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Poker's Blitz Application


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Steam Name: 

Dylandld | Synr.gg


RP Name:

Colonel Havoc


RP Rank:



Steam ID:



Battalion or squad you are applying for:

Rancor BCMD





Worked my way up after MEDO to help and succeed in reviving the tracker branch (To the point where it was locked because we had too many members and the other regiments had like none lol)



The first reg spot I went for after coming back, did my part in reviving the medical branch and performing upkeep on it.



Got up to CSM before transferring, what more can I say.


MEDO in Naval

Joined naval, got mass promoted to like MCPO or something, then a friend forced me into being a MEDO.


COE in Naval

After I was done with the MEDO thing, I ran for COE, didn’t do the best in reviving the branch in naval, but I did institute a new rolling system for engineering and got a chance to talk to all the SUPOs/SUPLs about their thoughts on the branch as a whole.


Barton Coburn in Naval

I was bored and got bored so I went for Barton Coburn.


Lieutenant in Naval

I was grinding out naval a lot at the beginning, and kinda coasted from there on, then the whole naval change happened where they moved to ensign down one. Due to that change, I was granted the rank of Lieutenant. (Not really a promo just changing the name of my rank keeping the same powers and responsibilities.


Jet in 21stSO

This was a part of my long grind in the 21st galactic marine battalion. I spent the second most time in this batt from rejoining and loved most of it up until the end. I joined, got ARC training, got ARCO, then got Jet.


ARCO in 21st

I helped revive the ARC branch even with our dwindling numbers in the 21st, no matter what still pushing for people to join SO ARC. (One of the best jobs on the server in terms of loadout, change my mind.)


Major in 21st 

Well, I decided to grind out the 21st and made my way to Major within a month or two.


JTO in 21st

This was an older one, but I was JTO and hosted a few JT trainings which I found fun so I figured I’d throw this in here.


JTO in 501st

Yes, the very basic regiment to go to, but what can I say… I like jetpacks.


CSM in 501st

Not much of importance happened here, I was bored and wanted to try something new, so I went to 501st and got up to CSM then took a break.


Colonel in Rancor

Probably some of the most fun I’ve had on the server in a long time, I’ve spent a few months in this battalion and loved every minute of it. This is really where I flourished as an officer/senior officer and understood what it meant to lead.


MEDO in Rancor

MEDO Havoc, I know it's not lore accurate, but someone has to do it. Now and then I have people wanting to become a medic, so I just talk to them and move them into the branch.


Havoc in Rancor

My first lore character, it made a lot of people confused when Major Havoc showed up on base, but it's been fun so far. I enjoy my time as havoc every time I get on the server and love talking to some of the people I see walking around.


Shadow in Jedi


Sentinel Manager in Jedi


Veteran Administrator


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I have a decent amount of goals that I want to carry out, and I feel going for BCMD and superseding Claw as BCMD is the next step in enacting these goals and overall improving the Rancor battalion as a whole. With the title of BCMD, I will be able to keep up with the idea of just having that BCMD to upkeep activity and give hope to people who are wanting promotion. To continue, I should become a battalion Commander due to my prior experiences in leading and ideas that I can come up with to improve the battalion. As stated below, I want to keep a large amount of active communication between everyone in the battalion, but I will also keep communications between other battalions. By doing this I will be able to grow our ties to other regiments as a whole and learn from those other people overall, improving not only the battalion and its members, but myself as well.


I am flexible in my abilities to carry out my assignments. I can work by myself if needed, or with a small to large group of people. I have picked up these skills in school and the work world, and I plan to use these stated skills to do my best as the BCMD of Rancor.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:



Availability: (all est)

Monday, Wednesday - 11:59am - 6:00pm

Saturday - 9:30am - 6:00pm

Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - All day on discord, online 11:59 am - 11:59 pm


Most likely always available on discord.


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

My current playtime is 2583:35:59. Meaning about 107 days of being on the server, both playing and afk. Although, I started playing the server back in 2018, so most likely close to 3k hours on the server.


Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:


By the end of my term, I want Rancor to be in a good position, with 60-70 members 30-40 marked as “active”.


I want to take a look at the officer team, and attempt to give those people more of a reason to play by giving them some kind of incentive to be more active. (These will be ideas taken from the officer team and put up to a vote all of which will be screened and seen as reasonable or not).


I want to enact bi-weekly activity checks, making sure that all units are following guidelines put up for them, and ensuring that everyone is understanding their positions and state in the battalion.


I will enact a reserve roster for those people who are in unfortunate circumstances and are not able to get on the server. By doing this, it will be easier to keep track of those on semi-Perma LOA, and who are on less critical LOA’s


To continue, I want to make our battalion arc roster system more automated and have an actual logging system rather than just using a discord channel. This will continue down the path of atomization and assist in making everyone's jobs a bit easier.


I will add details to our promotion system by having the officers put notes on everyone they see below them doing a good job. Most of the time officers feel they should not be promoted for whatever reason, whether that be lack of confidence or the player's TIG. Due to this, I yet again want to push as much open communication between everyone in the battalion, and encourage officer promotions to be put up by anyone in the battalion and approved by the Senior Officer core.

Now the big one, I want to make the ARC program as a whole even more intergrated with the Rancor battalion. To do this I plan to make arc leadership in battalions be cleared by our senior officer core, as we have had issues with some ARCL's in the past (I will not name these people as to not call them out publically). The general steps of becoming an ARCL will be listed below:

1. They go to their BCMD / REGL / a CMD and talk about becoming the ARCL (if the spot is already open).

2. That person will be brought forward to a member of the Rancor Senior Officer team by the REGL/CMD/BCMD, who will then be brought for a small interview to check competents.

3. The Rancor Senior Officer team will then report back to the REGL/BCMD/CMD of the battalion trying to get the stated person as ARCL, and have them marked as cleared.

4. They will now be able to become the ARCL of their battalion!


I want to make and push a feedback sheet on all arc troopers and their leadership. By doing this I will be able to solve the issue of mingy/incompetant members of the ARC program and its leadership between battalions. To continue, I want to push an insentive for hosting arc trainings by giving some kind of reward at the end of the month, such as an "Officer of the month" tag along with 1 million credits.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



Do you understand that your position has a three-month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:



edit - removed the idea to have more influence on other batts arc leadership, and replaced it with a feedback sheet along with more insentive for officers to host during off week.

Edited by Poker
Revisions based on feedback

Current: Poker

Prior: Poker

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13 minutes ago, Poker said:

Now the big one, I want to make the ARC program as a whole even more intergrated with the Rancor battalion. To do this I plan to make arc leadership in battalions be cleared by our senior officer core, as we have had issues with some ARCL's in the past (I will not name these people as to not call them out publically). The general steps of becoming an ARCL will be listed below:

This is an immediate -1, RANCOR struggle to upkeep your current ARC schedule. This is overreach beyond belief and I can't see any BCMD ever agreeing to this. You train people you don't run other battalions.

You don't understand the role of RANCOR BCMD from this alone. This was removed to prevent RANCOR power abuse over other battalions. 
Allowing a small team of RANCOR leaders to choose how each battalion runs their ARC is ridiculous overreach. 


How is any way does this improve the sever except bringing RANCOR more power and creating more bureaucracy of which other battalions will quickly come to despise.

13 minutes ago, Poker said:

my the end of my term, I want Rancor to be in a good position, with 60-70 members 30-40 marked as “active”.

Jesus Christ, I'm all for optimism but this is just like fantasy

Edited by Comics
  • Agree 4
  • Dumb 3

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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9 minutes ago, Poker said:

Now the big one, I want to make the ARC program as a whole even more intergrated with the Rancor battalion. To do this I plan to make arc leadership in battalions be cleared by our senior officer core, as we have had issues with some ARCL's in the past (I will not name these people as to not call them out publically).


