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WarMaster's BCMD Cody Application

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Veteran Admin

Steam Name: WarMaster | Syns.gg

RP Name: Crys
RP Rank: Major 

Steam ID: [64]76561199548808787 [32]STEAM_0:1:794271529

Battalion you are applying for: 212th Attack Battalion


KU Charger


2ndAc XO Parjai-1 SUPO CPT Bear


I wanted to expand my experience within the server, so I decided to join the 212th. I started in 2ndAC, renowned for its expertise with jetpacks and boarding. Quickly advancing to an officer position within the subunit, I made my mark by addressing concerns about the subunit's management, such as the decision to lower the rank requirement to PVT, which I believed was damaging the 212th's overall image. I worked diligently, hosting trainings and tryouts while maintaining high activity levels. My efforts led to a promotion to XO, during which I significantly boosted activity within 2ndAC by driving training initiatives and promoting engagement.

Eventually, I transitioned out of 2ndAC to focus on supporting the battalion as a whole, including training my successor. Although I felt 2ndAC hadn't yet reached its full potential, I aimed to contribute to the battalion's growth in other areas. I joined Ghost Company to leverage my experience in improving their training, tryouts, and overall activity. My goal was to gain a comprehensive understanding of both subunits to better support the battalion as a whole.

I have served as a Senior Officer within the 212th for an extended period, and I believe my presence and contributions are highly valuable to both the Senior Officer corps and the battalion as a whole. This impact extends both in-game and out-of-game. I am consistently available and approachable, providing advice and support to anyone in the battalion, regardless of their rank or role, for matters related to the battalion or beyond.


Since joining the server, I've also served as a staff member, dedicating significant effort to the team and demonstrating my commitment to the community. I spent two months in roles such as Senior Admin, Game Master Officer, and Trainer Officer. Through my hard work alongside the other staff programs, I earned the status of veteran admin. This experience has equipped me with valuable skills in leadership, teaching, and management, all of which are crucial for effectively leading a battalion.

Why should you become a battalion commander?

I joined the 212th with the intention of making a difference in 2ndAC, and once I achieved that, I found myself enjoying the camaraderie within the 212th, which is why I decided to stay. My goal is to bring my open mindset to my Cody term and offer fresh insights to the battalion, providing a new perspective beyond the familiar viewpoints of those who have been leading for the past year. I believe my open-minded approach and external perspective can be valuable assets, helping to introduce innovative ideas to the 212th. Additionally, one of my motivations for joining was to leverage my strengths and share them with others. I am confident that my abilities can help teach the 212th new skills and concepts that they may not yet recognize as beneficial.

There are ongoing issues within the battalion, and while I can address some from my current role, one specific issue is the 212th's lack of outreach to other battalions. However, the problem with 2ndAC leadership is beyond my scope as a major; I can offer recommendations to commanders, but I can't directly resolve it. I anticipate that other challenges will arise during my term, and I’m prepared to tackle them as they come. My experience has equipped me to handle situations effectively in real-time.

Currently it's summer so everyday I will be available.

During the school year anytime after 3pm EST I will be available.


How long have you played on Synergy Roleplay? 4 months | 1625:23:18.


Do you have a microphone? Yes.


Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?



The regiments within the 212th are performing well overall, particularly medic and heavy. The ARF branch faced challenges for a time, but recent leadership changes have significantly improved its performance. The SUP branch is currently doing better with BOOM being the new SUPL and him working on getting more SUPOs. In general, the regiments in the 212th are doing well, and none are in urgent need of assistance at this moment and I would like to maintain that through my term.


Ghost Company is currently in a strong position and I would like to maintain that stability throughout my term. The existing leadership effectively utilizes the lore character roles to enhance the subunit's significance, even though there are no tangible benefits aside from the appealing lore names.

