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Steam Name: ✿♡*Ɗeimos*♡✿

RP Name: Boss

RP Rank: Commander

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:530398496

Battalion you are applying for: SOBDE BCMD



104th MAJ Sinker - LT Mortar

Rancor Alpha Aven - Nate - Stec

Rancor LT Havoc



Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:
One of the biggest reasons I want to be BCMD Is that I have always had the drive to make SOBDE better in any shape or form that would be within activity. I have been with SOBDE for a bit as well even when we had some ups and downs within the battalion. I have been playing on the server for a while now and learned from other officers and past BCMD on how to lead a Battalion without always asking someone what to do or leaning over someone's shoulder. I have a big thing with me, always wanting to improve to make sure that the battalion is in a better position than a worst position just for something I want and like. And with me going for this position I have the support from my battalion to run for this position. With there being so many squads within SOBDE I want to improve them to be the best they can so that we're not gonna sit here for another month or so wondering if someone is gonna pass the tryout or not. With other battalions, I have made it very aware that SOBDE is a talkative battalion where if you need something or have any problems you can talk to them about it. 

Monday - Friday
5:30 PM CST - 11 PM CST
Saturday - Sunday
I'm always avaliable 

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 3562:25:37.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:
Within the activity of SOBDE, it has been a very rocky road. With SOBDE we have a 25-hour clock in the system every single two weeks. Some people in SOBDE are achieving this without ease- and some people in SOBDE are having a struggle to achieve this. Half of the people who are not achieving this are the people who don't hop on the server whatsoever. With this, I can't control people's lives and when they get on the server the only thing I can do for this is give strikes and removals. But the main Idea I have come to agree with is to bring back Squad of the Month. With a squad of the month being in SOBDE when I joined there was a lot of training being done just because there was a reward at the end of the month for the specific squad. Which increased the activity of SOBDE 

With SOBDE and training it seems a lot of people are not having the final push to do their training which would lead to them not completing their quota. But with my idea in bringing back Squad of the month this will give them a reason to want to do their training. Knowing they could win something at the end of their hard work and get their name being on the SOBDE roster is better than not getting anything.

Squad leads/XO
So far with me being in SOBDE the Squad leads and Squad XO I have been with have been doing a lot of hard work and making sure that their squad positions are full and up to date. Some problems we have ran into recently are not having the motivation to do tryouts. There is a very easy thing Squad leads can do to avoid burnout. With every squad they are in charge of they are given the option to choose a XO of the squad they are a part of. Something we need to do more is let Squad XO do more tryouts for the Squad leads so it wouldn't lead to any burnouts. Letting their Squad XO do tryouts will teach them to do more and get them ready to achieve Squad lead in the future.
Bad Batch
Bad Batch has been on a roller coaster since I joined SOBDE. The squad has had Activity Issues for a while now. The biggest issue is with them passing the tryout and if they would be active after or wouldn't be active at all. With previous leadership issues Bad batch has been through a loop whole of Wanting to hit their quota and not wanting to hit quota in general. Which leaves a big drop of activity. The way we were able to fix this issue was to give the position to someone who is very active and has had recent leadership within something. With having someone like this it can lead the squad to a more active spot within SOBDE.
With me joining and watching Null go from an inactive state to a very active state in the span of a month is a wonderful thing to see. The only problem that Null has come across is with keeping members in the position. With some members people have said that the tryout was very difficult to pass and when they hit the position they get burned out. So with this situation Null has removed 70% of the tryout time. Of course it's still very difficult to get in the position but with the recent people that have joined in the positions it has shown incredible activity in null. So by the end of my term I want Null to be full and without anyone being burnt out by just going through the tryout itself.
With Omega they do amazing as a team but from what it seems to me the only time they want to get on the server is when their Lead is on the server. The biggest challenge they have faced so far is their Activity. A lot of members at the moment are either burnt out or just not wanting to hop on the server in general. By the end of my term, I want to get them out of their burnout stage and start getting their hours in and getting their quota done. A way we can fix this is by of course giving strikes to these individuals or asking if they would want to move to another position in SOBDE if they don't like the character but they would still have to do the tryout for that specific character.
Delta has been in a very good spot ever since the position of Boss was bestowed to me. However, there can always be points of improvement no matter how good things appear to be. Delta has overall held a very active presence within SOBDE, their qualities of leadership being prominent characteristics that other members can rely upon. As a squad I believe they have done rather well, but I'm looking at the perspective of another person. With training they have always been on top of that and always seeing it as a challenge to get most training in the battalion to win for a reward or for no reward at all. One of the things I have encountered with Delta is that when I was given the position I didn't need to do anything because the squad was already filled up. When I lost Warlock which was my sev it opened me up to new situations of me doing my first tryouts for delta which was very difficult for me but made it through. With Delta squad minging around here and there I intend to push forward rules and make sure there are no problems with any other battalions.

