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Nightmares Yoda App V3?


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Steam Name: Nightmare


RP Name: Director Of Special Forces Arligan Zey


Steam ID STEAM_0:1:107179473

Experience: Luminara [Icefuse]  I spent time as Luminara helping with trials and running with the 41st, The battalion commander was Summit and Hudson was the  Green Company Commander. On down times we did training, simulations, and we listened to Hudson sing it was a great time! I led them in events and helped the battalion strive. I also made sure that the 41st were connected with their Jedi and form bonds with them. I also made a lot of friends and help shaped a Gree to be named Egg.


Eeth Koth  After I felt like I needed a new battalion to work with I found out the Spec Ops were coming to the server, I got in on my clone and I felt like I had to go and support them on my Jedi also. I became Eeth Koth as a  freelance Jedi and went to be apart of Spec Ops, The XO Lightning held PT, training, and different trigger discipline. I helped lead in different events and provided entertainment to my men in the form of literature stories and simulations throughout the day. Me and SO had a very close bond and I learned some maturity and responsiblity in this battalion. 

Saesee Tiin  When the big update dropped Spec Ops was turned into Shadow Company and it brought cool features to the table, SC's Commander was Zomb at the time I was Saesee Tiin and I helped with many pieces of training, recruitment and overall morale booster for the battalion it was the same as Spec Ops but more stealthy and comfortable. As new members came they found that even though I was young I was easy to relate with and I can also be strict. I help give hard PT and punishments to many individuals who broke server/battalion rules I even removed some from the battalion.  I helped the Jedi order by hosting many trials with other masters and putting my input in the council. 

Poof: I was a couple of Battalions Jedi around this time I was 38th, SC/Spec Ops, CG, and that's it I helped with training, Sims, and events with these battalions. I also made sure that the jedi order was surviving I hosted trials and helped settle the brand now Jedi order with many old masters like Tybo, Dargon, Ginyu, Llama, and many more. I also gained the rank of High Jedi General which was a big achievement, I worked hard throughout the months and finally got it.


Anakin Skywalker: I spent some time as Anakin and I had several good moments and several bad moments but I enjoyed it as Anakin, the 501st was friendly with me and we were like a big family . I helped with training, sims, and events I talked with the men a lot and boosted morale among the group I also helped anyone who were having  a bad day and helped make important decisions for the battalion. I got a new Ahsoka for the battalion and helped recruit people. 

Shaak Ti:  I gained Shaak Ti through a hard trial where I had to lead clones and jedi. I passed the trial and was given Shaak ti, I had to help with the jedi order with document works, organization, branches and Jedi Battalion communication. I helped keep track of all the meetings and interviews throughout this time I also gave battalion reports on how the Jedi in each battalion are doing. 


Mace Windu:  After Shaak Ti I wanted to go for yoda so I applied but  I got beaten out by Tyzen but Tyzen gave me the Mace Windu position and we both worked together to make a good council. I worked side by side with Tyzen to make sure the masters were behaving and doing their work. I helped with interviews and organized documents for the order. In Tyzens absence I helped run meetings and ran the order for him if he was LOA there were some slip ups as Mace but as I looked past on them I began thinking how immature I was in some of those situations and I learned to act more mature.

Pastor: I gained perma master and became Pastor! I gave guidance to the new masters and new council. I helped out with some problems that were plauging the new council and tried to get them new things to spice up their council! 

Director Of Special Forces Arligan Zey: When I gained this position I knew if I messed up I would not be trusted to be in any battalion, So I went in and everyone accepted me in as their Jedi. I was required to sign in everytime I was on the server and help with SOBDE  tryouts. I also tried to help establish a link with Alpha and SOBDE, Also the Jedi! Being SOBDE jedi has made me mature and made me think about every action I was doing and making sure my men stay out of trouble. Futhermore I had to watch the 2 SOBDE jedi under me Bardan and Etain! This help me gain more leadership skills and helped me with my thinking.


Why should you become Grand Master?:  Right now we gained a lot of new hardworking masters but the order is missing a lot of aspects that makes it fun. Jedi seem very bland and not fun because there is a lack of roleplay and seems like the only way to get by is to be a manager and do a trial simulator 24/7! I want the Jedi to grow and improve. The branches are struggling and the overall health of the Jedi has gone down drastically.  I want reforms of the overall attitude and mindset of the Jedi order, that means if your a jedi you gotta roleplay as a jedi! Basically as grand master I want Innovation, Creativity, And Reform! I believe it's time to have big changes to come to the jedi and change it for the better! 


Do you understand the lore of the Jedi Order (as relevant to Clone Wars)?: Yes I do


Availability: I have school throughout the weekday, I come home in the afternoons.  On weekends I'm free almost all day 


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

Overseer: I was a overseer [Basically HA]  I helped do staff interviews, promote hard working staff, run the GM program with Llama and Halpert, and banned horrible players.