In contrast, 2ndAC has the potential to surpass Ghost Company in every aspect except for lore positions. The main issue with 2ndAC is the insufficient drive from the current leadership. The training sessions provided are mainly for enjoyment rather than for enhancing the skills of our elite jetpack unit, which is important. Additionally, there is a noticeable lack of activity, likely stemming from the current leadership's limited engagement. I believe that a leadership change in 2ndAC could revitalize the subunit’s activity and, with the right effort, elevate it to be the top subunit on the server.

Senior Officer

The 212th senior officer corps is currently the strongest part of the battalion. They are consistently online, driving progress within the battalion, and handling essential external tasks such as battalion relations, joint trainings, entertainments, and more. However, I propose a change in our meeting schedule. The weekly officer meetings have become repetitive and offer diminishing returns. I recommend transitioning to bi-weekly meetings to make them more productive and less redundant.

Junior Officer

A key aspect of the 212th is the competence of our officer corps. The current Junior Officer corps is performing exceptionally well, with many officers showing the drive and dedication necessary for the battalion and potentially advancing to senior officer roles in the future. I believe the Junior Officers possess significant potential and do not require any changes at this time.


Currently, all NCOs must accumulate merits to meet their next rank requirements in addition to Time in Grade (TIG). I believe merits are working well within the battalion and are making sure everyone who is being promoted is doing a good job and not just being promoted for no reason.I also aim to encourage NCOs to take the initiative in organizing joint trainings and activities. Right now, these events are primarily managed by officers and higher ranks, despite the fact that NCOs are fully capable of running them.


Currently, all new enlisted members receive immediate access to the heavy whitelist upon joining the battalion. I believe this approach is effective not only for attracting recruits but also for providing them with a unique incentive. As a result, enlisted members now have a strong option to either continue with the heavy role or explore opportunities in the ARF branch.


Jedi play a crucial role in the 212th, and Toaster, our current Obi-Wan, is putting in significant effort on documents and tryouts. Toaster is making notable progress in enhancing the 212th Jedi's operations. However, I would like to see increased activity from the Jedi within the 212th as a whole.


I aim for my BCMD term to conclude with significant positive changes within the battalion. One of my goals is to enhance 2ndAC leadership to elevate the standards of the subunit. Additionally, I want to address the issue where the attack regiment operates in isolation. Currently, there is little interaction between the 212th and the mech reg. I want to encourage greater outreach and foster strong relationships with all battalions on the server, ensuring that our members are open and engaged with everyone.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank? Yes

Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  212th BCMD Cody || 


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+1 From my experience on synergy this return warmaster is cooking, as a VA, and in game. When I joined CG he was great I think him as a BCMD would be amazing he was great in CG and even better in 212th good luck warmaster

  • Friendly 1

Current: Musshunter Of The Rancor Battalion
Former: 91st Stak, CG CaptainWrecker, Bail Organa XO Crosshair

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+1. I don't like you.

Edited by Mystic
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  • Bruh 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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Veteran Admin


(I still think you are a minge)

  • Friendly 1

Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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+1 Warmaster has a great idea for the 212th, and I believe he would be a great Cody!

Current: DSXO CPT Jek 
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn | 332ndO Jesse | 332nd Vyse | TC Kano | 501st ARCO | Omega 22 Atin


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-1, this was a no-brainer for me, a lot of the ideas that I have heard coming from what you want to do as Cody sounds like another Misfit term all over again. I'm all for giving people a chance to prove otherwise, but this is one I would like to avoid seeing my friends who actively play in the 212th go through. I will admit that I no longer play as actively as I would like to but I am still very involved in the community and most importantly the 212th. I have been actively absorbing info that both you and others have stated whether its in teamspeak or discord and I have almost disagreed with every point you have made.

Ill discuss some of the points you have made public on your app here, among the many you have decided to keep private.

