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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. +1 Big FYI guy. HUGE fyi guy.
  2. Damn bruh you were the first GM I ever helped in an event with, real good to see you back
  3. +1 he said "hello there" one time ALSO he's a great fucking commander and I think he's the best fella for the job.
  4. Name: Mavelle Staff Rank: HA SteamID: STEAM_0:0:114859095 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 7/29 - 8/10 Reason: Going to a medieval camping event, for quite a while, time to be a bard! Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yep Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yep! This week's soundtrack:
  5. Was only there for a bit, but a bit of event advice; if a commando droid has planted bombs, it's completed its mission. It doesn't really make any sense for the droid to... announce the fact to its enemies. I saw a lot of people being confused about why the Commando was so polite.
  6. 8/10 good entertainment! Keeping us doing stuff during downtime!
  7. Mavelle


    9/10 A good encounter! You had enough of a story to be a little invested in the outcome, and rolled with the punches. I like that you seemed to be using strategies similar to the ones I used when I started out GMing such as adverting narration. I would suggest changing your name to something like 'narration' before narrating, because when you advert narration as your character name, it looks like your character is broadcasting the narration as a message.
  8. 7/10 For a map like that, I really reccomend ambience that fits the environment more. For instance, you could've used something like a 'Creepy forest' background ambience instead of random horror stuff. Also, the action was *really* consolidated, meaning only about half of the players ever actually saw action. A good way to circumvent that is by having your game helpers develop smaller side stories for the rest of the people not affected by the main story. For instance, it would have been awesome if we had gotten to the facility and found consoles with logs of people's last words, or something, but instead it was empty until a GH spawned a couple zombies in it, seemingly at random. That being said, it was a pretty entertaining event and got a shit ton of ATK online, so BIG kudos to you for hosting. Thanks for the event! Again, I don't want to discourage events like this! A 7/10 is a good event! To all the GMs out here, look to stuff like this!
  9. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  10. OK OK OK I totally did word this wrong. What I really meant was that there's a lot to appreciate, and I just wanted to point out a couple of things that really makes the soundtrack shine
  11. I wish we had talked more! You're a really fucking cool guy! You're makin' a good move here, have a good time!
  12. Rewatching The Mandalorian right now, but HOLY SHIT the soundtrack is so incredibly fucking phenomenal. It's so utterly different from the rest of the John Williams stuff. While, yeah, John Williams is amazing, the Mando soundtrack is such a good fit for the more gritty feel of the series. Like this shit? This is one of the best tracks in the Star Wars soundtracks overall IMO. It fits Moff Gideon so GOD DAMN well, and does such an amazing job of shaping the feel of each scene he's in. Not only that but ITS SO GOOD IT FITS SO WELL AND ITS SO DIFFERENT THE USE OF ACOUSTIC INSTRUMENTATION AND SYNTHS AND SHIT IS SO SICK
  13. +1, but it has required content that adds up to 45 mb, I don't know if it's possible or not
  14. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): DAYTONA WOOOO Event/Encounter Name: TITLE! Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The 212th engaged in a space battle which led them to Kamino, to retake their homeland! They somewhat retook Kamino and found coordinates of other CIS invasions along the surface of the planet! RIP Pog Cody
  15. Jeez man, I didn't expect you to apply literally the hour after you talked to me, but I would really be a GH for a little while longer and see how things have changed as well as get used to the tools that have been added before you go full swing. You'd still be in the GM branch as a GH, and I hope that was not me because I made it a point not to pressure you into applying immediately :(
  16. +1 Very easy person to work with, would make a WONDERFUL ATK reg!
  17. Thanks for the response! I have to admit, I'm a little skeptical about this because of my lack of interactions with you, but it seems like you're reasonable and have some good plans. +1, and good luck!
  18. Many, Many ATK Regimentals have said that they "plan to talk to the GM team about *x*". Never once have I seen one do that, unfortunately. If you plan to have subunits deploy alongside some battalions, do you intend to deploy the battalion/subunits yourself, or can we count on you to communicate what the ATK regiment wants to the GM team?
  19. 9/10 This is what encounters should be, y'all! 20 minutes of entertainment! Fairly simple, shooty! Good!
  20. Mavelle


    9/10 Grevious is SO good for scary. SO good.
  21. Keep in mind his future events might not improve unless he knows how to prevent 1/10s! What made you feel this way about the event?
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