Cuy’val Dar
Cuy’val Dar is a blessing that was given to us by the Guild but when it was finally implemented into SOBDE a set of problems that required fixing became rather visible. Cuy’val Dar had, and still does admittedly, a very big problem with leadership. I feel that they weren’t given the best set of guidelines that being in SOBDE imposes, more so because this was a new and unique implementation of the Bounty Hunter whitelist that expanded upon the existing Walon Vau job, it gave existing SOBDE leadership some uncertainty as to how to properly handle and implement it. Proven by the current state of Cuy’val Dar. When examining the squad it’s apparent that making Arligan the squad lead was a rather foolish decision that opened a door to a myriad of issues. A prudent issue is the simple presence of Jedi leadership for a non-Jedi squad. On top of dealing with an already struggling Jedi-core of SOBDE, having to essentially manage an extra squad of Mandalorians can easily lead to burnout or mismanage as seen with Joyboy, where he eventually left Arligan and went back to Etain. A solution to this issue that I believe will work is to place Walon Vau as the Squad lead via applications within the squad. This gives Cuy’val Dar the ability to essentially act as an extra RC squad and be rather self-sufficient. As well as allowing ease of replacing the squad lead compared to the replacement of Arligan Zey which is more time-consuming. 

Jedi has been a very bumpy road with the past months. Starting off with Null and and Omega jedi they are wonderful positions and haven't seen to have any problems with so far they have always been filled within a week or so. With the issue of Delta Jedi it ran into a very big Issue with a very inappropriate name going around about Iri Camas. With that going around I asked people if they wanted the position and they responded that they didn't want to be called an inappropriate name just for the laugh of it so I had to get rid of Iri Camas and opened up Freelance Jedi. With Delta Freelance Jedi being open it wasn't long until I got a person into the position. With freelance Jedi it wasn't the worst decision because you can be the character you want and if you wanted a lore character like Mace Windu you glady could. The biggest stumble in Jedi is their lead Arligan Zey. With me talking with people who used to be Arligan Zey they felt that they were distanced and the only liking they had with the job was filling the positions in Jedi spots. So by the end of my term my main thing is to fix their lead position Arligan Zey. Because with the lack of their Squad Lead it starts to go into a Lack of Leadership and goes more downhill from there. Their way to Fix Arligan Zey is very simple with us choosing Arligans. We picked candidates who just wanted the position just to have power within SOBDE. Another reason is when they get Arligan they think that they're gonna have a powerful Lightsaber with powerful force powers. But then get disappointed that none of the stuff they wanted were in the kit of Arligan. The way we can fix it is by choosing a candidate who wants the position but just for the RP reason’s of it. People who want positions just for RP make more RP in game and make more reasons for other people to RP with them as well.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

Edited by LIl-J
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Head Admin

Biased opinon, but LilJ made sure to discuss his stuff  and ideas with each squad lead, including myself even before i got Hunter. 

I do believe he will do a good job as BCMD.

Edited by Gurk
  • Friendly 1

Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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Ever since joining the battalion on Cuy'val Dar I didnt ever feel that I was part of the battalion, it was soul crushing to pass a SOBDE tryout just to be treated worse. Lil J changed that, he gave the squad a chance and took my concerns seriously. I trust Lil J. He's is the only person I'll +1 for this position.

  • Friendly 1
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+1 LilJ Has gone above and beyond with his leadership role within SOBDE.  Extremely deserving of this position and will do well.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Bad Batch Crosshair


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1. You mention bringing back Squad of the Month. How do you plan on picking this each month?

2. Do you feel like there's more you can do to improve activity rather than strikes and removals? While definitely necessary do you feel like there's more you can do?

3. What else do you see as an issue within the Cuy'Val Dar? I think switching Walon to Squad Lead will help, but I think there's more that can be done.

Lastly my most important question.

How many hours do you have on VR Chat?

  • Friendly 1

My time as Echo was shorter than Clutch's Yoda Term

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Mans is quite active and is always friendly to everyone he meets. That being said I do have a question. We've recently had a culling of members of SOBDE less then a week ago and @Joyboyits 5912 hrs, Do you thin the way we removed them was the right way and if not, how would it be corrected or addressed in the future?

  • Friendly 1



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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1 minute ago, Joyboy said:

1. You mention bringing back Squad of the Month. How do you plan on picking this each month?

2. Do you feel like there's more you can do to improve activity rather than strikes and removals? While definitely necessary do you feel like there's more you can do?

3. What else do you see as an issue within the Cuy'Val Dar? I think switching Walon to Squad Lead will help, but I think there's more that can be done.

Lastly my most important question.

How many hours do you have on VR Chat?

1.  For squad of the month it is very easy! With each squad the people in the squad can hit there quota like normal or can go above and beyond and do more and more trainings to add points/trainings to there squad the squad with the most trainings gets squad of the month and gets a reward for their work!

2. With activity i sadly cant do anything else. As much i want to control people to get on the server i sadly cant. The only thing i can for these type of people is to give them warnings and removals. But with improving their activity which is the first statement above is Squad of the month so they can earn a reward for their own squad!

3. I agree with you a lot with Cuy'Val Dar! When it was first added to the server it went downhill very quickly. The issues with it is that we didn't have anyone want to go for it cause the lack of the tryout dupes and tryouts in general.  The way I can improve this is by letting people in Cuy'Val Dar go to other squads by still passing the tryout and closing the squad until the tryouts are fully complete and we have a competent squad lead that is ready to lead a new squad! 