 - 2ndAC/2ndAC Leadership - This is one that has been in the shitter since Misfit decided to remove the tryout system that was in place for 2ndAC. The entire command team after Misfit sought out a way to make 2ndAC active but also stable and the solution was to open it to everyone with minimal requirements. I often acted as an aide in this time to Nexus when it came to 2ndAC issues and I even came back to the server to help him out during his term (earning the lore rank of Bear). Nexus's plan with 2ndAC was to have 2ndAC prove to Nexus that they could handle bringing back a tryout system with all documents drafted and all dupes made to run a test run through. This was practically finished until I decided due to community difference to leave the server again. I will admit, the decision making of keeping the current Barlex for Nexus's entire term is a poor one and I believe he should have been removed a while ago and that is at the fault of the command team and I can agree with you there. However, 2ndAC was on an uphill before I left and before you joined so I dislike the idea that you claim you created an impact by addressing issues that were already being actively addressed.

-NCOs- You joined a battalion that currently is an officer heavy battalion and that is the current issue faced with the 212th. I believe you make a solid point by saying "not just being promoted for no reason" and I agree with that, rank skipping and breaking TIG is a common issue for the 212th aswell. However, that is something that has already been fixed aswell. Nexus has changed it to be BCMD+ Only that can approve a rank skip. You also address that you would like to encourage NCOs to do more joint trainings and entertainments, this is something you can easily do as an SO or even a JO. In my final remarks here, you discuss little to nothing about how you would improve the battalion from becoming an Officer battalion to an actual battalion, I have heard of some your ideas in private but I cannot address them here out of respect for what you have put on your application.

Best of luck!

Edited by Kase
  • Friendly 1
  • Confused 1
  • Dumb 2

Current: 41st MED
Former: Shadow Company Enlisted | RANCOR Captain Kase | RANCOR Alpha-22 "Aven" | RANCOR Alpha-26 "Maze" | RC-1140 "Fixer" 212th Ghost Company Trapper, Gearshift, Threepwood, 2ndAC Bear, Parjai-5 through 3, | First Rav Bralor


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Veteran Admin

+1  cool guy 

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23 minutes ago, Kase said:

-1, this was a no-brainer for me, a lot of the ideas that I have heard coming from what you want to do as Cody sounds like another Misfit term all over again. I'm all for giving people a chance to prove otherwise, but this is one I would like to avoid seeing my friends who actively play in the 212th go through. I will admit that I no longer play as actively as I would like to but I am still very involved in the community and most importantly the 212th. I have been actively absorbing info that both you and others have stated whether its in teamspeak or discord and I have almost disagreed with every point you have made.

Ill discuss some of the points you have made public on your app here, among the many you have decided to keep private.

 - 2ndAC/2ndAC Leadership - This is one that has been in the shitter since Misfit decided to remove the tryout system that was in place for 2ndAC. The entire command team after Misfit sought out a way to make 2ndAC active but also stable and the solution was to open it to everyone with minimal requirements. I often acted as an aide in this time to Nexus when it came to 2ndAC issues and I even came back to the server to help him out during his term (earning the lore rank of Bear). Nexus's plan with 2ndAC was to have 2ndAC prove to Nexus that they could handle bringing back a tryout system with all documents drafted and all dupes made to run a test run through. This was practically finished until I decided due to community difference to leave the server again. I will admit, the decision making of keeping the current Barlex for Nexus's entire term is a poor one and I believe he should have been removed a while ago and that is at the fault of the command team and I can agree with you there. However, 2ndAC was on an uphill before I left and before you joined so I dislike the idea that you claim you created an impact by addressing issues that were already being actively addressed.

-NCOs- You joined a battalion that currently is an officer heavy battalion and that is the current issue faced with the 212th. I believe you make a solid point by saying "not just being promoted for no reason" and I agree with that, rank skipping and breaking TIG is a common issue for the 212th aswell. However, that is something that has already been fixed aswell. Nexus has changed it to be BCMD+ Only that can approve a rank skip. You also address that you would like to encourage NCOs to do more joint trainings and entertainments, this is something you can easily do as an SO or even a JO. In my final, remarks here, you discuss little to nothing about how you would improve the battalion from becoming an Officer battalion to an actual battalion, I have heard of some your ideas in private but I cannot address them here out of respect for what you have put on your application.

