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Keegan's Governor Application


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Steam Name: Keegan

RP Name: Mas Amedda

RP Rank: Vice Chair (CMD)

Steam ID: 76561198278673954, STEAM_0:0:159204113

Why should you become Governor?: I believe I am the most capable person for the position of Governor currently, as not only do I feel that the Senate is in a place where I can reliably step aside from my current position and expect others to take over as I have provided them the experience and leadership to know how to run the unit, but I feel I have more to offer for the server, which I could accomplish if given the position. I have had a great deal of experience with both the Senate and the Guild, and have learned some valuable lessons along the way. Coming off an extended LOA from a college trip, I have had time to deliberate with my friends on the server to come to a final decision that I wish to go for this position to continue my overall positive influence on the server to the rest of the Citizen faction, as the Senate itself is very functional, but just fluctuates at times when it comes to activity. I feel like I can be trusted to make the hard but correct decisions for the faction and the server in general, while maintaining a positive rapport with server leadership and other members of High Command.

Availability: I can answer direct messages almost any time over Discord. In-game I can be active on average around 3 hours a day, with more on weekends.

Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server: 
501st Major / Intel Director

As the first battalion on the server that I focused on, I spent a lot of time in 501st helping grow specializations and standardize documentation and trainings/tryouts. 

41st Major/CMD/XO -> BCMD Gree
I do not believe my time in 41st went the best it could have. In the beginning of my Gree term, I focused heavily on trying to maintain standards that were impossible given the state of the server at the time, which led to burnout and my eventual resignation. 

Senator Meena Tills / Senior Senator / Mas Amedda
As a longstanding Senator, I have great experience in how each character operates as well as managing the Senate as a whole. As a leader in the Senate, I have worked extensively to halve the number of documents we have, clearing up any unnecessary info and conflicting rules or statements. Creating a more streamlined approach to onboarding new Senators and Senior Senators has been a passion of mine, as when I started in the Senate and initially got Senior Senator I had a big sense of confusion and being unsure of what I could do. With this, I have created a handbook for my Senior Senators and future Mas Ameddas to use that will enable future success for the Senate. I feel like the Senate is in a great place right now and feel comfortable handing over the reigns to someone else who I can help guide into the position as the Governor. 

What do you feel the role of the Governor is?: The Governor has two facets to his role. In roleplay, I believe the Governor should heavily lean into the Star Wars lore surrounding the Sector Governance Decree, with how he is essentially instated and supersedes the Senate and Guild/local government. He should use this, as well as his given powers as RCMD/High Command, to create roleplay scenarios for all members of the server to participate in. As a faction lead, the Governor’s role does boil down to an administrative position. He should work hand-in-hand with the Vice Chair and Guild Leader to ensure a strong bond is held, as well as ensuring standards are being kept. I feel the current Guild Leader, as well as the candidates for Vice Chair, would do fine to maintain these standards, which would be made clear to them upon receiving the position and evaluating after a small period of adjustment. That being said, the Governor should ensure he stays involved with all levels of rank within the Civilian faction, and actively seek input and feedback from the lower levels to ensure members are all having a positive outlook on their leadership.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

How do you plan to improve relations between the guild and the server?: I believe the guild and server have a few methods for improvement in relations. One of the main issues that I see working negatively for relations between the guild and the server is the issues that arise from hostile actions from BH towards the Republic. Often these actions cause personal tension between members of the server, which often stems from abuse of the rules or misunderstandings of the rules between either side. Upon receiving the Governor positions, I would work with the Guild Leader, LTs, and Marshals to establish some guidelines for a simplified rules document. This rule document would enumerate the most important and broad rules at the top, in a clear fashion which makes it easy to find what you need. However, there is much nuance to these rules which must be kept as it has been added over the years to solve recurring problems. The nuance would be kept, but simply moved to the bottom of the document in a separate section that would be linked to by the general rules at the top. This would make it much easier to find what is needed in my opinion and that of those I have spoken to regarding this idea, and is something I have done to a capacity with the Senate rules, as I have found that summarizing a rule and providing a further explanation elsewhere is an easier way for people to understand. It is easier to remember one page of bullet points than pick out key rules from 13 pages of documentation. I feel this would be of great value not only to the Bounty Hunters, but to the clones, CG, and staff trying to understand what is allowed and what to expect.

In addition, I believe a very easy way to boost relations would be to return the Most Wanted leaderboard to the server, which would be run by the Governor. This would list out the top three most hostile clans on the server, which should be updated every week (and not left forgotten about). This would provide hostile clans something to work for, as well as give the Republic a known enemy with a reputation to keep an eye out for. This provides RP for friendly hunters to work alongside the Republic to eliminate Most Wanted members.
Do you understand that your position has a three month term? Yes

If you have any questions, feel free to DM me on the forums or on Discord (keegan#3868).

