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Everything posted by Finn

  1. Ima be real I was a little hesitant at first, but I've known you awhile, and between the interactions I've had with you, and the amount of effort you've put into this app, makes me confident you'll be a good Palp. Just make sure you do the voice correctly! +1
  2. I'll make sure to bring this up on your application.
  3. honestly this didn't feel like an encounter. It was just a few droids spawned and then 1 person walking around the base 'stealing data'. There wasn't any chance for anyone to really interact with you, and once you got the data, you just hid until you uploaded the data. If you're going to do a 'Commando Droid steals Intel' encounter, there should be more of a opportunity for character interaction (ie. Asking where things are, as you wouldn't know where the Command Wing is, or actually breaking past the ID system). 1-1-3
  4. It's been fun. Thanks for all the good times we had (You'll always be the best Obi Wan!) Hope you stay safe, and please don't forget us!
  5. pls stay in the discord I'll miss you!!
  6. +1 as long as you don't track my hours again
  7. Gonna be honest, I didn't see this one coming. You've always been my ride or die, from the first time we talked (and you questioned me about the entire history of the 212th), to being your XO and seeing the absolute best battalion the server's ever seen, til now, working with you in High Command. I don't think people understand what a driving force you are to the community, how big of a loss this is for us. Even at it's worst, you were trying to make the situation better. I hope you'll stay in contact, because it's always a blast to hang with you, and I hope you find something to be this passionate about in the future. This is a bleak day for Synergy Servers LLC.
  8. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51113824 RP Name: Finn Battalion: High Command Who is in command until you return?: Xaze if Saints Row is a bad game, otherwise Directors Length of Absence: should end Saturday
  9. Keep starting it, it'll work through eventually.
  10. 3/4/3 I had fun. Shooting got boring after awhile, and it was laggy on the ship, but overall it was good, and the dupe was really fun.
  11. Finn

    Galactic Conquest PT1

    3/2/2 Gameplay was decent. Ejs were pretty fun to fight. Effort was subpar. It seemed like you just out dupe out and spawned NPCs on it. Performance was bad. 2 server crashes is not something you should have in a deployment.
  12. Who helped (If applicable): Woeny Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): SOBDE broke the walls in the Mess, causing a hoard of bugs to attack. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: fuck no Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  13. Who helped (If applicable): Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Yayax Squad was sent on a mission throughout Onderon to clear out Hostile Droids. Along the way they were ambushed by Deathwatch, and dispatched the hunters and secured the Jedi Temple. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Fuck no Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  14. I'd say I'll miss you, but I'll still see you in SOBDE !!!!
  15. I've had a few complaints about this from CCs, and the answers seem to be out of date. +1
  16. Finn

    Sector Commander

    Yoo, I said Senior Commander!! Fr RCMD is the worst name, Sector or Senior is better. +1 though
  17. You were the funniest Cody I ever worked with. I'll miss your based takes on everything, and I hope you stick around the TS. Good luck with your future!
  18. I like this one the best. The red is pretty @Freck
  19. fr Shockpoint does the best Clone trooper voice
  20. Hi Comics. Not sure where you got your info from, but it's not entirely accurate. The situation with 41st isn't nearly as explosive as you're implying it was. I, with the consultation with my Intel Officers (one of who was the XO) decided that since the roster is almost 100% automated, no one really needed to edit the roster for anything, so we removed the access. A few of the Senior Officers thought that they should be able to edit it, we discussed it, and when Mexico said he agreed with the SOs, we restored their access. That wasn't a decision I made as a RCMD, but as their Intel Director. As for the 212th, I've never said it's owned by the Cody Email. I was pretty open about that being the only 212th document I own, and it's because no Cody has had an issue with me owning it. I can somewhat understand the angle of me being controlling, but it's a narrow view of the situation. Everything I do with 41st and 212th , I do with the consultation of the Intel teams in the respective battalions, and I only do that in those battalions. I didn't have any control/influence over the 501st intel team, nor do I in GM/SOBDE. And everything I do in my capacity as ITD is to try and make things as simple as I can for regular members to deal with roster/intel stuff. If you want to discuss this further, my DMs are always open.
  21. I've noticed my armor almost never set correctly the first time I use my Jedi character. Health seems to be consistently good from what I've seen though.
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