Best of luck!

Based on the first sentence alone i don't believe you know warmaster's character at all.

L take

WarMaster gets an easy +1 from me

Edited by WideTurtle
  • Winner 2
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  • Dumb 4
  • Based 2

Current:  Rancor WO Wide

 Previously: 2ndAC [S] Oddball | Rys | DSXO Thorn | CG CPT | GM Major 



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+1 Warmaster is a good dude who is dedicated to whichever battalion he’s a part of and does his best striving to make it better for others. He is sometimes a goofy goober, but who isn’t now a days. Just don’t let him fly an ARC-170.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout x2, Jet x2, COE x2

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-1 from me.


Initially I was confident we were on the same page with ideas for the progression of the battalion, the last few conversations I had with you regarding your potential term brought forth some concerning ideologies.  


You mentioned a few days ago that SOs and JrOs have came to you with problems but you were unable to solve them given your rank as MAJ.  However a lot of the talks with you never made it to the ear of the command team at the least nor did it Nexus which is kind of a cutthroat move considering he can’t do his job and fix problems if he’s unaware of them.  I think alot of your mentality is trying to change the entire core of the battalion by aligning our promotion system to be similar with other battalions you’ve been apart of, but that’s not logical.  


Another thing you mentioned was 2ndAC leadership, which when you joined the battalion you were apart of.  Now don’t get it twisted, the current Barlex is not up to par, and I was glad to have you in Ghost Company, but you didn’t really make an effort as XO to execute changes while you were there.


I really like you, we’ve became good friends I believe, and I still think you can/will be a good BCMD if you open your mind and lose some of the thoughts you have in place to change the core of the battalion.  

  • Informative 1
  • Friendly 1
  • Confused 1

Current: Green Company Deputy MEDO LT Nemec

Former: 212th Ghost Company ARFL Trapper | Senator Aang | 212th Ghost Company Lead CMD Boil | Green Company Officer SUPO Fireball


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Veteran Admin
16 minutes ago, xBigRed17 said:





-1 from me.


Initially I was confident we were on the same page with ideas for the progression of the battalion, the last few conversations I had with you regarding your potential term brought forth some concerning ideologies.  


You mentioned a few days ago that SOs and JrOs have came to you with problems but you were unable to solve them given your rank as MAJ.  However a lot of the talks with you never made it to the ear of the command team at the least nor did it Nexus which is kind of a cutthroat move considering he can’t do his job and fix problems if he’s unaware of them.  I think alot of your mentality is trying to change the entire core of the battalion by aligning our promotion system to be similar with other battalions you’ve been apart of, but that’s not logical.  


Another thing you mentioned was 2ndAC leadership, which when you joined the battalion you were apart of.  Now don’t get it twisted, the current Barlex is not up to par, and I was glad to have you in Ghost Company, but you didn’t really make an effort as XO to execute changes while you were there.


I really like you, we’ve became good friends I believe, and I still think you can/will be a good BCMD if you open your mind and lose some of the thoughts you have in place to change the core of the battalion.  

Hey Tyler I just wanna try and hit few points made here.

 No SO+ came to me with any problems about the battalion and if they did come to me with a problem and I couldn't handle it then I would have let you or Finn know right away. 1 Junior officer came to me with a problem that me and you had already 1 on 1 spoke about so there was no need to bring it up again when the problem was already being worked on from my perspective.

 I dont plan on changing any of the core parts of the 212th unless the command team agrees. That is why I came to you guys and asked questions. You guys disagreed so I didn't put it on the app, I don't plan on changing anything unless its something that needs to be changed or something we all agree would better the battalion.

But thank you for the feedback! I would like to talk more in private about this when you are free.

  • Friendly 2

Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  212th BCMD Cody || 


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1 minute ago, WarMaster said:

Hey Tyler I just wanna try and hit few points made here.

