualities of a BCMD for a long time, so I'm glad you're giving it a shot.
    1 point
  23. -1 i really don’t think that you’ve matured enough on the server for this position, and there’s definitely better candidates. good luck tho!
    1 point
  24. This may sound radical but maybe we need to start making people who are actually in charge of RP. We all know that the chancellor is the "Director of RP", But having OOC positions that could be in high staff or just a complete different branch of staff that actually enforce RP may be a good idea, I know that the GM team already could be labeled as this but this would be completely different and have a whole different vibe to it. Directing roleplay is quite a radical idea but if done at a subtle rate without completely obstructing everything it could work really well, Because all roleplay is subjective but the idea of "SeriousRP" makes it sound like roleplay needs some sort of boundaries.
    1 point
  25. I'm rather new to the community but I have a few friends who have been around for a long while. So, here's my take on the server and the player base: Server performance - performance is spotty at best. I understand that when there are 80+ people on there is going to be some lag. However, sometimes the lag is so bad that it makes it impossible to enjoy my time playing. From things like certain force powers not even being recognized because of the lag or accidentally shooting someone when they were no where close to you just removes all fun. The massive update - I think an update was needed. It was nice to finally change maps. I know the devs and the staff team worked very hard to get this update out and some of the new features are great. However, the update broke the Jedi progression system. Although this was fixed, there are still no active drops of hilts, mods, and crystals. This really stinks for someone like myself who pretty much mains their Jedi. I think that a lot of people believed that the update would magically bring the server numbers up and it might have temporarily but I think the retention of players falls on the community and not new updates or content which I will touch on in my next point. The community - I am going to break this up into a few parts because there is a lot I would like to say here. Roleplay - Why is rp so discouraged? On my Jedi, my master and I rp every time we are on. Both with one another and with others. I keep seeing a few individuals who are crying out for better rp but it overall seems to be discouraged. There have even been a few instances where people have actively refused to rp with me and have made fun of me trying to rp. I don't get this because it's supposed to be an rp server. It just seems that no one really cares anymore. This needs to change if you want to keep a good player base and not replace it with a bunch of minges. The elitists/gatekeepers - So much of this. I'm happy that you are the fictional rank of Colonel and you are an ARC trooper. That's neat, truly. However, when I ask you for information on how to obtain or reach a certain goal I shouldn't be met with hostility or outright ignored. Everyone has to start somewhere and I am less inclined to try and achieve higher stations if I am just going to be put down at every turn by individuals already in those roles. You are to be role models and community pillars, not assholes. Now, this does not apply to everyone in those roles, of course. I have met some incredibly friendly individuals here who have helped me as much as they could. However, I have been turned away and looked down upon more than I have been helped. Debriefs - I have sat through a lot of these and many of them have been very unofficial or mingy. When everyone is called to a debrief, that debrief needs to be professional. I am tried of hearing officers walk up on that stage and yell/be obnoxious when they are shouting out other battalions/ promoting their men. More tact needs to be used at these debriefs as they are mandatory and you are essentially pulling the entire server to one place for this. Also, if there is ever another mandatory call to debrief so we can stroke the egos of the top richest people on the server, I will gladly leave this community. Bounty Hunters - What even is this job/faction for? I have never seen a bounty hunter do anything other than cause problems on the main base or start all out conflicts with the Jedi and Clones. This job seems like it's just an excuse to minge and kill/kidnap people when they have no real reason to do so. Care for new players - You are just essentially just thrown into the proverbial shit when you join the server. You are pushed into joining a battalion and when you do, not much else is explained. If you don't know much about military ranks or structure then you would be very lost. On top of that, there is no real explanation given to new players on what they need to do (rank and training wise) to reach certain goals they have set for themselves. Battalion Advertisements - I don't particularly mind them but they often get spammed and become annoying very quickly. I feel like there needs to be a formula for these however. Seeing advertisements for some battalions that are promising quick promotions is just dumb. I understand that these battalion want to recruit people into them to fill out their ranks but, they should advertise based off the uniqueness of their battalion and the special tasks/equipment they get not how easy it is to get promoted. Closing remarks: Overall, this is one of the better communities that I have been apart of on gmod. There are a lot of decent folk here who really care for the server, it's image, and RP. However, I feel like RP is on a steep decline and emphasis needs to be placed on both active and passive rp. If you made it this far, thanks for reading.
    1 point
  26. Mazen made an excellent point earlier. We should focus on rebranding, rather than rule-changing. That way, the mindset changes, but we aren't bogged down in the foolish mechanics of "Do we allow BHopping? Jetpacking indoors?" Etc. Because, at the end of the day, the most powerful thing is community mindset. It isn't High Staff, it isn't High Command, it's the community's mindset. Our culture. It has the ability to either completely embrace or reject any change. To bring in waves of new people, or to ward them away. And if we, as a community, shift towards a more serious mindset, then our goals will be fully achieved, at least for roleplay. Because that's the thing. We can make this change- we just need to change our perception of Synergy's main server as a whole; a place for being in character, for exploring the star wars universe in our own corner of the galaxy. It ain't about rules. Never has been. It's about how we treat the experience. Are we going to treat it like that, an experience, or are we going to leave this idea in the dust? I think it's easy. Not on the whole, but for all of us as individuals. All of us can do this. And it's as easy as this; I'll give you an example. CT PVT 2001 is walking down the hallway. He's new to Synergy. You're standing a couple yards away, and you notice that this new fella seems to be a bit lost. Here's the catch. You don't just ignore him now, you say "Hey there, Shiny- looking a bit confused. Were you on the last batch they sent from the Core Sector? I'll show you around." And just like that, CT PVT 2001's Synergy experience has started off with 3 key things. Someone interacted with him, it was in character, and they showed him genuine kindness, without having to fuck around about it. And now CT PVT 2001 is infinitely more likely to stick around and enjoy our server. Here's another one. SGT Gaff is walking around the courtyard when he sees a B1 Battle droid a ways outside the main gate. Instead of running towards it, not saying a word, opening fire on it and doing the simple "/comms Droids outside main gate!", SGT Gaff says the Lieutenant next to him "Sir- a droid! Up on that hill- 246. Should I show 'em what for?" All I changed was a single action. But instead of engaging in a mindless cycle of point-click boredom, the Sergeant has created something for himself, the Lieutenant, and even the damn Gamemaster. Because then the Lieutenant could respond in any matter of ways. He could give orders, he could tell his officer, he could shout and run for cover- but all of those things would be in character. They're so small, but they add so much depth. Just, Think about it! The next time you see a CT Private walking down a hallway, give him something more than just a Hello. Give him a little experience. Because that's what Synergy is. The experience.