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9 minutes ago, Crimson said:

Mans is quite active and is always friendly to everyone he meets. That being said I do have a question. We've recently had a culling of members of SOBDE less then a week ago and @Joyboyits 5912 hrs, Do you thin the way we removed them was the right way and if not, how would it be corrected or addressed in the future?

Really good question! The way we dealt with them was the only way we could sadly. there were warnings and strikes given out but was not dealt with some past squad leads which is why they had to be dealt with now!

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Veteran Admin

How and do you plan on bettering the very low amount of interactions SOBDE has outside of themselves? I personally would love to see more Joint Trainings being pushed from the SOBDE side, I believe in the whole time I've been on the server I've been approached by SOBDE to do a JT 3-4 times. Of course when we go to SOBDE for JT's you never say no but would you make a push on this?

  • Friendly 1

Current : Rancor BCMD Blitz TRM  Questmaster Veteran Admin
Former : Obi-Wan Kenobi | Bultar Swan | Guild Marshall Rancor CMD Colt | Rancor BCMD Blitz  Rancor Alpha-09 CMD Bana |SG WO Jayfon

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1 minute ago, Banagite said:

How and do you plan on bettering the very low amount of interactions SOBDE has outside of themselves? I personally would love to see more Joint Trainings being pushed from the SOBDE side, I believe in the whole time I've been on the server I've been approached by SOBDE to do a JT 3-4 times. Of course when we go to SOBDE for JT's you never say no but would you make a push on this?

Of course I would make a push on this! For Rancor and SOBDE are in the same regiment so we should be very close to each other. And I'm very sorry that SOBDE hasn't been interacting with Rancor and many other battalions but we are pushing ourselves to the limits to get other battalions know that were not some edgy people in a TS channel! And with Joint trainings were also pushing for other stuff to do then just joint trainings with other battalions! 

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We already discussed most of my questions, while I disagree on the tryouts being the issue with Cuy'Val Dar, they could definitely be improved. I think something to consider is the Cuy'Val Dar's place within the Battalion, currently it offers nothing other than a spot in the battalion. Otherwise, your answers were good and I know after talking with you that you're open to working with everyone in the battalion to make it the best it can be.

  • Friendly 1

My time as Echo was shorter than Clutch's Yoda Term

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America ya! :D 



  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Mace Windu 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair


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Got some off the App questions for ya:

1. Outreach AKA Taskforce is used solely when a battalion needs it. Should this stay the same?

2. How do you feel our standards are in the battalion? I know recently we have been slacking due to some unfortunate setbacks.

3. What do you think about Ranks? A big reason why people don't see a point is because there is no reason to move up besides a change in quota. What can be done to fix this?

4. Do you think SOBDE needs to change how it works fundamentally?

5. Are you gonna resign if you end up like Clutch? Or no?

1 hour ago, LIl-J said:


What is your plan for selecting the next Niner when Clutch leaves?

1 hour ago, LIl-J said:


Do you think the quota for time / trainings needs to be changed at all?

1 hour ago, LIl-J said:


Thoughts on the character swapping limitations? Do they need to change?

1 hour ago, LIl-J said:

Cuy’val Dar

What, in your mind, should the Cuy'val Dar's role in the battalion be, and what should they be able to do?

Edited by Brooklyn
  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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He has my vote already because he has been a blessing to SOBDE, but I have one question and that's gonna be like some BCMDs, they get burnt out after a while, will you, as this battalion's BCMD be burnt out or will you stick it out to the full term, taking breaks is fine, I mean will you be demotivated by the end of it?

  • Friendly 1

Current Null-7 Mereel
                                                                                                   #1 Rohan Hater


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51 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

Got some off the App questions for ya:

1. Outreach AKA Taskforce is used solely when a battalion needs it. Should this stay the same?

2. How do you feel our standards are in the battalion? I know recently we have been slacking due to some unfortunate setbacks.

3. What do you think about Ranks? A big reason why people don't see a point is because there is no reason to move up besides a change in quota. What can be done to fix this?

4. Do you think SOBDE needs to change how it works fundamentally?

5. Are you gonna resign if you end up like Clutch? Or no?

What is your plan for selecting the next Niner when Clutch leaves?

Do you think the quota for time / trainings needs to be changed at all?

Thoughts on the character swapping limitations? Do they need to change?

What, in your mind, should the Cuy'val Dar's role in the battalion be, and what should they be able to do?

"My pc crashed and deleted all my words so im gonna make it more simpler"

1. It should stay the same because there is no point for a squad to be sent to a battalion that not gonna help it in any way shape or form. What they can simply do is join there ts channel and have fun with them on game or out of game.

2. Our standards in SOBDE have gone down a lot because of how much range we have within the battalion it seems when we do things that our actions dont have any down sides to it. Which that is going to stop asap because i dont want other battalions to look at ours and see it as a mingy place that can get away from anything. 

