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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. you should name it "Bud's lounge except it's a country and the country's name is The People's Democratic Republic of North Korea" and instead of a lounge it's the People's Democratic Republic of North Korea
  2. Name: Mavelle Staff Rank: SA SteamID: STEAM_0:0:114859095 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): Ending on 5/21 Reason: I've got an APUSH exam on wednesday, wish me luck boys! But also, I need to catch up on late work, bad Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  3. I've tested it with myself and Spieler, but that's only 2 people. However, it ran flawlessly, and I have a shit PC
  4. 9/10 They literally just keep getting better, you keep learning. Facilitated a lot of excellent RP, allowed for a lot of player choice with a GOOD amount of GM guiding, nice attention to detail, and there was a good amount of action-per-space, making the map not feel barren at all. Shoutout Hawk and Fireball, looking forward to more stuff with the 501st!!
  5. 9/10 You learned a LOT from your last event, and there was never a dull moment- I am really liking how this story is shaping up, and I actively look forward to learning more about the story
  6. 8/10 BIG GOOD SET UP for a big timeline, really looking foreward to more in this timeline
  7. +1 Could potentially be revolutionary
  8. Mavelle

    Weight Tool

  9. Hm, the heavy regiments all have this issue, so maybe it'd be nice for other batts to be privvy to this change; also, there's a heavy buff which has been accepted for a while so we'll see
  10. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Spieler Event/Encounter Name: Peril on Vandor! Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Vandor was home to a republic base which had been taken by CIS forces; the ATK regiment took it into their hands to destroy the CIS forces! They made short work of the landers, cannons, artillery, and droids! Anakin Skywalker was snarky.
  11. 8/10 Really good amount of player choice, the helpers I think could have coordinated with the GM a bit more, and a bit of a smaller group would have been way easier to manage for recon. Good shit!
  12. 6/10 I'm gonna be honest, I didn't really have too much fun. There was a lot of stuff that was.. confusing? Not only that, but the spawning wasn't very.. coordinated. I think it'd be better if you had a slightly stronger handle on who spawns what, where. The story that there was was sort of the same as a lot of your events, and I think you could do better story-wise
  13. If you're ever interested I would love to brainstorm up even more ideas of how to promote passive RP with you! (Big fan of long term deployments, too >:) )
  14. Passive RP is underrated. That's a bold claim, but let me explain. Passive RP can come in many forms; it can be Naval doing bunk inspections, it can be banter between Anakin and Obi-Wan during missions, it can be shouting "FOR THE REPUBLIC" in a clone voice during an event. But all of those have a really large impact on us, subconsciously. I know I haven't been on the server for a super long time, (only joined in December), but every time I've seen one of these things, I notice people beginning to join in, beginning to have fun being a character. And it's awesome. It brought a smile to everyone's face, even Naval, when Anakin (Snadvich) would just.. Take off. "He's fucking Anakin, what is he gonna do, WAIT?" - Snad And that's sick as fuck. It's little things like that that make us feel as though we're in the world that we all pretend to be in for hours a day. Next time you see someone working on a LAAT in the Courtyard, opening medbay for checkups, or discussing politics with a senator, join in! It might seem weird at first, but it not only affects you positively, it affects others who see it!
  15. +1; even if there are other candidates, I see nothing wrong with another strong candidate applying! I have seen you do a FUCK TON of work for 501st, and you would do a great job.
  16. 8/10 Good amount of thought, great build, and good execution!
  17. Added to the playlist. Also unfair, music is the thing that emotionally affects me the hardest and that shit kinda made me cry, ngl :( you can't drop sad songs on me like that but Shockpoint, you are the reason I kept playing synergy. You promoted me to SGT as good old Colonel Gregor. I found your voice really fun and you were really engaging. It made me think "I gotta play more with this dude" And then I found out you were a GM, and we played in every event you hosted. And they were amazing. I know this is a video game, but you have made so many people happy. You've made such a great impact on so many aspects of this community. Thank you, man. P.S. Jesus fuck dude that song is so fucking unfair holy shit
  18. i bet that uhhh uhhhu hhh uhhh he will jump
  19. +1 I'll deploy bad batch if you get it >:)
  20. I really am trying to understand your perspective better, what do you mean by "get fucked" Is it like having bad AAR ratings or having just not many people participate in the event
  21. And a bit of a follow-up, I kind of disagree with what you wrote in the lore section- it's a lounge for being Out of Character- out of the game in RP, as it were. As such, I don't expect people to be acting as if they were members of the GAR in the OOC lounge.
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