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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Yeah sure. +1. Do your best though and focus. 

I do think some of your time as Mas Amedda was sloppy, and you may have done things others didn't agree with, but build a team around yourself and use them to your fullest. Strive and demand an active Senate, but also don't focus on just Senate and be sure to give the Guild some love as well, but give your Guild Lead the power to do so if you choose to focus on Senate more. 

  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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+1, you're the greatest mas amedda the server ever had! You've also been one of the best members the guild team has ever had. You'll do great things for BH and maybe bring some stability and fun back to what should be a good idea

  • Optimistic 1

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Before I get into this, Keegan, Your a great guy and I hope you understand where im coming from.


The Senate is a complete wreck since I left, from the first week I had an actual founder get me to come on to TS and explain a explain a situation you hurdled the Senate into. So a Senator who was having IRL issues and was doing what was expected of them in their ROA and at times LOA, Was almost instantly removed from their senator the moment I left, You made an argument that its "a position in demand" and took absolute no care, handing them another Senator they should learn. It wouldnt surprise you within weeks of you taking Mas Amedda, I had people begging me to come back, that ship sailed and I wanted to focus on the Jedi Order. 

The Senates Activity is honestly miserable at times. This is the current activity of them all, The ones marked N/A are unfilled positions. But only 1 is meeting that requirement on a consistent basis. The rest either below that or are donuts throughout. I see no strikes written on the roster, so clearly this isnt put into check.


Now we can maybe pass that, alot of the guild is a bit inactive and their presense is pretty meh. So hopefully you have alot of activity to back you up. turns out.. nope. You have to have 40 hours every 2 weeks for this position. So you have LESS than your Senators, so maybe its a bit more clear why you havent been striking your own Senators. (Just to note, I took this screenshot while writing this response)


I honestly was quite hopeful when the Senate went under guild, Lets be honest, no one treated the Senate before and Mas as a BCMD wasnt exactly respected, let alone the RCMD it once was. But you just sat there and let the faction dismantle you, you never seemed to make any objection, you had no backbone.

All I can see you achieving is cleaning up docs, but the Guild doesnt need a glorified intel lead as its leader. Personally the Senate needs a purge and restart or someone capable to actually put their foot down, cause the previous 6 months I was in charge, is up in fucking smoke.

Lets talk about your Senate guard, Your leader is literally named after a dated Satire film, treats everything as a joke and honestly dont even see him either. The Standards of Senate Guard are just as low as they were before and your lead being named after something as dumb as that doesnt exactly give it a positive light. To be fair to them, they dont have senators to guard. 


You also seem to not be able to sit in your own lane. Ive heard many times that you over step your line into the Guild Side of the Civilian faction, which isnt your job at all. But this is clear now why you were doing it, because your gearing yourself up for governor, so its somewhat forgivable, if the Senate wasnt in the state it was.


The civilian faction needs a strong leader right now, with big ideas, a backbone and someone who is going to the rejuvenate the faction. But with the state of your branch, your inability to be active and your ledership overall. I believe the faction wont improve or potentially be worse.



  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1
  • Informative 1
  • Pay Respect 2
  • Confused 1
  • Bruh 3

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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12 minutes ago, Gears said:

So a Senator who was having IRL issues and was doing what was expected of them in their ROA and at times LOA, Was almost instantly removed from their senator the moment I left, You made an argument that its "a position in demand" and took absolute no care

Regarding this situation, this was one of the instances in which I was not informed of a pre-existing arrangement between you and that individual from when you left, which with their given activity at the time did not look good. I apologized for my mistake, reversed the actions, and made up with that person, in the end considering them a friend and a productive member of Senate.

Regarding my activity and that of the other Senators: Both myself and them have been on numerous LOAs in the past few weeks, given this is an incredibly busy time of the year for some people. For myself, I had put in an LOA for much of January due to a school trip, upon returning from which I was immediately starting a new semester at my college (for reference, I got back from the airport at 2AM and had to be at class at 8AM). Regretfully last week my activity was abysmal due to the common issue that plagues GMOD players of finding it hard to want to play when coming it off a long LOA, as you can see on my Steam hours, which I had made public so Brooklyn (when he was Governor) could hold me accountable. However, this is improving as I am in the groove of this semester now and no longer jet-lagged to the point where I am falling asleep at 8PM some days anymore. In early January before my LOA and this busy time for a lot of people, Senate was incredibly active and I am working alongside my Senior Senators to recruit in new members and manage the activity of our current members, which I have been relaxed about lately as I have come to realize that extremely strictly held hour requirements are not healthy for normal players, and often discourages some of them to still enjoy the "job" they play on. For myself, I will be able to meet the 20 hour a week requirement as the factors preventing me from reaching that now are no longer present.

