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Bitter's Farewell Letter...

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I have been apart of synergy since about late 2017 to early 2018. I joined after leaving my previous server behind and wanting to join into a larger community than the previous one I was a part of. First day on the server I decided to join into 21st and met a lot of good people that I am still friends with to this day. I have given Synergy hours upon hours of my time and I have gotten nothing in return. It has turned into a one sided relationship and I can't do that anymore. I need better and healthier uses for my time so this is it for me. 

I want to be honest with you all and say that this letter has been one of the most bittersweet things I've ever had to write. It's not easy to say goodbye to a community that has been such an important part of my life. Over the years, I've made so many great memories and friendships with all of you, and it's hard to imagine not being a part of this community anymore.

But the truth is, I've been feeling stuck for a while now. I've been trying to find ways to contribute and make a difference, but I've been spinning my wheels and not making any real progress. I've wasted too much time trying to figure out what my role should be, and I've come to the realization that maybe it's time for me to step back and let others take the reins.

I want to thank each and every one of you for making this community such a special place. I'll miss all of you, and I hope that our paths will cross again in the future.

To all of the hold outs still in synergy:

@KaiserWilhelm @Gadget 
- I apologize that I couldn't continue on with you two. Wilhelm you have fantastic potential to be the force that 21st needs to continue on. Gadget I've known you for a very long time at this point and we didn't get along at points but I feel that your insight and opinions about 21st are just what it needs. I hope our paths cross again for the both of you.

@BadDog - I am sorry to leave so soon after our chat. Thank you for all the insight and constant drive to wanting to make 21st a better place for all troopers. Continue being one of the greats.

@Brooklyn - You and I got to know each other while being in SOBDE and I have enjoyed every interaction since. If I needed to choose who to be in a trench with and knew had my back it'd be you boss. Keep in contact and lemme know when to get on 76!

@Tomm - I wish we had more time in 21st. Keep being a great Wrecker.

@ETsilvian - Gotta get that chair under control. You've been a great Yoda and I really appreciate all of the times we talked.

@Quassont - Lots of late nights full of stupid shit that made me almost fall out of my chair. Thank you for all the good times. Keep in touch.

@KaiserNeiner- Thank you for all of the fantastic events. Keep the life flowing through Synergy.

@Marvel - Was great getting to know you over our time in SOBDE. Don't drive yourself crazy.

@Xaze - Time and time again your drive and creativity have pushed this community back into a state of greatness. Thank you for all of your efforts. Make sure to take breaks!





Edited by Bitter
  • Pay Respect 3


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You were fantastic in every position I've seen you in. Late nights were always a blast with you and I'm so happy to have had you as a squad lead and CMD under me back in SOBDE. Best of luck with everything :)

  • Friendly 1

GMD HA / Guild LT / Dev. Assistant Mavelle 

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I personally never met you in the Server, TS3, Discord. I recently found out through my CMD aka Fox about this post and you leaving Garry's Mod and the server.
I hope you find what you are looking for in your life honestly thank you for your time, patience, money if you ever Donated to the community. Much love to you and thank you again for your Service!  

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  • Founder

o7, thank you for your time as a BCMD, and community member. :peeposalute:

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Bitter, I am going to miss you man. You taught me a lot about being a good leader but most importantly how to be a better person. I looked up to you and you did amazing things your time here at Synergy. I appreciate all that you did for the community and all that you did for me.

o7 “Thank you for everything that you’ve accomplished so far, and good luck to everything you will in the future.”

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Head Admin

-1 get back here right now or so help me god.

For real, you were and always will be excellent. Thank you for all the work you've put into the server and your engagement with the community. I will always remember you as someone who constantly brought smiles to everyone you were around. Stay golden ponyboy. 

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                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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Forum Admin

Beyond your caring attitude, your wonderful laugh, and your ability truly make people feel at home; you will be remembered for single-handedly and without any assistance, bring back SO. God bless America. 

  • Agree 2

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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Bitter, I've known you for such a long time. You've been nothing short of a blessing to this community. Your constant drive and passion are what made the GM/21st/SO respectable. You've done a lot for this community; you were looking for so long for a purpose you've already served. It was an honor to have met you and I hope you find solace in knowing that a lot of people in this community cared about you.


Truly, o7.

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Great friend and BCMD. You will be dearly missed by many in the community including me. We need to play some other game together like valheim or something when you have the time. I still hope to communicate with you even while you aren’t on the server anymore. Much love my man!


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Former:212th Goji CMD Oddball 212th BCMD Cody | ATK RCMD Quassont | Parjai-29 Ram'ser Current: 212th Oddball 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Such a genuine and caring person. You did great man. Enjoy life! :peepoLove:

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                                                                           Former SOBDE BCMD Hunter

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o7 brother you was a great BCMD and you will be missed.

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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