 No SO+ came to me with any problems about the battalion and if they did come to me with a problem and I couldn't handle it then I would have let you or Finn know right away. 1 Junior officer came to me with a problem that me and you had already 1 on 1 spoke about so there was no need to bring it up again when the problem was already being worked on from my perspective.

 I dont plan on changing any of the core parts of the 212th unless the command team agrees. That is why I came to you guys and asked questions. You guys disagreed so I didn't put it on the app, I don't plan on changing anything unless its something that needs to be changed or something we all agree would better the battalion.

But thank you for the feedback! I would like to talk more in private about this when you are free.


I mean no disrespect at all and maybe I misunderstood your intentions.   

Regardless of how this plays out you know you’ll have my 100% support, as it’s my job and that I’ve told you since day 1

  • Friendly 1

Current: Green Company Deputy MEDO LT Nemec

Former: 212th Ghost Company ARFL Trapper | Senator Aang | 212th Ghost Company Lead CMD Boil | Green Company Officer SUPO Fireball


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Veteran Admin

+1 Out of ALL people in the 212th, only one person has been putting in the work and the effort to make a difference in 212th. I am not sure why the 212th High command feels that someone who is easy to talk to is always active and never shows any favoritism is unfit for the position. 212th high command must be scared for their position, but I 100% think that not putting this man as the next Cody is the worst decision you could make. Overall a great guy and should be given the opportunity and a platform to show what he's made of.

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  • Director

If you want to argue go and do it in DM's not on a application. @Kase @xBigRed17 @Reborn

This is the only warning that will be given.

  • Agree 3
  • Winner 1



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                Even though I seem like I hate you but you are my favorite person on synergy and are perfect for this position because you are one of the Hardest working person on the server. This guy is up early and is on and active most of the day. (Your still a Kaiser Wanna Be) :)

  • Agree 1
  • Friendly 1

                                                                                                                          Current: Rancor SGM
                          Former: Rancor LT | Rancor HVYL | Rancor SUPL | Senior Admin | Rancor Hammer

                                                                                                Hobbies: Blowing Stuff Up and Pissing People Off


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Just some thoughts from an inactive old head... One, from time I have been on and when I was more dedicated to the server, WarMaster is the one Officer I see on daily making sure everything is running. He is there making sure the battalion works and making sure it was some kind of accountability as a whole if anything comes up. Now understand in SOBDE I have to maintain 25 hours min every two weeks in my position to give some context of what kind of activity my opinion gives. That being said, I don't think I've seen any other officer either Jr or Snr Officers on besides when Nexus's term was ending. I think thats the last time I've seen them. Now, I could not be on during the right time, Or Maybe I never notice. Who knows. Just my opinion.

As for War Master's leadership, Well first he is a current GMM. Again I am only going to speak for things I know, seen, or understand unlike some others that spit ball. He's a great GMM and at the time I knew him better GMO. He's always making sure events are good and improving as a whole. Rarely do you see GMO+s looking out for GMs and GHs to that level. Now, to point out some negatives. During your time you could have 100% focused on other GMs that were not 212th, That being said there were the easiest to help out as there are always in the channel with you. Another is you could have communicated a bit better, at some points it really seemed you were hard climbing the ranks and to be fair, good on you to do so as its great to see that drive from the otherside.

TLDR for those who can't read or don't want too, WarMaster from outside of 212th as I have seen and I have never been 212th is a great leader and someone who is willing to learn and has dedication to improving others. He has faults and he is sadly my least favorite VA. However I hope this is great insight form outside of the battalion and how to correct point out positives and negatives that doesn't get a Director involved.

+1 You should remove any shadow influences in the battalion tho. Normally leads to BAT wipes historically. Looking at 21st, 104th, SOBDE, etc.

P.S. If you are critical of the canidate, and you are 212th You should run against him or get a waive too. Make it interesting.