    1 point
  27. If by mistreatment in 41st means denied suggestions then i would not see that as mistreatment. Other than me ranting ab squishy leaving the battalion in which I personally apologized to him personally there was no mistreatment from 41st. Please refrain from making the whole battalion look like a bad guy here.
    1 point
  28. I know at this point I am just a spooky ghost lurker and my words may not mean much, but, I have known Unkindled for his entire SWRP career on Synergy, and I have watched him grow from a cringe retard, who came to minge and RDM without a care about the server, to a mature and competent person and leader. Unkindled is one of the most dedicated and hard working people that I know and I am proud that he is finally making this run for Gree. He has been through nearly every single one of the battalions highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows. He knows how great things can be and how bad things can get. He knows how to keep a level head and achieve the goals he sets for himself and I think that is something that every BCMD needs to have to keep not only themselves motivated, but the battalion as a whole as well. Anyway, enough rambling. I believe this man here will do a good job and leave the battalion in a better spot than when he takes over. Good luck out there brother. +1
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. L Skill issue cant balance school ang Gmod :)
    -1 points
  31. I need to word this in possibly the best way possible, so you can understand it. I don’t believe you would make a Great Yoda at all, and I can go into detail on a few points. 1. You think every is out to get you literally all the time. Most of my interactions I have had with you, you end with things like. “This person doesn’t like”, or “ I wasn’t only saying my opinion don’t get mad at me. You also immediately assumed I was mad at you like last week because I responded to your message in one word answers. As Yoda, you can’t assume theses, and need to act mature. Work with you council, and sure people may not agree with you, but who cares. 2. You talk about Cliques and wanting to fix them, when you yourself were in your own clique on the council. Cliques are inevitable as people becomes friends and tend to work better together after becoming friends. 3. When things don’t go your way you tend to freak out and lose it. Whenever your council suggestions didn’t go your way. You would act immature, and assume the 1. Thing I put. A Yoda shouldn’t be immature, and act this way. 4. When I was on the council you acted like you were the only one doing anything, yet you would take and do peoples trials for them, without letting them know before hand. People have lives and things to do that may get in the way. As Yoda you need to assume this, and maybe host an emergency trial later, yet I don’t believe you’d do that 5. 6. You don’t need to be master to do that. 7. l Weird when You stated you’d only go for Yoda if Claw went for it? If you never had any intentions to go for Yoda, why go now, when most of things you suggest can literally be made and fixed as a Council Member. there is definitely more that could be said, but I don’t think you’d be a good Yoda. The way you are, and the way I know you handle situations. I think their are better candidates. Best of luck -1
    -1 points
  32. Squishy by nature of the question cannot personally respond to that question since it would be unprofessional. I have known squishy for some time and personally seen his time in the 41st mistreated as 41st leadership outright threw away all of his effort and refused to acknowledge any of his work he did for the battalion after he left. I have seen more mistreatments but I do not think it to be the right place to open upon all of such things publicly just because I dont want to turn this application into a war zone. The people who are involved know, and I know I am not the only one who understands how squishy has been mistreated.
    -1 points
  33. Well, for one, Snad who came back as a perma master after a year and got Yoda a month and a half later and brought back old people things (not all bad, but an example) Nothing against Snad, but he's definitely an old head. At least for Jedi.
    -1 points
  34. Ah yes, I may! Back when Sage was getting started again you had times here and there when people would complain to me for whatever reason. I cannot speak on council's behalf for obvious reasons, but I can speak on tryouts. You did this multiple times in 41st and whenever people would volunteer you would make up excuses as to why you should be the one doing them. You also would complain to HC if things did not go your way but that's not the point! Tryouts you would also take from our lower ranked troopers (A lot from 41st but he included it) that would say they were getting on and would be on in under 2 minutes and you would say "don't worry I got it for you ill log it for you" and I don't remember a single time when you did. Oh, while I'm at it you also think everyone is here to get you. They could've spawned an extra droid on you in an event and all's it is is "They must hate me or something" Thats not how that works nobody is out to get you man. The "I just feel like nobody does anything in this battalion/branch and I'm just doing everything. It's starting to feel like a job." That stuff? If everything is starting to feel like a job, then I wouldn't recommend going for Yoda especially if you don't want to be handling everyone at once.
    -1 points
  35. 1/1/5, Low effort and borderline mingy.
    -1 points
  36. @Pythinnice successor -1. fix ur app idk if they are typos (when u contradict ur self). Reply if they are!
    -2 points
  37. Dirt has been actively trying to help CG just from an officer in another battalion standpoint, trying to understand our problems and how to fix them. I think that he will be a great backbone to the 10th sector and I wish you the best of luck! +1
    -3 points
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