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[07/04/2021] Clone Wars Update V.3

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  • Retired Founder


-- [Clone Wars Update Changelog ] --

Version: 3.0.0
Date: 07/04/2021

Contributions: Square, Dragon, Jad, Forseen, Maxwells, Baron & all server suggestions.




  • 104th
    • Wolfpack Comet: Added DP-24.
    • Wolfpack Boost: Added DC-17 Extended.
  • 212th
    • 2ndAC Commander: Added Comlink swep.
    • 2ndAC Officer: Added Comlink swep.
    • 2ndAC Support: Added DP-23.
    • 2ndAC Support: Added Comlink swep.
    • 2ndAC Trooper: Added: DC-17 Extended.
  • 501st
    • Vaughn: Added DP-24.
    • Jesse: Added Clone Minigun.
    • Appo: Added DP-24.
    • Boomer: Added RPS-6.
    • Fives: Added Clone Minigun.
    • Kano: Added DC-17 Extended.
  • 41st
    • 41st Officer: Added Comlink swep.
    • Faie: Added Dual DC-17.
    • GC ARF: Added DC-15x.
    • Cooker: Added RPS-6.
    • Draa: Added DC-15x.
    • Gett: Added Dual DC-17.
    • Clanky: Added DC-17.
    • Clanky: Added Comlink swep.
    • Fi: Added Comlnk swep.
    • Nye: Added DC-17.
    • Nye: Added Comlink swep.
    • Tenn: Added Comlink swep.
  • Rancor
    • Rancor Pilot: Added DC-15a.
  • 21st
    • Galactic Marines Pilot: Added DC-17.
    • Commander Keller: Added Comlink swep.
    • KU Aerial Trooper: Added DC-17 Extended.
  • Coruscant Guard
    • Commander Fox: Added DP-24.
    • Commander Fox: Added Westar-M5.
    • Tracker: Added RPS-6.
    • Stone: Added DP-24.
    • Thire: Added Clone Minigun.
  • Doom's Unit
    • Acid: Added DC-17.
    • Lancer: Added DC-17 Extended.
  • Republic Commandos
    • Added Republic Commando Commander - New Battalion Commander Job.
    • Added Omega Niner.
    • Added Omega Darman.
    • Added Omega Atin.
    • Added Omega Corr.
    • Hunter: Added DC-17.
    • Crosshair: Added DC-17.
    • Boss: Added DC-17 Sidearm.
  • Jedi
    • Jedi Master: Added Hololink swep.
    • Jedi Youngling: Added Training Lightsaber.
    • Trial of Spirit: Added Trial Lightsaber.
  • Galactic Republic
    • Added Senate Commandos.
    • Mas Amedda: Added Relby-K23.
    • Mas Amedda: Added Cosmetic Saber.
    • Aang: Added Relby-K23.
    • Bail Organa: Added Relby-K23.
    • Gume Saam: Added Relby-K23.
    • Jar Jar Binks: Added Relby-K23.
    • Lux Bonteri: Added Relby-K23.
    • Meena Tills: Added Relby-K23.
    • Padme: Added Relby-K23.
  • High Command
    • Attack Regimental: Added Westar-M5.
    • Attack Regimental: Added PLX-1.
    • Attack Regimental: Added DC-15x.
    • Recon Regimental: Added Westar-M5.
    • Recon Regimental: Added PLX-1.
    • Specialized Regimental: Added PLX-1.
    • Clone Advisor: Added Westar-M5.
    • Clone Advisor: Added PLX-1.
    • Clone Advisor: Added Comlink swep.
    • Clone Advisor: Added Hololink swep.
    • Added Clone General job. - FOUNDERS & SERVER DEVELOPERS ONLY.
  • Bounty Hunters
    • Guild Leader: Added EE-3A.
    • Guild Leader: Added Dual Westar 34.
    • Guild Leader: Added Male Modular Foundling Model. (models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/modular_foundling01.mdl).
    • Guild Leader: Added Female Modular Foundling Model. (models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/modular_foundling01_female.mdl).
    • Guild Lieutenant: Added EE-3A.
    • Guild Lieutenant: Added Westar 35.
    • Guild Lieutenant: Added Male Modular Foundling Model. (models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/modular_foundling01.mdl).
    • Guild Lieutenant: Added Female Modular Foundling Model. (models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/modular_foundling01_female.mdl).
    • Guild Spy: Added EE-3A.
    • Guild Spy: Added Westar 35.
