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Ghost's BCMD Wolffe Application


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Steam Name: Ghost | SYNR.GG

RP Name: Warthog-lore | Ghost-non-lore

RP Rank: Major

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:448502257 | 76561198857270242

Battalion you are applying for: 104th Battalion Commander


104th PVT-CPL: 7/26/2023-8/10/2023

104th SGT-SGM: 8/12/2023-8/19/2023

104th WO: Rank skipped for good work as a SGM

104th LT-MAJ: 8/30/2023-9/17/2023

104th SUPO: 8/16/2023

104th REGL: 9/07/2023

Wolfpack-XO: Warthog-9/10/2023 XO-9/12/2023

The reason I joined 104th was due to the people within the battalion and because I truly believed I could help the battalion recover. I quickly rose the ranks of Senior Officer and have used my experience in 104th and my position to help run the battalion along with other officers. I've moved from CPT to MAJ in the past month, and am the current REGL and Wolfpack XO giving me leadership insight into our regiments and one of our subunits. This will allow me to utilize my experiences to better understand individuals and each regiment/subunit as I lead. As Wolfpack XO I was the acting lead for nearly a month until a new lead was found where I handled day to day matters, issues, and questions. In my time as REGL I've helped with almost every regiment in terms of recruitment and leadership, and advised regimental branch leaders on actions, trainings, and recruitments. With my help and the teamwork of my battalion, we were able to raise standards of the battalion to earn the runner-up spot for BOTM in September, and have been shooting for more activity in the past 2 months, which I think we have nearly achieved that goal.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: As I stated, I have been mostly running the battalion from the Senior Officer ranks the past month, so becoming the position of BCMD would give me many more resources I’ll be able to use to better the 104th in total and all the members included. It also looks really good for the battalion to have an active commander that does trainings, pushes people to do their part, and someone that talks to and has fun with the battalion’s community. I have been there for the people in the battalion that need me any time they ask and help resolve any issues people may have within the battalion. I also, am only ever on my trooper job so the entire time I’m online I am with the 104th and I am never AFK, so if I’m online, I’m playing. In summary, I just wish to lead the battalion the best I can and to push the 104th to reach it’s potential.

Availability: Everyday from 5:00pm-9:30pm EST in game and TS, and I’m always available on discord unless I’m asleep, in which I will reply in the morning to all DM’s.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I have played on the server every day for around 2-3 Months, which I have spent all of that time within the 104th.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

Officer Core

With the officer core I want them to be leading the NCO's and helping other officers with questions, trainings, or battalion tryouts. For this I might decide to make a bonus or rank requirement for officers to shadow or host a training, tryout, or patrol with an NCO just to help them understand the goals, what they need to do, and to give them some ideas for their own trainings. I also want more officers involved with hosting their own trainings for the whole battalion just to keep things active and fun in the 104th.

NCO Core

The NCO core needs a lot of work starting with the new promotional requirements we introduced a few weeks ago. With these new requirements many people are having trouble working their way through the NCO core. SGT-3 event leads, 2 tank trainings, 1 patrol or SIM, and 1 recruit into the battalion/SFC-3 event leads, 3 tank trainings, 3 patrol or SIM, and 2 recruits into the battalion/SGM-5 event leads, 2 104th trainings, 4 patrol or SIM, and 2 recruits into the battalion. I feel that these requirements are ok for SFC but I feel the jump from CPL to SGT is too much to ask currently, and I also feel that shadowing another NCO should count as a requirement for SGM instead of getting battalion recruits as they should focus on shadowing another NCO to give them advice on their trainings.

Enlisted Core

I want the enlisted core to have some requirements as we have too many people getting to SGT that aren't ready for the position. The requirement I would suggest would be for a CPL to be forced to join a regiment before they can become an NCO instead of just suggesting they join one. I would also like to make the new requirement for PVT-SPC 1 day and SPC-CPL 2 days just to make sure they are dedicated to the battalion before they start to lead others.


 I will try to make wolfpack become more of what they are meant to be in lore, which is a separate unit from the 104th that has it’s own trainings and missions. This wouldn’t separate it from the battalion, it would just make wolfpack more of an achievement than a name. The ways I will do this is to tell the lead to do large scale weekly trainings for wolfpack and to have 3-4 trainings, patrols, or SIMs during the week just for wolfpack. I will make sure that some of these trainings become mandatory and I will make a new activity requirement for all wolfpack characters just to make sure no spots are filled with inactive people when others may want a wolfpack spot.

Dire Squad

I wish to post a change to Dire Squad that would make it more of a company that non-lore troopers can join rather than just a sub-branch with only 4 lore spots and 1 lore jedi. The new company will feature the 5 lore characters leading the unit with anywhere from 6-8 spots for normal troopers to join(this will just be a name change for now). I want to propose this change because dire is viewed as nearly useless and no one wants to join it because it's seen as a mini-wolfpack that doesn't do much. I will also make sure the lead of dire hosts trainings every week just to make sure troopers in dire are happy with their position.


HVY: The issues with heavy currently is that too many people join it as enlisted and never play again, also there is no requirement to join so many people join as soon as the get into the battalion. To fix this I want to add a training for heavy that is a little more difficult to pass than the one we have currently.

