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Everything posted by Finn

  1. +1 bad batch lookin ugly rn. They need a glowup
  2. Gonna be honest, I'm real skeptical about this. Aside from the past few days, you haven't been pushing RP and being an active presence on the server. How do you plan on pushing player population? The timing of the application, and the private conversations we've had, makes me concerned about your reasoning for running. Why did you wait so long to put the app up? Who's going to replace you as Sector Commander? Can you go more into detail as to why you would make a good Marshal? That answer is very vague.
  3. +1 I think what you want to do is what we need as MCMD. (just don't yell at me if I go under my hours!)
  4. "I won't be available until sunday." pls read
  5. Finn 5th Sector Commander I have to work extra for a project so I won't be available until sunday. Marvel is in charge until I get back.
  6. This isn't a big corporation though. We're a small community, and we should stop treating it like anything else. I'm not saying they need to hit the 40 hours we all do, but the fact that they can't even get on for a 20 minutes a week is inexcusable. I agree there shouldn't be an ultimatum, and I also think something needs to change at the top. And for the record, at my actual job, with an employee count of a few hundred, I see my CEO at least 4 times a week. I don't talk to him, but I know he's there, and involved, and committed. I don't see that in the Founders.
  7. This sucks. You 100% exceeded my expectations Mavelle. You're what the server needs right now, and it's a shame you feel that what you're doing isn't enough.
  8. Is it so much to ask the people in charge of the server actually play the server?
  9. I think the core issue here is that the Founders have 1 foot in the door in policy making still. If you guys want to step back and let Management/Directors do their jobs (which I 100% agree with), that's perfectly fine. But when you then involve yourself with things that are under their purview, it creates a lot of uncertainty and stops progress. I'm of the opinion that Founders should take less active of a role in the community. There have been a lot of good steps taken recently in giving Xaze and Woeny more autonomy in running things, and I think that should go all the way. Barring big emergencies, Founders shouldn't have any hand in setting policy, staff, development, etc. Focus on the financials, the marketing, growing the community, etc. and let everyone else do their jobs.
  10. RIP. You were a real one. Good luck to whatever you decide to do in the future! Also pls keep in touch, you're one of the few people I consider a true friend on the server.
  11. +1 having an option for people who just want to build and not do staff is a good idea.
  12. This is just management troll. How are you gonna 1 up this @Taz?
  13. 5/4/3 Gameplay was fun, lots of stealth/RP/roleplay. Care and effort was good. Part of it was from a Bounty but making it a full event was fun. Performance was spotty but ok overall.
  14. You did 212th dirty Good meme can't wait for part 3 fuck the haters!
  15. Thank you for being a Yoda that stood their ground, and actually did good stuff for Jedi (also for actually being active in HC!!)
  16. Finn

    Empire For A Day

    I had a lot of fun. I think there needs to be a set system for Inquisitors, because I saw way too many padawans walk on the base and say "I wanna join the empire", it was honestly so cringey. overall I enjoyed it and would like to see it again (maybe with more cool imperial models!!)
  17. You were my favorite SOBDE Gregor. I'm really gonna miss how easily you were able to keep things simple, and not get caught in the drama. I hope you stay in touch!
  18. I never liked the fact that some weapons have limited ammo like this. I think it'd be really cool if there was spawnable ammo for non-bullet guns. As long as the price is in line with the power of the gun, it shouldn't be an issue. I'd be willing to shell 30-50k per rocket, I don't see why the richest players on the server wouldn't pay 50-100k per round
  19. Gonna say this for the 15th time now, I was almost completely not involved with the GM situation, and neither was most of HC. I was involved in 1 meeting where I was told "this is happening", and then we discussed how to implement it. We did push back and say that there were better ways of handling it, but once a decision is made, there's no use arguing against it. As for defending 21st, defend them from what? No one was forced to leave the battalion, no one was target or treated any differently, and it was as above the board as it could have possibly been as soon as HC was made aware of the change. I'm sorry the battalion got wiped, but honestly, they should have done better. If they hadn't been so consistently bad for as long as they did, they wouldn't have been in a position to be changed in the first place. And I'm also sorry you no longer trust High Command, but ultimately, we're going to do what we think is best in securing stable and successful battalions, and GM was not stable or successful. We don't always make the choices that are popular, we make the choices that we think will do the most good.
  20. Didn't think I needed to clarify, but the Shadow BCMD was a joke. I had a lot more autonomy as XO than other XOs at the time, but all 3 Cody's I served under were capable of making their own decisions, and frequently made calls I didn't think we're right. It's a little annoying people legitimately believe I was doing more than just giving my opinion, and takes away from the good the BCMDs brought to the battalion, so please don't try and use it in an actual discussion.
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