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Name: Hunter

RP Rank: Squad Lead

Suggestion: Remove 2 -3 Battallions 

Implementation: Removal

Lore: none

Workshop content if applicable: none

Reason: I feel that this servers batallions are lacking in the numbers with only a few striving like rancor and 104th. I believe this  attributed to the amount of batallions on this server as synergy has more batallions than I see on most servers. I feel that 2-3 POLL should be made for the community to decide what batallions would be removed. Few batallions would be exceptions: 104th, 212th, 501st, and Shock. I believe with the removal of excess batallions we can improve numbers across batallions and allow a less broad spectrum of choices. 


Edited by Lucky
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I’ve always said that there are waaaay too many batts on the server but it is also waaaaaaay too late to just up and remove any of them without a lot of thought and consideration. 

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i am literally captain tukk

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Ah shit here we go again. Sometimes battalions are strong with numbers then sometimes they aren’t, there was a time where every battalion on our server at one point were the biggest battalion. 

104th used to be huge, Rancor used to be massive, GM used to be a powerhouse, 501st used to be up to temple march numbers, 212th used to have the biggest medical corp on the whole server, etc. It’s a year round thing, the battalions will never be balanced, all that matters is that eventually they’ll be back to number 1, it’s almost like clockwise.




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Removing an entire battalion is a massive decision and shouldn't be done lightly. A massive amount of people pour so much work into their battalion whether you see it or not. Also people will sometimes join a battalion because they like that particular battalions  lore and or background. 


Personally I cannot see myself being anything but Dooms Unit because I have poured so much energy into the battalion.



I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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1 minute ago, Trixx said:

Removing an entire battalion is a massive decision and shouldn't be done lightly. A massive amount of people pour so much work into their battalion whether you see it or not. Also people will sometimes join a battalion because they like that particular battalions  lore and or background. 


Personally I cannot see myself being anything but Dooms Unit because I have poured so much energy into the battalion.



Im not asking for this to be done lightly, im asking for it to be brought to the founders attention and become part of at least a discussion

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+1 The time has come

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Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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-1 what battalions would be removed, GM, DU, 187th, 91st, BO. You can't just come and assume that battalions need to be removed when there are other underlying issues to this problem, such as it being summer people working more hours for the school-age kids. People going on vacation. Let's be honest SOBDE is struggling as well Bad batch is dead, your removing Foxtrot because there isn't "enough lore". Null is never full, Delta has one guy. Not just regular battalions are struggling, it's well its SOBDE and Jedi. As a whole, the whole server is struggling right now and only the people within the community can fix that. Removing battalions will just leave a large power gap and leave a lot of 1 battalion people such as my self without a home. 

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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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I’m not one to talk but I’ve definitely seen revivals of battalions, 501st back in the day being one of them when I was a JT, I think it takes the right person in charge with a good chain of command to keep it active rather than inactive high ranks and commanders. -1

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We need to place more importance on helping the battalions that are struggling rather than simply giving up hope on them. 

Help each other with improving and utilizing our specializations to promote and aid in the success of the server as a whole.

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327th Papa


Attack Regimental x1

Bly x2

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3 hours ago, Lucky said:

SO got removed my man

 SO did not get removed, they were repurposed and made a sub unit of the 21st, so they were given a second chance.


Also if we just yeet 2-3 entire battalions out of the server when people within X Y or Z battalion but their heart and soul to make the battalion work, the majority of the people within them aren't going to go to other battalions, they are just going to pack up and go to another server or just quit entirely. And if we remove 3 whole battalions, that's a lot of people that could potentially leave the server.

I really don't see the harm in having a couple of extra battalions other than the usual attack battalion A or attack battalion B or defense battalion C on the server. 

Edited by GM-3022 Havok
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4 hours ago, Loopy Newby said:

See the source image
Sith has been taken out time to remove another battalion.

A soul for a soul.

but in all seriousness this aint it chief -1

This isnt even a soul for a soul this is wiping out half of all life on endor... This is some straight Thanos plans we got going on here. 

Edited by Father Michael
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The main issues that have already been eluded to by other is obviously the uproar caused when a batt is removed and those in the batt usually leaving entirely due to it. Also the question of which one. As some batts where doing great while others where struggling. 501st wasnt doing great about 3 months ago or so. GM/21st was in a rough patch for a bit but is much better now, DU likewise, same with 91st. 41st has had a rollercoaster of a year. 327th has been patchy near the beginning of the year, Shock was almost dead 3 or 4 months ago. BO inactive (lol, I know they can be active but you get what I mean.), Rancor even went through  a period that they only had activity for events and BvB and where basically inactive during the day. 187th where usually only active real Kate and dies when they had no BCMD. 104th and 212th have so far been doing good but with the player count in general is suffering you can think that removing a portion of the player base being a smart idea to improve battalions that remain. I know if 21st was removed I would probably leave.