ARF: Recently this branch has been revived with new recruits that are quite active. So, all I would do for this branch is to try to maintain it and help the ARF lead host trainings, or tryouts for the regiment.

SUP: This is my favorite branch on the server, but sadly it is dead in the 104th. The best way I see to revive the support branch would be to lower some of the requirements to join as currently it is second only to ARC with it's tryout requirements. The new requirements should be just to have all of the proper trainings and to delete the rank requirement because by the time you get all the trainings, you should be ready for your tryout.

MED: Currently the medical branch is our biggest loss because we have no one to heal us during events, deployments, or trainings. The main change that could help this branch come back would be to advertise it more in the TS and discord because I think some people may have an interest in it but never get to learn it's potential.

ARC: In the 104th we had no one in the arc branch until around 3 weeks ago when we had Gurk(former 41st BCMD Gree) transfer in from 41st. He has recently become the arc lead and has been motivating a surprisingly large amount of people to get their arc trainings, so I think the arc troopers are having a recovery they just need some time.


 I want to have the Branch lead and officer positions to be filled in all of these branches and for them to be doing what they should be as a lead or officer, such as having a weekly training to make sure each person has fun in there branch. This will also show off the abilities of each branch which can advertise for new recruits and show off what each branch has to offer. The main way I believe will motivate people to apply for these spots is to give them more power to change things within their regiment so the position actually feels like leadership instead of just listening to the Officer core, REGL, or BCMD's advice or orders.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes, I understand.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes, I understand.

Edited by Camouflage27
Edited to add detail.

Current: Nothing

  Formerly: 104th BCMD Wolffe, Wolfpack Warthog, WPXO, Dire Squad Tracer, 104th REGL, 104th CMD, 104th SUPL, 104th SUPO, Senior Admin

Ghost                    Elijah                 Hamm       


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I personally think you should have went into a bit more  detail about your experience and what you have learned and had to overcome but I think it gets to the point I don’t play that much anymore so I can’t comment on how you have been leading the battalion the past month. 


You say you want to have more active members at the end of your term, how will you achieve this? What’s some more steps you will take to improve this over your term? 


How will you keep the battalion motivated? 


Few Battalion commanders have try to make Wolfpack separate from the battalion in the past and have always worked for a short time or failed what will your step be that will be different?


You also state that you want your branch leads and officers doing what they ahould  be doing, how will you keep them motivated to do the work?

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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This application needs actual plans on how you will achieve these goals... you tell us what you want for 104th, most of which I can agree with, but you don't provide a plan.

The only actual plans you speak about in your application are that you want to update docs, add rewards for training and recruiting, and then make SGM babysit other NCOs to get promoted. (The point of having an Officer Core is to watch the NCOs.)


I can't give an accurate vote as so much information is being held back in this application. I suggest revising your application and trying again. There are no clear plans, no explanation of how you'll achieve the goals you talk about, and a few spelling mistakes within your application. Good luck with your application; use this as constructive criticism to make your app even better. :peeposalute: 


Edited by Deku
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Full-time Server Boomer



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You have been really helpful and nice in my few days back in the 104th, but with that being said based on this application, it does not seem like you are not ready for the position yet. As Deku mentioned, you have almost no plans at all. Based on what I think your plan for Dire squad is, I like the idea, but I think you need to flesh it out a lot more. Please redo this app and I will be more than happy to change my vote if you make it better. For now I will -1, but don't take this in the wrong way. You can easily improve this app rn, and if you aren't ready right now, stick to 104th, get some more experience, and come back next time apps open up.

Update: Your app improved, but not by much. I don't think you fully understand what it takes to be BCMD, and I don't see the qualities in your right now. You are an extremely likable guy and I think you can wait one or two more terms and you will be perfect for the position.

Edited by Hanz
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5 hours ago, BadDog said:

I personally think you should have went into a bit more  detail about your experience and what you have learned and had to overcome but I think it gets to the point I don’t play that much anymore so I can’t comment on how you have been leading the battalion the past month. 


You say you want to have more active members at the end of your term, how will you achieve this? What’s some more steps you will take to improve this over your term? 


How will you keep the battalion motivated? 


Few Battalion commanders have try to make Wolfpack separate from the battalion in the past and have always worked for a short time or failed what will your step be that will be different?


You also state that you want your branch leads and officers doing what they ahould  be doing, how will you keep them motivated to do the work?

Senior Chang Squinting Meme Generator - Imgflip


-1 This shit needs more boss man

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I was the Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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Veteran Admin

+1, based on your dedication that you have shown in the 104th, I do believe you deserve a shot. But I also agree with the others, I'd like you to write some more into your applications, more details, how, why and when. The application is thin, and those who do not see your work ingame or in discord wont have much to base their vote of.

Edited by Gurk
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Bad Batch Hunter

Former: Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager
CMD Alpha 17  | BCMD Gree 

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Head Admin
13 hours ago, BadDog said:

I personally think you should have went into a bit more  detail about your experience and what you have learned and had to overcome but I think it gets to the point I don’t play that much anymore so I can’t comment on how you have been leading the battalion the past month. 