Gaining High Jedi General: This rank gave me a sense of pride and maturity I believe I was the 2nd high jedi general and I helped run the order and different battalions

Shaak Ti: I helped work with battalions and the jedi order with document work. This made me feel more mature and helpful to the order I helped out multiple battalions with their jedi.

Mace Windu: I gained Mace and helped the jedi order with document work and leading it through difficult times,  Created documents and did trials for Shaak Ti, Cin, ETC also revamped multiple documents throughout my time as Windu.


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want the Jedi Order to be at the end of your term?: I want them to be in a golden age where there are innovation and creativity, I want leadership and people who can pick up where I left off I don't want anyone to be forced to become Yoda and doing a terrible job because they don't know what to do.  I think the order should be able to be a fun place again and not be the trial simulator and lack of roleplay it is today! it's time for change gentlemen and  I think I can do it. Futhermore I want masters to have a new mindset and not be scared to voice their opinions. Also I want knights and padawans to help each other and have a great relationship. All in All I just want the order to be functioning and not be seen has another thing you have to do work for! I wanna create things for padawans and knights to do on off times and make the whole jedi a roleplay power house!


How do you plan to improve relations within the Jedi Order between branches?:  I want to get the masters and knights to work together and reform the branches together. I want them to help with Roleplay and Document work.  I want to make insentives for the branches like using hilts, rp powers, and roles throughout the server. I also think there should be a balance between work and roleplay people should be awarded for work and their roleplay people should have fun in their branch and not see it as a part time job.  


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Grand Master rank?: Yes!

Edited by Nightmare
  • Winner 2
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This man right here, is one of the most hard working Jedi that I know. He's been one of the best Arligan Zey's that I've seen in my entire time in SO BDE. He's on so much, more than so many of the other jedi, he's great at playing the character, and he works and strives towards improving the ways of the Jedi each and every day that he gets on the server, while at the same time assisting SO BDE in any ways that he can. Whether it be, helping with tryouts, or as an adviser, to give his second opinion, he finds a way to do everything. I don't know a person more fit for this position than you my brother. The only reason I would ever think of -1ing you for is because I want you to stay in SO BDE with us, because that's just how much of an amazing guy you are. But I know I can't be selfish, and I have to think of what would be best for the jedi, and for you. And because of that, I'm going to +1 you. Good luck my friend. (;


Also imma need you to add poof 

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Huge plus one! 

Nightmare literally runs the Order right now, might as well give him the position of Yoda. 


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Once again, nightmare has shown more dedication to the jedi order and server than anyone I have seen, ever. Nightmare has been through every single one of its ups and downs and been an active and upstanding member of the order since before I even joined the 41st more than 4 years ago. Nightmare has the ideas, experience, knowledge, and abilities to make the order what it once was. Many old members are coming back to the server, because recently, the server as a whole has been suffering in leadership and roleplay positions and quite frankly, it has lost it's way. I believe nightmare is one of the very few people who are truly able to make jedi engaging and interesting again.

All memes aside, through witnessing nightmare as a 41st jedi, his work as a luminara, his work in high staff, or his current work as arligan, Nightmare is a true gem of this community and this position should, without a doubt, be his.

You have my full support and +1 my friend. Revive the order with your Tibetan Buddhism.

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+1 Good Luck

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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+1 do the order proud


Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Nightmare is quite frankly the best Master the Jedi Order has ever seen, and that's not even Hyperbole. He is the longest standing Master, wise beyond his years, and has given me and every other Yoda advice without which the Jedi Order would have gone to shit a long time ago. If you want the Jedi Order to thrive right now, you need to make Nightmare Yoda ASAP. +1 get it my boy.

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You know it. +1


Edit : Alright so my lazy ass didn’t put a fair reason so here it is.

Nightmare has been one of the longest running masters in Synergy history. He has not only proven himself countless times and time again, he’s shown dedication by expanding the Jedi Order and rejuvenating the branches. He brings insight from people outside of the Council into it and allows ideas to be heard. This boy, sorry; man, has shown one of the biggest glow ups in Synergy history. If you base someone’s behavior on their past then please take a look at his accomplishments.


Former Mace Windu, Former Overseer in the staff team, etc you get the point read the application.

If you consider Nightmare as a minge because he has fun on a video game, please get the fuck off Garry’s Mod and attend Harvard. 

I will always support Nightmare for Yoda, always, not because he is a friend but because he is a qualified candidate for the position.


Edited by Bbstine
  • Agree 1



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Head Admin

+1, good yes

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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  • Retired Founder

Honestly Nightmare for Windu and Nightmare for Yoda used to be the biggest memes this side of the outer rim, however this was when he was a Youngling overflowing with memes. I feel that you have matured into the best and most dedicated member of the Jedi order. +1

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+1 He took a small break after his last application but other then that he’s taken no breaks for himself when it came to  helping the order. He has spearheaded multiple projects to fix some of the shittiest Branches in the order and has for the most part succeeded. He has with the help of the council rejuvenated the council and has filled out the named master roster with his judgement of putting people up for Master. Some may think he’s too mingy or immature to be Yoda and they’ve ignored all the progress he’s made. This man will it his mind on something and not stop till it’s done. There’s quite literally no other candidate who can even match with his record and commintment. He’s one of the greatest masters even seen on Synergy 

  • Winner 1
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+1 Nightmare has helped me a lot in more than 1 way, he’s easy to talk to and helps a lot. He’s extremely welcoming and knows a lot about the order, Easiest +1 of my life

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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+1 time to watch the order to get better 

Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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I would normally post the same meme from Ginyu about how Nightmare will restore the Jedi Order with Tibetan Buddhism, however I feel that this is a very serious time.

