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Orion's Rex Application [Waived]


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Steam Name: [SR] MrNova

RP Name: Gearshift | Ahsoka Tano

RP Rank: CSM | Knight 2(CMD Equivalent in 501st)

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:192002324

Battalion or squad you are applying for: BCMD Rex



Ghost Company

212th is where I started my journey on the server. During my time here I was able to  learn a lot about working as a team and helping people out whenever they need it. I have made vast improvements in myself since when I first joined 212th. But while I have gained  the ability to teach people things and help them improve, I still  strive for more as I feel that people should always be looking to improve themselves.

501st Jedi

Ahsoka Tano (1SG-CMD)

I became Ahsoka Tano when I noticed that the jedi program needed a lot of help in the 501st. Before I became Ahsoka I was a member of the 501st as a  battalion jedi and looking around I was the only Jedi present within the battalion. Instead of waiting for others to fix the Issues I saw I wanted to address them myself, and thought the best way to do this would be through Ahsoka Tano. During my time I helped overhaul the Jedi Tryouts system, for both the main battalion and the Sub-Units, and helped gain new and active members into the battalions jedi core. I climbed the ranks and assumed the position of CMD and Jedi lead through my hard work and education to the battalion. 

Jedi Lead, Jedi Commander

Once I gained the appointment as Jedi lead in the battalion I started to implement all the changes I couldn’t beforehand.  I built a Jedi Expectation Document and finally implemented a 501st Jedi tryout in the battalion since there was none at the time. Besides just creating a basic structure for battalion jedi I wouldn’t and still haven't stopped working to gain active jedi inside the battalion. Recently I have further integrated jedi and clones so that the divide between the two groups decreases. I have given all jedi rank equivalents inside the battalion and they all follow the same structure as the clones do, so that all members can advance in the same way as brothers in arms.

501st REGL 

Despite being a Jedi I was asked to take the position as REGL within the 501st to help with a struggling regimental structure. As my term as Regimental Lead i was tasked with helping with the position because the Regimental Spots were almost vacant and my personal goal was to put officers in charge of their respective regiments and encourage them to become leaders. While I wasn’t able to fill every spot I was successful in filling a handful of them, as well as finding a proper clone replacement for me so that he can continue to advance the regiments inside the battalion.


Ace Manager

When I started as  Ace Manager I quickly learned that not manyI members within the order were Ace trained and I felt like this was due to the branches lack of strong leadership. When i became Ace Manager i remember that i tried around 10 people a week, and while some failed most people passed and for those people who failed i didn't discourage them and gave them advice to see what they can improve and pass the second time. With my help and other members I got the Ace program active again which I feel proud of and happy that is now in a good state.

Guardian and WS  Manager

As Guardian Manager I'm currently still working with the Guardian Lead to improve the branch and help him get people into it. I’m helping manage all the trials and changes regarding the branch. I want the branch to be in a good state and have things set to help not just the branch but the order as a whole.

New Admin - Senior Admin

Honestly this has been my favorite experience on the server. The ability to help people, not just the groups you’re a part of, but every member on the server has been enjoyable. Meeting new people and helping them is what sets it apart for me.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

My main reason for aiming for it is because  I see that the battalion has a lot of potential. My activity, personality and my dedication drives me to help the battalion more. This combined with my communication and confidence can help me build the battalion how I have envisioned it. These skills will help with my leadership of the battalion in many ways, but the most important will be in my ability to have meaningful conversations with those around me and therefore be able to resolve any issues that may arise both inside and outside of my battalion.

 On top of these skills there's one thing that I believe is really important when it comes to being a leader on this server. At the heart this is a game and people want to have fun, and in order to nurture an environment where people can have fun as well as get all their work done I have established a strong openness and friendly environment. This environment allows the battalion to work as a team, and due so in a very constructive manner. I plan on helping to not just improve my battalion but also to help improve those under me by teaching them skills I have acquired along the way. Hopefully though these skills and the morals I help establish we can create a battalion that works even without me. A good analogy would be a wall, even if you remove one stone the wall doesn't come crumbling down, as long as those that remain help to fill it with someone that is able to do the job.

However my main reason for going for Battalion Commander is really that I just want to help the community by playing whatever part I can. And as it looks right now one of the best ways I can is by becoming BCMD Rex. I won’t lie, right now I believe my battalion to be in a hard state. And I believe it is my responsibility to ignite that fire and let the battalion rise and be what it was once. 