You say you want to have more active members at the end of your term, how will you achieve this? What’s some more steps you will take to improve this over your term? 


How will you keep the battalion motivated? 


Few Battalion commanders have try to make Wolfpack separate from the battalion in the past and have always worked for a short time or failed what will your step be that will be different?


You also state that you want your branch leads and officers doing what they ahould  be doing, how will you keep them motivated to do the work?

dawg what is this font 

+1, I gave you direct feedback on the length of your app and some things you should talk about and you took that and heavily improved your app. I also do not see any other candidate that probably want to go for it

Edited by KaiserNeiner
Actually voting
  • Winner 1
  • Based 1

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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10 hours ago, BadDog said:

I personally think you should have went into a bit more  detail about your experience and what you have learned and had to overcome but I think it gets to the point I don’t play that much anymore so I can’t comment on how you have been leading the battalion the past month. 


You say you want to have more active members at the end of your term, how will you achieve this? What’s some more steps you will take to improve this over your term? 


How will you keep the battalion motivated? 


Few Battalion commanders have try to make Wolfpack separate from the battalion in the past and have always worked for a short time or failed what will your step be that will be different?


You also state that you want your branch leads and officers doing what they ahould  be doing, how will you keep them motivated to do the work?

got me out here needing to bring my zoom in like my grandma reading texts. 


This application is the shortest app ive ever seen on the forums. There is no plan here and  frankly its just "i want" not how you plan to achieve those "i wants"

The comment about "almost" making 104th BOTM is based too. There's no way to compare how your battalion did to others. I think it's a bad look to be that arrogant about a small reward like BOTM. I also don't think that the reason for becoming BCMD should be "i already run the battalion".

For your "Dire Company" suggestion. 332nd has changes pending and as i've heard has been a struggle even for a popular battalion like 501st. How would you rectify this or incentivize adding ANOTHER stepping stone to something as bland as DS?

I'd also like to mention that for updating docs, as 104th's Intel Director just reach out to me. I am more than happy to pop into TS on one of my days off to assist in updating documents. Which just happened while Vango was still BCMD

Edited by Mystic
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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This is not a meme post but a serious one. Not the most barebones app I've seen since 2018 but it's near the top 5.   That's not the problem here, however:
Most of the things you listed are stuff YOU SHOULD ALREADY BE DOING AS A SENIOR OFFICER.   

11 hours ago, Camouflage27 said:

A few things I would change would be updating the documents, adding a reward for trainings and recruits, and to change the NCO's where any SGM needs to help a SGT or SFC do a training, recruitment, or patrol and to act as a shadow for them to learn from.


11 hours ago, Camouflage27 said:

I want to show other officers how to lead the lower ranks, help them meet their promotional requirements, and to show everyone in the battalion how great the 104th can truly become.

The 2nd quote is the worst offender.   You should already be doing this as a Major.  You are the person who has a vote in those becoming officers.   Why do you need BCMD for this?  We help officers meet their requirements if needed so in 212th I'm helping with that as a JUNIOR OFFICER.   Your voice matters even as a junior officer.

I didn't need BCMD to help update the 212th docs.   Why do you? 


11 hours ago, Camouflage27 said:

which is a separate unit from the 104th that has it’s own trainings and missions.

There are plenty of ways of doing this outside being BCMD.   


I see stuff you should already be doing in your wants but nothing that screams "BCMD".   

Edited by Zensras
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Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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@Mystic @Zensras @Memetine @KaiserNeiner @Badger98 @Gurk @Bleach @Egert @Hanz @Deku @Cox @BadDog

I have recently looked over all of these comments, got some advice, and edited the application so that it may answer some of your questions or adress your concerns.

Current: Nothing

  Formerly: 104th BCMD Wolffe, Wolfpack Warthog, WPXO, Dire Squad Tracer, 104th REGL, 104th CMD, 104th SUPL, 104th SUPO, Senior Admin

Ghost                    Elijah                 Hamm       


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3 minutes ago, Hector said:

I sure hope so!

If I where to get BCMD it would not be in mine or the battalion's interest to remove dire squad, however I do want to modify dire squad to better fit a problem in the 104th with only having lore-characters.

Current: Nothing

  Formerly: 104th BCMD Wolffe, Wolfpack Warthog, WPXO, Dire Squad Tracer, 104th REGL, 104th CMD, 104th SUPL, 104th SUPO, Senior Admin

Ghost                    Elijah                 Hamm       


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-1 I don't see where the reason is in taking an LOA while having a command app up, like it makes no sense to me as to why out of all times you would have an LOA Now, i understand IRL shit, but if you knew ahead of time i don't see why you would put your app up now when there will be questions and concerns that i think people would like communicated in TS not only in the forums, i believe you are unprepared to become a BCMD and should either give it time to seek guidance from others who have held a command position be it a XO/CMD running the battalion or another past BCMD who has a good reputation of being able to run a battalion.