This decision would cause more issues that it would solve and make the server overall number lower than it has been.

I know I haven't been on in a while but I know when I went on last the server had about 70 to 90 people on in the summer afternoon. 



This isn't me complaining about batts  or suggesting ones to remove,  this is just me showing that activity changes with the tides and is never a sure fire thing.


What? Were you expecting some colourful thing denoting my past achievements?

Well tough luck, even if I did it would be just 3 things - Bacara, SPEC REG, Old HA.

Once a Marine, Always a Marine... Always forward, never back...

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-1 Brah moment 

I will give a reason for my minus one the battalion are literally the fuckin thing that give variety to the server the only battalion that I can say is dead and I dont mean this in a mean way is DU and 501st but this will change yes numbers are suffering rn but thats not because of the number of battalions 

4 hours ago, Regional said:

Is it a good idea.. maybe 
Personally we just need more constant updates to spice things up instead of waiting forever for a giant one.
Change to Neutral

its as regional put it the lack of updates I do think when joah finally releases this upcoming update its going to change to server alot so until then can you guys just fucking be PATIENT like seriously I see an suggestion for a new map change when were about to get one like brah you guys just wait you making these suggestions just takes time away from doing the updates that actually matter 

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Instead of removing battalions just get people who can fix the battalions into the correct positions? Surely that makes sense, and dont say there's no one who's able gain battalions numbers because if I can do it then anyone can lmfao.

You just need a group of 2-4 people who can work together and revive the battalions.

Removing things just makes more issues

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5 hours ago, Pythin said:

I love you dude

but this isn’t a good idea atm


You love him. I always knew you were a ...

Anyway, -1 for know. The battalions have been here for a while, but some are dropping activity. 

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2 hours ago, A-a-ron said:

Bad Batch isnt a battalion, its a squad. SOBDE is the Battalion. Thats the equivalent of saying "lets remove Torrent Company"

*remove foxtrot* 

oh wait bad batch isnt a batt its the same thing chief open your eyes 

but in seriousness -1 

Edited by SmallJeff
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+1 I'd recommend the following battalions stay:

ST, 501ST, 212TH, RANCOR, 41ST, 104TH, 21ST + SOBDE.

This would help keep strong player bases not only for the battalions but the server. Nobody wants to play alone. The main reason people come back to the server is to hang with their battalion.

I think the cut back in battalions would help refine the server where it actually matters.

I'm sure every one has there sentimental mindset where they wouldn't want to lose their battalion but grow up. The name and color isn't why you're here, the people are. And I think it'd help alot if a 128 player server isnt spread across 13 battalions, and Jedi and Event stuff.

Edited by BigZach


"I'm not toxic. You're just making it really hard to not treat you like an idiot." - Logic

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Even though I've been on 212th for close to a year, and I know we won't get removed, the intake of members from other battalions will enrich the gameplay, as well as expand the functions within said battalions. 

ATK has RECON, but they don't got on recon missions, and RECON has JT/PT, but they don't get to fly along their ATK counterparts. 

Having regiment-only sections of events would make it much more fun, and will better separate functions wihtin battalions.


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2 hours ago, BigZach said:

+1 I'd recommend the following battalions stay:

ST, 501ST, 212TH, RANCOR, 41ST, 104TH, 21ST + SOBDE.

This would help keep strong player bases not only for the battalions but the server. Nobody wants to play alone. The main reason people come back to the server is to hang with their battalion.

I think the cut back in battalions would help refine the server where it actually matters.

I'm sure every one has there sentimental mindset where they wouldn't want to lose their battalion but grow up. The name and color isn't why you're here, the people are. And I think it'd help alot if a 128 player server isnt spread across 13 battalions, and Jedi and Event stuff.

Let’s be real here chief 

Shock has to stay cuz rules

501st just got a Rex so now they are recovering but they were in a rough spot 

212th since they got a new Cody have done well. 

Rancor has been doing well since getting a new BCMD

41st has gone through 3 BCMD’s and currently doesn’t have one and are on the start of an upswing still struggling for consistent activity.

104th is up and down all the time same thing as 41st and 21st falls in the same boat along with the 187th. 

Like I said in my original post SOBDE is dead as well omega has the only full squad right now. Null has never been full for more than a week. Delta has one guy, Bad batch has 2 of the 4 members. 

While I can’t speak for 104th, 41st, 21st, 187th. DU since I’ve gotten doom has had at least 60 people with the lowest activity levels from the whole battalion being 48%. DU is currently doing well and has good numbers on at most times of the day.

this doesn’t even matter just wanted to put this out there pepehands 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Wouldn't Recommend it.

Say if the battalions do get removed, How are people suppose to transfer over to the other battalions? As a Private? As a Trial 2ndLT? Cause Im sure no battalion would want to consider rank transferring those removed from their battalions and put them into a NCO or Officer position or have a bunch of 2nd Lt, and Vice versa for the people who have to deal with picking a battalion to go into, after they worked hard to achieve the rank they had in their battalion just to see it removed. 

