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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. BIG +1. BIG +1. This man has PLANS. This man is going to do some super super good events.
  2. not rating but when your name is the one that isn't capitalized lmao
  3. 3/10 I hate giving low ratings but there was a lot to improve on. The bombs in the main lobby had little to no visible RP reason to be there, it was just... bombs Be super careful about using the turbolaser; it's a tool that creates tension, not dead bodies if you're doing it right Have a good grip on what your EJs characters' goals are, and make sure they know what to do to accomplish them When trying to end, make it a more natural ending as opposed to 'warping out'. The antagonist/antagonists of the event were very unclear, with the threats to the base being very inconsistent Those are all things you can work to improve. I love ya, Soccer!
  4. 7/10 He letta me do the hacky hacky, not a lot of GMs letta me do the hacky hacky and it's very fun
  5. +1 however Don't be afraid to build in singleplayer! I did that for weeks before I even applied
  6. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Lively! (What a guy) Event Name: Mechanized Geonosis Assault That doc has the description Link to Event Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1avQDgw9bI37Mk6S-NWEOWUetda4e5fKPaJANwRFNUiM/edit?usp=sharing
  7. 8/10 You let us do some really funny shit, and ran with all the punches
  8. 9/10 Got to do a bunch of really fun RP, really cool build, well put together Thank you!
  9. just wanna follow up, if an engineer says "Can i repair this ATTE and get it working as an actual vehicle?" and the GM says yes, That makes us so happy. Holy shit. It is such a good feeling. It makes people feel like their job is useful and they matter! It's dope as fuck!
  10. 10/10. That was my favorite deployment. You were the only SA! You did super awesome for what you were able to pull off! The awesome amount of passive RP and ENG RP and shit like that was AHHH YES! It also at one point circled back to the ATTE in the pilot headquarters which I specially made. I had no clue that it would be this cool. Essentially, you brought a really really fun RP opportunity to light, and strengthened us as a batallion. Had a super fun time.
  11. 8/10 Had some of the best laughs I had had in a long time, and your stuff created that
  12. 7/10 The talky talky was good. The shooty shooty was good.
  13. Cuz yall had to go ahead and be really good medics lmao
  14. Name: Mavelle Event Name: Aven's Herborium Description: An Old Old herb merchant decided to set up shop on Anaxes Base, misguidedly. After giving some of his medicinal herbs to some troopers, they realized that the herbs had some... unwanted side effects. Axar and Clorox of the 212th developed a cure for it, stopping all the side effects and unwanted bugs. I hope I gave some CG and medics some fun stuff to do, as that side of RP is often shunned. Just wanted to fill in some of the time with some RP.
  15. 9/10 I had a fucking BLAST. Our batallion had a shit ton of really fun RP with eachother, the sith elevator battle was GREAT, the premise was interesting, thanks.
  16. 9/10 I really liked the premise, I've never seen those "cracks" kinda things before used, so kudos to the uniqueness of the idea! You were very receptive to what the players were doing as well!
  17. Name: Mavelle SteamID: STEAM_0:0:114859095 Staff Rank: Admin Currently a GH?: Yep! Hours I have played on the server at the time of editing: 392 Hours From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 7.4/10 Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: 100%. Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: Ever since I've joined Synergy, I've seen the really awesome things that people like Craig, Pog, Shockpoint and a million others have put together and have drawn a lot of inspiration from them. I saw the events and thought to myself "That's awesome! I want to make people feel the way he just did!". I love putting on a show, I love spectacle. I GM for DnD games quite a lot, so putting together stories, characters, acting, improv, and voice acting are no stranger to me. I want to become a GM because running events is extraordinarily fun and I have quite a lot of ideas for them. Do you have any suggestions for the Gamemaster team?: I do. And it's not big, or bad or anything like that. I just would love to see more... spectacle in a lot of events. Putting on a show is really what running an event is- it's all about the atmosphere! What I really mean is that GM's being more involved in providing atmosphere would be awesome. Here's five things I've done on the team so far. And finally, I've designed a deployment for the 41st for this application. Here's the link! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ux9Cyq7dUtmnr318X7kkJvyHee1yukpBdvUi-Z_7IDg/edit?usp=sharing It's a pretty heavily wild-west themed, kind of investigation, kind of recon, kind of spooky deployment for the 41st Recon Battalion. It should be very doable in realistic terms, and pretty fun, too! (I do suggest you listen to the music while reading.)
  18. Name: Mavelle! Who helped (If applicable): Bacta, Lively, Soccer! Event Name: The Famous Tessa Padron Description: A famous musician decided to set up shop on Endor. After a small concert with some excellent music, Tessa then turned her attention to the two people who had bought call-in backstage passes. Those two people turned out to be Grevious and Trench! CIS reinforcements were called and the forces made short work of them while the 501st and Doom's Unit protected Tessa in her comfy lil' private jet.
  19. Name: Mavelle! Who helped (If applicable): Babatunde, Lively! Event Name: Coaxium Core Catastrophe Description: The intelligence officers of the republic informed troopers that they would have the opportunity to destruct a Coaxium Core. This core was spied by the troopers who promptly decided that lightsabers were an excellent form of preventing detection. They were then detected. The outpost, with its comms still active, was able to call in separatist reinforcements. The planet of Mustafar began to crumble around them- pyroclastic flow, lava, explosions everywhere!
  20. 8/10 The fighting and battle aspects of the event were very fun and pretty well designed, balanced, and executed! I liked doin' all that tech RP, but would have preferred a little more in person RP.
  21. Name: Mavelle Event Name: Operation: Burning Phoenix Description: The 212th had recently gotten word of the mysterious Parjai Representative having just finished an undercover mission on Endor. Commander Cody decided to take matters into his own hands and investigate. The representative had ties to the CIS! His... Individual agents were equipped with bombs as well. The 212th made short work of the forces with a lot of strife, and devised a very clever plan to lure out 43 himself.
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