3. The ranks in SOBDE dont matter a whole lot the only reason they dont matter is cause of the sole reason that we aren't the same as others are. We have squad leads and Squad XO's they are the only ones that are able to go above the rank of WO+. If we let anyone else go above the rank of WO+ that are not squad leads and XO's then it would be a very bad view to see someone who is not lead or XO promote there lead. So over all ranks do mean something but it only affects Squad leads and XO's. With people who cant get to those positions there's still not a lot I can do but push them to keep going and wait it out for them to get in one of those positions. 

4.  I dont think it should change over all of what SOBDE does. With SOBDE doing IR it just fits right within SOBDE. SOBDE is the secretive type of battalion doing stuff behind the screen while everyone else is just shooting droids. 

5. I am not gonna end up like clutch and im not gonna resign :D

6. With selecting a Niner its a very big spot to fill! With selecting one we need to choose someone who has been or have done the tryouts so we dont need to baby feed him on what to do on tryouts. When it comes to leadership they dont need to be in past leadership positions i just need to see if they have the right type of mindset to be Niner and take the responsibilities with also being a squad lead with SOBDE. 

7. With trainings it does not need to be changed what so ever people complaining about the training side of the quota are just people who never hop on the server what so ever. With the Hour quota I can totally understand when people say it feels like a job to them.  If it gets to the point where people arnt able to get to it caus they want to play other games and hangout with IRL friends then i wont be opposed to lowering the hours down to a manageable spot for everyone to accomplish. 

8. I think there should be no time on character swapping what so ever. I believe they should come to the squad leads about wanting to switch there position and see if it is a good decision or a bad decision for wanting to switch to another position IN THERE SQUAD. If they want to switch to another position that is not in there squad then they would need to go do the tryout for the specific squad member and if they dont pass they still get to keep the spot they already are.

9. As in lore we should see them as trainers we for Delta squad and for Omega squad as well. With bringing Cuy'Val Dar all they were in lore was to train people on how to fight and live. With them being in SOBDE i want them to be used to train people within SOBDE.

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+1 didn't read

  • Winner 1
  • Friendly 1
  • Based 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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1 hour ago, ManburgerHelper said:

He has my vote already because he has been a blessing to SOBDE, but I have one question and that's gonna be like some BCMDs, they get burnt out after a while, will you, as this battalion's BCMD be burnt out or will you stick it out to the full term, taking breaks is fine, I mean will you be demotivated by the end of it?

There will be times when i do get burnt out a bit! But I haven't lost a lot of motivation even when the worst things come to play. Even if i do get burnt from the server im still gonna push myself to play so that SOBDE can be in the best spot!

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I heard it from the primary person but i heard from them you removed a SOBDE member on LOA, while that is raw af im curious on the reasoning @LIl-J


How much can a LOA protect you in SOBDE?


also does this look cool


Fat man smoking a cigar Stock Photo | Adobe Stock

Edited by Bacta
  • Friendly 1



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I don't know if maybe I misinterpreted the situation, but I feel hesitant when it comes to you becoming BCMD because of how the removal of Marshh for inactivity was handled. From what I understood of the situation while it was happening, Marshh was on LOA and, before getting off LOA, was on the server but not on his job. You, a member not in his squad nor the BCMD at the time, were upset with him for this and suggested to his squad leader Gurk that he should be removed, even though said squad leader didn't have a problem with it. Then, when Marshh hopped into a channel with you and Gurk to speak about it, you didn't really say anything to him despite being the one with the primary issue. 

To me, that just kind of feels wrong and shitty. You had an issue with the actions of somebody else's squad, spoke negatively about them to their squad leader and encouraged a removal, then didn't really come with that same energy when the person whom you spoke against was in a channel with you. Again, correct me if I have any details wrong or clouded, but if the situation I stated is fairly accurate I just don't really feel as though you are right for the position. It seems like you are more bark than bite, and I don't think you can make the big decisions or tough choices that SOBDE needs to make to ensure it pushes on smoothly. Personally speaking, I feel SOBDE is in a good, yet volatile, state. I think what SOBDE needs right now is somebody who can hold them together and keep them in-line so that they can grow and prosper, and I kind of think you wouldn't really be able to do that.

Let me know if there's anything that I got wrong - I am fully comfortable accepting that my information may be incorrect or skewed. I want what's accurate, so I can vote for what I believe is best. I would love to talk to you more about anything as well, and you can always reach me on Discord via the SOBDE discord. 

Good luck! 

  • Disagree 1
  • Informative 4

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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Head Admin
4 hours ago, Eclipse said:


I don't know if maybe I misinterpreted the situation, but I feel hesitant when it comes to you becoming BCMD because of how the removal of Marshh for inactivity was handled. From what I understood of the situation while it was happening, Marshh was on LOA and, before getting off LOA, was on the server but not on his job. You, a member not in his squad nor the BCMD at the time, were upset with him for this and suggested to his squad leader Gurk that he should be removed, even though said squad leader didn't have a problem with it. Then, when Marshh hopped into a channel with you and Gurk to speak about it, you didn't really say anything to him despite being the one with the primary issue. 