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Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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This is an interesting thing to discuss and it comes down to a lot of things.

First of all. I want to make something clear to people. Just because we will be having an update soon doesn't mean we will be all high and mighty in numbers and it will maintain itself. The server needs proper leadership in the high command positions in both staff and roleplay, and maybe a few updates here and there. You need decent people who know how to make a server fun and know how to maintain a playerbase. A new map and a couple of model updates that hardly concern anyone except that specific battalion / regiment, doesn't have all the fun packed in. Maybe it's fun for a month or so. Then what? This is towards the update remarks I've seen.

Second of all. If the playerbase does bump up like people say it will for the update, then maybe battalions can start kicking it again. Maybe they can't. As i stated in my update remark. LEADERSHIP. Battalions can only strive off the right people, every single one can (except those with no lore). Removing a battalion with the remark that they can't maintain numbers is quite an easy fix. Everyone is so god damn lazy now-a-days that it's a miracle to see a battalion striving in numbers with a snap of someones fingers and them saying they will focus on recruitment. People just need to put their foot down and step up or step down. Do the work you need to. You can't call it slave work or any other of those bullshit excuses i've heard so many times over the years, you signed up to play on a server the expects that much from you. Complaining isn't going to fix anything, just do your shit.

There are a lot more factors that can go towards anything and everything, but at this current moment in time on synergy, this is a horrible time to make a post like this. I am not against it, but I am not for it right now. Try again some other time maybe.

For now, I will leave it to a -1

This post was not targeted at anyone, I used "you" as a general definition 

Edited by Jayarr
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12 hours ago, Dennis said:

-1 what battalions would be removed, GM, DU, 187th, 91st, BO. You can't just come and assume that battalions need to be removed when there are other underlying issues to this problem, such as it being summer people working more hours for the school-age kids. People going on vacation. Let's be honest SOBDE is struggling as well Bad batch is dead, your removing Foxtrot because there isn't "enough lore". Null is never full, Delta has one guy. Not just regular battalions are struggling, it's well its SOBDE and Jedi. As a whole, the whole server is struggling right now and only the people within the community can fix that. Removing battalions will just leave a large power gap and leave a lot of 1 battalion people such as my self without a home. 

I like that you never added Omega into the equation, smart! Null is becoming active again though because our boy @Venom/TJis doing a fantastic job!
I get that removing Foxtrot was a pepega idea in the eyes of many people but; It was always the most pepega squad. The whole Delta situation is fucked rn, but hoping the current Applicant for Boss gets it and gets it active again!



13 hours ago, Lucky said:



Name: Hunter

RP Rank: Squad Lead

Suggestion: Remove 2 -3 Battallions 

Implementation: Removal

Lore: none

Workshop content if applicable: none

Reason: I feel that this servers batallions are lacking in the numbers with only a few striving like rancor and 104th. I believe this  attributed to the amount of batallions on this server as synergy has more batallions than I see on most servers. I feel that 2-3 POLL should be made for the community to decide what batallions would be removed. Few batallions would be exceptions: 104th, 212th, 501st, and Shock. I believe with the removal of excess batallions we can improve numbers across batallions and allow a less broad spectrum of choices. 


Lucky, as your fellow squad lead this was small brain, Very small brain indeed. Most battalions have on and off days, and some are still gaining their infrastructure as they've been absent without a BCMD for quite some time. If you're so concerned about these battalions activity, ya know... Outreach to them and help with recruiting instead of tryna remove what people call a home on this server. 

Huge -1 from me as I don't think there's anything wrong with current battalions other than a few dry spells in terms on numbers.


Edited by Tinovious

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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+1 idea 

-1 implementation 

former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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8 hours ago, Steven_ said:

most useless squad i have ever seen barely seen them on LOL

Who even are you lol

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Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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Its a math problem y'all. 128 maximum players on the server and 11 battalions. If all 128 players went into just the battalions there would only be 11 people online per battalion. That's not counting all 5 SOBDE squads, Base Ops, Jedi, and staff obligations as well. Our average player count for the past month has been 80 people, if all 80 of those people went into just the battalions you'd only have 7 people in each battalion online. We have too much content, it'd be better if we cut back so that you had a larger online player base in each battalion, but to prevent things getting stale we rotated battalions in and out over a period of time (bi-monthly or otherwise). 

Source for player data: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/



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12 hours ago, SmallJeff said:

*remove foxtrot* 

oh wait bad batch isnt a batt its the same thing chief open your eyes 

but in seriousness -1 

Dude, we want to remove Foxtrot for the sake of SOBDE. We didnt remove Foxtrot for there being too many batts, we had too many squads in SOBDE.
Squads do not equal Battalions.


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