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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. +1 I honestly, truly believe Pog is one of the coolest, nicest, most considerate, intelligent, charismatic, and strong-willed people, if not the best person on SynergyRP Even out of game I admire the man a lot.
  2. I've got a question. So, I've seen many people on many occasions saying "Synergy RP? More like Synergy! Cause they don't RP! At all!" or something along the lines of that. What's with that? I know a lot of it's joking, but jokes are based on reality. There's almost always a small level of truth or reality in every joke, even subconsciously. I've been seeing a bunch of RP! Every time I do a /me in a semi-serious/serious way, someone reciprocates! Not only that, but people are ravenous about FailRP. It just seems to be the most common/one of the most common complaints about Synergy. What's y'alls thoughts on it? If you disagree with me please tell me why because I really want to think about it more, and maybe I'm wrong. P.S. That color of jacket looks good on you
  3. There's so many instances where maybe you just need to delete a post. I honestly have absolutely no clue why we don't. +1
  4. That's actually a good point. People could come in and out and it could be on a much larger scale/build because of less prop-count restrictions I highly recommend developing something like that, come to think of it
  5. I also think that sometimes people don't realize that they also can start stuff! We've been running some trainings and such in the battalion to promote that, and it works! If it doesn't seem like there's anything to do, you can make something. (That's why I engineer RP)
  6. The impact of observer's clothing color on Eastern Gray Squirrels' flight initiation distance It was a study I conducted and designed and all that, minimum is 4,000 words
  7. I agree with Slak. It was kind of hard to get involved with the mission-oriented RP unless you REALLY tried to. I mean, granted, most time is like that on the server. However, more in the immediate surrounding environment (such as a vehicle repair station, forward watchtowers away from the base for ARF/ARC with needs to resupply and such) could improve the experience for some folks who had a bit of trouble getting engaged. I would like to say, Planetary Incursions have excellent potential and promote RP in a way that I've almost never seen from other events. It's a two-edged sword. In order for it to be really good, you've got to have a lot of people that are interested in RPing a lot. And you're not always going to have those people. Overall, kudos for the excellent idea, and I would really like to see it happen more and get more and more polished. (BTW I would nut if I got to help in the future) OH OH and I don't know who was doing it, but the Day/Night cycle? That shit was fucking fire.
  8. 9/10 Easily one of the best encounters I have seen on this server. The building was well thought out, there was a lot of RP, the combat was good, the premise was good, excellent work. We'd all love to see more like this in the future, dude! Excellent work!
  9. Oh jesus Goodbye man Didn't talk much but you were one of the people who inspired me to be a GM I know that may be inconsequential, but your inspiration helped me a lot. o7
  10. I turned in my final research paper draft! it's 4,000 words under the minimum.
  11. +1 he is GCS MEDL LTC Peel
  12. +1 Is it selfish to say I need this guy to RP as Rex? Holy shid.
  13. White sub bun, turkey, jalepeno, banana pepper, chicken, lettuce
  14. 8/10 Surprising amount of thought and care for such a late event!
  15. I've got some sandwich left. Y'all want any?
  16. +1 Seems like a very effective candidate, and a Rex is needed
  17. No clue as I'm a newfrog, but in the last community update they said that they were looking at getting Bananakin to add an OOC to Anaxes Base
  18. small deployments are king I agree! One of the upsides of marsh is that it's populated well, meaning that there's not even a huge amount of props that you would need to use to shift the tone of the setting to what you need.
  19. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): My 7 cups of coffee Event Name: Capital Supremacy Link to Event Document (optional): The attack regiment was deployed to Tatooine in order to lay siege on the village of Mos Ataros. A lot happened. It was a lot.
  20. you take that back right now lively
  21. 8/10 spawned some very fun rp
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