As far as your plans go, if you want officers to host more trainings and such, you are going to be taking away from the NCOs because as it is, 104th has a influx of officers compared to NCOs, when it comes to comparing that to other battalions, and your plan as a whole for officers of wanting them to lead the NCOs is quite literally the job of the officers, so you're just reiterating what their job is to us with no real original, new or interesting plans for them that would make me think anything is changing in regards to the officers, so there is no real base to your plan for officers since basically the entirety of what you want from them should already be a known standard for all officers, if your officers aren't doing what is expected of them, then that is a different story that is beyond me and up to you and the rest of the officers to figure out. As a whole though these plans are just lackluster and vague af and i don't believe you have any real plans to bring in regards to officer core.

In regards to NCOs now, You don't need requirements, you're saying that people are getting SGT and going through NCO ranks too fast, i have quite literally the easiest solution for you, stop promoting people so fast, if anything with requirements you will most definitely put a lot of NCOs in a position that they feel like they have to be promoted when they complete the requirements, in my opinion, set a universal requirement for all ranks, just because someone is a higher rank doesn't mean that they should do more, i believe that all ranks can do just as much as the rank below and above them, and that requirements when you make them increase per rank, it for starters takes the motivation away cause it starts to make playing feel like a job, and also, not only are you forcing someone to do more at a higher rank, but most of the things being put on them is also stuff that lower NCOs need to do and causes issues within the battalion with things such as event leads, patrols, trainings, etc. To add onto solving a influx of NCOs, set your TIG requirements so it already sets a time period that one has to wait to even be considered for promotion, that for one creates more loyal troopers who actually will work consistently and be active, and of course it'll show who will just wait till they hit that TIG requirement and then hope for promotion instead of doing things between that period of being promoted to the next rank and then waiting for their TIG requirement to come by. But to generalize everything again, same as your plans for the officer core, i believe these plans have been rushed simply to add onto your app.

As far as enlisted, i can't say i disagree with the plans, but quite literally i can dumb down all three of your plans for the rank structure into just making requirements for all of them quite literally in its most simple form that's all it is, which to me is not that impressive of a plan in regards to rank structure. Also wolfpack plan dumbed down is just requirements on paper once again. 

Also me personally, i think Dire squad is useless if im being completely honest, its just oversaturating the battalion with a subunit that no one wants, put work in what people actually want, not what people don't.

And now that imat the end of the app, you're just basically trying to reinforce standards that should be in place already or just making requirements or lowering requirements, and to me quite simply, i just think, like i said no real thought went into these plans so with that being said i reinforce my -1 even more since i hold 104th near and dear to my heart and would like to see it succeed and not fail, regardless good luck with this and future endeavors


Edited by Piff
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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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16 hours ago, Piff said:

-1 I don't see where the reason is in taking an LOA while having a command app up, like it makes no sense to me as to why out of all times you would have an LOA Now, i understand IRL shit, but if you knew ahead of time i don't see why you would put your app up now when there will be questions and concerns that i think people would like communicated in TS not only in the forums, i believe you are unprepared to become a BCMD and should either give it time to seek guidance from others who have held a command position be it a XO/CMD running the battalion or another past BCMD who has a good reputation of being able to run a battalion.

As far as your plans go, if you want officers to host more trainings and such, you are going to be taking away from the NCOs because as it is, 104th has a influx of officers compared to NCOs, when it comes to comparing that to other battalions, and your plan as a whole for officers of wanting them to lead the NCOs is quite literally the job of the officers, so you're just reiterating what their job is to us with no real original, new or interesting plans for them that would make me think anything is changing in regards to the officers, so there is no real base to your plan for officers since basically the entirety of what you want from them should already be a known standard for all officers, if your officers aren't doing what is expected of them, then that is a different story that is beyond me and up to you and the rest of the officers to figure out. As a whole though these plans are just lackluster and vague af and i don't believe you have any real plans to bring in regards to officer core.

In regards to NCOs now, You don't need requirements, you're saying that people are getting SGT and going through NCO ranks too fast, i have quite literally the easiest solution for you, stop promoting people so fast, if anything with requirements you will most definitely put a lot of NCOs in a position that they feel like they have to be promoted when they complete the requirements, in my opinion, set a universal requirement for all ranks, just because someone is a higher rank doesn't mean that they should do more, i believe that all ranks can do just as much as the rank below and above them, and that requirements when you make them increase per rank, it for starters takes the motivation away cause it starts to make playing feel like a job, and also, not only are you forcing someone to do more at a higher rank, but most of the things being put on them is also stuff that lower NCOs need to do and causes issues within the battalion with things such as event leads, patrols, trainings, etc. To add onto solving a influx of NCOs, set your TIG requirements so it already sets a time period that one has to wait to even be considered for promotion, that for one creates more loyal troopers who actually will work consistently and be active, and of course it'll show who will just wait till they hit that TIG requirement and then hope for promotion instead of doing things between that period of being promoted to the next rank and then waiting for their TIG requirement to come by. But to generalize everything again, same as your plans for the officer core, i believe these plans have been rushed simply to add onto your app.

