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Jayarr's SOBDE-SPEC Senior Commander App


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Steam Name:

[SR] Vix / Jayarr [Developer]

RP Name:

SOBDE REG Commander Jayarr

Steam ID:


Brigade you are applying for:

SOBDE-Special Senior Commander


For once I will only list the ranks I have achieved here, not the backstory behind them. That’ll be a little further down.

104th PVT - BCMD Wolffe (Icefuse before fall)

Captain of the Red Guard (Icefuse before fall)


SC 2ndLT - SC Commander



Why should you become a Senior Commander?:

Being senior commander is something, I’m not gonna lie, was unexpected for me. I thought about it, I was possibly going to serve my term as reg and leave it at that, but I still have a reason to play. I see the server is lacking is serious roleplay heavily and that is something I can really touch up on with this rank. I see fit for these two regiments to be the most seriously well driven ones out of them all for the soul fact that they are specialized and that should be followed with seriousness and perfection. I want to see through that the battalion commanders can follow through with recruitment and the squad leads can keep their squads active and maintained. I want it to be clear who they have to follow in their steps and I want to make sure everything is dealt with accordingly.

With that being said, I want to back up with reasoning on why you should see me as senior. I have been on the server for a year and a half now and I can guarantee that has taught me things, for better or for worse. I take the position as no joke, and it’s time to be serious. As REG I haven’t minged as much as I may have on a regular trooper and I sure as hell won’t minge on senior. If I ever do, I want you to know this: high command can be lonely and boring if you don’t do sims with your battalions actively or just talk to them in general. So guess what I’m doing? Talking to them and doing sims with them. Now, as SOBDE REG you may have noticed I did not do much sims with the RC and Null often. Need I say why? They don’t need it. There is a reason they are RC, they have to PvP in tryouts, if that doesn’t say why then I don’t know what will. I trust in my RC and Null boys with all my heart, with the month I’ve been REG I have gotten so close to them.

Do you understand the lore of your brigade?:

Yes, I do. I will not post a paragraph here. That’ll be for if I make inter


12 Hours a day, everyday. I am MST.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

Now I will state paragraphs following my experience

104th PVT - BCMD Wolffe

I started out on icefuse looking to minge and mass RDM and get banned as it was my first day getting gmod and I thought of having fun. I went through training though and thought “Hey, this isn’t half bad.” So I tried it out and it was pretty fun. I joined the 104th as my first battalion and that is where I stayed for months. I grinded up ranks, always being hounded down and being told to do tryouts by caboose. I did them sure enough, not for him, but for the battalion. Me and a few buds always raced each other to do tryouts too, and that was the most fun. I made it to 2ndLT, and that is when I picked up my doc experience (in which max surely knowns of). That got me up pretty quick too. Soon enough, I applied for positions left and right. Pilot lead, warthog, MEUC, and I got far. Eventually mary resigned, and that’s where I stepped in. I didn’t think I would make the interview against caboose and anu but I did in the end, and it was for better or for worse.

Captain of the Red Guard

After 6 months in 104th I finally gave in and left (I don’t know how egg does it). I left for red guard. Sadly this is when I was wolffe. Though I will tell you one thing that this position had that this server can only dream of at moments. Roleplay. Constant roleplay. It may not have been serious at times, but it was the greatest I have ever seen personally. Such moments were created with ginyu, dargon, kurama, fours, max, and so on. All the senators basically. This is what I love to see. This is what I want to see as senior. Anyways, red guard was an RDM fest, no lie. Not under my accord though, under the chancellors. I would deny it now and then and max would get me killed in RP but still, nothing I could do.

SC 2ndLT - SC Commander

This is when I got back into synergy after a months break (I was going through hard shit with my bf so I couldn’t play). Max transferred me in from hopes of me, bbstine, and freck helping. Us 3, no one else, revived the battalion. Some may claim they did, but all they did was powerplay and sit on their ass. Me freck and bbstine were always working on docs and pushing for recruitment and it worked in the end. We brought the battalion from 1-2 people on a week to 9-13 people on a day. That’s what I was brought in for, after that all I eventually got hella powerplayed out of SC but i’ll leave that there.


This is now my all time favorite. I joined as a PVT. Not simple, right? Wrong. I did tryouts on the constant and I offered help in training the new NCOs and enlisted whether it be shield training or NCO training, I offered help whether it was hard or not. We kept getting cucked during the time we were put in the server, we were put without shields for 2 weeks and that was not even a set back. We kept on pushing, us NCOs. Dargon was the greatest support we’ve had, always open and is willing to be suggested anything. In the end we got the shields back and that was good fun. But next was the argument of getting ARC. That was fun! (not). I made a model for us and maybe it wasn’t best for me to that without being a dev at that time, but that shows how much I put into the battalion. We got it of course but that was sadly after dargons term. That brings up the thought of allowing me to run for BCMD cause I was only a 1stLT when dargon left. Hellfire helped me argue with zander and forseen, but in the end I went to joah to waive me because he was helping with BCMD apps at the time, so I really thank him for that. Once I got doom I dropped more than half the experience I had as wolffe cause I hardly did shit. I did tryouts all the time everyday and always changed up things to show that we don’t act the same as other battalions. When we got put into SOBDE I will admit I was upset. It seemed like a way of saying “Your battalion is small right now, so here. Keep it that way.” No. No I won’t. I made my battalion active and lively because 5-8 shields may do something but it’s not shit to me. Those 15-20 shields were ALWAYS helpful. On the event server we had great events with it. In the end I applied for REG and left deadly behind to help DU. I can’t say that was a bad idea, but I can’t say it was good either.

Do you have a microphone?:

I’m not shampi. I don’t get places without it. So yes. :]

Where do you want your brigade to be at the end of your term?:

Where do all people want their regiments in the end? Active and can live without their REGs and Seniors. I want all the battalions to be active and to have no excuse to be even a hint of inactive. All the battalions under this regiment have reasons to be active and have their special abilities to back them up in the end. If they can’t gather member with this then that is not okay. That’s how I got members in DU, I used our shields to our advantage, i’m sure other can do so as well. I want good relations with other battalions, I don’t want drama wars, and I want RP. Serious or not. I want it, I need it. I don’t want stubborn BCMDs and leads, I want open and willing ones who will talk.

How do you plan to improve relations within your brigade?:

I want to start off with an observing phase as Senior. I want to watch, and I want to see who dislikes who or doesn’t communicate with who. After that, I will force them into sims with each other. I want to watch their communication tactics and if it is poor I want to speak with their BCMDs and improve communications in sims and on the battlefield. I want to see battalions pair up, a weird one to see is 104th and CG for example. They both have great defense capabilities with numbers, and I believe a number of tactics could be used for them, it all just relies on if they act stubborn or not when I try to help them with each other. This all can kinda piggy back off the last question. RP with each other, no drama, and good relations are key.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your senior commander rank?:


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2 minutes ago, Jorrdan said:


+1, I'm making it this big because people will see it and it feeds my ego.

-Delta Squad Fixer Foxtrot EOD Buzz Delta Jedi Jorrdan Foxtrot LEAD Gregor

Edited by woeny23
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