To me, that just kind of feels wrong and shitty. You had an issue with the actions of somebody else's squad, spoke negatively about them to their squad leader and encouraged a removal, then didn't really come with that same energy when the person whom you spoke against was in a channel with you. Again, correct me if I have any details wrong or clouded, but if the situation I stated is fairly accurate I just don't really feel as though you are right for the position. It seems like you are more bark than bite, and I don't think you can make the big decisions or tough choices that SOBDE needs to make to ensure it pushes on smoothly. Personally speaking, I feel SOBDE is in a good, yet volatile, state. I think what SOBDE needs right now is somebody who can hold them together and keep them in-line so that they can grow and prosper, and I kind of think you wouldn't really be able to do that.

Let me know if there's anything that I got wrong - I am fully comfortable accepting that my information may be incorrect or skewed. I want what's accurate, so I can vote for what I believe is best. I would love to talk to you more about anything as well, and you can always reach me on Discord via the SOBDE discord. 

Good luck! 

Yo, just want to add stuff to ensure no mistunderstandings leading to useless discussions

That was a pretty annoying situation to be in, after  1 day as squad lead. I do agree that every frustration and stuff should have handled before I got Hunter.
BB inactivity was a frustrating thing for the battalion in general. Yes LilJ did suggest removals, but a wipe/removals was spoken about before that, by previous SQL and before I got Hunter due to lack of activity.

At the end like I said, it was a shitty situation. But the BB wipe could not have been made, unless my agreement was there, which It was at the end.

Main point of this, just so we dont put LilJ as the bad guy, is that this was already set in talk long before I got Hunter, but nothing happened. I was still new in the battalion, about 1 month TIG. So cming into a squad lead position, with a squad that had all members on LOA, I had to ask for advice from other SQL but also give me ideas to how I can solve this situation I was in, but most important to ensure my actions were to up to SOBDE standards. . 

I do wish this situation was handled before I got Hunter, to avoid all this. But that could be a BCMD plan.



Edited by Gurk
  • Friendly 1

Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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6 hours ago, Eclipse said:


I don't know if maybe I misinterpreted the situation, but I feel hesitant when it comes to you becoming BCMD because of how the removal of Marshh for inactivity was handled. From what I understood of the situation while it was happening, Marshh was on LOA and, before getting off LOA, was on the server but not on his job. You, a member not in his squad nor the BCMD at the time, were upset with him for this and suggested to his squad leader Gurk that he should be removed, even though said squad leader didn't have a problem with it. Then, when Marshh hopped into a channel with you and Gurk to speak about it, you didn't really say anything to him despite being the one with the primary issue. 

To me, that just kind of feels wrong and shitty. You had an issue with the actions of somebody else's squad, spoke negatively about them to their squad leader and encouraged a removal, then didn't really come with that same energy when the person whom you spoke against was in a channel with you. Again, correct me if I have any details wrong or clouded, but if the situation I stated is fairly accurate I just don't really feel as though you are right for the position. It seems like you are more bark than bite, and I don't think you can make the big decisions or tough choices that SOBDE needs to make to ensure it pushes on smoothly. Personally speaking, I feel SOBDE is in a good, yet volatile, state. I think what SOBDE needs right now is somebody who can hold them together and keep them in-line so that they can grow and prosper, and I kind of think you wouldn't really be able to do that.

Let me know if there's anything that I got wrong - I am fully comfortable accepting that my information may be incorrect or skewed. I want what's accurate, so I can vote for what I believe is best. I would love to talk to you more about anything as well, and you can always reach me on Discord via the SOBDE discord. 

Good luck! 

I believe what Gurk said sums up everything I wanted to say but if you have any more questions about this don't be afraid to dm on discord :D

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8 hours ago, Bacta said:

I heard it from the primary person but i heard from them you removed a SOBDE member on LOA, while that is raw af im curious on the reasoning @LIl-J


How much can a LOA protect you in SOBDE?


also does this look cool


Fat man smoking a cigar Stock Photo | Adobe Stock

The image does look pretty swag 

So with the removal this was supposed to happen maybe close to a month ago due to  inactivity within SOBDE not just me wanting it to happen but by other squad leads as well. So when this person went on LOA we thought we wouldn't see him until then. In the middle of his LOA he hops on his job in SOBDE but doesn't interact with the battalion what so ever. And due to his lack of activity and getting on another job to play with them and not interacting with SOBDE it looked bad in many people's eyes within SOBDE. 


I hope this cleared some stuff up if you have anymore questions I'm always available on discord :D

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Ive known this man sense he came to the server hell i did his tryout for cg. LiL J is a homie and has done alot for synergy as a whole. He has also managed to do alot for every battalion he has been apart of. Giving him the oportunity to become a BCMD is something id be happy to see. So with that being said




P.S Good luck buddy hope you get it.

Edited by Wolfe
Forgot stuff
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Veteran Admin


+1 For real though since first meeting you to now feel like you've maintained that edge that screams I can lead, I love the interactions ive had with you and you are a great person to speak to and deal with I believe SOBDE will do well under your leadership

Edited by Moose_Wundo
Wanted to add stuff
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Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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As Lil J's old Boss I must say I would love to see him in this position as BCMD, I have seen how he has been a hard worker on and off the server. He has one hell of a work ethic on the Server when he was under me and gets the fattest +1! good luck I hope you get it cause you definetly deserve it mah boy! 

