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Knight's BCMD Fox Re-Application v.3


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Steam Name: Knight | Synr.gg


RP Name: KnightVR


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:488808076


Battalion you are applying for: Commander Fox


How many terms you've held the position?: Two terms, I’ve held the position. 


Why do you wish to maintain this position?: I wish to maintain my position as Battalion Commander Fox. I’ve talked with my commanders and officers they believe I should go for another term within CG. Many people outside of CG have liked my term and wanted me to keep going and improve this battalion. I’m not gonna lie there have been bumpy times within my term, and I still wish to improve my relations with other battalions. Our CG report form is always in our TeamSpeak channel and is not taken lightly when a report is sent to us in the CMD chat. Please be sure to utilize this so that we take action on CG members who are targeting or abusing power. I love this community and want to improve this server with CG following their job. This will be my third term and will probably be my last since I want to aim for something big this term. Therefore, being the first Fox to go through three terms and leave a big difference within CG after. I’ve spoken with some of the BCMD within server and reviewed with them on the downside and upsides within my terms. I promise to try to work with improving those things listed to me on making CG better. I've been made such a big difference from the beginning of my term and now, that I'm actually really happy where is CG is at. I'll be my best to run it smoothly and proved fun rp with the server. It's very challenging to have cg do tons of rp but this term I wanna leave a big change within our battalion on having more rp opportunity with BH and doing more police rp within the base. I hope to be your next fox and lead this battalion to glory!


Current availability:
Timezone is PST

Monday: Free all day

Tuesday: After 2 pm PST
Wednesday: After 6 pm PST
Thursday: Free all day

Friday: Any time before 5 pm PST
Saturday and Sunday: Won’t be available


What have you achieved within your battalion during your past terms?:

1. Fixed the Coruscant Feedback and Report Form (Completed)

2. Add a merit point system to keep CG activity in check (Will be used soon after we fix things (Completed)

3. Build an Officer Core within CG when I didn’t have one from the beginning (Completed)

4. Built a CG email so that all Documents within CG are in one place in a drive (Completed)

5. All Lore Characters are taken within the Coruscant Guard (Completed)

6. Made CG Officers do logging than having an intel team. (Completed)

7. Revise Documents within CG (Completed)

8. Brought back numbers toward the end of my term. (Completed)

9. Pushed for sim training within CG and joint training. (Completed)

10. Discipline needs to be enforced within CG, and I’ll make sure punishment is given to those who are insubordinate within CG. (Completed)

11. Merit System is polished and working great past my term. (Completed)

12. Focus on activity within my battalion (Completed)

13. Focus on the core within CG, like training, police RP, NCO core, and specializations. (Completed)

14. Bring back Diplomatic Services in good condition (Completed)

15. Brought back CG to its highest point with many numbers and activity (Completed)

16. Negotiations are up and running with NEG. Leadership and CG CMD+ hosting neg. trainings. (Completed)



What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion?: Some listed here were from my last app and some new goals were added as well.

1. Merit System still needs to be worked on due to its issue arising once in a while (Working on)

2. I focused on the background of CG, and now it’s time to push for roleplay within the server of what the battalion can contribute negotiations have been rising and pushing my guys to be more interactive within the server (Working on)

3. Focus on more RP with BH, and possibly make a new arrest system that isn’t tied to server rules like RP detainments. (Working on)

4. Kept good relationships with other battalions, which I have reworked the battalion reprensetitve channel within CG and encouraged other battalions to join. (Working on)  

5. Establish a new CG HCMD to replace me and keep CG going. (Working on)

6. Build a buddy system within CG so that pair of CG members can patrol the base in their patrol routes. (Haven’t done this but will work on)

7. Improve CG attitude and responses when giving warnings and explaining their thoughts on why they arrested the person. (Working on) 


Do you understand that you will be removed from your position if you go inactive?: Yes, I understand.




Edited by KnightVR
It looked ugly when i posted it so made it look nicer

Current: None | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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Ive seen and been under alot of commanders on a few different servers and knight knows what he is doing. I think everyone in the battalion likes him and they follow him as a leader and thats not something everyone has.  He will definitely continue to be a great commander. GOOD LUCK! 

Edited by Traps
  • Friendly 1
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+1 Has it already been 3 months?:HUH-flipped:


I've had great RP with you as Tarkin and great interactions with you while in CG. You've done everything right so far so what could possibly happen? :pepePolice:

  • Friendly 1

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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+1 he is an Amazing Fox and lines up for the best CG BCMD's along side Odric

  • Friendly 1
  • Current:
  • CG Commander
  • CG Regimental Lead
  • Diplomatic Service Lead Stone
  • Naval Petty Officer 
  • Naval Zak
  • Jedi Master
  • Admin
  • Former:
  • 187th COL (Former)
  • 187th PLTL (Former)
  • 187th WO (Former)
  • 501st PLTL hawk (Former)
  • 501st COL (Former)
  • TRO (Former)
  • Game Master  (Former)
  • Senior Admin (Former)
  • GC Reed (Former)
  • CT (Former)
  • Temple Guard Lead (Former)
  • Serra Keto (Former)
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thank fucking god man. Hands down one of my favorite BCMDs of all time. Jesus +1

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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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Head Admin

+1, best of luck!

  • Friendly 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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+1 the goat

  • Friendly 1


                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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On 4/25/2023 at 3:47 PM, KnightVR said:

6. Build a buddy system within CG so that pair of CG members can patrol the base in their patrol routes.

big fan +1

  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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  • Management

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!



i am literally captain tukk

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