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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. Name: Katy/Bacta Who helped (If applicable): John, Mavelle, Aaron Event/Encounter Name: Assault on the City II Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The ATK regiment was set to land their ship in the ruins of a CIS overtaken city. In the ship, they were able to do RP to customize their own event experience. They landed, conducted a ground infantry assault, and were victorious!
  2. I don't want to seem like I have a stick up my ass, but please keep AARs for giving the GM feedback on their event Things to give feedback on could be planning, spawning, building, and GH organization I wouldn't step in here normally, but the GMs do use the feedback you give them, and Pog can't improve his events if the thing that he was told he should improve is the players' actions
  3. ?????? https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Goji
  4. Name: Mavelle Staff Rank: Seniorita Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:0:114859095 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): Starting on 5/28, ending on 5/31 Reason: Whoops fuck, my dad just told me we were going camping, so that is a big WHOOPS on the stuff I had scheduled this weekend Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: ay yuh ay yuh Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: ay yuh yes
  5. 41st seems to be popping rn, and you've been a good BCMD Big fat fuckin +1 from me chief
  6. Thank you for the feedback, and I didn't know it crashed a lot of people, that is a huge downside :(. However, I would ask that for future maps take into account what is and what isn't Republic Era; the things that are strictly Imperial Era on the map are props that you can remove extremely easily; it isn't like Ewoks didn't exist before the Empire, and the moon had been there for millions of years. I didn't know about the crashing thing though, but thank y'all for tellin' me. Might void the suggestion because we would not want to be crashing a lot of people
  7. BRO IM NOT EVEN INVITED WHAT THE HECK ur never getting Engle now
  8. 6/10 That might seem harsh, but I'm going off of our scale. I didn't really see much RP, and the shooting aspect wasn't very well-thought out, in my opinion. The spawning didn't really seem to have any consistency, as it was just.. droids everywhere. It would have been nicer with more preparation and thought put into where things were and why they were there.
  9. So, I am fairly new on the server, have only been here since December. The issue is that we used to have Y-Wing bombers, but I don't know which ones we had. I want to suggest one on the forums that I found, but... I don't know which one we had that didn't work. Does anyone happen to know?
  10. Name: Mavelle RP Rank: WO Suggestion: I suggest we add another map to the Event Server! (It's a REALLY GOOD fuckin' map.) Implementation: Shouldn't be too difficult, but I don't know the exact process of adding a workshop map to the ES. There's 3 imperial-era vehicles on the map, but I tested it and you CAN remove them. Boom. Immersion. Lore: Endor was a real moon in Star Wars! Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=568835546 (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
  11. You shoulda seen what he tried before that We had like this big build with him picking up a crate with a grav gun, he finally launched it, and it just stayed at his feet most anticlimactic thing on the god damn planet
  12. Thanks for the feedback! I'll try and figure out something that works better next time
  13. I will say it was unintentional for the ending narration to sync up perfectly with the song but it was kinda sick
  14. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Blackberry, Spieler Event/Encounter Name: The Sunken Stone Ep. 1 Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lnmJKOFARJDo0vcaJBOIynOs1gmflcNaPKt21Bfu1zU/edit?usp=sharing
  15. Well I mean it was about a week ago, I was just wondering if just the RC battalion change would be the one that they were talking about
  16. So I know we were originally teased about an update at the end of May I think, was that the RC battalion update or will there be a potential other update?
  17. Can I ask what a Jad bomb is?
  18. it's very relavent that you know every single one of my former positions, it is integral to who i am as a person
  19. I just wanted to shoutout the fact that @berryhas been doing some really fucking good and inspirational work in the GM team She always makes some really in depth notes and really thinks about her events, which can add a lot to her stories Not only that but she is willing to help a lot of people all the time, which shows that she's humble and willing to work with others!! my womans deserves some of that good good (recognition)
  20. Name: Mavelle RP Rank: WO, PO2 Suggestion: I suggest that we whitelist the mediaplayer entity on the event server! A pal @Caidoonsuggested a really long time ago that GMs maybe use background ambience like these videos with the media player during deployments. I don't think it would be a hard change to make. Implementation: Obviously, this is gonna come with some caveats. I think that if anyone queues a video without the GM's permission (which the GM can delete and see who queued), they can be kicked from the event server, or an even worse punishment. As well as this, there could probably be only one of these spawned at once with maybe just a textscreen above it that says "Press E for ambience" - This would only be something positive and I don't see it having any big downsides. Lore: Immersion adds a fucking LOT to an event! If you're in a cave, why not be able to hear cave ambience? It improves experiences greatly and Endor was a forest; why not have forest ambience on it? Why not have epic star wars battle sound effects playing in the background ON TOP OF EPIC MUSIC? Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=546392647
  21. @Bactathe map you're looking for is rp_denon i think
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