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Agent's Delta Squad Boss Application


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 [SR] Agent [SA]

RP Name:

Delta Oh-Seven "Sev"

Steam ID (SteamID Finder) :


Battalion or squad you are applying for:

Delta Squad


104th Mechanized Assault Battalion:
104th wasn't my first battalion but it was my first home. Within this battalion I have done many things that others haven't and still haven't since I left. I have held many lead positions with this battalion... I've been Heavy Lead, ARC Executive, Support Lead, and Jet Trooper Officer. When I was in the this battalion I was known for my capability of holding a branch within the battalion to the peak of its abilities when I was in a officer or lead positions. Not to mention a few Wolfpack positions here and there!
When I was Support Lead ( It was my first lead spot ) I was and still is well known for not only having the most members in the branch ever ( around 12-18 people ) but also 7-8 support troopers including myself on multiple times within the frame I was Lead. I kept the troopers entertained and well trained to be very good and capable soldiers... until they decided to leave to try other things which I didn't mind as I made it to be a home for any newbies get them good at everything they can be and when the time comes if they wish to leave they make their decisions and on their own paths... and if they wish to stay I still had open arms for them. I cared very much about my branches I lead as well as this one as I made new documents for tryouts of basic troopers, elite trooper, officer, and other documents concerning the support branch. Not to mention when I was CSM-1st LT I was Mortar a wolfpack position because of the things I stated I did while within the 104th as Support Lead. Moving on when I was Heavy Lead I did many things the same when I was in support as it worked but obviously somethings different. I'd like to say I didn't take the heavy lead position for the sake of me or anything but for the sake of the battalion. Our current BCMD was scarecrow and he asked any of the officer who weren't within the branch at the time to help out which I stepped up to do. I made it known I wouldn't stay in heavy until it would be situated when I find the right figures to lead it which I eventually did. But anyways as I was saying I kept the tempo of the branch great seeing as I didn't have that many within the branch itself ( I had around 10-14 ) but I did have 9 Heavy troopers on at the same time at multiple times while as Heavy Lead. I also gave this branch my all making documents day in and day out for the branch and do many training to keep the troopers in great shape for anything to come.
 Next would be ARC. My time in ARC was great I wasn't the lead starting off this time I was actually a ARC Trooper going in. The great ARC Lead at the time and still is Anderson took me in as this was my finally place to be in terms of the battalion. I didn't come in to take over or anything I came in there to chill and help out as a overseer for the battalion as a whole. I've always seen ARC is the final place to be within a battalion if you think about it. Anyways within the battalion I did many things as well I worked my way all up to the rank of ARC Executive which is second in command. Not to mention my overall rank Lieutenant Colonel at this time. I ran for Wolfpack Dash-29 and got it as well... so from there it was a smooth boat I'd help with ARC Selections, ARC Training, and make various documents for the ARC branch. I helped Anderson a lot he was the man behind the scenes I just effectively carried them out.
That's it for 104th

41st Elite Corps:
After leaving the 104th... I joined the 41st to help out the new BCMD Zeik and also join my very good friends that so happen to join. This being my 2nd home I planned to help out this battalion greatly. I started off as a basic 2nd LT of the battalion and had to work my way up to prove my worth within the battalion to Zeik and others to get back my previous rank LTC but I made it known it was fine if I didn't get my rank back fully or at all. I helped with little things at first making small training for the battalion to increase their thinking capability while doing recon and you are the key to the door for operations as we feed information to the bigger battalion so they can complete their mission. From there I also help Zeik with officers and helping him know how his officers are doing which was the weekly officer report form that they didn't have prior of me joining the battalion. I made that and help himself and other high command know how well the battalion viewed the officer core... and so they knew how they can improve so that next week their ranking/grading can improve. From there I joined ARC as it was in a bad state. I became ARC Lead very quickly making quick work of things. I made many documents for the ARC branch and got the numbers of ARC from 2 to about 4-5 by the time I left. Considering 5 spots of ARC were GC which I couldn't override the jump from 2 ARC to 4 to 5 is great. When 5 is the max of regular ARC and then the other 5 had to be via GC Tryouts which are monthly thing that is the best I could do. Overtime I made it to Major my highest rank in 41st. I did mean well for the battalion and wanting to do more but something was calling my name...

