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Genes Senior Attack & Defense Commander Application


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Steam Name:

 [SR] Gene Starwind [OVS] 

RP Name:

Attack Regimental Commander Gene / Gunnery Major Commodore Gene / 41st Shadow K V Gene / 41st GC SCT PFC Starwind

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):

 Gene Starwind (STEAM_0:1:4826954)

Brigade you are applying for:

 Senior Attack & Defense Commander


I have about 3792 hours and counting logged in Garrys Mod 98% of which has all been Starwars Roleplay

(On Icefuse Networks)

Naval - Admiral Yularen, Commodore, Commissioner Of Activites (Rejoined)

RC- Darman(CPT) Niner (CMD)

GM - XO,(Rejoined) LTC 4th Airborn Company Overseer > Commander Bacara 

Kellers Unit - COL Jet Leader

187th - MSG

Spec Ops - SGT


Jedi - Knight VIIII Consular Seer, (ReJoined) Jedi Guardian Knight I


(Synergy Roleplay CWRP)

Attack Regimental Commander 

41st - Scout Trooper PFC

GM - Battalion Commander Bacara 

Naval Fleet - Commodore 

Jedi - Shadow Sentinel Knight V 


(On Other SWRP servers)

ARF - Commander

ST - Commander Fox


91st - 1stLT

Spec Ops - 2ndLT

212th - 2ndLT


501st - SSG

89th Flight Corps - SGT


Why should you become a Senior Commander?: 

I feel that if i am given this opportunity that i can really show the server what i can do in the high command, i feel that if i become the next senior commander that at the end of my term the attack and defense battalions will be in a better state than when my term starts. i will make sure to organize training and PT for each of the battalions and make sure they are up to date on training offered across the server such as ENG MED EOD TECH and ARC training. i plan on making sure that each battalions roster documentation and training documents are up to date and current. i plan on helping the battalions tryouts by implementing new ideas that might make their tryouts more appealing to new CT's coming on the server. I lastly plan on taking control over my brigade and handling any inner battalion issues that may arise and finding a quick and reasonable solution to said issues. i believe if given this opportunity it will be starting the next chapter in the story of my time here at synergy and gives me a chance to really show the community how i give back and that i can be the commander they deserve.


Do you understand the lore of your brigade?:

Yes i understand the lore of my brigade well both attack and defense side, i would go into detail about each and every battalion but we all saw how that went last time so i will just save it for the interview.



 Im availible Monday - Saturday from 5pm - 1am MST and Sunday all day as i am off of work.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:


My time in staff has been a long run i started back on icefuse about a year and 7 months ago at this point. i worked my way up through the staff team on icefuse just to get the rank of senior moderator and have odyssey rip it away from me. well much to my nature i didnt give up and i reapplied for staff and rose through the ranks once again before i found all my friends around me were leaving icefuse to go to synergy. with this i transfered to synergy as a vet admin. my time as vet admin was doing well and i enjoyed building alot and helping out with the server as much as possible. the day came where i messed up and i got demoted back down to admin and now i could no longer build. once again i tired my hardest and pushed myself to get back to the vet admin spot and after 4 weeks of staying at admin i finally got my vetadmin back. now fast forward to today i am part of the overseers and the high staff, i help with accepting new staff members into the staff team and doing their interviews, i also help out on the game master side with my game master officer and i do applications and interviews for them aswell. i feel my time here as staff has helped me form who i am today and help me learn from my mistakes in the past and make me a better person from it.

Attack Regimental Commander

My time as attack regimental has taught me many things, i have learned how to manage those below me and help them with thier inner battalion problems. i have actively engaged with all three of my battalions under my regiment and have had them go through weekly training to test their skills in the battlefield. each of these trainings sends these troops to different planets such as hoth, nar shaddaa, geonosis, and many others to come. the simulations give the battalions something to train for each and every week to see how they have improved from last week. each one of the missions has set objectives and set times for every battalion to finish them in, at the end of these sims i keep a tracker to show all of them how their progress has been improving throughout the week. this tracker is open to view for anyone and can be found here 

[SR] Regimental Attack Battalions


Naval Fleet

When I joined Naval Tarkin/ Archer was Admiral, the naval was a fun place to be and had a bunch of experienced players in it unfortunately that didn't last long and tarkin became inactive. after he got removed from admiral i applied for it and got it. the state of naval was sad, there were 4 active members when i took admiral and tryouts were non existent. with max and technodad as my right hand men we reformed naval and made new rules and tryouts, and gave naval a sense of purpose on the ship. Before long naval was alive again and training and tryouts were happening daily the state of naval had turned around for the better. But before I could really stretch my legs as admiral odessey demoted me out of the spot. but this isnt where the story ends, Max went on to be admiral with the ideals we set in place and expanded naval in a way that i had never seen, three branches were added and now naval had duties as engineers medics and quartermaster. at the end of max's term naval was in a good state this was around the time i rejoined naval. Technodad now took the Admiral spot and i stepped back into naval, i helped techno with whatever he needed and decided to take on the title of Commissioner of Activities. As COA it was my job to check in with every battalion and see how the state of their battalion was doing. along with this i would run simulations for the battalions to engage in, and training they requested through the meetings i had. but if it weren't through the efforts of techno max and myself naval wouldn't be what it is today.

Gunnery Major has let me add a whole new aspect to the roleplay that is done on the server, the gunnery training I made for naval goes over the ship as a whole and gives a brief rundown of its primary systems and how everything works. throughout this training, trainees learn about the heavy weapons aboard the ship and are able to use the 8 DBY-827 dual heavy turbolaser turrets, 2 medium turbolaser cannons, 52 point defense laser cannons, 6 tractor beams, and the 4 proton torpedo tubes that are aboard the ship and how to fire them on enemy ships in the sector. The training goes on to teach them how to transfer power between engines to give weapons or propulsion a boost under enemy fire. The last part of this training, trainees will learn how to scan the sector for enemy ships using short and long range scanners.


