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Everything posted by Finn

  1. 9.5/10 Always a fan of your events, and the last second deployments have such a fun chaotic energy. I was really skeptical of bring Havoc Squad, but they were a super fun addition to the event. 5/4/5 Gameplay was flawless, it was super fun and had lots of variety. Care/Effort you had 5 minutes but it was still really well done. Dupes were fun, objectives were good, all around good time. Performance was surprisingly good for the amount of dupes/npcs that were.
  2. I def had a ton of fun with this, and even though we did go overboard in the beginning, I hope everyone enjoyed the encounter!
  3. That's a pretty cool duck, my guy.
  4. When Dennis isn't even in DU. Also When DU doesn't have a legacy system.
  5. 8/10 Solid shoot em up, with just enough roleplay to be interesting as an encounter.
  6. Best killer. Only killer, but best killer. I'll miss you!!
  7. Old Republic is by far the most interesting time period. 2 big factions constantly fighting that hate each other, yet are so similar. Meanwhile you have multiple giant conglomerates or corporations for hire, gangs controlling entire planet sectors, and way too many dead civilizations with cool technology to find. The characters seem to be way bigger too. Emperor Vitiate, Darth Marr, Darth Malgus, Satele and Bastile Shan. Fuckin ballers. Hell, Jace Malcom (a regular trooper) punched a Sith in the face and broke his jaw. Tha top.
  8. Gameplay 3 - Simple but fun. the points sometimes took too long to update, and the end no one really knew the objective, but overall good. Care and Effort 4 - The updating control points, the extra vehicles, the voice clips and updates were all superb. Performance 2.5 - I crashed twice. Not fun :/
  9. Yo! So down. Sundays work best for me, but I can work around most times.
  10. +1 simple fix that will make the battalion better the best kind of fix!
  11. Finn

    Base Raid v2

    4/10 While hiding just out of sight range with the 1 shot snipers might be fun for the 9 BHs, it's not enjoyable for the 45 clones.
  12. 8/10 I was a well done event, nice EJs bringing atmosphere to the NPCs (which I love), and didn't have any real sticking points that made me enjoy it less. Huge props for making it on the shorter side. It didn't feel dragged out, which a lot of events lately tend to do.
  13. 6/10 Not counting your DC (not your fault there), the event dragged in quite a few places. For example, after completing each objective, we didn't really need to backtrack to an earlier spot for a briefing. I also didn't really enjoy the droids being spawned on top of me. If people are moving too fast, using droids is fine to counter them, but at least try and make it seem natural (use drop pods, spawn them far away and have them push up, etc). Overall it was a decent shootem up, but it lacked some thought. Next time, try and plan a little better.
  14. when @Broand the rest of 2ndAC brought Attack Reg @Qal a pamphlet for a vacation, and he thought it was a threat so he pulled a grenade and killed himself to frame 2ndAC for killing him.
  15. Gameplay - 3 It was a shoot em up, so there wasn't a lot stuff going on, but the added rocket launchers was a fun (though unintended) boon. The RP was standard, nothing special, I would have liked to see a little more. Care/Effort - 3 This is a high 3, as the EJs leaving isn't totally in your control, but the lack of a cohesive story towards the end dragged the event. Server Performance - 4 There were a few instances in the beginning where the server kinda dropped but mostly it was really smooth, considering how many rockets and NPCs spawned.
  16. Better a Versock than an Odinson :/
  17. I don't see the big issue. Just use Tacs. They don't cause a huge lag increase, they're simpler to use for players and regular GMs, the Spawn points are hardcoded for SAs already, which means development resources need to be used to updated, and Tacs are more versatile.
  18. Gameplay - 4 The action was fun, the RP was good, the story was weird in a good way, overall I enjoyed myself. Care/Effort - 5 It's a Mavelle event, as always it's top notch in execution. Server Performance - 5 Not a lot of people or NPCs, so it was pretty good throughout (considering the dupes I was impressed) @Mavelle I would add a score for RP too.
  19. I can confirm the first 2 work!
  20. The biggest issue I see is that everyone treats the game as a single player FPS, where they are the protagonist, and everything good must happen to them. They can't lose, or let others win, and if the situation isn't 100% in favor of a person, they complain,
  21. solid 8/10. The whole event was chaos in the best way. I really enjoyed you RPing back with my VICE captain. My only complaint is that there wasn't an ending to the event, it kinda just petered out.
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