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: 

Of course  

Monday  3pm-11pm

Tuesday 3pm-11pm

Wednesday 3pm-11pm

Thusday 3pm-11pm

Friday 3pm-11pm

Saturday 1pm-12pm

Sunday 4pm-10pm 

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Played for 1375:52:37.

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

At the end of my term I wish to see the battalion in a good state but not just with members but the infrastructure as well. In order to make that happen I plan on working on a couple of areas listed below.

This is gonna be my main priority to get the battalion back on track to what it was once. I wanna have an active NCO and Officer core not just being active themselves, but getting new members to join as well. Getting that initiative rolling and promoting dedication among the troops will help set the 501st  apart and allow us to remain active even in times without an active BCMD.

Officer Core

The main focus I have for my Officer Core during my term Is that I  wanna make it so there are more proper distribution of officers and NCOs  in the battalion. In order to do this I plan on slowing down promotions and helping teach my officer what to look for when promoting NCO’s and Enlisted. This will help create a more proper balance between officers and NCOs, as well as help to teach the officers what it takes to be deserving of each and every rank in the battalion structure.


Torrent Company 

I want to push the Torrent Company Revamp and implement it to the server before the content update. As the current TCC is doing a great job at getting members I want to be able to come into the revamp with a full squad. If I can get them fully prepared for the change then when it is to happen they will be prepared for it, even if I am not there to help them. If we can get it so that Kano and Boomer have a tryout and along with the unique tryouts to each character would ensure TC is a long term powerhouse.


This Sub-Unit has been in a great position and has improved a lot lately since the implementation of the new tryouts. I believe that 332nd has a strong infrastructure and the best thing for it will be an increase in the general battalion population in order to allow them to recruit even more members into their ranks. 


I have plans for a complete overhaul of the Regiments. Instead of being tied to passing a regiment created tryouts I want the regiments to focus more on allowing people in based on their proper training. I want my regiments to be full of capable people that know their job well, not just people that can do faces and formations to pass a regimental tryout. By having people be trained by the officers and leaders of their regiments, we can create a system that has a strong basis in roleplay, as well as a more appealing position for jobs that right now might not seem very important.

Organize all documents and tryouts

One of the first things I plan on doing is clearly labelling the permissions of all people within the battalion for whatever rank and permission they may hold. This will allow for a strong and clear Chain of Command, thus allowing the battalion to function without as much oversight as it has had to recently. I plan on using a google drive that is meant to hold and be owner to all documents pertaining to my battalion. This drive will be organized and well kept in order to allow for a clean and easy way to access any and all things pertaining to the battalion.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:


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  • Disagree 1

 your favorite Puertorican in the Server :peepoLove:

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In my opinion you aren’t ready yet.

Also Theres already a strong candidate why get waived now?  - My point was it’s kinda cringe people have to ask others to run for rex because they dislike the current rex applicant, inciting drama and causing head aches. 501st needs a strong candidate, one that knows what they’re doing and that won’t rely on everyone to make decisions.

Edited by Craigary
  • Confused 6

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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+1 So long as you have people behind your back and take good advice from those around you, you'll do good. Fresh blood is always needed


Former: Rancor PVT | Special Operations SGM | Jedi Astromech | Guardian | B2 Battle Droid

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Despite there being another promising candidate, I've witnessed Orion since he was a padawan, and seen his work ethic and the way he's helped keep the 501st afloat, form an outsider perspective he was basically running the thing before shockpoint came along. My only question is what you will do with Ahsoka if you do get Rex, considering how much you seem to love the character and being in the 501st on your jedi. 

  • Informative 1

Goodbye, everyone. 

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm So I don't get to ALT E on the Ahsoka Model no more. +1

  • Funny 1

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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Forum Admin

I believe your dedication to 501st goes unmentioned +1

good luck :)

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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+1 As someone who joined 212th at around the same time, I've been so proud to see how much you've grown. I remember the day you joined 501st on your Jedi, and here you are now. Best of luck, I think both candidates would do great.

GMD HA / Guild LT / Dev. Assistant Mavelle 

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-1 listen ima be honest, I can't deny that you have done good work within 501st as Ahsoka, but it has come to my attention that you like to overstep a lot and you don't get along well with the other applicant. I really hope that you aren't just applying so that the other person doesn't get it.

  • Winner 2
  • Informative 1
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59 minutes ago, Luther said:

-1 listen ima be honest, I can't deny that you have done good work within 501st as Ahsoka, but it has come to my attention that you like to overstep a lot and you don't get along well with the other applicant. I really hope that you aren't just applying so that the other person doesn't get it.