Edited by Crimson
  • Agree 4
  • Friendly 2
  • Based 3



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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You go above and beyond what normal people will do and in your app you said some things that I know will piss off a certain group of 212th/2ndAC high ranking troopers and honestly you're right for that. It is very bold, but a good move for the future of 212th's Officer Corps. We talk a lot of trash to each other as a joke, but I got respect for you. You've done a great job in management of battalions and being BCMD is what you should be given the amount of time, effort, experience, and public eye you have. I hope you get BCMD and do well as it. 


WarMaster Changed Crys


  • Friendly 1
  • Dumb 1


Current: Shiny NotRonald


Former: Ki-Adi-Mundi I Simms I Oz

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+1 MASSIVE W. Warmaster is the most consistent 212th I see on the server. He dove headfirst into this server and worked his way up to VA and GMM. I saw the most out of 2ndAC when he was Bear. Dude had a proven track record. Anyone opposing him is insane to do so.

  • Friendly 1

Matt | 332nd Lead Vaughn | Jedi Naval Lead Sage Padawan C Kyra Valean | Admin 



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Veteran Admin
4 minutes ago, PJ_Manlius said:

I'm going to be neutral for this post. I agree that there are issues in 2ndAC but I haven't seen any major changes that were made when you were in 2ndAC. (If I missed something, I am more than willing to sit down and talk about it.). I think replacing the current 2ndAC Commander with someone active on the server will help out. As for reaching out to other battalions, I agree that he is one of many officers who reach out, communicate and building relations. I have heard different views on the subject and all I can say is there are still issues in 212th, mostly 2ndAC but there has been a combined effort to fix issues and prevent problems from popping up. I would personally like to see how you are going to fix problems that address concerns for 212th. I agree that Warmaster is one of the active officers but I wouldnt go as far to say that he is the only officer actively changing things in 212th. Anyways thats my thoughts. +1 -1

I see that you say you would like to speak about the future and plans on how I'm actually going to change things, I'm free to speak whenever you need, just reach out when you're free and we can discuss. Thanks for the feedback!

Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  212th BCMD Cody || 


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BIG +1 
Warmaster has been probably the best example of a Cody.
Even if it doesn't help just know Former Battalion Commander Cody | CBlake has full faith that this battalion will do great things if you are elected as Cody.  
o7 brother

  • Friendly 1

Current: 212th ARFO LT Blake
Former: 212th Battalion Commander Cody | Synergy Roleplay Model Developer

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+1 INSANE work drive this guy has he’s unstoppable at everything. During his time in CG when we were both majors he was so easy to work with and always willing to hear others out. 10/10 guy only one right for cody next.

  • Friendly 1
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6 hours ago, xBigRed17 said:





-1 from me.


Initially I was confident we were on the same page with ideas for the progression of the battalion, the last few conversations I had with you regarding your potential term brought forth some concerning ideologies.  


You mentioned a few days ago that SOs and JrOs have came to you with problems but you were unable to solve them given your rank as MAJ.  However a lot of the talks with you never made it to the ear of the command team at the least nor did it Nexus which is kind of a cutthroat move considering he can’t do his job and fix problems if he’s unaware of them.  I think alot of your mentality is trying to change the entire core of the battalion by aligning our promotion system to be similar with other battalions you’ve been apart of, but that’s not logical.  


Another thing you mentioned was 2ndAC leadership, which when you joined the battalion you were apart of.  Now don’t get it twisted, the current Barlex is not up to par, and I was glad to have you in Ghost Company, but you didn’t really make an effort as XO to execute changes while you were there.


I really like you, we’ve became good friends I believe, and I still think you can/will be a good BCMD if you open your mind and lose some of the thoughts you have in place to change the core of the battalion.  