Okay, So the last time this was implemented it was an utter shit show and was really stupid. Plus as Comics stated, You can barely keep up with the current ARC Trainings for the week(s). In my opinion you shouldn't have to rely on someone else that isn't in the same Regiment of you, I think that if you do end up getting Blitz please do not implement this. This is coming from someone who has played the sever when these ARCL Interviews were a thing and if my memory serves me right, that was the worst time for ARCs on Synergy.


Also in your application, you say that you want to have around 60-70 Members with 30-40 considered to be "Active". Now if you look at the current state of the server we're usually averaging 60-70 Maybe 80-90 if we're lucky. So doing the math with your numbers given and the amount of numbers the main server. That's over half of the total amount of players on Synergy right now. This is literally something that hasn't been possible on Synergy since maybe 2017 or 2018 and that's when 212th was averaging like AT MOST 15-20 Players. 

I'm sorry mate but this is just not going to happen.

Edited by Bleach
  • Agree 4

I am Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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+1 Although Poker and I are friends i truly do believe that he has the ability to do this. Have you seen how active this guy is? Hes on for 8-10 hours A DAY! Hes a starwarsrp maniac and I think he is the best candidate for this position.

Former: 187th ARCO, DU ARCO x4, DU ARCL x2, 501st ARFL, Prudii Skirata, Alpha-22 AvenAlpha-98 Nate Current: DU 1stLT GreenBean


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+1  I think you're a good leader and you would do great as BCMD in Rancor.   The ARCL plan is the only thing that I disagree with in the app, but I don't think that it should be hindrance for you to try and go for this position. 

  • Confused 3
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49 minutes ago, Poker said:

To do this I plan to make arc leadership in battalions be cleared by our senior officer core, as we have had issues with some ARCL's in the past (I will not name these people as to not call them out publically).

Why? What issues? If you aren't going to say name, give the situation or it sounds like smoke and mirrors.


51 minutes ago, Poker said:

4. They will now be able to become the ARCL of their battalion!

Why should Rancor control this?

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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43 minutes ago, Comics said:

This is an immediate -1, RANCOR struggle to upkeep your current ARC schedule. This is overreach beyond belief and I can't see any BCMD ever agreeing to this. You train people you don't run other battalions.

You don't understand the role of RANCOR BCMD from this alone. This was removed to prevent RANCOR power abuse over other battalions. 
Allowing a small team of RANCOR leaders to choose how each battalion runs their ARC is ridiculous overreach. 


How is any way does this improve the sever except bringing RANCOR more power and creating more bureaucracy of which other battalions will quickly come to despise.


28 minutes ago, A-a-ron said:

-1 You want to decide who gets ARCL? It’s not your battalion, Cope


Doubt it would EVER be implemented but if that’s your outlook on what u should be doing you should NEVER be near BCMD


40 minutes ago, Bleach said:

Okay, So the last time this was implemented it was an utter shit show and was really stupid. Plus as Comics stated, You can barely keep up with the current ARC Trainings for the week(s). In my opinion you shouldn't have to rely on someone else that isn't in the same Regiment of you, I think that if you do end up getting Blitz please do not implement this. This is coming from someone who has played the sever when these ARCL Interviews were a thing and if my memory serves me right, that was the worst time for ARCs on Synergy.

As of right now, we have been doing fine with upkeeping our current ARC schedule. We still have the bi-weekly trainings to prevent burnout, and have been doing them every day stated throughout the entirety my stay in the battalion.To continue, I may have not explained the system I want to implement as well as I should have. It is a simple screening process to verify competence and if It comes down to it, the player may be overall waived by their BCMD. In no way am I trying to say that I am going to full on pick the ARCL's, more verify their competence and give feedback and overall step in under certain situations that deem it necessary.

41 minutes ago, Bleach said:

Also in your application, you say that you want to have around 60-70 Members with 30-40 considered to be "Active". Now if you look at the current state of the server we're usually averaging 60-70 Maybe 80-90 if we're lucky. So doing the math with your numbers given and the amount of numbers the main server. That's over half of the total amount of players on Synergy right now. This is literally something that hasn't been possible on Synergy since maybe 2017 or 2018 and that's when 212th was averaging like AT MOST 15-20 Players.


