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Everything posted by Piff

  1. Piff


    A smoked brisket with eggs and honey and some chives in between a tortilla like it’s a taco well basically a taco
  2. +1 a 40 year old virgin in the making
  3. who said i cant have it, she'll want this ex comet, ex Alpha, ex everything
  4. too late deadass forgot to get rid of the sound in the background, the quietness is loud
  5. Name: Piff Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155574178 Staff Rank: SA Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 06/7/21 Reason for leaving: Server Boring af and i dont have time for this game, i dont mean it in a disrespectful manner but i've been here almost for 4 or 5 years no i think 4, but yeah so i find it boring Farewells: Since i doubt ill be back @CoxUr gae @Taz Ur gae @A-a-ronur gae @Maloreur gae @Dekuur gae @Guttlerur gae @Cyanur gae @Braceomegagae @ whatever the fuck hanz @ is ur gae @Caidoonur like actually gay @Pranzer @Brooklynmf gets no bitches cause hes a neko @Omalicfavorite ikea man @Hades3481stop being drunk @Philnever come back @Bleachstop being cute @Eclipseur literally bleach so stop being cute @Conradstop being 501st intel slave @Clutchill be joining u @JuiceBoxsquad thats about it if i dont put u here than i either dont care or dont remember e er, also regardless of who u r 104th,501st and rancor bois will always be my favorite Gromit#5126 also heres my discord or steam profile if u want to play or smt i dunno http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198271414084
  6. 9/10 good ideas that ive planned on using for events, but haven't so nice to see a good execution of them for the event
  7. +1 I can finally stalk my targets with actual e binos
  8. +1 stix has a foot fetish
  9. +1 this is how ISIS be bombing people
  10. Id say the best way to get rotations done is to have custom maps for the server itself, theres some uniqueness to the server that would require a certain map cause of BHs and shit, if i were to choose a map itd be the following https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2110050673 - pretty sure it was remade dunno, but it looks different now & venator extensive of course also in regards to having something for everyone, id say jania is prob the best for that
  11. +1 maybe Padme can give me a kiss later?
  13. Im extending it to the 10th cause thats when i finish my finals/school
  14. 8/10 i like i had something to work towards the entire event
  15. fake player reports and fake commander reports are dumb and would be expected from a sped kid
  16. I’d say something that could be a easy money grab would be custom jobs, but not custom to the point that people get whatever load out or model, but have default ones for clones that aren’t attached to any battalion and that people can use freely with limited slots of course and can only be used if paid for the access of use, but that’s more of an idea on paper and would be something easy to put in if thought through
  17. +1 cloud shows that us retards can do anything
  18. -1 many others have stated what I had in mind, if your battalion HC isn’t willing to change rank requirements that’s on y’all at this point
  19. Agreed get these forum campers to go outside for once instead of sitting on the forums all day +1
  20. Who actually RPs POV: You’ve never felt a woman’s touch
  21. Piff

    Bacta-CG V SOBDE

    7/10 ngl i prefer killing fellow brothers, it brings a smile to my face and i also got save prisoner yay
  22. 8/10 only thing i didnt like was the T-21s on the trandos in close quarters
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