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Everything posted by Finn

  1. solid 8/10. The whole event was chaos in the best way. I really enjoyed you RPing back with my VICE captain. My only complaint is that there wasn't an ending to the event, it kinda just petered out.
  2. As much as I love mortars, I gotta -1 this. Datapads or a sniper buff would be interesting, but Mortars aint the solution (plus I'd rather see them with HVO).
  3. -1 you never want to remove something without instantly replacing it with something new. You're pretty much guaranteeing you won't get the new thing you want.
  4. 8/10 It was short, but you did have a staff meeting encroach so that's not really your fault. I enjoyed myself throughout the event, and the negotiations with Jabba was fun.
  5. Finn

    Prisoner Dooku

    4/10 Pretty much what Axar said. There was a distinct lack of planning, both in the overall event, and with informing Naval/5th fleet what they were supposed to and why. Working with the server for events will make them much better.
  6. Merit systems are the easiest way to have an unbiased promotion system. Anything less is either blatantly biased or doesn't give NCOs enough to do that will count towards promos. People always complain, but there's never a better system.
  7. I creamed just from the suggestion. +1 but i could get you some better HL2RP maps if u want ;)
  8. You've got my attention. But let me ask you this? Why should I be your GF? What are you bringing to the table?
  9. 6/10. killing Jedi is always fun, but I expect more from a 66 event tbh.
  10. +1, but don't we already have a Mustafar map?
  11. Finn

