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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. Wish granted, but you'll never be as cool as Pog (Me) I wish yoda was tall
  2. Wish Granted, but it's Pog I wish for people to not call me muh vell
  3. 7/10 Pretty well organized for a prime time million person event!
  4. Unfortunately, your suggestion has been DENIED. Contact a member of the staff team for further information on why your suggestion was denied.
  5. +1 Every interaction with you I've had has been great, and you listened to my guitar playing, lmao
  6. WAIT.... MASON!???? This man's gonna be excellent. Fucking splendid. I hope you get welcomed back. +1
  7. I would lmao at this but EVERYONE FUCKING CALLS ME MAR VELLE I HATE IT AHHHHH It's pronounced "Mav" "ull" :'( tavelle
  8. Name: Mavelle Event Name: Floppa's Mission Link to Event Document (optional): The Late-Night clones were sent on an extremely important mission to defend the integrity and safety of Anaxes Base's Bantha Mascot.
  9. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Lively, Winters! Event Name: A Cold Welcome Link to Event Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aYGZygsaYCzbnUcjUNBifMfm78TYql1y3BHq2_7Wnfc/edit?usp=sharing
  10. i wouldn't try that maneuver
  11. 8/10 the astromech gave us a lot of really fun RP, give us more of that sweet sweet RP i am unkillable
  12. Mavelle

    212th Time

    6/10 Gun go bang but sometimes me want mouth go talky :(
  13. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Bacta Event Name: Flanking is Bad! Description: A routine patrol went bad when multiple landers assaulted Endor and utilized actual battle strategy!
  14. 10/10 I don't think I've ever had this much fun in an event. Lordy.
  15. Very much liked the imaginative use of the map, as well as the specific small aspects of the event! 8/10
  16. That's understandable. It'd suck to see you go from senator but it's not like you would never be on 'er, and we'd still have you around as ATK. Fully support you
  17. But I'm very concerned it will 100% kill your activity on Senator, and you're our only senior senator
  18. +1 Every interaction I've had with you has been great
  19. Also I love the idea of a huge story taking place in one area over multiple deployments!
  20. +1 I really like your unique approach to event running
  21. Don't worry man! It happens to all of us! Whats important is that you have the enthusiasm to keep going as a great GM.
  22. 4/10 There was uh.. I don't know. It didn't seem... put together. It seemed kind of cobbled together, especially considering that (and I'm not even a grammar nazi) every single GM Message was misspelled in some way. There was very little immersion- but all of that is stuff that you can improve on! Lookin' forward to more events!
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