    • Guild Spy: Added Male Modular Foundling Model. (models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/modular_foundling01.mdl).
    • Guild Spy: Added Female Modular Foundling Model. (models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/modular_foundling01_female.mdl).
    • Guild Slicer: Added EE-3A.
    • Guild Slicer: Added Westar 35.
    • Guild Slicer: Added Male Modular Foundling Model. (models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/modular_foundling01.mdl).
    • Guild Slicer: Added Female Modular Foundling Model. (models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/modular_foundling01_female.mdl).
    • Guild Medic: Added EE-3A.
    • Guild Medic: Added Westar 35.
    • Guild Medic: Added Male Modular Foundling Model. (models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/modular_foundling01.mdl).
    • Guild Medic: Added Female Modular Foundling Model. (models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/modular_foundling01_female.mdl).
    • Ruthless Bounty Hunter: Added EE-3A.
    • Ruthless Bounty Hunter: Added Westar 35.
    • Ruthless Bounty Hunter: Added Male Modular Foundling Model. (models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/modular_foundling01.mdl).
    • Ruthless Bounty Hunter: Added Female Modular Foundling Model. (models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/modular_foundling01_female.mdl).
    • Friendly Mercenary: Added EE-3A.
    • Friendly Mercenary: Added Westar DC-17.
    • Friendly Mercenary: Added Male Modular Foundling Model. (models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/modular_foundling01.mdl).
    • Friendly Mercenary: Added Female Modular Foundling Model. (models/jajoff/sps/jlmbase/characters/modular_foundling01_female.mdl).
    • Freelancer: Added EE-3A.
    • Freelancer: Added Westar 35.
  • Event Jobs
    • Aqua Droid: Added B2 Rocekt.
    • B1 Droid: Added E-5 BX.
    • B1 Commander: Added E-5 BX.
    • Tactical Droid: Added E-5 BX.
    • Super Tactical Droid: Added E-5 BX.
    • BX Commando: Added SG-6.
    • Magnaguard: Added Lightsaber.
    • Jedi Hunter Droid: Added Lightsaber.
    • Sith Lord: Added Lightsaber.
    • Sith Lord: Added Dual Lightsabers.
    • Asajj Ventress: Added Lightsaber.
    • Asajj Ventress: Added Dual Lightsabers.
    • Mauldalorian: Added T-21.
    • Savage Opress: Added Lightsaber.
    • Savage Opress: Added Dual Lightsabers.
    • Darth Maul: Added Lightsaber.
    • General Grievous: Added Lightsaber.
    • General Grievous: Added Dual Lightsabers.
    • Count Dooku: Added Lightsaber.
    • Deathwatch: Added T-21.
    • Deathwatch: Added Dual Defenders.
    • Event Bounty Hunter: Wristblaster Yellow.
    • Event Bounty Hunter: T-21.
    • Event Bounty Hunter: Dual Defender Sporting.
    • Bossk: Wristblaster Yellow.
    • Bossk: T-21.
    • Bossk: Dual Defender Sporting.
    • Cad Bane: Wristblaster Yellow.
    • Cad Bane: T-21.
    • Cad Bane: Dual Defender Sporting.
    • Scientist: Added SE-14.
    • Prisoner: Added SE-14.
    • Admiral Trench: Added E-5C.
    • Citizen: Added SE-14.
    • Pit Droid: Added SE-14.
    • Event Droid: Added SE-14.
    • Event Droid: Added Astromech Models. (models/kingpommes/starwars/playermodels/astromech.mdl).
    • Event Droid: Added WED Model. (models/kingpommes/starwars/playermodels/wed.md).
    • Kage Warrior: Added Lightsaber.
    • Kage Warrior: Added Dual Lightsaber.
    • Trandoshan: Added T-21.
    • Tuskan Raider: Added T-21.
    • Gungan: Added SE-14.
    • Umbaran: Added UMB-1.
    • Umbaran General: Added UMB-1.
  • Weapons
    • New Lightsaber: Cosmetic Saber - 0 damage saber with no force abilities. For cosmetic use only. (ie. Mas Amedda's staff).
    • New Lightsaber: Trianing Saber - 0 damage saber for Jedi Younglings.
  • Miscellaneous
    • D3A: New D3A Commands.