47 minutes ago, Comics said:

Jesus Christ, I'm all for optimism but this is just like fantasy


We already have those number on our roster. This isn't as much me pushing to achieve these numbers, but pushing to maintain.

Current: Poker

Prior: Poker

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52 minutes ago, Poker said:

To continue, I want to make our battalion arc roster system more automated and have an actual logging system rather than just using a discord channel. This will continue down the path of atomization and assist in making everyone's jobs a bit easier.

what do you have in mind?


54 minutes ago, Poker said:

I want to take a look at the officer team, and attempt to give those people more of a reason to play by giving them some kind of incentive to be more active. (These will be ideas taken from the officer team and put up to a vote all of which will be screened and seen as reasonable or not).

Do you have any ideas for this currently?


55 minutes ago, Poker said:

I will enact a reserve roster

What are the detials for this? How will this work? Is this a return rank? Please explain.

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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-1 I think the idea of us controlling ARCL is kinda dumb. For the most part, if they suck they never get ARCL and if they get through its very easy to tell. Our job is to get the trainings done and maintain them. No need to go past that. For the Training schedule, I think we could get it out earlier, but thats just my opinion. I think we could start planning during our off week. But for now, Don't think its going to work out with the changes you want to make.

  • Agree 5



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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30 minutes ago, Poker said:

As of right now, we have been doing fine with upkeeping our current ARC schedule. We still have the bi-weekly trainings to prevent burnout, and have been doing them every day stated throughout the entirety my stay in the battalion. To continue, I may have not explained the system I want to implement as well as I should have. It is a simple screening process to verify competence and if It comes down to it, the player may be overall waived by their BCMD. In no way am I trying to say that I am going to full on pick the ARCL's, more verify their competence and give feedback and overall step in under certain situations that deem it necessary.

This is exactly what they did last time, and it didn't pan out. Why would we let this happen again? it's needless bureaucracy. And you are picking ARCLs by making a mandatory "competence verification" you do get to choose but only from a battalion's selection. If you make it optional or VETOable it will never be used as battalions are never going to choose to let Rancor have a say. It's either over controlling or useless in both cases bad

There's no compromise to this system and it's weird you even think this is a solution to some issue you aren't eluding to. Do you think current ARCLs are incompetent and if so why is that RANCORs responsibility to fix in other battalions?

Edited by Comics
  • Agree 2

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Head Admin


Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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I will +1 on the fact I trust you are not stupid enough to go through with the ARCL plan. It is an extremely pointless task that was formerly introduced and I don't get why you need to do this. Its not your job to make sure ARC is running well in each battalion, its your job to host the training and to make sure troopers are of the standard to even become an ARC trooper.

  • Funny 1
  • Confused 2
  • Dumb 1


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Your plan to make ARCL controlled by Rancor is dumb. I cant believe i agree with what most of Comics said. Please don't do that. However i'll +1 you based on your reputation. You deserve the interview at least and have shown yourself to be an active VA and a very well experienced SWRP player

  • Winner 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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2 hours ago, Poker said:

Now the big one, I want to make the ARC program as a whole even more intergrated with the Rancor battalion. To do this I plan to make arc leadership in battalions be cleared by our senior officer core, as we have had issues with some ARCL's in the past (I will not name these people as to not call them out publically). The general steps of becoming an ARCL will be listed below:


1. They go to their BCMD / REGL / a CMD and talk about becoming the ARCL (if the spot is already open).


2. That person will be brought forward to a member of the Rancor Senior Officer team by the REGL/CMD/BCMD, who will then be brought for a small interview to check competents.

-1. This alone makes me extremely wary of your entire app. The COMPETENCY of a battalion's troopers should be judged by the battalion, not an outside source. We already send our troopers to rancor to even be approved for ARC, this in no way will benefit anyone. It's already hard enough to get our troopers to make it to selections because of Rancor's schedule, let alone yet again running every one of our ARC decisions through rancor. This is a huge overreach. 