Galactic Marines 

I feel that my time as Bacara has come to an end, after a year and a half of being Galactic Marines I finally feel what i set out to do when I first joined the regiment is now complete. I have watched GM grow from just me and Dill back on icefuse into the serious and strong regiment it is today. Back when I first joined GM i was originally a 187th trooper all the other battalions were alive and active and then there was Dill. Dill literally made up GM back in the day he was the only trooper that stayed true to the GM colors, seeing as I was getting bored with 187th I decided to take a leap of faith. I tried out for GM and Dill hosted my tryouts, I remember being nervous but also thinking of how great the lore is in GM and what they do for the republic. After completing my tryouts i finally was in and my main goal was to breathe life back into GM. With just me and dill active and the high command spotty, based got Bacara, 12 hours later he got perma banned and GM was back to being commanderless. We set out to remake GM from the Galactic Memes of the old days into something new and fresh, we remade the documents we redid the tryouts and more and more people started joining. Dill eventually became Bacara and the regiment flourished. With a new Commander and more people in the regiment I felt that what I first set out to do was starting to work. Dill eventually moved on and Medic took the Bacara Spot, with a new commander came new rules and stricter policy's within GM. the battalion was feeling alive at this point people were on daily we respected each other and treated one another like family it was something I never experienced with any other battalion. We eventually became bigger so much so that we were beating all the other battalions out on active numbers. Eventually Medic Moved on and became high staff and Forseen took the Bacara spot. With new members being inducted daily and more people in the regiment we looked to see what can be added into the unit, the answer was Kellers Unit. With a ton of lore backing it we put in the request to have it added and it got approved This is about the time that I got downed by Odyssey removed from my staff naval and jedi positons and I basically quit playing G mod for about 3 months. When I came back Number was Bacara, GM was in a bad spot with inactivity and numbers the overall state of GM was not what i remember it to be when I left. Eventually Number's inactivity led to his removal from Bacara, at this point I felt it was my time to take GM onto the track it is today. I applied for Bacara and got the spot, I remade all of the battalion documents along with all the training associated with the battalion and refreshed the tryouts and put new rules into place. these core rules were what me and dill sought to have back when i first joined GM. With new rules in place we made the move from icefuse to Synergy. The entire battalion switched over and our numbers skyrocketed. with the new tryouts and rules the battalion had a sense of serious rp and a sense of family once again i felt home. Fast foward to today Galactic marines are over 50 active members strong and 10 kellers unit active the core rules are now the values that each trooper exercises every day in the server. At the end of my leadership here in GM i can honestly say i am proud at the current state of the unit.

Do you have a microphone?:

 Yes I have a Logitech G430 that works perfectly.

Where do you want your brigade to be at the end of your term?:

 I want the attack and defence regiments in a healthy state at the end of my term i believe if i am given this opportunity that i can help the battalions in any way they need, i have had past experiences bringing battalions back to life and helping rework large battalions into something better than they have ever been. I feel that at the end of my term i will be able to say that the attack and defense regiments will be in a better spot then when my term starts.

How do you plan to improve relations within your brigade?:

 I plan on making sure that each battalion has a healthy version of tryouts and that their battalion docs are up to date and organized. i will also make sure each battalion is improving on a weekly basis and check in with said battalions to make sure improvements are being done not only in members in the actual battalion but the quality of training and exercises they do within their battalion. i feel that when battalions are operating at their best is when they can work the best with other battalions and be the ultimate fighting force on the battlefield.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

 I understand completely that if I become inactive I will be removed from the position of Senior A&D Commander.

Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your senior commander rank?:

Yes I understand the term limits and expect to uphold what is asked of me for that term. 

  • Agree 1

Current: 21stRL Executive Officer Keller, 21stKU Jedi KoC Gaurdian Gene, Fleet Commander Gene | Former: Marshal Commander, Senior AD Regimental Commander, Attack Regimental Commander, Commander Bacarax2, Admiral Yularen, Gunnery Commodore Gene.

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  My name is Captain Smokes of the Galactic Army of the fourth sector army. I do not know the abilities of my Attack Regimental commander's opponent's or their limits. I'd like to say I am even to fresh off the boat from Kaminio to give a sure vote in this matter, also perhaps biased for he is my Regimental commander, and only seen his command style. None the less, I have only experienced a skilled, competent , and dedicated superior. I have fought with him against endless waves of clankers and he has shown to be with skill, also organization with competence, and lastly Dedication. Not only in field but in documentation. He has and is helping BUILD a future for not only the attack battalion, but all battalions and Naval.  I give my personally sincere recommendation for this post of Attack and Defense Senior Commander.

-Signed Captain Smokes of the Galactic Marines.

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  • Coordinator

+1 jesus christ that was alot of reading to do xD

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  • Retired Founder

+ Fucking 1, Gene is pretty much one of the only High command left that I know who does sims actively for his regiments, not to mention the sims are well designed and keeps you on the edge of your seat while testing your battalion's limits. Gene would help bring many battalions together while helping in keeping them well trained and organized.

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Asked how I got BCMD +1

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My boi! My guy! One of many inspirations! Their is no need for me to express all your skills and capabilities as everyone that commented to this App have already expressed, you're born  to do this baby!  I know you will serve the brigade well as you did for me and GM. And hopefully we can work closely together should I get into the Attack regimental again. 




-Ex-Senior Attack & Defense Brigade Commander Joe

  • Agree 1

Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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