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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. I honestly am not too sure how I feel about this suggestion. If you think about it, events are entertainment- that's our job as GMs; to entertain people. But if people find that doing something else is more fun, I don't really see why we should make them stop. It's sort of like not allowing Sims to go on during event- a discussion we had on the forums a while ago; people make their own fun and I'm not too into the idea of saying on principle that it is up to some people and some people alone to be the fun instead of allowing people to use their own means on occasion. I won't officially +1 or -1 this yet, as I'd really like to hear your opinion on those points @Dono
  2. god i wish that were me
  3. You are super cool and chill, I hope you come back with full force one day!
  4. The scene that accompanies the music is sort of... part of the song, in a way. I don't think either would be complete without the other. (Plus, that fucking low synth as the screen pans onto Jessie's helmet, uGHHH)
  5. the season 7 music. Holy shit. I am so excited. Bro. You ever hear burying the dead? one of the most fucking emotionally charged songs in all of SW. AGGHGHGAHGH
  6. Maybe one day I can bring you and like a couple other people through a similar factory :)))
  7. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Johnson, Caidoon Event/Encounter Name: "The Shape-Taker of the Vessel" Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): An abandoned Umbaran foundry which had been working on trapping a force-entity in a mechanical vessel were forced to abandon the project. 2 troopers did not make it.
  8. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Skyron, Vicodin Event/Encounter Name: "The Vessel" Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Ghost Company, having received tactical information from their navigational A.I. entered the Floodplain sector of Umbara in search of recon intelligence. The group actually managed to stay hidden and captured an Umbaran Supervisor! In the end, a derelict ship was found with left-over coordinates of two locations. Where the first set leads is unkown, for now....
  9. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event/Encounter Name: Getting into the Swing of It Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The 2nd Airborne Company was able to clear the route for the rest of the forces to land on Umbara in the Foothold Sector! This was an event with a shit ton of small focus on passive RP and fixing things up around Foothold FOB. Essentially, a large primer for the storyline which is about to start back up.
  10. Witcher 3 without a fucking doubt
  11. when they don't want GMs to deploy people when server is sub 30 pop, but want to create another game server :/
  12. Name: Mavelle Staff Rank: Senior Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:114859095 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 4/17-4/21 Reason: I'm going through a really sudden breakup from a really long relationship. It's all good and I know how to cope, but.. I'm gonna take a bit of time off. Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: 100% Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yup
  13. Mavelle

    Meme Dump

    you take that the FUCK back that boy is the first pokemon I ever owned in my life Sapphire does not deserve this disrespect
  14. This kind of weather, at least in NC and a lot of other places in the US doesn't last forever Don't take this shit for granted It's god damn GLORIOUS outside. Y'all have a good day. Get some sun! I know I will for sure
  15. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): POG! Event/Encounter Name: The Laurel Crew, Minus One Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The 212th, 41st, and CG were deployed to Geonosis for a bit of a rescue mission. They had much difficulty with a frontal assualt- even Count Dooku did. Foxtrot did end up killing Threepwood, oops! They were forced to retreat...
  16. That's almost exactly how I felt with my time as Bail Organa, eventually leading to my leaving of the senate. That's a very good point. I most likely would have been motivated if we were just to log our hours and not have a quota. This thread has been real informative, thank you fellas for your experiences and insight!
  17. I've noticed that some systems on our server have implemented activity quotas; I.E. signing in when you log on, signing out vice versa. My question; have they been seen to work? When I had an activity quota I personally became very unmotivated and never felt like coming on the server. Now, that could just be me. However, I would like to know people's experiences regarding quotas of the like. Have they worked for you guys, or not? How come?
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