  • Agree 1


Former: A lot of shit dude

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2 minutes ago, Bane said:

-1. This alone makes me extremely wary of your entire app. The COMPETENCY of a battalion's troopers should be judged by the battalion, not an outside source. We already send our troopers to rancor to even be approved for ARC, this in no way will benefit anyone. It's already hard enough to get our troopers to make it to selections because of Rancor's schedule, let alone yet again running every one of our ARC decisions through rancor. This is a huge overreach. 

-1 more bureaucracy :pepeFacepalm:


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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It sounds like a majority of the issues are both with my idea of having more influence on the arc program by giving input to the batts on their arc leadership through a forced interview and the lack of arc trainings held in their entirety. What if I were to instead solve both problems by adding incentive to the arc trainings to solve the difficulty in getting arc certified, and add a complaint form to solve the issue of having some incompetant/mingey arc leadership / arc in general while uptimately scrapping the original idea? I want as much feedback on this as possible as even if I don't get the position, it would help the next person going for it to better carry out their term.

Also for a little bit of insight on why I wanted to try to re-implement this change, I had heard that it was attempted in the past but them removed due to the officer core being "lazy" and not wanting to do the interviews. After hearing that I figured I would attempt to give it a shot but hearing other input on the situation I now see why it was truly removed.

Current: Poker

Prior: Poker

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Hey Poker, you probably don't know much about me other than I'm some old head in the battalion. But after reading some of your app I want to give some feedback as I can't fairly judge it without knowing who you are as a person.

4 hours ago, Poker said:

By the end of my term, I want Rancor to be in a good position, with 60-70 members 30-40 marked as “active”.

Setting goals is good but you need to make sure your goals are obtainable. Even back in 2018 or 2019 having 30-40 active members would be extremely hard to do. While this might just be hyperbolic by you, just want you to be aware of it so that you can taper your expectations some. I've fallen victim myself to having unobtainable goals and it burns you out faster than you think.

4 hours ago, Poker said:

I will enact a reserve roster for those people who are in unfortunate circumstances and are not able to get on the server. By doing this, it will be easier to keep track of those on semi-Perma LOA, and who are on less critical LOA’s

So the reserve roster was removed because it was just easily abused and ultimately was deemed redundant as if people had to leave they could come back at SGT with their ARC trainings and begin to work their way back up the ranks. As well, if someone is on a near permanent LOA they probably should be focusing on what situation they may be in IRL and not have to worry about the server.


4 hours ago, Poker said:

Now the big one, I want to make the ARC program as a whole even more intergrated with the Rancor battalion. To do this I plan to make arc leadership in battalions be cleared by our senior officer core, as we have had issues with some ARCL's in the past (I will not name these people as to not call them out publically). The general steps of becoming an ARCL will be listed below:

Okay so this one you aren't going to be able to do without the directors giving you a go ahead which I don't think is the right precedent to set IMO. Regardless, I removed ARCL interviews because they were pointless as regardless of our own evaluation we are only in charge of the ARC trainings and have no authority over the other battalions except for the number of ARCs they may have and if they are to be able to keep their training. If we said someone wasn't fit for ARCL their BCMD still could appoint them the position unless we removed their ARC status. Which is just the more sensible thing to do anyways. Integrating the ARC program more into Rancor would be incredibly unpopular (as you can tell from the other comments) and would just create animosity where their doesn't need to be. As well, creating more responsibilities for your battalion isn't the best as it just creates more busy work for your officers to do instead of focusing on enjoying the game and making sure that others in the battalion enjoy it too.


I do wish you luck Poker, hopefully you read the comments and feedback of others and modify your plans / think over what you want do to. Believe me, sitting in a position and doing nothing is quite boring and from what I can gather from the rest of your app. There doesn't appear to be much you want to get done besides fairly generic things. If you want some clarifications on different things feel free to reply but there isn't a guarantee that I will reply as I don't check the forums often anymore.

  • Dumb 1



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4 minutes ago, Mitchell said:

Setting goals is good but you need to make sure your goals are obtainable. Even back in 2018 or 2019 having 30-40 active members would be extremely hard to do. While this might just be hyperbolic by you, just want you to be aware of it so that you can taper your expectations some. I've fallen victim myself to having unobtainable goals and it burns you out faster than you think.

