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Buzz's Gregor App


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Steam Name:

[SR] Buzz Thorison [A]

RP Name:

RC 88 Foxtrot Group EOD Buzz

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

RC Foxtrot Gregor



327th: The first battalion I ever joined in a CloneWarps RP server, I made my way to SSG by recruitment in about 2 weeks, and then transferred to the 91st due to the 327th's activity.

91st: Joined the 91st as a SGT and recruited people everyday, dealt with the disciplinary of the battalion. Made my way to SFC and wanted to try something new.

CG/ST: Joined the CG as a PVT and worked my way to SSG by doing great work and transferred back to the 91st by an officers request.

91st: Came back as a SGT and recruited and got the rank of SMB, dealt with the issues that other people couldn't deal with when officers were not online. 

5th Fleet: Worked up to SGT when IceFuse allowed us to have 2 clones and used it when 91st were not online.


91st: Came is as an SMB when we all left IceFuse. Stayed on the server for 2-3 weeks and got burnt out from GMOD.

CG: Low and behold in November or December I make my return to Synergy and go for CG, worked up to the rank of SGT and was there for a good 3 weeks until I was asked to help the 91st rebuild itself.

91st: Came back into the 91st as a 2ndLT and worked on recruitment and also worked on communications and formations. Got up to Captain within a week and continued with what I was doing and became a Commander, after that I put my hat in for BCMD of the 91st (I am still Neyo, and always will be), until it was removed around 3-5 weeks later (not accurate, I didn't count), before I was a BCMD the 91st had around 40 or so members with only 15-20 of those being active and during my term we floated our numbers to 75 with 20-40 of them getting on throughout the weeks.

Foxtrot: I joined in on the RC/Null fun after the end of the 91st and worked with the 212th with issues as Foxtrot is a detachment from 212th. We worked on battle comms and formations during events (Woeny and myself). Assisted with the tryouts of both Medical and our Tech slots after two of our devoted members took it upon of themselves to leave as they wanted to prioritize family and their followings. They both were great people when we were all together and we knew how to understand each other during events almost immediately.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I think I should become the Squad Leader of Foxtrot because I currently understand how SOBDE operates (thanks all RC squads/Null) and how to be in check with others. I show great skills of leadership and devotion. My average amount of hours on GMOD these past few weeks are over 50 hours. For me to be in a spot where many people don't understand I want to continue with not only helping the 212th as a detachment but if need be would like to assist any battalion that requests help via pm on forums, ts, or in game. 

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Yes, technically only Gregor is known to be alive (Before Rebels) and the rest of the Commandos in Foxtrot are listed as MIA or KIA on the Battle of Sarrish.


Mon-Thur: 3:30pm-9:20pm

Fri: 3:30pm-10:00pm

Sat: 11:00am-11pm

Sun: 11:00am-9pm

Timezone: Central Standard Time

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Oh, 3-4 months

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

To be known as a respected squad where all of the members like to interact with everyone on the ship. One thing I would like to see improve is more activity (which is picking up) from the Foxtrot members as now TECH and MED are filled again. 

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

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Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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  • Coordinator

+1 Was my 2nd in command when I was Gregor best fit for the position-Sobe Reg CMD Woeny

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+1 Since the removal of 91st, a great thing has come out of it: Buzz. This man has been so much fun to be around and is extremely dedicated. He has the knowledge and the experience needed for a squad lead position. When we are looking for a squad lead, we want someone who is in for the long run and not just for the hell of it. With this, he seems to be the best and only deserving applicant of this position.

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+1 best man for the job 



2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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