  • 212th
    • Boil: Updated color to match battalion.
    • Waxer: Updated color to match battalion.
  • Coruscant Guard
    • Stone: Paycheck increased from 450 to 600.
    • Stone: Moved to top of Diplomatic Services in F4.
    • Thorn: Paycheck decreased from 600 to 450.
    • Thorn: Moved down to alphabetically sort into Diplomatic Services in F4.
  • Naval
    • Changed F4 Menu & Text color of jobs.
    • Yularen: Updated Description.
    • Navy Commander: Updated Description.
    • Navy Officer: Updated Description.
  • Jedi
    • Changed F4 Menu color to match Jedi job colors.
  • Galactic Republic
    • C-3P0: Pay reduced to 400.
    • R2-D2: Pay reduced to 400.
    • R2-D2: Added Datapad.
    • R2-D2: Can now /buy hacktools.
    • Senate Commando: Pay reduced to 400.
    • Senate Commando: Health lowered to match base trooper health.
    • Senate Commando: Armor lowered to match base trooper armor.
  • Bounty Hunters
    • Changed F4 Menu & Text color of jobs.
  • Event Jobs
    • Jedi Astromech Models moved to Event Droid.
  • Weapons
    • "DC-15A" (permaweapon variant) renamed to "DC-15A (Upgraded)".
    • "DC-15A (Original)" renamed to "DC-15A".
    • "EC-17" renamed to "EC-17 Scoutblaster".
    • EC-17 Scoutblaster: Description changed from "Imperial Scout Blaster" to "Republic Scout Blaster".
    • EC-17: Red blasted fire changed to Blue blaster fire.
    • EC-17: Red scope reticle changed to Blue scope reticle.
    • "Heavy Wrist Blaster Blue" renamed to "ARC Wrist Blaster (B)".
    • Scatter Shotgun: Fixed ADS view.
    • Hunter Shotgun: Fixed ADS view.
  • Slot Reassignment for weapons.
    • Slot 1:
      • Hands.
      • Fists.
      • Animation Sweps.
      • Physics Gun.
      • Gravity Gun.
      • Tool Gun.
    • Slot 2:
      • Pistols.
      • Dual Pistols.
    • Slot 3:
      • Assault Rifles.
      • Large Machine Guns. (LMG).
    • Slot 4:
      • Shotguns.
      • Sniper Rifles.
    • Slot 5:
      • Heavy Weapons (Z6, Clone Minigun, etc.)
      • Rocket Launchers.
      • Grenade Launchers.
      • Grenades.
    • Slot 6:
      • Hologram Insert.
      • Medical Syringe.
      • Bactakit.
      • Fusion Cutter.
      • Datapad.
      • Arrest Baton.
      • Deployable Shield.
      • Weapon Checker.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Updated: Job Strings changed for ease of use. (Document Here).
    • D3A: Mutevoice command is now fixed.