Honestly that would not be the reason cus i've talked to the other applicant and he said that i should go for it too, We support each other and whoever gets it we both are gonna work together for the better of the battalion and for the members aswell :peepoLove:

  • Friendly 1

 your favorite Puertorican in the Server :peepoLove:

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1 hour ago, Jovanovic said:


Despite there being another promising candidate, I've witnessed Orion since he was a padawan, and seen his work ethic and the way he's helped keep the 501st afloat, form an outsider perspective he was basically running the thing before shockpoint came along. My only question is what you will do with Ahsoka if you do get Rex, considering how much you seem to love the character and being in the 501st on your jedi. 

I also considered that but either way if i get the chance to get Rex ill have to step down from Ahsoka but i will still have a Jedi and my Managers positions will still be helping with the Guardian Branch like im currently doing

 your favorite Puertorican in the Server :peepoLove:

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+1 Orion is honestly the face of the 501st. I have seen him so much as ahsoka and hes done an incredible amount of work for the battalion. He deserves to make it to the interview for all of the work he is has put forward for the battalion.

  • Agree 1


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I am going to give a +1 but with a warning

I agree with luther you have tend to overstep  but i know you can easilly work on it AND you have been the fact of the 501st, you worked well in 501st as a officer and actaully did well with being active and such, I hope the interview section is gonna be intrested regardless, 501st is the most iconic battalion make it you have all the tools just need a stable commander.

Edited by Bacta



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Im gonna put this bluntly. You're not ready. 

You wanna know why I think this? The way that you handle situations is piss poor and you've made terrible choices during your time as Ahsoka. One that I remember clear as day, Is with Hondo. After Speaking with Hondo a few days after Bud was removed from his Position and hearing his side of the story, It made me take a step back and rethink how wrong I was to believe some people that I was talking to. Firstly, the Situation with Hondo itself, Was a clear act of Powergaming. You flexed your CMD (or whatever) rank at him like no tomorrow and forced him to comply with what you were saying. Is that what the server needs to see from a Rex? Fuck no. Secondly, How you handled the aftermath of the situation. The punishments given out for the given situation were terrible. I'm  not gonna go into specific punishments but if you would like to know I will gladly DM anyone.

7 hours ago, Orion said:

Honestly that would not be the reason cus i've talked to the other applicant and he said that i should go for it too

Honestly, What I would do if I were you, Take notes under him, Study what he's doing in the position (if he gets it) and then once his term is up. Apply. 

Good Luck either way.

  • Disagree 1
  • Winner 1
  • Informative 2

I am Best Canadian on the Server 

The Smoke Will Never Clear...

Christopher Walking GIF by Pop Smoke - Find & Share on GIPHY


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Flashback to when I applied as Tiplee for Doom

+1 The only way to learn how to do something is by doing it first. I can definitely tell that you are trying to improve and this will definitely help you. Good Luck!

  • Friendly 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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-1 Spoke to bleach, he gave me some insight. I think you are great at the position you are in now and should let Black have a term. Not saying I was ready when I applied bc I sure as hell know now that I wasn't, but I don't think you are ready. You were kinda tossed into 501st as a 1stLT when you were Ahsoka and did things like taking people off of Rank Freeze without even asking anyone, I know you have grown from that and moved on, but I think you should wait a bit and you would be perfect for it.


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-1, I get people can get experience from positions but applicable are not positions to be learning basic leadership abilities or how to properly deal with members of your own battalion.

I'm not saying your incapable but you're not Rex. Wait some more time, in that time learn from others & get more prepared for what the role of a BCMD is.

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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+1 I've seen a lot of work from this man in the past two months.

I won't lie untill rizzo's promotion we really havn't had a commander in the 501st. Bud was inactive near the end of his term, and shockpoint was kinda only here for two days. Since Brak left long ago we really havn't had a person in a CMD position besides you. And that whole time you've tried your best to help keep the battalion from falling apart due to a lack of leadership. I think you got the potential to be a good rex.


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Head Admin

+1, good luck Orion !

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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Orion. We have worked very closely together. I support Black's application, but I do also support yours. I wish you the best of luck! If you do get it. It would be a shame to loose such a good Ahsoka, but if you don't get it. Don't loose hope and please stay with us as Ahsoka


Edited by NissanMikli

Former Rex - Fives - Walon Vau

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  • Coordinator

This application has been VOIDED by the author.

You are permitted to put up another application for other positions, however;

If you void another commander application within 30 DAYS, then you're subject to a 30 DAY cooldown from applying.


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