19 minutes ago, Gears said:

I honestly was quite hopeful when the Senate went under guild, Lets be honest, no one treated the Senate before and Mas as a BCMD wasnt exactly respected, let alone the RCMD it once was. But you just sat there and let the faction dismantle you, you never seemed to make any objection, you had no backbone.

To be quite honest with you, I do not believe Mas Amedda ever should have been a RCMD position, and when I was approached regarding him merging into the Civilian faction (which came with his demotion from BCMD to CMD) I saw it as a net positive as we could have better representation as well as a better support structure with the Guild Leadership and Governor present, as well as a larger faction in general being merged as Civilians.

20 minutes ago, Gears said:

Lets talk about your Senate guard, Your leader is literally named after a dated Satire film, treats everything as a joke and honestly dont even see him either. The Standards of Senate Guard are just as low as they were before and your lead being named after something as dumb as that doesnt exactly give it a positive light. To be fair to them, they dont have senators to guard. 

Senate Guard's activity is something that fluctuates greatly (since before I even joined Senate it was constantly very active then inactive for a bit, but always bounces back, as you saw during your term), as they rely on many factors for their success. Firstly, in order to be on, there must be a Senator on, making it unfair to require an hour requirement for them. Secondly, they are limited in numbers to 12 spots, and are often the target of attempts and suggestions from people around the server to remove them from the server, which I have had to deal with on 3 separate occasions, which does not help with morale. Regarding the Captain of the Guard, I do not see how the name of someone on the server is indicative of their ability. Applications for Senate Guard Commander (rank beneath) have been open for a bit and given there have not been any applications accepted yet, there is no major reason to remove the leader and leave them without internal leadership (which I work with frequently to make decisions with them). 

23 minutes ago, Gears said:

Ive heard many times that you over step your line into the Guild Side of the Civilian faction

There have only been a few incidents of me "stepping onto the Guild side", all of which refer to Discord things or Guild documentation which I was genuinely confused about or just seeking an answer for, so I am not sure where this comes from. As Governor, I think it would actually be helpful for the Guild and Senate to work together and try to improve one another; there is no reason for them to be fully separate all the time. It is one faction and collaboration is something that should be encouraged.

  • Bruh 1

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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2 hours ago, Gears said:

Before I get into this, Keegan, Your a great guy and I hope you understand where im coming from.


The Senate is a complete wreck since I left, from the first week I had an actual founder get me to come on to TS and explain a explain a situation you hurdled the Senate into. So a Senator who was having IRL issues and was doing what was expected of them in their ROA and at times LOA, Was almost instantly removed from their senator the moment I left, You made an argument that its "a position in demand" and took absolute no care, handing them another Senator they should learn. It wouldnt surprise you within weeks of you taking Mas Amedda, I had people begging me to come back, that ship sailed and I wanted to focus on the Jedi Order. 

The Senates Activity is honestly miserable at times. This is the current activity of them all, The ones marked N/A are unfilled positions. But only 1 is meeting that requirement on a consistent basis. The rest either below that or are donuts throughout. I see no strikes written on the roster, so clearly this isnt put into check.


Now we can maybe pass that, alot of the guild is a bit inactive and their presense is pretty meh. So hopefully you have alot of activity to back you up. turns out.. nope. You have to have 40 hours every 2 weeks for this position. So you have LESS than your Senators, so maybe its a bit more clear why you havent been striking your own Senators. (Just to note, I took this screenshot while writing this response)


I honestly was quite hopeful when the Senate went under guild, Lets be honest, no one treated the Senate before and Mas as a BCMD wasnt exactly respected, let alone the RCMD it once was. But you just sat there and let the faction dismantle you, you never seemed to make any objection, you had no backbone.

All I can see you achieving is cleaning up docs, but the Guild doesnt need a glorified intel lead as its leader. Personally the Senate needs a purge and restart or someone capable to actually put their foot down, cause the previous 6 months I was in charge, is up in fucking smoke.

Lets talk about your Senate guard, Your leader is literally named after a dated Satire film, treats everything as a joke and honestly dont even see him either. The Standards of Senate Guard are just as low as they were before and your lead being named after something as dumb as that doesnt exactly give it a positive light. To be fair to them, they dont have senators to guard. 


