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Everything posted by Piff

  1. closet racist, mexican borderRP changed you
  2. Piff


    Got the whole squad laughing, post it again and it’ll be more funny
  3. Homie gotta touch some grass also Ima give my piece of cake honestly you can compare this to real life there’s people who cause issues, you may not like, you like whatever, but you just gotta deal with them, this is like cancel culture liek some mfs are untouchable and at the end of the day it won’t matter I mean if it’s affecting you emotionally or in any way, I would say that’s a problem cause let’s be real it’s a fucking GMod server and a game in a year or so you’ll get bored and shit so honestly I wouldn’t spend the energy to even entertain this Shit for the most part, but you do you, but Dennis is like a woman, sometimes you feel like beating the shit out of her but other times you love her, at the end of the day she’ll come and go, but she’ll always be around, that’s Dennis in a nutshell anyears I’m going back to sleeping in class and coming back for a second
  4. Piff

    same map no snow

    Don’t get me wrong I love this map but I’d say test it before anything cause I tried hosting events on it and it was always too laggy, I’d say only a small group event worked else than that it had a lot of issues with optimizations
  5. ive wasted too much money already on cosmetics
  6. It’s hard to say anyone here is going places considering a good majority of the server are fat virgins sitting on their ass all day dedicating hours and hours to get a useless rank, only time it’s reasonable is when drama is made, if not than they flex their cock to compensate for the lack of attention and control that they have IRL
  7. its almost as bad as how down horrendous you are
  8. aint no one gonna get the prize at the end
  9. -1 might as well get the BFG 10000 from Doom
  10. Because I keep getting this question in game, In pms, Over teamspeak, etc I have decided to lay it to rest here. I will not be applying for Wolffe . I do not have the time needed to make a good/attentive BCMD. I love 104th and it will always be my home, but it is also time for me to experience more things and put myself in a position where I’m more accessible to the rest of the server. Frankly I’ve been very insulated as Comet, focusing on just my battalion. I have not been making friends in other battalions or have really acted like a community figure. I rose really high extremely fast because my work ethic and dedication to 104th was what was needed in their command structure at the time. I have left 104th and joined 212th. My plan for the next few months on synergy is very simple: Engage in more RP, Try and make friends within and outside of my new battalion, and be a good officer in 212th. Maybe one day, after I have had time to open up experience new stuff, I will return to 104th as Wolffe. As of right now, I’m leaving it to those with more experience.
  11. +1 Thicczach has been around for a while and ive had the honor of working with him and his thicc ass
  12. Yes I am good, you should stream again so I have an excuse to say the gamer word
  13. I remember when me and quill use to kiss in the SOBDE bunks and than I wouldn’t be able to handle it after he left and I would constantly put a blaster to my mouth but than he’d come back and kiss me, but anyways I’m good
  14. +1 Back when I was in 104th Palladian was basically who I had in mind for next commander and someone who could possibly replace me due to me having IRL shit going on and I trust paladin can do a good job in the position of Bacara plus he use to kiss me goodnight and smack my ass after every mission we succeeded on
  15. If you dont wanna end up coming back, just shoot up DB after money glitching
  16. Spooky also had 5TB of videos, but not the same videos as satan
  17. A lot of things seem to be simple auto config that everyone can adjust to their own personal preferences in the properties of GMod and it’s launch shit whatever it’s called I forgot -1 don’t see the purpose especially if someone can make a simple guide on auto config
  18. Piff


    +1 Future founder like mans going to be the sole owner like joah, Joah V2 coming soon
  19. This is like a girl who keeps coming back to her abusive boyfriend for a rematch
  20. Honestly, large scale battles are your friends if you want something large and entertaining and if you can mix in RP and war crimes it’ll be good, that’s what I would do when I had time to host long events and incorporate some type of story if possible
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