Nightmare has shown more dedication to the JEdi Order than any other member, and I would go so far as to say he is the most dedicated we have EVER seen. Name me another person who has lasted THIS long, worked THIS hard, and has tried time and after, denial after denial, to better this Order. This man has dedicated years of hard work and service to improving the Jedi with his full strength and conviction. No person is better suited than he is.

Nightmare is the soldier we need. Give him the chance.

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During my term as Special Operations Brigade Regimental Commander (weird flex) I had the pleasure to work with Nightmare as my Arligan Zey. The man has been the best Arligan we’ve had, he’s been a great liaison for Jedi related things that centred around SO BDE and was overall a fantastic help from helping in tryouts to advising in any matter that came up. He’s been doing a fantastic job and I really think he could spice up the Jedi order and bring a very nice tone to it! +1 

Good luck, Zey you absolute fool!

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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The only man I trust with this position, we need someone to step up and take card of the Jedi Order hands on. Nightmare has shown that he's willing to put down the time and effort and has ideas to bring back the better era of Jedi.

I -1'd your last app, but this app is a PHAT +1


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Nightmare, I -1'd your previous app, jokingly saying how "I thought this was in spam center LOL". To be fair, it was all memes and I didn't see you being ready for the position from a mature/characteristic standpoint.

However, I have seen and experienced myself that as of the recent months, your behavior has been more consistent and more tuned. Sure, you might be a bit toxic or memey, but overall your behavior has improved, I see you're more serious about the order, and you're one of the most god-damn dedicated members of the jedi order.

Like, bro. You were Poof back when LLAMA was Yoda.

You've also been a really good Director Zey.


So, from me, this is a +1. I feel like you've earned it bud. Here's to you keeping up the good work and making good use out of the Yoda term if you get it.

  • Friendly 1

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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+1 As a recently appointed Honorary Master and former High Jedi General, I can say without any doubt that Nightmare would be a great person for the position.  Sure Nightmare can screw around every now and then, but honestly he's come to mature a great deal after becoming the most recent Arligan Zey.  He has the experience, dedication, and time table to be a great Yoda.

People Who Put Their Former Ranks In Their Signature Are Idiots!

Community Liaison - Discord Boo Radley#2719

Feel free to message me if you're having any issues!

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+1 but what if I was to pull a epic prank and do the opposite of a +1? What would you do? Would you cry? I bet you would. You wouldn't you you sad little boy. Don't think I won't do it, I just might. I am going against society nothing is holding me back but you won't be crying today, cry baby.



"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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+1 Nightmare deserves it

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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  • Director




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Nightmare i remember when you were one of the biggest memes on the server right up there with mike. I also -1'd you last app because i hadent seen anything that would of changed my opinion of you in the 3 weeks you were back before the app. But god damn was that a fuckin mistake. I remember a week into the current yodas term when he was chosen over you I deeply regretted doing that because the work dedication ive seen from you since that last app has been more than i would expected out of most people. Basically +1 and fulfill the legend kid

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As the current Windu of the Jedi Order,
To all those who are still remaining skeptical of Nightmare's Yoda Application, Listen to my words:

The Candidate has contributed so much towards the Jedi Order, ever since he obtained the position of Zey, All of SOBDE loves and respects him due to the amount of dedication he gives towards his role. Even though there are times where Nightmare can be "questionable",  he still has the instinct of the mindset of what needs to be done. and has shown professionalism due to his responsibilities. The order currently needs another leader that is willing to enact changes, and a leader that can trust his followers, vice Versa.  Out of every current masters, Nightmare has been one of the councils oldest, and experienced masters. These qualities will make him a Yoda.

+1. This is where the fun begins.

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4 hours ago, Patrick said:

As the current Windu of the Jedi Order,
To all those who are still remaining skeptical of Nightmare's Yoda Application, Listen to my words:

The Candidate has contributed so much towards the Jedi Order, ever since he obtained the position of Zey, All of SOBDE loves and respects him due to the amount of dedication he gives towards his role. Even though there are times where Nightmare can be "questionable",  he still has the instinct of the mindset of what needs to be done. and has shown professionalism due to his responsibilities. The order currently needs another leader that is willing to enact changes, and a leader that can trust his followers, vice Versa.  Out of every current masters, Nightmare has been one of the councils oldest, and experienced masters. These qualities will make him a Yoda.

+1. This is where the fun begins.

+1 cringe 

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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