You also seem to not be able to sit in your own lane. Ive heard many times that you over step your line into the Guild Side of the Civilian faction, which isnt your job at all. But this is clear now why you were doing it, because your gearing yourself up for governor, so its somewhat forgivable, if the Senate wasnt in the state it was.


The civilian faction needs a strong leader right now, with big ideas, a backbone and someone who is going to the rejuvenate the faction. But with the state of your branch, your inability to be active and your ledership overall. I believe the faction wont improve or potentially be worse.



I'm with Gears on this one. I have barely seen you online nowadays, and I haven't seen Senate in any good state for a while under your time as Mas. As much as I think you're an awesome person, I personally feel like you're a bit disconnected with the rest of the Civilian faction, unlike the other applicant.

If it was another time, you'd have my vote. But right now, I feel like you're not the best candidate for Governor. 


  • Pay Respect 1

I was the leader of the Dogma Balls movement

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2 hours ago, Gears said:

Before I get into this, Keegan, Your a great guy and I hope you understand where im coming from.


The Senate is a complete wreck since I left, from the first week I had an actual founder get me to come on to TS and explain a explain a situation you hurdled the Senate into. So a Senator who was having IRL issues and was doing what was expected of them in their ROA and at times LOA, Was almost instantly removed from their senator the moment I left, You made an argument that its "a position in demand" and took absolute no care, handing them another Senator they should learn. It wouldnt surprise you within weeks of you taking Mas Amedda, I had people begging me to come back, that ship sailed and I wanted to focus on the Jedi Order. 

The Senates Activity is honestly miserable at times. This is the current activity of them all, The ones marked N/A are unfilled positions. But only 1 is meeting that requirement on a consistent basis. The rest either below that or are donuts throughout. I see no strikes written on the roster, so clearly this isnt put into check.


Now we can maybe pass that, alot of the guild is a bit inactive and their presense is pretty meh. So hopefully you have alot of activity to back you up. turns out.. nope. You have to have 40 hours every 2 weeks for this position. So you have LESS than your Senators, so maybe its a bit more clear why you havent been striking your own Senators. (Just to note, I took this screenshot while writing this response)


I honestly was quite hopeful when the Senate went under guild, Lets be honest, no one treated the Senate before and Mas as a BCMD wasnt exactly respected, let alone the RCMD it once was. But you just sat there and let the faction dismantle you, you never seemed to make any objection, you had no backbone.

All I can see you achieving is cleaning up docs, but the Guild doesnt need a glorified intel lead as its leader. Personally the Senate needs a purge and restart or someone capable to actually put their foot down, cause the previous 6 months I was in charge, is up in fucking smoke.

Lets talk about your Senate guard, Your leader is literally named after a dated Satire film, treats everything as a joke and honestly dont even see him either. The Standards of Senate Guard are just as low as they were before and your lead being named after something as dumb as that doesnt exactly give it a positive light. To be fair to them, they dont have senators to guard. 


You also seem to not be able to sit in your own lane. Ive heard many times that you over step your line into the Guild Side of the Civilian faction, which isnt your job at all. But this is clear now why you were doing it, because your gearing yourself up for governor, so its somewhat forgivable, if the Senate wasnt in the state it was.


The civilian faction needs a strong leader right now, with big ideas, a backbone and someone who is going to the rejuvenate the faction. But with the state of your branch, your inability to be active and your ledership overall. I believe the faction wont improve or potentially be worse.



I'm getting flashbacks from when @Trigposted a similar essay on @Brooklyn's Gree reapp...... But anyway +1 goodluck buddy

  • Funny 2
  • Friendly 1

 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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I've worked with you in the past and talked to you recently. I am confident you will get your activity up as I have been in a similar situation of burn out and then new found motivation.

I think @Gears and @BlueBeetle 's criticisms with senators are a little unfair. Until recently the server was basically dead. None of the factions except Jedi have had basically any players. Senate has always struggled with activity even when the server is poppin. I think its unfair to put the blame on Keegan. How do you expect him to keep Senate active and especially senate guard active when Most battalions couldn't keep people active.

I've talked to you about the senate and tried to help you with some things and you have definitely learned from some of your past mistakes. You have left the senate in a spot that it will get back on its feet even without you directly in charge.

+1 please don't make me have to say I was wrong about your activity. I know if you can get that up then you will do great.

  • Friendly 1


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  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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10 hours ago, Gears said:

Before I get into this, Keegan, Your a great guy and I hope you understand where im coming from.