Edited by Aust
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Former Wrath of the Sith
Former Grey Jedi Master
Former BCMD of Special Operations/Shadow Company
-Aust (austistic)

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Veteran Admin

+1 guys pretty cool i guess

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Yap yap yap just take my +1  


Along side joy boys question of how many hours in VR chat I wanna know how many VR kittens do you have as well

  • Friendly 1



Former:  6  LT Kom'rk | Rancor Knight Halsey | Shaak Ti  | Branch Overseer  Kit Fisto | Bardan Jusik | QuestMaster


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Veteran Admin

Well FINE, +1 I please PLEASE interact with Rancor more, we love when it happens it just doesn't happen enough

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Current : Rancor BCMD Blitz TRM  Questmaster Veteran Admin
Former : Obi-Wan Kenobi | Bultar Swan | Guild Marshall Rancor CMD Colt | Rancor BCMD Blitz  Rancor Alpha-09 CMD Bana |SG WO Jayfon

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On 5/9/2024 at 6:16 AM, Gurk said:

Yes LilJ did suggest removals, but a wipe/removaI ls was spoken about before that, by previous SQL and before I got Hunter due to lack of activity.


On 5/9/2024 at 8:42 AM, LIl-J said:

I believe what Gurk said sums up everything I wanted to say but if you have any more questions about this don't be afraid to dm on discord :D

Moreso what I meant by my original message is the lack of conforntation/accountability from LilJ. I'm sure the removal was discussed prior, but I'm more dissatisfied with how LilJ handled it concerning the removal. He spoke out against Marshh, you came into the channel and told us, then when you, him, and Marshh were in a channel together he didn't really say anything to him about it and instead let you speak despite you having told us you had no issues with him doing what he was doing and understood he was just having fun. If LilJ had the issue and wanted to speak to Marshh about it, why didn't he? 



Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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I don’t play but, how you going to help people from getting burnt out. I know clutch did rewards for host trainings but even then it didn’t seem like much people wanted to participate in it. 



Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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+1, This guy knows what it is.

  • Friendly 1

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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2 hours ago, Eclipse said:

Moreso what I meant by my original message is the lack of conforntation/accountability from LilJ. I'm sure the removal was discussed prior, but I'm more dissatisfied with how LilJ handled it concerning the removal. He spoke out against Marshh, you came into the channel and told us, then when you, him, and Marshh were in a channel together he didn't really say anything to him about it and instead let you speak despite you having told us you had no issues with him doing what he was doing and understood he was just having fun. If LilJ had the issue and wanted to speak to Marshh about it, why didn't he? 



You have something really wrong here that was Gurk that wasn't me? Im the squad lead of delta not Bad batch :D

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2 hours ago, Eclipse said:

Moreso what I meant by my original message is the lack of conforntation/accountability from LilJ. I'm sure the removal was discussed prior, but I'm more dissatisfied with how LilJ handled it concerning the removal. He spoke out against Marshh, you came into the channel and told us, then when you, him, and Marshh were in a channel together he didn't really say anything to him about it and instead let you speak despite you having told us you had no issues with him doing what he was doing and understood he was just having fun. If LilJ had the issue and wanted to speak to Marshh about it, why didn't he?

This is kinda coming from the outside of the wipe since I wasn't leadership at the time I saw it from the outside and was also kinda caught off guard with the amount removed. However you do have a bit of experience within SOBDE so im sure you are aware that in most cases Squad Leads handle their own squad, rarely it comes from the outside. So my best guess its not just one person to blame. If its an issue, im sure those who got removed other than Marshh since you only mention him can report the removals to Rohan and get it resolved! But I guess the others were justified since they were never mentioned.



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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23 minutes ago, KillJoy said:

I don’t play but, how you going to help people from getting burnt out. I know clutch did rewards for host trainings but even then it didn’t seem like much people wanted to participate in it. 




On 5/8/2024 at 5:53 PM, LIl-J said:

With SOBDE and training it seems a lot of people are not having the final push to do their training which would lead to them not completing their quota. But with my idea in bringing back Squad of the month this will give them a reason to want to do their training. Knowing they could win something at the end of their hard work and get their name being on the SOBDE roster is better than not getting anything.

This is from my App it states what my plans are :D


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2 hours ago, LIl-J said:

You have something really wrong here that was Gurk that wasn't me? Im the squad lead of delta not Bad batch :D

I had voiced my opinion to gurk when he came and spoke to me about it and at first he said he  was fine with it as I gave him my word that once I was off my LOA I would be on and fully active again like I am in CG right now, later then he messaged me saying you had a problem about it so I told him why don't all 3 of us discuss and voice our opinions on the situation to which we then move in to the CF99 channel and I voiced to you and gurk how I would handle my situation but you didn't say a single thing to me and was quiet the whole time, when I spoke to gurk he said it was fine and that as long as I'm active again after my LOA it wouldn't be an issue so in fairness I believe gurk was more pressured to say yes and remove me rather than letting him handle his own squad the way he wants to.