For the LOA I am aware it is not a good thing to do while an application is up, but as I stated in the LOA I had no clue that the BCMD spot would be open so when so when I saw that it was open I applied. Ether way if I get accepted for an interview or not this was still a good learning experience for me to find flaws, or things that needed changing in myself or the battalion. In regards to the officers, yes, some of these things should be a officer's job already, but many things are not getting done or not being done correctly and some people just need some guidance which I can give if they just ask. I personally don't think these requirements for officers will take away from NCO's, because I mentioned they should only do large 104th trainings since they have the most experience, and that they should be shadowing NCO's things just to make sure they know what they are doing. We are currently having this issue as seen by the promotional requirements, where none of the NCO's are, or know how to log things. In the NCO core many people like to know what they should be doing if they want to be recognized by the officers, but they never ask because they don't want it to look like they are begging for a promotion. This is the main reasoning behind these requirements. I do see your point how the requirements should not get higher with rank, but if the requirements are all the same no one will grow within the battalion and no one will go beyond the requirements set. We don't try to promote people too fast but when they are doing good work for what the requirements are and meet the TIG they are ready for an NCO promotion and they will get stuck at SGM and can't move up because they only do the minimum after their promotion or due to the large jump in SGM-WO requirements they no longer want to grow within the battalion.

Edited by Camouflage27

Current: Nothing

  Formerly: 104th BCMD Wolffe, Wolfpack Warthog, WPXO, Dire Squad Tracer, 104th REGL, 104th CMD, 104th SUPL, 104th SUPO, Senior Admin

Ghost                    Elijah                 Hamm       


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10 hours ago, Camouflage27 said:

If I where to get BCMD it would not be in mine or the battalion's interest to remove dire squad, however I do want to modify dire squad to better fit a problem in the 104th with only having lore-characters.




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Certified Giga Chad


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22 hours ago, BadDog said:

I personally think you should have went into a bit more  detail about your experience and what you have learned and had to overcome but I think it gets to the point I don’t play that much anymore so I can’t comment on how you have been leading the battalion the past month. 


You say you want to have more active members at the end of your term, how will you achieve this? What’s some more steps you will take to improve this over your term? 


How will you keep the battalion motivated? 


Few Battalion commanders have try to make Wolfpack separate from the battalion in the past and have always worked for a short time or failed what will your step be that will be different?


You also state that you want your branch leads and officers doing what they ahould  be doing, how will you keep them motivated to do the work?

My plan to keep or to get new recruits into the battalion is to add an incentive on top of the recruiting requirement for NCO’s this motivates our NCO core to advertise and train new recruits for the battalion. The battalion will hopefully stay motivated by the incentives, requirements, and commitment from everyone, because if everyone does their part then we can have lots of trainings and other activities for the battalion to participate in. As Wolfpack stands, I already have an active and experienced leader in this position and I truly think he is able to keep these trainings and tryouts going for the Wolfpack for a long time to come. I also have been promoted to the rank of admin recently which can allow me to help set up anything the battalion wants to do, and once I reach the rank of senior admin I will be able to build new dupes, host trainings on my own, or be able to host the Wolfpack specific events I mentioned above. The branch leads and officers already have an incentive in place to keep them motivated to do trainings, get more recruits into their regiment, and to lead their troopers. I might add to this incentive just to motivate the branches that are smaller or less active to keep doing work so that their branches can recover.

Current: Nothing

  Formerly: 104th BCMD Wolffe, Wolfpack Warthog, WPXO, Dire Squad Tracer, 104th REGL, 104th CMD, 104th SUPL, 104th SUPO, Senior Admin

Ghost                    Elijah                 Hamm       


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12 hours ago, Zensras said:


This is not a meme post but a serious one. Not the most barebones app I've seen since 2018 but it's near the top 5.   That's not the problem here, however:
Most of the things you listed are stuff YOU SHOULD ALREADY BE DOING AS A SENIOR OFFICER.   


The 2nd quote is the worst offender.   You should already be doing this as a Major.  You are the person who has a vote in those becoming officers.   Why do you need BCMD for this?  We help officers meet their requirements if needed so in 212th I'm helping with that as a JUNIOR OFFICER.   Your voice matters even as a junior officer.

I didn't need BCMD to help update the 212th docs.   Why do you? 


There are plenty of ways of doing this outside being BCMD.   


I see stuff you should already be doing in your wants but nothing that screams "BCMD".   

I have modified the app to possibly answer some of your questions. And to be fair yes, I could be doing many of these things as a major, Wolfpack XO, or REGL but having all of these positions also already gives me the ability to do nearly any task, change any document, modify any tryout, or update any requirement. This however is part of the reason I applied for the BCMD position as I am already doing the work for the position and just having the title means a lot to the battalion, and it gives me access to many more resources I can use to accomplish the goals I set in my application.

  • Disagree 1

Current: Nothing

  Formerly: 104th BCMD Wolffe, Wolfpack Warthog, WPXO, Dire Squad Tracer, 104th REGL, 104th CMD, 104th SUPL, 104th SUPO, Senior Admin

Ghost                    Elijah                 Hamm       


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13 hours ago, Mystic said:

got me out here needing to bring my zoom in like my grandma reading texts. 