Delta Squad:
I joined Delta-Squad via the round system they have in place and passed as Sev. After my 4th or 5th round of that day I finally passed which tired me so much as they are very hard. I joined as the newbie so I was picked on in ways you can't imagine... but I overcame it and wanted to make myself be known as a Commando that I desired to become. I started as a 2ndLT and little less then a month I am now Major within Delta. I was fine being sev helping out with tryouts for SOBDE and helping battalions via outreach work and it so happened to be that delta squad was the outreach of specialized battalions which I loved so. I went around helping in events and training doing the best I can to help others in ways that it could make them better, not to mention the work was optional I did it anyway and I was scold for it. I did anyway to not be called lazy and actually prove the work I can put in for others as I think I and others should. Sadly Marvel resigned and Richard wasn't going for boss so I stepped up and here I am.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I am new to the saying of being Battalion Commander "on" synergy... however I have plenty experience overall in gmod. I have 8650+ hours and counting, I've been playing this game for some long now since 2015-2016. I have been every position known on gmod. Private - Commander ( Of a battalion not a basic commander like this server does ) I've been a commander of the 104th and 501st on Last Bastion a good server that died out a year or 2 ago. I was the first commander on LB... not mention Grand Master Yoda but Jedi are irrelevant in this matter. I manged my battalions very well keeping them active doing great documentation for them and just keeping it fun and loving within the battalions. In Delta Squad I am one of if not the most hard working even before Boss and Scorch... I'm now the most  qualified for the spot and I intent to go far and beyond for it. I've never met the words "Burnt Out" and even if I didn't get this spot I'll still be on ever day doing the best I can for not just SOBDE but the server. I've been on this server since November of 2018.. 8 months its about time I step up and make myself a bit more known for what I can do and prove it with one of the hardest positions to obtain within SOBDE if not the server as "Boss" is a well respected position and character in Star wars. I intend to get delta as active as it can be and work them like robots to be the best they can be ( Well not to get them to leave or anything but to make them realized that the spot is to be worked for before and after joining a spot within Delta ).

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Delta Squad is one of if not the most well known RC squad within not only the server but star wars in general. It is a 4 man squad Lead by Delta 38 "Boss" the Leader. Followed by the Delta 40 "Fixer" The to-the-book soldier making sure the other members of delta to do the best they can and aren't slacking off. Delta 07 "Sev" The feared hunter of the group he is shown to always display his prowess with his skills of his DC-17 Sniper. Finally Delta 62 "Scorch" The heart and soul of the group always making his annoying yet funny catchphrases while blowing something up with his EOD Knowledge.


Monday - Friday: 4:00pm - 11:00pm EST
Weekends: All day
( Note if I have plans that day I would inform my squad about it so they know if I will be on or not also leaving someone in charge )

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

I've been playing this server for 9 months now since November of 2018. 
My actually time on the server is Delta Oh-Seven ''Sev'' has played for 1669:35:12.

Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I want Delta to be in its best it has ever been. I want old players to say "Hi this guy made delta better then how it use to be". I want to get all my delta ready so when I want to leave or have to leave boss I feel confident one of the delta I have can take my place and even do better then me in my time of boss. I want to be know for the worth I have done and put in for delta and SOBDE and make people know that spots that are taken shouldn't be taken lightly and people should put in the work. I actually wish to finish the term as boss in full to where the only way I couldn't is if something IRL happened. I plan to do very much more and I will show everyone everyday I come on into the server.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

Edited by Agent
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-1 I just don't think you're ready for the position. I'd rather see someone who wants to communicate with the current squad leads and improve SOBDE as a whole, Not just there Squad.
"In Delta Squad I am one of if not the most hard working even before Boss and Scorch... I'm now the most  qualified for the spot and I intent to go far and beyond for it" 

You only seem to be hard working when it comes to Staff and doing your branch work in TRO, You haven't really done a lot outreach wise other than deploy with your outreach, until recently when I was able to get RC to do Tech and EOD training's again and you've started to do so. 

