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Jackson's Attack-Recon Senior Commander Application


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Steam Name: [SR] Jackson [Director]


RP Name: ATK Regimental Commander Jackson


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:85475704


Brigade you are applying for: AR Senior Commander



Experience: I have been a 501st since the very beginning of this server, dating back to icefuse. On synergy I started off as a Captain and made my way to Commander in the battalion. For a very long time myself and the other commanders were the main contributors to running the battalion, especially woeny, we were running things for a while by hosting the meetings and leading events, promotions and keeping order as best we could for quite some time. This was until the rex position opened up and myself and woeny applied for it. I ended up getting rex and from there I, alongside my commanders and officers, changed many things up in the battalion at this time like making new simulations and trainings. We made sure that promotions were decided as a group within the officers rather than just randomly promoting people (only for high ranking spots not for all promotions). We changed things like the battalion meetings, how promotions were done, and a lot more. This work that I put in was not all my own effort, I had a lot of help from my battalion in all these great changed, but this time showed that I have the capabilities to work with others and listen to their ideas and even implement them. All this working together I did with them over months has given me a great insight in how to help a battalion survive through great changes and help it grow. So in short I have a few months experience as a CMD/BCMD and several months experience as a member of the 501st. I have spent 2 months so far working as an attack regimental commander where I spoke to and worked with many high ranking officers in my regiment. I got a lot of experience in running simulations/trainings for my regiments to not only keep them occupied but also help them better work on things like battle comms, breach and clear formations or otherwise. I also helped with problems that happened for the battalion commanders under me, some of them just had an issue with how they needed to handle certain commanders, other issues were how to help get more recruitment going, and sometimes I helped with just training the BCMDs troopers. More recently I have been working with one of my BCMDs on an organized and scheduled tournament system where small squads of troopers that are mixed between all 3 attack battalions would fight each other to win this tournament where there would be a cash prize by the end. While this tournament has not happened yet and we are not done planning it out this kind of thing is fairly unique given that most simulations are just fighting droids and there are very few PVP sims that happen. Overall I have not only gained a sense of what makes a good sim to train people along with giving them something fun to do, but I also have learned better how to communicate and work with BCMDs and their battalions better.


Why should you become a Senior Commander?: I am now in my second term of my ATK REG Commander and have learned a lot in my time working within my regiment. I try and run trainings when I can for my regiment to keep them occupied during downtime and helping to sharpen battle comms, teamwork, and other live combat skills. After the time I have spent with my regiment I would like to move up in the High command chain so I can extend what I am doing to some level for the entire ATK Recon brigade. I also want to ensure that the ATK and Recon Regimentals are interacting with their battalions as much as they possibly can as well as performing trainings whenever they can while being in constant communication with their respective regiments. I also want to continue doing combined trainings between the ATK and Recon regiments that myself, Xaze and Washington have been doing.


Do you understand the lore of your brigade?: Yes, first we have the attack regiments which are 501st 212th and GM. The 501st was a very frontline assault kind of battalion led by Captain Rex, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano that has participated in countless battles during the Clone Wars,  the 501st Legion was a very large battalion that consisted of many elite troopers, there was also an elite branch in the 501st known as Torrent Company who were in famous battles such as Umbara. The 501st was very unique in that it did not treat clones nearly as expendable as so many others did. The 212th battalion was also a frontline assault battalion led by Commander Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi, they also participated in many battles throughout the Clone wars, the 212th also has a couple of division within their own battalion containing some of their more elite troopers, the 2nd Airborne company which consisted of clone paratroopers that could fly into battle more easily then the main force, and there is Ghost Company which has many well known clones and is meant for some of the tougher missions. Finally there is the Galactic Marines who were one of the more well trained of the other attack battalions the GMs were led by Commander Bacara, Commander Keller and Ki-Adi-Mundi, Galactic marines were recorded in less battles then others, however, they were very well led by Bacara and were very disciplined. Kellers Unit is an elite division from the Galatic Marines and are essentially and even more well disciplined and elite break off of the main GM force. Next we have the Recon battalions which are the 41st Elite Corps, Rancor and Special Operations. The 41st Elite Corps was led by Commander Gree, Jedi General Luminara, and Grand Master of the Order Yoda (Though not seen too often with them in the show). The 41st had an elite sub unit known as Green Company. Their most famous battle was the battle of Kashyyyk just before the end of the Clone Wars where Gree was killed by Yoda. Commander Gree also was involved in missions on Rodia, where Gree and Green Company saved Padme and captured Gunray, and during the Second Battle of Geonosis to take down Poggle. Rancor was a very well trained battalion who were in charge of major training on Kamino led by Commander Colt, Commander Blitz and Commander Havoc. Rancor were a major part of the battle of Kamino where a very large number of Rancor fell to the assault. Finally there is Special Operations which has very little lore behind it, however they were elite clone commandos who had cloaking abilities.



Availability: I will be available from about 6 pm EST to 2 am EST on the weekdays and on weekends I will be available almost all day.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: I started off as a Captain on synergy and progressed up to BCMD Rex and stayed there for a few months.

I made it to ATK regimental Commander and managed to reapply for it and have been in the position for a little more than 2 months.

I started off as a New admin on this server (Was never staff before) and made it to Director after being TRD and Chief of Game masters previously

I made it to Jedi Knight on this server from Padawan (not too much of an achievement but its something I did)


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your brigade to be at the end of your term?: I want my brigade to be much more self-sufficient in regards to training themselves on the daily, whether that will be formation training or full sims still remains to be seen. I want to continue what I was doing with the 501st 212th and GM where I attempt to do as many combined trainings as I can and force them to work together. Now I also intend to make it a regular thing where the entire Attack regiment and Recon regiment have enormous sims and PVP competitions with each other for much more large scale combat. This would go along with smaller scale daily trainings for all the regiments to help keep players active and having fun while on the server. At the end of my term I would also like the two REGs under me to be heavily working with their regiments and constantly communicating with the BCMDs and reporting to myself and the marshal of all things going on within the battalions. Finally I want at the end of my term for the AR brigade to be a well oiled machine where REGs and BCMDs are constantly keeping players well trained and occupied as well as encouraging strong characteristics of leadership over their lower ranks.


How do you plan to improve relations within your brigade?: What was done previously for the attack regiment was constant simulations were made for the 3 battalions under me that would make them work together with one another’s skills (such as GM and their tech/EOD and other trainings integrated within the objectives). I want to bring this into the entire AR brigade where a few battalions are picked and must work together to complete an objective, failure to do so would force failure in the sim as multiple objectives by each battalion must be fulfilled to pass. There is the idea that CBlake brought to me as well where we will mix battalions together in squads of 4-5 where the squads would need to work together to effectively fight the other squads in a tournament competition. This will allow for battalion members to step outside their comfort zone and work with others they don't interact with as much to complete an objective together.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes I understand


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your senior commander rank?: Yes I understand            

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  • Coordinator

+1 Been with jackson since day 1 of him being a pvt def earned this!

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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Ugh, does this guy really have to be senior commander?


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  • Founder


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+1 due to the fact you are pulling both director and reg very well. You are one of the few REGs (who we've ever had) who are active and do their damn job. It would be a pleasure to have you overseeing both ATK and REC One of the best REGs and soon to be one of the best SRs best of luck to you jackson.

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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