This application is the shortest app ive ever seen on the forums. There is no plan here and  frankly its just "i want" not how you plan to achieve those "i wants"

The comment about "almost" making 104th BOTM is based too. There's no way to compare how your battalion did to others. I think it's a bad look to be that arrogant about a small reward like BOTM. I also don't think that the reason for becoming BCMD should be "i already run the battalion".

For your "Dire Company" suggestion. 332nd has changes pending and as i've heard has been a struggle even for a popular battalion like 501st. How would you rectify this or incentivize adding ANOTHER stepping stone to something as bland as DS?

I'd also like to mention that for updating docs, as 104th's Intel Director just reach out to me. I am more than happy to pop into TS on one of my days off to assist in updating documents. Which just happened while Vango was still BCMD

I have updated the application to better reflect my goals and plans for the 104th. The way I’m able to compare our battalion to others is by looking at the BOTM stats and if we compete or excel in certain categories compared to the BOTM winner then we were likely competing with the winning battalion for the spot most of the month. I think the change to dire squad for one could in no way make the battalion worse off and I feel that since most other battalions have a sub-unit for non-lore troopers that the 104th could try a similar idea with dire squad as many people are not looking to join the unit currently as they have been inactive, but we just got a new DSL and he is filling most of his spots and increasing the units total activity. The change I mentioned would only give people more options of moving up in the battalion and it will allow people to gain experience in a sub-unit and could prepare them for becoming a lore-dire squad character or joining the Wolfpack. And I will look into updating some of these documents with you, but most things that need changing would require an officer vote for every change made so having BCMD authorized changes will speed up the process. However, I do still plan to have officer votes for many of the major changes I have in mind but becoming BCMD would allow small changes to be made without getting approval from the entire officer core.

Current: Nothing

  Formerly: 104th BCMD Wolffe, Wolfpack Warthog, WPXO, Dire Squad Tracer, 104th REGL, 104th CMD, 104th SUPL, 104th SUPO, Senior Admin

Ghost                    Elijah                 Hamm       


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On 10/10/2023 at 8:36 AM, Camouflage27 said:

Steam Name: Ghost | SYNR.GG

RP Name: Warthog-lore | Ghost-non-lore

RP Rank: Major

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:448502257 | 76561198857270242

Battalion you are applying for: 104th Battalion Commander


104th PVT-CPL: 7/26/2023-8/10/2023

104th SGT-SGM: 8/12/2023-8/19/2023

104th WO: Rank skipped for good work as a SGM

104th LT-MAJ: 8/30/2023-9/17/2023

104th SUPO: 8/16/2023

104th REGL: 9/07/2023

Wolfpack-XO: Warthog-9/10/2023 XO-9/12/2023

The reason I joined 104th was due to the people within the battalion and because I truly believed I could help the battalion recover. I quickly rose the ranks of Senior Officer and have used my experience in 104th and my position to help run the battalion along with other officers. I've moved from CPT to MAJ in the past month, and am the current REGL and Wolfpack XO giving me leadership insight into our regiments and one of our subunits. This will allow me to utilize my experiences to better understand individuals and each regiment/subunit as I lead. As Wolfpack XO I was the acting lead for nearly a month until a new lead was found where I handled day to day matters, issues, and questions. In my time as REGL I've helped with almost every regiment in terms of recruitment and leadership, and advised regimental branch leaders on actions, trainings, and recruitments. With my help and the teamwork of my battalion, we were able to raise standards of the battalion to earn the runner-up spot for BOTM in September, and have been shooting for more activity in the past 2 months, which I think we have nearly achieved that goal.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: As I stated, I have been mostly running the battalion from the Senior Officer ranks the past month, so becoming the position of BCMD would give me many more resources I’ll be able to use to better the 104th in total and all the members included. It also looks really good for the battalion to have an active commander that does trainings, pushes people to do their part, and someone that talks to and has fun with the battalion’s community. I have been there for the people in the battalion that need me any time they ask and help resolve any issues people may have within the battalion. I also, am only ever on my trooper job so the entire time I’m online I am with the 104th and I am never AFK, so if I’m online, I’m playing. In summary, I just wish to lead the battalion the best I can and to push the 104th to reach it’s potential.

Availability: Everyday from 5:00pm-9:30pm EST in game and TS, and I’m always available on discord unless I’m asleep, in which I will reply in the morning to all DM’s.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I have played on the server every day for around 2-3 Months, which I have spent all of that time within the 104th.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?:

Officer Core

With the officer core I want them to be leading the NCO's and helping other officers with questions, trainings, or battalion tryouts. For this I might decide to make a bonus or rank requirement for officers to shadow or host a training, tryout, or patrol with an NCO just to help them understand the goals, what they need to do, and to give them some ideas for their own trainings. I also want more officers involved with hosting their own trainings for the whole battalion just to keep things active and fun in the 104th.

NCO Core

The NCO core needs a lot of work starting with the new promotional requirements we introduced a few weeks ago. With these new requirements many people are having trouble working their way through the NCO core. SGT-3 event leads, 2 tank trainings, 1 patrol or SIM, and 1 recruit into the battalion/SFC-3 event leads, 3 tank trainings, 3 patrol or SIM, and 2 recruits into the battalion/SGM-5 event leads, 2 104th trainings, 4 patrol or SIM, and 2 recruits into the battalion. I feel that these requirements are ok for SFC but I feel the jump from CPL to SGT is too much to ask currently, and I also feel that shadowing another NCO should count as a requirement for SGM instead of getting battalion recruits as they should focus on shadowing another NCO to give them advice on their trainings.