The Senate is a complete wreck since I left, from the first week I had an actual founder get me to come on to TS and explain a explain a situation you hurdled the Senate into. So a Senator who was having IRL issues and was doing what was expected of them in their ROA and at times LOA, Was almost instantly removed from their senator the moment I left, You made an argument that its "a position in demand" and took absolute no care, handing them another Senator they should learn. It wouldnt surprise you within weeks of you taking Mas Amedda, I had people begging me to come back, that ship sailed and I wanted to focus on the Jedi Order. 

The Senates Activity is honestly miserable at times. This is the current activity of them all, The ones marked N/A are unfilled positions. But only 1 is meeting that requirement on a consistent basis. The rest either below that or are donuts throughout. I see no strikes written on the roster, so clearly this isnt put into check.


Now we can maybe pass that, alot of the guild is a bit inactive and their presense is pretty meh. So hopefully you have alot of activity to back you up. turns out.. nope. You have to have 40 hours every 2 weeks for this position. So you have LESS than your Senators, so maybe its a bit more clear why you havent been striking your own Senators. (Just to note, I took this screenshot while writing this response)


I honestly was quite hopeful when the Senate went under guild, Lets be honest, no one treated the Senate before and Mas as a BCMD wasnt exactly respected, let alone the RCMD it once was. But you just sat there and let the faction dismantle you, you never seemed to make any objection, you had no backbone.

All I can see you achieving is cleaning up docs, but the Guild doesnt need a glorified intel lead as its leader. Personally the Senate needs a purge and restart or someone capable to actually put their foot down, cause the previous 6 months I was in charge, is up in fucking smoke.

Lets talk about your Senate guard, Your leader is literally named after a dated Satire film, treats everything as a joke and honestly dont even see him either. The Standards of Senate Guard are just as low as they were before and your lead being named after something as dumb as that doesnt exactly give it a positive light. To be fair to them, they dont have senators to guard. 


You also seem to not be able to sit in your own lane. Ive heard many times that you over step your line into the Guild Side of the Civilian faction, which isnt your job at all. But this is clear now why you were doing it, because your gearing yourself up for governor, so its somewhat forgivable, if the Senate wasnt in the state it was.


The civilian faction needs a strong leader right now, with big ideas, a backbone and someone who is going to the rejuvenate the faction. But with the state of your branch, your inability to be active and your ledership overall. I believe the faction wont improve or potentially be worse.



I have to agree completely being in the senate it’s very upsetting the lack of punishments and the lack of activity is absolutely terrible. I joined the senate and I haven’t really seen 1 or more senators and when they are on they either are messing around or not RPing when they are on.  And with the senate guard there is 1-3 active people but apparently it’s full. I have still not seen the captain and it’s all unorganized and chaotic so for now I’m going to have to -1

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+1 I love Keegan

  • Friendly 1

Future Dev Team Assistant
Improcco Company ENG SGT Clanky, Republic Intelligence Jedi Agent Tec :sittingred:
Former: Fleet Admiral Wullf Yularen, Navy Clone Rear Admiral Tec, Chief of Engineering x2, Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan, Null 7 LT Mereel , 104th Command Sergeant Major Command Sergeant Major, Intel Director of the 104th, Republic Navy, Coruscant Guard, 41st, and 501st, Admin, GM for a Week

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-1 Overall I feel Kirara will be able to execute a better future for the Civilian Faction. While I have other reasons, this is really all I wanna put.

  • Agree 3
  • Winner 1
  • Informative 1
  • Dumb 2

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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-1 with what evidence has been provided along with my two or so weeks back I have seen you active once maybe twice. With from what it seems both sides needing major work I don’t think you will be able to do it. 

  • Agree 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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-1 for the previously written comments. 

On 2/6/2023 at 9:42 PM, Clutch said:

I'm getting flashbacks from when @Trigposted a similar essay on @Brooklyn's Gree reapp...... But anyway +1 goodluck buddy

Don't remind me. I still remember...

Edited by AntiMhatter
  • Pay Respect 1

Former 41st GC REGL XO Tetra | Former Cin Drallig x2 | Former Serra Keto x2 | Former Branch Overseer Former Mace Windu

41st CMD Tetra

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-1 Since my return at 12/30/22 I have only seen you once.... Yeah, this is a hard no and an easy no. Why should we fill a position where your activity hasn't shown any improvement, I honestly never knew you existed until I actually took the time to look you up. I don't see what you could do as a whole to better the Senate nor the Guild, as Gears said it best, the Citizen side of the server needs a strong leader, and unfortunately, you don't make the cut.

Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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  • Management

Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.


  • Pay Respect 1


i am literally captain tukk

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