Hi, I'm Marsh, I'm 19, I work at Disney Land as a Mickey Mouse Actor and get paid minimum wage. My mother kicked me out the house so I live with my Grandma. Hit me up on discord for some gaming times!

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2 minutes ago, Marshh said:

I had voiced my opinion to gurk when he came and spoke to me about it and at first he said he  was fine with it as I gave him my word that once I was off my LOA I would be on and fully active again like I am in CG right now, later then he messaged me saying you had a problem about it so I told him why don't all 3 of us discuss and voice our opinions on the situation to which we then move in to the CF99 channel and I voiced to you and gurk how I would handle my situation but you didn't say a single thing to me and was quiet the whole time, when I spoke to gurk he said it was fine and that as long as I'm active again after my LOA it wouldn't be an issue so in fairness I believe gurk was more pressured to say yes and remove me rather than letting him handle his own squad the way he wants to.

even before Gurk was hunter I explained my siuation to Blazin the former hunter on why I was gonna take an LOA and he said it was fine even though he got yoda a week later

Hi, I'm Marsh, I'm 19, I work at Disney Land as a Mickey Mouse Actor and get paid minimum wage. My mother kicked me out the house so I live with my Grandma. Hit me up on discord for some gaming times!

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2 hours ago, LIl-J said:

You have something really wrong here that was Gurk that wasn't me? Im the squad lead of delta not Bad batch :D

Idk if you are properly understanding what I am writing. Let me summarize the point I am making based on what I was told:
- Marshh was on with me and Marvel
- Gurk came in the channel and said that you and some other SOBDE were saying Marshh was inactive and should be removed because he wasn't playing as Wrecker and trying to get Gurk to do something
- Then you, Gurk, and Marshh went into a channel to talk about it and you basically stayed quiet the whole time and didn't speak to Marshh at all about what you were saying when he wasn't there

So I am -1ing you because it's corny to say all of that stuff about him needing to be removed or that he's inactive and such but then when you're in a channel with him you wouldn't say it
The issue isn't with Marshh being removed - I am sure that is justified and reasonable and what Gurk said in his reply makes sense to me
Rather, the issue is that you were encouraging and trying to tell Gurk to do it in the teamspeak channel, then when you had a 1-1 with him you didn't say anything to him. Yes, he isn't in your squad, but if you were the one with the issue and in the channel alongside the squad lead shouldn't you have said your concerns too? 

2 hours ago, Crimson said:

I guess the others were justified since they were never mentioned.

I only know of Marshh as the situation that I am talking about directly references him and the circumstances of his removal. I have no idea who else got removed, or why, nor do I care (sorry Omega ppl wiped). The wipe isn't the problem, rather how LilJ spoke against Marshh and encouraged his removal then, when confronted, was quiet and didn't say anything to Marshh. I don't feel like that's the type of person who should be leading SOBDE

Marshh wrote about the situation in his post, and how LilJ handled that ordeal is why I am hesitant to see him become BCMD

  • Informative 1

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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13 minutes ago, Eclipse said:

I only know of Marshh as the situation that I am talking about directly references him and the circumstances of his removal. I have no idea who else got removed, or why, nor do I care (sorry Omega ppl wiped). The wipe isn't the problem, rather how LilJ spoke against Marshh and encouraged his removal then, when confronted, was quiet and didn't say anything to Marshh. I don't feel like that's the type of person who should be leading SOBDE

Marshh wrote about the situation in his post, and how LilJ handled that ordeal is why I am hesitant to see him become BCMD

Uhh... Gurk was one of the first ones even before getting Squad Lead to push for wiping Bad Batch and Omega. I don't think he was pressured. I even confirmed it with him, But im sure we can resume this in the discord all of us are in known as the SOBDE Discord. Or again, go to Rohan, bring your concerns and do an official report if you think the SOBDE is also at fault. Going at this with one sided info is kinda going to keep this going no where not to mention, its clear you didn't read Gurk's post or he is bad at english.

  • Friendly 2



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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2 hours ago, LIl-J said:



If Clutch offered people 100 dollars (what I saw in the discord) it seemed very little interest. If your battalion supports you then so do +1. But I recommend a movie night or game night were it would just help build Sao BDE into a friend group. 


  • Friendly 1

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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2 minutes ago, KillJoy said:

If Clutch offered people 100 dollars (what I saw in the discord) it seemed very little interest. If your battalion supports you then so do +1. But I recommend a movie night or game night were it would just help build Sao BDE into a friend group. 


Regarding that, what stemmed the laziness was the fact people were too lazy to host actual trainings. They (Me included ngl) wanted to win via hosting only Specialization trainings (EOD, Tech etc...). 
This should no longer be the case. 

  • Winner 1
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On 5/9/2024 at 5:50 AM, LIl-J said:

So with the removal this was supposed to happen maybe close to a month ago due to  inactivity within SOBDE not just me wanting it to happen but by other squad leads as well. So when this person went on LOA we thought we wouldn't see him until then. In the middle of his LOA he hops on his job in SOBDE but doesn't interact with the battalion what so ever. And due to his lack of activity and getting on another job to play with them and not interacting with SOBDE it looked bad in many people's eyes within SOBDE. 