You're also really hostile when others try to form an opinion against you with a mentality of I know best. And you're really self centred. I just don't think you're suitable candidate for the position, Before Marvel resigned you never showed any interest in going for Boss and you didn't show any potential.
I'm sorry Agent, But I cannot support you. I wish you the best of luck though.

Edited by Tinovious
changed to a -1

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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This man is one of the best troopers I have ever seen. He was so happy when his long known hopes of joining SOBDE were finally succeeded.  I have had ton of experience with Agent, all that being him either being my role model, or him being one of my best friends on the server. There is no WAY you can hate this guy. He only has good qualities, and I feel as if he is the perfect fit to lead Delta Squad into the future. As a 104th Officer, me and him worked together on documents, trainings and infrastructure. I am happy to keep calling that man a brother, and he is one of the nicest people on this server. He is genuinely fun, and relaxed. Looking towards the future I see him doing outstanding in this position. I have seen this man mature so much over the past few months, and just continue to grow and prosper throughout this community. I remember first joining 104th, with no clue what regiment I wanted to join. He was one of the few officers that actually introduced me to the Battalion and had long conversations with me about pretty much everything. He brought me up into the man I am today, and I am more than confident that he is far more then qualified for this position. You have my support, and I know you can do this. Guide this squad in the correct direction, its your destiny my friend!

  • Winner 1

Doom the Boom

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+1 You still have time to improve on some things but I don't doubt at all that you will a fine Boss hell I improved a lot when I went into a BCMD spot myself. Goodluck and remember it isn't gay to kiss your homies. Former bosses unite! 

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  • Agree 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Head Admin


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Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Dude goes above and beyond. Huge +1

  • Friendly 1


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FAT +1. Bro you will do great things in Delta. Greatest Hokage. BELIEVE IT

  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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     I've seen you around, you're pretty cool, yeah... 

     Just kidding lol, anyways you seem like you'll be an amazing Delta Squad Boss. I hope you stick true on your word and make the Former Bosses know that you made it better than it was once before them.

  • Winner 1

Current: None | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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Ive kept tabs on you and you distance yourself from sobde, and aren’t as mature as you should be. I don’t want sobde to be separated again that was never fun.

  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 5

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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-1 I trust the opinions of others I worked with before so I have seen that you don’t seem to be the best fit sadly but regardless best of luck maybe I’m wrong

  • Funny 1

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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On 7/10/2019 at 1:16 AM, Derv said:

+1 You still have time to improve on some things but I don't doubt at all that you will a fine Boss hell I improved a lot when I went into a BCMD spot myself. Goodluck and remember it isn't gay to kiss your homies. Former bosses unite! 

God damnit quit pulling the former bosses card. It forces me to +1 damnit



  • Friendly 1

Current Architect of Shadows Master Kit Fisto | Former Boss, Former Fixer, Former Sev

Former Jaing, Former Prudii

Former Bardan Jusik/Skirata

Former SOBDE Regimental Commander 

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  • Management

Look I know I’m late on this but Agent,

you really need to work with your fellow Squad Leads and SOBDE as a whole. I hear some very concerning things about how you have distanced yourself recently and I have seen you sit in Delta’s channel alone whilst everyone is in another channel quite a bit. You also seem to take quite a lot of things too seriously via TS and shit lemme tell ya right now if you ain’t in a Squad Lead office or the SOBDE meeting room then everything in TS is just one big shitty meme called SOBDE AutismTM. (Hell yeah I trademarked that bitch)

Loosen up a bit, stick close to your brothers in SOBDE, and most of all work with the other Squad Leads. You ain’t in it alone and it only makes it worse for everyone if you think you are.


  • Winner 3


i am literally captain tukk

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