  • 104th
    • Comet: Removed DC-15x.
    • Boost: Removed DC-15x.
    • Boost: Removed Dual DC-17.
    • Dash-44: Removed Dual DC-17.
    • Mortar: Removed Dual DC-17.
    • Sinker: Removed Dual DC-17.
    • Sinker: Removed DP-24.
  • 212th
    • Waxer: Removed RPS-6.
    • 2ndAC Medic: Removed DC-17.
    • 2ndAC Support: Removed DP-24.
    • 2ndAC Support: Removed DC-15x.
    • 2ndAC Trooper: Removed DC-17.
  • 501st
    • Boomer: Removed DC-17.
    • Hardcase: Removed DC-17.
    • Kano: Removed DC-17.
    • Kix: Removed DC-17.
  • 41st
    • Gett: Removed EC-17 ScoutBlaster.
  • 21st
    • Galactic Marines Heavy: Removed RPS-6
    • Commander Keller: Removed Hololink swep.
    • KU Aerial Trooper: Removed DC-15x.
    • KU Support: Removed Fusion Cutter.
    • KU Support: Removed DP-23.
    • KU Weapon Specialist: Removed RPS-6.
    • SO Commander: Removed Westar-M5.
  • Coruscant Guard
    • Tracker: Removed PLX-1.
    • Jek: Removed DC-17.
    • Thire: Removed 2nd PLX-1 in job loadout (/me is confused).
    • Thorn: Removed Dual DC-17.
  • Doom's Unit
    • Brimstone: Removed PLX-1.
    • Gambit: Removed Deployable Shield.
    • Acid: Removed Dual DC-17.
    • Bandit: Removed Dual DC-17.
    • Crush: Removed Dual DC-17.
    • Lancer: Removed DC-15x.
    • Lancer: Removed Dual DC-17.
    • Pipes: Removed Dual DC-17.
  • Republic Commandos
    • Kal Skirata: Removed.
    • Null EOD: Removed.
    • Null Medic: Removed.
    • Null Tech: Removed.
    • Hunter: Removed DC-17 Sidearm.
    • Hunter: Removed Dual DC-17 Sidearm.
    • Crosshair: Removed DC-17 Sidearm.
    • Boss: Removed Hololink swep.
  • Naval
    • Yularen: Removed DC-15a.
  • Jedi
    • Etain: Removed Camoflauge Device.
    • Removed Jedi Astromech Job. (Models moved to Event General > Droid).
  • Galactic Republic
    • Mas Amedda: Removed Surrender swep.
    • Aang: Removed Surrender swep.
    • Bail Organa: Removed Surrender swep.
    • Gume Saam: Removed Surrender swep.
    • Jar Jar Binks: Removed Surrender swep.
    • Lux Bonteri: Removed Surrender swep.
    • Meena Tills: Removed Surrender swep.
    • Padme: Removed Surrender swep.
    • Senate Commando: Removed Surrender swep.
    • Senate Commando: Removed DC-15x.
  • High Command
    • Chancellor Palpatine: Removed Surrender swep.
    • Recon Regimental: Valken 38x.
  • Bounty Hunters
    • Guild Leader: Removed T-21b.
    • Guild Lieutenant: Removed T-21b.
    • Guild Spy: Removed T-21b.
    • Guild Slicer: Removed T-21b.
    • Guild Medic: Removed T-21b.
    • Ruthless: Removed T-21b.
    • Friendly Mercenary: Removed T-21b.
    • Freelancer: Removed T-21b.
    • Freelancer: Removed DT-12.
  • CIS
    • Removed CIS Faction.
  • Event Jobs
    • B1 Droid: Removed E-5.
    • B1 Commander: Removed E-5.
    • Tactical Droid: Removed E-5.
    • Super Tactical Droid: Removed E-5.
    • Deathwatch: Removed ZX Wrist Flamethrower.
    • Deathwatch: Removed Dual Defender Sporting.
    • Admiral Trench: Removed Surrender swep.
    • Tuskan Raider: Removed T-21b.
    • Umbaran: Removed CR-2.
    • Umbaran General: Removed CR-2.




Thank you to @Maxwells & @Square for the hard work, working with making a new CUSTOM Perma-Weapon Vendor for Synergy Roleplay housing our rebalanced weaponry, which was a result of the hard work from @Jad, @Dragon, @Forseen & @Baron.

These have been tried, tested and worked with for long hours to find a point in which it feels balanced and prices that should feel a lot more comfortable and affordable for everyone at different points within their journey in our server.