I wanted to first thank you for the feedback, as well as stating that at this current moment we have 63 members on the rancor roster, 59% of those being marked as active. I do not mean active in terms of having that many people on at the same time, I generally mean having that many people responding to a ping or just being able to get on the server once every 3 days. The point I was trying to make (which simply came across the wrong way) was to keep up this activity rather than achieve some impossible goal. I will definitely say that was my bad and I should have clarified better.

9 minutes ago, Mitchell said:

So the reserve roster was removed because it was just easily abused and ultimately was deemed redundant as if people had to leave they could come back at SGT with their ARC trainings and begin to work their way back up the ranks. As well, if someone is on a near permanent LOA they probably should be focusing on what situation they may be in IRL and not have to worry about the server.

I did not know that there was a reserve roster in the past. I have heard about some issues with reserve rosters from when I was in CG but figured I'd give it a shot in Rancor to test the waters with it and see if it would work any better here rather than in the other battalion. To continue on, I still have a feeling if we use this more sparingly in terms of only putting people on 1 month+ loa's etc on here that will assist in organization of the roster as a whole. possibly calling it something else (I don't know what it would be called if anyone has any suggestions).


12 minutes ago, Mitchell said:

Okay so this one you aren't going to be able to do without the directors giving you a go ahead which I don't think is the right precedent to set IMO. Regardless, I removed ARCL interviews because they were pointless as regardless of our own evaluation we are only in charge of the ARC trainings and have no authority over the other battalions except for the number of ARCs they may have and if they are to be able to keep their training. If we said someone wasn't fit for ARCL their BCMD still could appoint them the position unless we removed their ARC status. Which is just the more sensible thing to do anyways. Integrating the ARC program more into Rancor would be incredibly unpopular (as you can tell from the other comments) and would just create animosity where their doesn't need to be. As well, creating more responsibilities for your battalion isn't the best as it just creates more busy work for your officers to do instead of focusing on enjoying the game and making sure that others in the battalion enjoy it too.

I did have a fun time reading over all of these comments about this topic along with trying to find some kind of other method to fix the issues that I am seing. That then lead me to the decision of revising my application based on said comments. As stated before, I didn't know that when this idea was implemented in the past that the reasoning for removal was a lack of purpose. I was more under the impression that the removal was due to laziness of the officer core and the lack of interviews being held.

Current: Poker

Prior: Poker

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Other than your plan for battalion ARCLs your plans and aspirations for Rancor are fine. I'm more than willing to support you as long as you understand why Rancor should not have any say in other battalion's ARC regiments especially after all the responses you've gotten so far regarding it.

I'll +1 based off your other goals for Rancor. I think you understand why the whole ARCL stuff won't workout and hopefully you don't pursue that idea if given the chance.

Anyone Know or Can Make This A Live Background : r/halo

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+1 I don’t agree with the ARCL screening process and I don’t think adding a reserve roster would be a very good move, but you’ve responded well to the feedback and criticism on this app which makes me trust that you will be able to listen to your battalion and do what’s best for it.

  • Informative 1


Jedi Youngling

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On 3/25/2022 at 3:27 PM, Poker said:

Now the big one, I want to make the ARC program as a whole even more intergrated with the Rancor battalion. To do this I plan to make arc leadership in battalions be cleared by our senior officer core, as we have had issues with some ARCL's in the past (I will not name these people as to not call them out publically). The general steps of becoming an ARCL will be listed below:


I know this point is already voided and discussed by others by this time, but I just wanna expand since not many mentioned it. If there are people in their ARCL positions you genuinely feel are unable to handle it or aren't fulfilling their responsibilities, you can just try to talk to them. Most BCMDs are fairly level headed guys you can bring down into a room to chat with or trade DMs with over discord. With that said, each battalion functions independently and you should respect that even if you are not given the answer you were hoping for.

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 3

Former 21st

Formerly known as CastleClone

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.




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