Enlisted Core

I want the enlisted core to have some requirements as we have too many people getting to SGT that aren't ready for the position. The requirement I would suggest would be for a CPL to be forced to join a regiment before they can become an NCO instead of just suggesting they join one. I would also like to make the new requirement for PVT-SPC 1 day and SPC-CPL 2 days just to make sure they are dedicated to the battalion before they start to lead others.


 I will try to make wolfpack become more of what they are meant to be in lore, which is a separate unit from the 104th that has it’s own trainings and missions. This wouldn’t separate it from the battalion, it would just make wolfpack more of an achievement than a name. The ways I will do this is to tell the lead to do large scale weekly trainings for wolfpack and to have 3-4 trainings, patrols, or SIMs during the week just for wolfpack. I will make sure that some of these trainings become mandatory and I will make a new activity requirement for all wolfpack characters just to make sure no spots are filled with inactive people when others may want a wolfpack spot.

Dire Squad

I wish to post a change to Dire Squad that would make it more of a company that non-lore troopers can join rather than just a sub-branch with only 4 lore spots and 1 lore jedi. The new company will feature the 5 lore characters leading the unit with anywhere from 6-8 spots for normal troopers to join(this will just be a name change for now). I want to propose this change because dire is viewed as nearly useless and no one wants to join it because it's seen as a mini-wolfpack that doesn't do much. I will also make sure the lead of dire hosts trainings every week just to make sure troopers in dire are happy with their position.


HVY: The issues with heavy currently is that too many people join it as enlisted and never play again, also there is no requirement to join so many people join as soon as the get into the battalion. To fix this I want to add a training for heavy that is a little more difficult to pass than the one we have currently.

ARF: Recently this branch has been revived with new recruits that are quite active. So, all I would do for this branch is to try to maintain it and help the ARF lead host trainings, or tryouts for the regiment.

SUP: This is my favorite branch on the server, but sadly it is dead in the 104th. The best way I see to revive the support branch would be to lower some of the requirements to join as currently it is second only to ARC with it's tryout requirements. The new requirements should be just to have all of the proper trainings and to delete the rank requirement because by the time you get all the trainings, you should be ready for your tryout.

MED: Currently the medical branch is our biggest loss because we have no one to heal us during events, deployments, or trainings. The main change that could help this branch come back would be to advertise it more in the TS and discord because I think some people may have an interest in it but never get to learn it's potential.

ARC: In the 104th we had no one in the arc branch until around 3 weeks ago when we had Gurk(former 41st BCMD Gree) transfer in from 41st. He has recently become the arc lead and has been motivating a surprisingly large amount of people to get their arc trainings, so I think the arc troopers are having a recovery they just need some time.


 I want to have the Branch lead and officer positions to be filled in all of these branches and for them to be doing what they should be as a lead or officer, such as having a weekly training to make sure each person has fun in there branch. This will also show off the abilities of each branch which can advertise for new recruits and show off what each branch has to offer. The main way I believe will motivate people to apply for these spots is to give them more power to change things within their regiment so the position actually feels like leadership instead of just listening to the Officer core, REGL, or BCMD's advice or orders.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes, I understand.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes, I understand.

I do understand that I can update my application but I would like to add a section about Jedi and the only reason I won’t edit it in there is to show how even I forgot about it. The 104th Jedi needs tons of improvement starting with officers looking for them in the scoreboard or in DBs to check if they are ready for a promotion or if they should be called to join the battalion in a training. The first thing I will mention is that we recently got a new Plo and Sha Koon, so hopefully I can advise and help the current Jedi lead get more Jedi into the 104th, have them participate in more battalion activities, and to make sure they get promoted on time when they deserve it. I will also work with the officer core to make sure we all look into the Jedi section of the scoreboard to check on who might be eligible for a promotion. We are having a huge problem promoting Jedi within the battalion because many of them never show up to trooper DB’s and some will show up but never get recognized by their officers causing them to search for a battalion with a much stronger Jedi faction.

Current: Nothing

  Formerly: 104th BCMD Wolffe, Wolfpack Warthog, WPXO, Dire Squad Tracer, 104th REGL, 104th CMD, 104th SUPL, 104th SUPO, Senior Admin

Ghost                    Elijah                 Hamm       


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+1 cool headed and has a basic plan of what he wants to do. He is always able to keep a level head and things

Current: 212th Ghost Company Lead MAJ Wooley

Former: Ahsoka Tano, 501st WO, 212th REGA, 212th ARCO, 212th SUPL x3

Commander of Wooley Company


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1 hour ago, Teaa said:

gonna wait for the controversy to settle before i lock in my vote.....

