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My time has come.

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Hello Everyone.

The past weeks after i came out off surgery has put my mind to work, Synergy, The server i have spent the past 5 years on playing. Do i still wanna continue can i still continue.
In these 5 years i have seen faces come and go, alot of the old heads from the old days are gone [Retired] from the server. some are still here but most are gone.

The past Months ive slowly been fading from synergy and Gmod, to the point wich im at now. 

I tried my best to commit myself to any Battalion or Faction i became apart off.

The 501st, my Very first Battalion, in command at that time @Omalic. god ive had fun with the boys back than on Endor. a year of consistant service to that battalion till i moved on.

The Corusant Guard, i loved beating the shit out off people with the stick. god that was fun.

So i can name a few other Battalions ive played with in the past 5 years. But i think the Major one people know me from is the Following.

The Navy [Naval] [Base ops]. 3 Years Of service. 3 Years in the Navy, god what fun times i had with people. For the Navy my final goal would have been to become Yularen, but after a while i realised. Practicly ive been Yularen already 3 times. ive lead the Navy on my own for months after former Yularens were gone and noone wanted to join the Navy. I tried my best for the Navy in the end i hope it was worth it, else i would have been for nothing. But Ive come a far way under the command of @Brace @Freck @Brooklyn @Drone @Tec and @Fyi, under all these Admirals ive served, and im proud to have served them.

With my biggest gratitude to the Folowing people:
@Ollie_ @Brace @Brooklyn @Freck @Tec @Drone @Fyi @Omalic @gohn @Rohan @Soccer @Egert @Gears @Xaze @Baron @Hysterical @Kirara @Enigma @Conrad @KaiserWilhelm @Gadget @Clutchhhx @Deathtiger @Mystic @Black @Cronis @BlueBeetle @Brak/Mainstay @Woods @Zeros @Marvel @Deku @IceMan @Tetra @KnightVR @Arizona.

Thank all of you, im glad to have met you all.

Date: 7/13/2023 Time: 12:59 EST
From this point on im standing down from all my functions within Synergy,
The times has come for Retirement.

The wind has changed course, off into the sunset we go.
My watch has Ended. fair seas.
-Your favorite naval
-The Dao
-Navy main
Im out.

  • Friendly 1
  • Pay Respect 14
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It was a pleasure to see you around and meet you in Synergy. May the next chapter in your life not stop you from what you want to pursue. One of the best Naval I've seen in my days.

Current: Game Master | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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o7. Seems like you've been around for as long as time has existed. Rest easy

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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  • Director

o7! Hope to see you inte the future ocne again!



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  • Bruh 1
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It was great having you around for these many years

Have fun my dude and good luck 07


  • Current:
  • CG Commander
  • CG Regimental Lead
  • Diplomatic Service Lead Stone
  • Naval Petty Officer 
  • Naval Zak
  • Jedi Master
  • Admin
  • Former:
  • 187th COL (Former)
  • 187th PLTL (Former)
  • 187th WO (Former)
  • 501st PLTL hawk (Former)
  • 501st COL (Former)
  • TRO (Former)
  • Game Master  (Former)
  • Senior Admin (Former)
  • GC Reed (Former)
  • CT (Former)
  • Temple Guard Lead (Former)
  • Serra Keto (Former)
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o7, I appreciate all of your help during my term. Good luck out there!

Future Dev Team Assistant
CT PVT Alpha-14 Tec
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky (For Real this Time), Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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