Edited by Bacta
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25 minutes ago, Eclipse said:

Idk if you are properly understanding what I am writing. Let me summarize the point I am making based on what I was told:
- Marshh was on with me and Marvel
- Gurk came in the channel and said that you and some other SOBDE were saying Marshh was inactive and should be removed because he wasn't playing as Wrecker and trying to get Gurk to do something
- Then you, Gurk, and Marshh went into a channel to talk about it and you basically stayed quiet the whole time and didn't speak to Marshh at all about what you were saying when he wasn't there

So I am -1ing you because it's corny to say all of that stuff about him needing to be removed or that he's inactive and such but then when you're in a channel with him you wouldn't say it
The issue isn't with Marshh being removed - I am sure that is justified and reasonable and what Gurk said in his reply makes sense to me
Rather, the issue is that you were encouraging and trying to tell Gurk to do it in the teamspeak channel, then when you had a 1-1 with him you didn't say anything to him. Yes, he isn't in your squad, but if you were the one with the issue and in the channel alongside the squad lead shouldn't you have said your concerns too? 

I only know of Marshh as the situation that I am talking about directly references him and the circumstances of his removal. I have no idea who else got removed, or why, nor do I care (sorry Omega ppl wiped). The wipe isn't the problem, rather how LilJ spoke against Marshh and encouraged his removal then, when confronted, was quiet and didn't say anything to Marshh. I don't feel like that's the type of person who should be leading SOBDE

Marshh wrote about the situation in his post, and how LilJ handled that ordeal is why I am hesitant to see him become BCMD

As a fairly new member to Bad Batch within our unit communication Gurk used multiple announcements to communicate that as the new sql he was going to be cracking down on activity because of the image Bad Batch had within the server and SOBDE as a whole. And if you weren't able to meet the requirements you would be eligible for removal. Regardless of what was said between LilJ and Gurk the ultimate decision was made by the SQL for the betterment of the squad after multiple announcements.  Personally, the points which warranted a removal sound pretty valid to me. I can bet that every battalion's sub squads all strive to be at their best. 

But due to all this yapping I'm struggling to understand who the situation has affected the most. All leads communicate with each other and that's how battalions manage to run and remain successful. Just because LilJ and Gurk had a 1 on 1 conversation within their respective TeamSpeak channel does not mean there was any ill intent or bias or any form of added pressure. The ultimate decision was determined by the SQL. If that's hard to take in I can understand that and sometimes denial can be a little unsettling. You have made your point and I think this topic needs to come to a conclusion, in the end it will be handled by the respected positions who hold power over applications and voting.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Bad Batch Crosshair


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Head Admin

Yo, let us just all be friends and -1 or +1 this. Or we solve this in TS or discord.


But honestly. I told you guys about the BB wipe situation. Yes, I was in a stressful situation, because I got SQL and had an inactive squad.

Yes, I went down and told Marshh about the situation looking bad from SOBDE POV.

And yes, gaming wise I do not have a problem or care who people play with, since it is a game, we need to have fun. That sadly doesn't put me away from my responsibility as a SQL, making sure the squad is active. Wipe stuff was set in talk before me as SQL, and at the end I agreed. There are some things that happened behind the scene within the squad leads. But honestly guys. Lilj isnt the bad guy here.


Maybe I am used to normal battalions, but from my POV, all LilJ did was helping a new SQL, when I asked about advice for the BB inactivity like a CMD+ should.


I swear on skibidi I wasnt pressured. There could be a misunderstanding. Like @RayRaysaid, english is my 5th language.


Edited by Gurk
  • Winner 2
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  • Pay Respect 1

Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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3 minutes ago, Gurk said:

Yo, let us just all be friends and -1 or +1 this. Or we solve this in TS or discord.


But honestly. I told you guys about the BB wipe situation. Yes, I was in a stressful situation, because I got SQL and had an inactive squad.

Yes, I went down and told Marshh about the situation looking bad from SOBDE POV.

And yes, gaming wise I do not have a problem or care who people play with, since it is a game, we need to have fun. That sadly doesn't put me away from my responsibility as a SQL, making sure the squad is active. Wipe stuff was set in talk before me as SQL, and at the end I agreed. There are some things that happened behind the scene within the squad leads. But honestly guys. Lilj isnt the bad guy here.


Maybe I am used to normal battalions, but from my POV, all LilJ did was helping a new SQL, when I asked about advice for the BB inactivity like a CMD+ should.


I swear on skibid I wasnt pressured. There could be a misunderstanding. Like @RayRaysaid, english is my 5th language.


of course I'm not trying to start anything with anyone I'm just stating my part of the story so people can get a better understanding

  • Pay Respect 2

Hi, I'm Marsh, I'm 19, I work at Disney Land as a Mickey Mouse Actor and get paid minimum wage. My mother kicked me out the house so I live with my Grandma. Hit me up on discord for some gaming times!

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After speaking with LilJ I have decided to void my -1 - the whole situation was just a mess of miscommunication so I don't really have any problems anymore. 
Thanks for speaking with me in teamspeak! Good luck :-)

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  • Based 1

Yes, I do hate fat people.
Former Ordo Skirata

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+1 good luck

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Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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