The main controversy was about my application not having enough detail to vote, but I got lots of advice and redid my application to better show my plans and ideas for the 104th. But if anyone has any questions or wants clarification to settle their vote I will be online in TS and will be open to speak with anyone on Monday.(Directors please don’t accept or deny me until after Monday)

Edited by Camouflage27

Current: Nothing

  Formerly: 104th BCMD Wolffe, Wolfpack Warthog, WPXO, Dire Squad Tracer, 104th REGL, 104th CMD, 104th SUPL, 104th SUPO, Senior Admin

Ghost                    Elijah                 Hamm       


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This application is improved from what I saw before but at the same time I feel like with the combination of the LOA just as this went out and the fact that some of the requirements and details you put down are just kind of stating the obvious and not changing too much when I have seen some flaws with 104th over time. The points that Piff had made in his posting make me lean more towards a certain side and I'll have to give this a -1


Remove Dire Squad

Former Wrath of the Sith
Former Grey Jedi Master
Former BCMD of Special Operations/Shadow Company
-Aust (austistic)

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On 10/11/2023 at 9:52 AM, Camouflage27 said:

I have modified the app to possibly answer some of your questions. And to be fair yes, I could be doing many of these things as a major, Wolfpack XO, or REGL but having all of these positions also already gives me the ability to do nearly any task, change any document, modify any tryout, or update any requirement. This however is part of the reason I applied for the BCMD position as I am already doing the work for the position and just having the title means a lot to the battalion, and it gives me access to many more resources I can use to accomplish the goals I set in my application.

I realize I never officially voted on this application. I'm sorry brother but I gotta -1. You say how you're "already doing the work for the position"... but you're not. You haven't been working on anything as of this application being up (yes, I am cutting you some slack because you're on LOA, however I feel like you shouldn't even be allowed to have an LOA up with an active BCMD app). 


I know you're a good guy, but since I've joined 104th I haven't seen anything from you nor do I agree with some of your ideas for 104th, so it'll be a -1 at this time. Before your LOA when I joined, I didn't see you around, and obviously now that you're on LOA, I still don't see you. It's hard for me to +1 an applicant I haven't seen in game, I'm sure you're a good leader, but I have to vote based on what I've seen. So far, I haven't seen anything that you've talked about in this application nor you working on any of your ideas already. Good luck man, I wish you the best.

  • Winner 1

Full-time Server Boomer



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1 hour ago, Deku said:

I realize I never officially voted on this application. I'm sorry brother but I gotta -1. You say how you're "already doing the work for the position"... but you're not. You haven't been working on anything as of this application being up (yes, I am cutting you some slack because you're on LOA, however I feel like you shouldn't even be allowed to have an LOA up with an active BCMD app). 


I know you're a good guy, but since I've joined 104th I haven't seen anything from you nor do I agree with some of your ideas for 104th, so it'll be a -1 at this time. Before your LOA when I joined, I didn't see you around, and obviously now that you're on LOA, I still don't see you. It's hard for me to +1 an applicant I haven't seen in game, I'm sure you're a good leader, but I have to vote based on what I've seen. So far, I haven't seen anything that you've talked about in this application nor you working on any of your ideas already. Good luck man, I wish you the best.

I'll have to agree with Deku here. I know youre active in the Officer chats of Discord, but beyond that i never really saw you in game prior to this app or LOA. 

I'll have to -1 as well. 

With that being said though, if you choose to reapply i do hope its while youre off LOA and making a name for yourself on the server. Best of luck man.

  • Agree 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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+1, I think you need to solidify your plans & actions but I think you will do okay.

Current: Senior Admin GM SSG Cucumber

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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But nah I'm the main subject matter after reading it I can see what your trying to do but there no actual plan for it just simple shit any officer can do, fuck I used to do ARC and wolfpack Docs even though I was never lead or Commander(at the time). I will fuck with you but other than that I will just -1 I don't care about detail neither so you good on that broski.

  • Confused 2
  • Dumb 1
  • Bruh 1
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16 minutes ago, Coal said:

But nah I'm the main subject matter after reading it I can see what your trying to do but there no actual plan for it just simple shit any officer can do, fuck I used to do ARC and wolfpack Docs even though I was never lead or Commander(at the time). I will fuck with you but other than that I will just -1 I don't care about detail neither so you good on that broski.

What is bro blabbing about?

Anyways I would like to say that you are a good guy, Ghost, but a lot of the things here could’ve been achieved already via your current position (by your own admission). However, you still haven’t achieved or even started any of this. I understand that having officer votes needed for a lot of it can delay things, but you could always bring these things up to the current CMD to get his authorization to bypass that. Otherwise, just post all your ideas back to back for officer voting and say there’s 24-48 hours to vote, which in the long run won’t really delay you that much (for example, the time spent to planning this application could have been spent getting all those items posted for a vote). 

I think you could use a bit more time to fully understand the position and prove that you’ll actually achieve some of the things on this list before getting Wolffe. I also do not like the idea of expanding Dire Squad at all as it is a useless subunit that nobody prefers. The huge preference of people wanting WP over DS can be seen by how Wolfpack is being hogged by only the top ranking people in the battalion (many of whom have been allowed to be inactive in WP during your time as WPXO) with only one or two exceptions. -1

  • Agree 1

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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  • Management

Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


  • Agree 1


i am literally captain tukk

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