This month marks 6 months since the last ban wipe we did in December of 2020.
With the success of our first Ban wipe (Thank you again @Sock Monkey), we are moving forward with our second.
Please be forgiving for people's past and allow them to integrate back into our community.
If people are causing reoccuring issues please report them through the community discord or forum section.


Surprise, surprise.
We got new models made and so far 501st and CT have been updated with the new models that we had made.
These models show off a new style for our server that are an extremely sleek


@Jadworked really hard towards going through the jobs file to make the jobs strings easier to work with & cleaner.
@Gearsthen updated the following document to list the job strings for ease of use.

Document Here


It's Summer time, which means it's SALE TIME!!
We have implemented a new weapon that will be completely exclusive and only available during this sale.
As well as the above, we brought back our 10% sale for the store for the next 2 weeks, Don't miss out!!

Note: If you find any bugs, please don't hesitate to report them through our bug report forum section as soon as possible so that we can proactively fix issues.

Friendly reminder that the below steps will help you if you see errors after loading in:


Step 1: Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/addons
Step 2: Select ALL files within this folder and press "DELETE"

Step 3: Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/cache/workshop
Step 4: Select ALL .gma files (leave the resources folder) and press "DELETE"

Step 5: Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/cache/lua
Step 6: Select ALL files within this folder and press "DELETE"

Step 7: Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/download
Step 8: You guessed it, select ALL files within and press "DELETE"

Step 9: One last time, navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/GarrysMod/garrysmod/downloadlist
Step 10: Select ALL files within and press "DELETE"

 *[ Content Packs ]*
Please subscribe to ALL of the below content packs, and remember to regularly check them for new content updates

Main - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2287624671


[Hotfix - 07/05/2021]



  • Ping Launcher moved from Slot 1 to Slot 5.
  • RP sweps moved from Slot 1 to Slot 6.
  • 21st NC Trooper job slots reduced from 12 > 10.
  • GM Jet Trooper job slots reduced from 11 > 10.
  • GM Jet Trooper model updated.
  • Alpha ARC pays increased from 400 > 450.
  • Cosmetic Lightsaber added to server.
  • Training Lightsaber added to server.
  • DP-24: Fixed accuracy inconsistencies.
  • Renamed Weapon Category "[SR] Misc Weapons" to "[SR] Misc [DO NOT TOUCH]".
  • Moved broken weapons to [SR] Misc [DO NOT TOUCH].
  • Ping Launcher: Aim Down Sights fixed.
  • DC-17M Shotgun (Store): Now displays correct Damage value in C menu.



[Hotfix - 07/08/2021]


  • Saulte swep added to the Synergy Store as a Free Package.
  • Fixed Alpha ARC's pay... again. (Currently pending server restart).
  • Fixed Havoc Squad's pay.
  • Winner 1
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Forum Admin

This update is really good, I know the Founders and Devs put a lot of work into this and from a gameplay standard this is the update that was really needed

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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13 minutes ago, Bacta said:

The founders took my rockets this is a targeted attack against my life!  There trying to weaken me but I see your tricks

I told you about that weeks ago.

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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6 minutes ago, Comics said:


Oh, Cheers for pointing that out. Ill get that fixed

  • Friendly 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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  • Retired Founder

[Hotfix - 07/05/2021]

On 7/3/2021 at 8:41 AM, Forseen said:
  • Ping Launcher moved from Slot 1 to Slot 5.
  • RP sweps moved from Slot 1 to Slot 6.
  • 21st NC Trooper job slots reduced from 12 > 10.
  • GM Jet Trooper job slots reduced from 11 > 10.
  • GM Jet Trooper model updated.
  • Alpha ARC pays increased from 400 > 450.
  • Cosmetic Lightsaber added to server.
  • Training Lightsaber added to server.
  • DP-24: Fixed accuracy inconsistencies.
  • Renamed Weapon Category "[SR] Misc Weapons" to "[SR] Misc [DO NOT TOUCH]".
  • Moved broken weapons to [SR] Misc [DO NOT TOUCH].
  • Ping Launcher: Aim Down Sights fixed.
  • DC-17M Shotgun (Store): Now displays correct Damage value in C menu.
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