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Everything posted by Finn

  1. @Pythinis the biggest Kayne fan
  2. And here I was waiting for another easy 3 months with you as Marshal :/ Hope you rock your IRL stuff, and come back quick. The shark pics are available upon request!!
  3. pls tell me I can still ask you to fix the bot I'll miss you bud. You were one of the not terrible HCs I served under, and you were fun to hang with. Don't forget me bitch
  4. that's almost as bad as what Bacta randomly pokes me.
  5. Yall must really be bored
  6. Finn

    Battle of Hoth

    5/4/5 This was a really fun event, with a really interesting story. I wish there had been just a smidge more RP but that's the literally only issue I had with this event. Nice job!
  7. How you gonna slap through a computer?
  8. Ah hell nah, Chris Rock got the janky ass hitbox!
  9. I read the suggestion, and while you did say you think it's not a good joke, there are many in the community that still do. My comments weren't directed solely at you (I'm sorry if it came across that way), but at the group of people who continue to bring this up as if it's a massive deal. This has been addressed multiple times over the last 3 months, by Directors and by Founders. The rules have been altered so that it's not an instant ban, and up to the discretion of Directors. I don't see the point of asking for more at this point. This is the last I'm gonna say on this thread (if you wanna talk on TS or discord I'm down), but I sincerely think this is a waste of brainpower for anyone to be devoting time to. I know I'm not gonna change your mind on this, so I'll agree to disagree. I appreciate you trying to open a dialogue instead of just dumbing me and moving on.
  10. Get better jokes honestly, the fact that people are unironically defending IP jokes is kinda sad. Yes it's a funny joke once in awhile, and the rules were recently updated so you get a warning first, and it's not blanket enforcement, what more do you want? Not only is it way past it's expiration date, but there have been actual issues where people have felt unsafe about the jokes being made at/around them. Again, get better jokes
  11. 9/10 I love player driven events. Who even needs staff.
  12. +1 bout to hit everyone with the ol' 80085
  13. Honestly, don't do BvB. Let that tradition finally die. I like the idea of doing non-pvp stuff for contests, or even doing other games, but don't call it BvB, don't even group them by battalions. The last 3 or 4 BvBs have turned the entire concept into arguing, elitism, and alienation of battalions, which is the opposite of what big events like these should be doing. Having this by 'anyone can create a group' would solve so many of the issues that BvB has.
  14. ima miss you homie. You were always super fun to talk with, and you made 212th (and SOBDE) way more enjoyable to be with. DM me sometimes I'll send you thigh high pics!
  15. This is mainly a map thing, not necessarily an addon thing. If the map isn't noded for AI pathing (or the pathing isn't very extensive) then the NPCs aren't really gonna go anywhere.
  16. Sith would be great to add back, as long as it was led properly. The 2 biggest issues Sith had in it's pervious iteration were the Rules of Engagement, and bad leadership. Considering HC and HS are in a much better working relationship than at the time of Sith, and looking at the lengths they're going to see battalions and factions thrive, I think the issues Sith had won't be as big, if they're present at all.
  17. Finn

    cluster fuck

    10/10 i found the base
  18. yo mavelle do be the cutest GM he can also run cicles around anyone elses shitty events but thats a srs answer and im never srs
  19. 5/5/5/5 Gameplay- It was a really nice mix of roleplay and shooting, with a dash of stealth. The stealth in particular was nice. As always, player choice is a big bonus. Care/Effort- I can't say more than Mavelle Event. Even though you said this wasn't one you put a lot of time and energy into, it still is so far above even the most planned event from anyone else. People say it sometimes, but I genuinely mean it when I say you're the best GM synergy has ever had. Performance- No lag, no stuttering, no crashing, and there were a lot of dupes/NPCs Roleplay- The RP was engaging, and it directly affected the events of the deployment. Can't ask for anything more. Also the MUSIC PLEASE LIKE WTF HOW DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE SUCH GOOD MUSIC
  20. +1 Heavy has consistently been in poor shape, and with the weapons being super complicated to balance properly, this is a good way to give the regiment a little boost.
  21. Yo I swear to god if this gets fixed and everyone does a bunch of shitty infection events I'm gonna gouge my eyes out. +1 though
  22. My take is simple. If you're a BH, then you're a civilian on a military base in an active combat zone on a contested planet in the middle of the biggest war in 4 millennium, and quite a few spend half the time annoying clones. I'm gonna treat you with a degree of suspicion, and the first sign of non-compliance, ya gone.
  23. 8/10 I enjoyed the PvP, and I really liked that you deployed the second group as the first group was going, so the first group didn't know exactly what was going on. One thing you might want to consider is not telling us so much in the adverts. Even though you adverted to Siege and Spec about the armor swap, everyone in attack still saw it, and the potential for metagaming is a lot higher. Maybe just keep that to the IC briefing. 3/5/4 Gameplay(3): It was a decent shoot em up, but nothing super special about it. Care and Effort(5): Really nice dupe, you planned out the battalions attacking each other nicely, overall it felt like really good planning. Performance(4): There were a few lag spikes and higher ping, but it was pretty smooth for the size of the dupe and the amount of NPCs that were spawned in a small place.
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