After speaking with WarMaster 1 on 1, his plans and his ideas have been clarified and now I would like to change that to a +1

I think most of this drama has been caused by a miscommunication between myself and WarMaster, he knows where I stand and I know where he stands.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Green Company Deputy MEDO LT Nemec

Former: 212th Ghost Company ARFL Trapper | Senator Aang | 212th Ghost Company Lead CMD Boil | Green Company Officer SUPO Fireball


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Only person worthy of the position, good luck my friend +1 

  • Friendly 1

Current: BOOM
Former: 501st BCMD Rex 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | Veteran Admin Game Master Manager | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma GCO CPT Waxer | GCO SUPL Wooley 2ndAC Parjai

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Veteran Admin

Do I have to act like I like Warmaster now?


  • Friendly 1

Current : Rancor BCMD Blitz TRM  Questmaster Veteran Admin
Former : Obi-Wan Kenobi | Bultar Swan | Guild Marshall Rancor CMD Colt | Rancor BCMD Blitz  Rancor Alpha-09 CMD Bana |SG WO Jayfon

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Veteran Admin


Warmaster should get Cody. No matter how you feel about Warmaster it is abundantly clear how much effort and time he puts in to 212th and also into being a VA. I believe he has the qualities that will make him a strong and present leader and I believe his connection to high staff will allow him to ensure his battalion is run at a certain  high standard.

Goodluck on your interview man. I really am rooting for you.

  • Winner 1
  • Friendly 1

Current: SPEC Regimental Commander Danny
Former: Walon Vau, CG Commander Danny, Battalion Commander Fox

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How do you plan on fixing 2ndAC? I see that you say there are issues but you don't go into detail on how you plan to address any of them. Will you bring back the the tryouts? Will you increase the rank requirement? Why hasn't Barlex been removed and how do you plan on fixing 2ndAC leadership or leading 2ndAC if the current leadership is so incompetent? 


Former: A lot of shit dude

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Veteran Admin
4 minutes ago, Bane said:

How do you plan on fixing 2ndAC? I see that you say there are issues but you don't go into detail on how you plan to address any of them. Will you bring back the the tryouts? Will you increase the rank requirement? Why hasn't Barlex been removed and how do you plan on fixing 2ndAC leadership or leading 2ndAC if the current leadership is so incompetent? 

Thank you for the feedback i would love to speak 1 on 1 about my plans and what is expected to change if you're free shoot me a message and we can talk!

Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  212th BCMD Cody || 


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6 minutes ago, WarMaster said:

Thank you for the feedback i would love to speak 1 on 1 about my plans and what is expected to change if you're free shoot me a message and we can talk!

Please reply here in as much detail as you are comfortable with, this post is as much for the community as me

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Former: A lot of shit dude

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Veteran Admin
15 minutes ago, Bane said:

How do you plan on fixing 2ndAC? I see that you say there are issues but you don't go into detail on how you plan to address any of them. Will you bring back the the tryouts? Will you increase the rank requirement? Why hasn't Barlex been removed and how do you plan on fixing 2ndAC leadership or leading 2ndAC if the current leadership is so incompetent? 

First remove current 2ndAC leadership due to the low activity the leadership has and low drive for change in the current leadership. I think the best thing is to wipe it and bring in a new group of leaders who have the drive and activity to bring 2ndAC activity up and change the low control over the subunit.

Second the tryout is already back in action. Now I do wanna make some changes to the tryout due to the dupe being buggy and seems half baked like there was little effort put into the dupe. This will make the tryouts easier to run and bring more respect to the 2ndAC name. 

Third rank requirement being at CPL currently in my eyes is perfect its a rank were you need to put in minimal effort to achieve it but at the same time enough were the 2ndAC leadership can tell if you should be in 2ndAC or not.

Fourth the reason Barlex hasnt been removed isnt known to me. I as a major do not have the ability to just remove subunit leads whenever id like that would be a decision for the 212th high command team to work out. I have made suggestions for a change in leadership but has always gone no where.

Fifth I plan on having trust worthy people move into 2ndAC and take on leadership positions. I will work closely with them to insure that 2ndAC standards are up and that 2ndAC overall improves from a change in leadership. I believe strongly that the people that i have set to move into these positions are trust worthy individuals that will bring great things to 2ndAC.

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Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  212th BCMD Cody || 


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