    Operation Hope

    9/10 This is how hard events are done. The pacing was perfect, the atmosphere was amazing, and even though we died, we had the ability to complete the objective (we did!). I won't rate it a 10/10 because I joined late but I was having a blast while I was there!
  12. 8/10 Very fun but dear god, not enough bugs.
  13. Hey Dennis. This is a fair concern. I've always been more of a behind the scenes guy, but I have been making an effort to be in game more, and if I do get ATK REG, I will definitely be increasing the time I spend on the server. And while I'll always focus on the attack regiment first, I don't intend on exclusively focusing on them. As Senate Captain I've developed relationships with a lot of members in non-attack battalions, and I plan on using those relationships to try and increase both my personal roleplay, and the overall roleplay of the server. Hi Comics. You make a good point, the app doesn't really showcase me taking a leading role. I'm not sure if I have an answer you'll like, but my only real explanation is that I don't think about what I've done for the battalion the same way you do. As you can attest to, I don't usually take lead on things, and that's because for the most part, I want everyone to have a voice in the battalion. Whether it's something in an officer meeting or just Commanders, I want everyone to feel like they have a say in how the battalion works. Even though as XO I could run the battalion on my own if I wanted to, I don't think that helps in the long term, for the battalion or the community. I apply the same mentality to my accomplishments in the battalion. While I worked a lot on the merit system, and it wouldn't be where it is now without me, I don't see it as just my accomplishment. Without you, Shockpoint, and Kelso, we wouldn't have any merit system. It's something we all worked on, and I would never just claim sole credit for it. I'm a big believer in being a team, so I struggle to highlight my accomplishments in a way that doesn't come off as arrogant. Sup Dono. You brought up a few points, so apologies if I miss one, or don't fully explain myself. I've only been in 212th as a battalion, so I have very strong feelings about the battalion, and as XO, it's my job to advocate the best I can for my battalion. While it's true I can go overboard, the main sentiment I try to stand my is that I will lift mountains if it means helping my guys. If I get accepted as ATK REG, that mentality would extend to the 41st and 501st. As attack battalions, you're my guys, and I'll do everything in my power to see you succeed. I addressed my activity in Dennis's point, but I'll reiterate by saying that I have been increasing my server presence, and I will continue to increase my presence if I get accepted. As for the internal issues in 41st, I am aware of some of the issues you guys have, and I didn't mention it in the app on purpose. Mainly because, while I am aware of some issues, I don't know the full story, and I didn't want to incorrectly assume something on this app. I'm not sure how many people compare battalion structures, but I know that 212th's structure is radically different than 41st, and I didn't want to apply the standards Bacta and I have in 212th onto you guys and call it bad. I talked to Mexico before putting my app up, and I've talked informally with a few 41st officers over the last few months, so I know a bit about how your structure works, but I didn't want to give the impression that I was going to just come in a try and change a bunch of things unilaterally or without the battalions' consent. For crossover deployments, the answer is both simple and complicated. You're right that larger shared deployments will take a lot of work, and working with the GM team will take a lot. But I also think it can be simple. Whenever an attack battalion gets deployed, all they need to do is reach out (or I can reach out) to another battalion and invite a subunit to come with them. The deployment itself doesn't change, just the people who come along. This is something that any senior officer from any battalion can do, and if we can all get in the habit of asking each other, it will go leaps and bounds to strengthening the relationships of the 3 battalions, and the people in them. I've seen this first hand, and participated in quite a few deployments done this way, and they were always easy to set up for the battalion HCs, and the results were fantastic.
  14. Steam Name: Metacrisis RP Name: Finn RP Rank: Executive Officer Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51113824 Regiment you are applying for: Attack Reg Experience: 212th [PVT-XO] I’ve spent my time in Synergy exclusively in 212th. Since 2018, I’ve been doing my best to ensure that my battalion succeeds, both compared to other battalions, and in terms of creating a welcome and fun environment for people to hang out and play in. As Intel Director for over 2 years, I’ve streamlined and updated major chunks of the backend workload of the battalion, to the point I’m at now, where almost everything is automated. As a Senior Officer for over a year, I helped maintain our large NCO and Officer Corps, oversaw the disciplinary system, helped create and maintain the current promotion system for NCOs (ew merits), and helped to create the current structure of 212th. As a Commander, I’ve had my hand in everything, from the unfortunate loss of Foxtrot, to helping introduce and maintain Red Squadron (I know a lot of people give me flak for RS, but I’m incredibly proud of the work Leche, Pog, Babatunde and I put into making that squad work under the worst circumstances, and it was amazing to see them in their glory. I’ll fight anyone who talks shit about them). I actively helped 2ndAC with revamping their tryouts and standards, assisted in filling Parjai Squad, and getting new members interested and involved with the subunit. With Ghost Company, I helped usher in their new models/jobs, worked with them to keep their tryouts updated and competitive with other battalion’s subunits, and gave them a lot of backend support. I feel like my biggest achievement in 212th has to be seeing people outgrow me. Seeing people join the battalion, then mentoring and helping them to reach their max potential is possibly my favorite thing to see. Seeing the difference between people when they first join to now, and watching them get to the point where they can find what they want on the server and take it, is amazing. Seeing Guac and Moose as REGLs, or Bacta and Pog as BCMDs, and knowing that I helped them get there, is just the best. And I hope that I can continue to do that, pass or fail this app. Why should you become a Regimental Commander?: I believe I should be RCMD because of the experience I have, both with the community in general, but specifically in battalion high command. I’ve been in a Commander position longer than most, and in that time I’ve seen or experienced almost everything that’s happened in the community for the past few years. I’ve also been the Co-Captain of one of the consistently largest battalions on the server for more than a year, so I have experience dealing with making battalions succeed and then keeping them stable. Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: Yes, I do. Availability: Generally, Mon-Fri 7pm-12pm, Weekends generally anytime after 12pm Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: 1 year of 212th Commander (11 months as XO) 2 and a half years as 212th Intel Director 7 months as Senate Captain Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?: After talking to all 3 regiments, I can say that they’re all in pretty good places. They all have room for improvement, but there aren’t any major issues that need to be addressed. 212th I’m very biased when I talk about 212th, as it’s been my home for my entire time with Synergy, but I couldn’t be more proud of what 212th is right now. For all of Mason’s, Leche’s, Pog’s, and Bacta’s 2 terms, HC and I have worked towards making the 212th more than just a battalion where people get on to do events and get promoted. As cheesy as it sounds, we’re a real family, and it’s to the point now where I have no doubt that 212th will always be good, no matter what adversity or hardships come our way. Of course, there’s always room for improvement, and there are 2 things I’d like to see an improvement on, the first being motivation. Occasionally 212th has a phase where they get less motivated on interacting with themselves (usually caused by either a spike in another faction like BH, or another game being popular or just releasing, like when Halo came out a few months back or when they had a MC server last year), and recently they’re starting to fall into this pattern again. By the end of my term, I’d like to see 212th re-motivated in themselves, both in game and out. 41st 41st is in a pretty good spot, and they’ve really picked up as a whole since joining the attack regiment. The biggest area of improvement I can think of is just communication and support. While 212th and 501st have always had a close relationship, 41st still can feel like an outside battalion to some people since they’ve officially joined the attack regiment. While most people see them as a full attack battalion, there are still some that don’t. My goal is to solidify 41st’s place as an attack battalion, and support them as best I can so they can reach this goal. 501st From my experience, 501st has had the most ups and downs of the attack regiments, and right now they’re in a definite up. With new recruits out the ass, a dedicated HC team, and enthusiastic officers, there’s not much more they need to be successful. One area I can see them improving on is being involved with the other attack battalions. I don’t usually like comparing past leadership to current, but when Marvel was Rex, he worked very closely with 212th and 104th HC to create an environment of friendship and cooperation between the 3 battalions, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a good result between battalions before. My aim is to help the other attack battalions connect with 501st more, and continue to grow the relationship 501st has with the other battalions. How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?: Now, most of the things I want to see improved with the battalions revolves around increased communication and interactivity of the battalions. I think the best way to help facilitate that is to bring back something we’ve done before, which is sending subunits to different battalions during deployments. While it can sound strange on paper, having Wolfpack tag along a 212th deployment, or Ghost Company helping 501st on a mission, it had some really good results, and brought the battalions a lot closer together. Even in the cases where there wasn’t open friendship, there was much less toxicity, and a small respect for the other battalions involved. During my term, I’d like to try and bring this concept back, as well as expanding a bit, and focus more on the subunits in particular. Deploying Green Company and Ghost Company together, Torrent Company and 2nd Airborne, etc. By focusing on these smaller subunits, I aim to bring more attention to them, and also buff them in a way (some people might want to join a subunit if they knew it got special deployments other people don’t get). Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes
  15. Over my dead body will the discords ever merge
  16. 7/10 but next time please nuke 41st
  17. -1 Dono makes a good point. BH having to actually plan out an attack on a Jedi, and most likely still lose, is part of the reason the bounty is so high. Realistically Jedi wouldn't be on the same level as a team of shitty bounty hunters, so only the best of the BHs should be able to take one on. Also on an OOC level this just makes harassing Jedi way easier.
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