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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. +1 I can’t make this +1 cute because I’m on my phone but, There are very little concerns with you going for this position. I was very glad to see you actually talking to members of SO BDE before dropping the application and I know you can do a good job in the position. All I ask from you is that you work with the rest of SO BDE and don’t make Omega distant. Other than that good luck and do a good job or imma slap you.
  2. Why are turrets even allowed to be used on frigates? -1 others made very reasonable arguments against putting this into their loadouts. Tickets will do.
  3. I do not plan on resetting you and Raider unless you are both comfortable with that. My thought process behind wanting to start people off like that is to give them some sort of small incentive to work for within the squad rather than getting all the perks of an officer right off the bat. Though I am not certain if I will stick with the idea.
  4. Steam Name: Ruusaar RP Name: Delta Four-Oh “Fixer” SteamID: STEAM_0:0:445805193 Battalion or Squad you are applying for: Delta Squad Experience: I am going to give a list of all the positions I have held on the server and keep this section brief in order to alleviate any "fluff" History of Marvel (August 12th, 2018 - Today) Clone: CT PVT Elevator Delta Squad Sev 501st PVT - MSG Flare Null-7 Mereel Null-12 A'den Null-6 Kom'rk Null-11 Ordo Delta Squad Boss 41st PVT - SGT Marvel Null-10 Jaing SO BDE Regimental Commander Kaiden 327th PVT - SGT Carmine Delta Squad Fixer Medal of Honor Recipient Jedi: Jedi Youngling - Knight Jedi Commander Etain Tur-Mukan Guardian Manager Naval/Base Ops: PVT - SNCO Engineer Officer and Trainer Senator: Senator Lux Bonteri of Onderon Staff: New Admin - Director Game Master Chief Why should you become Battalion Commander/Squad Lead? I believe I should be Delta's Squad Lead because I have more than enough experience with SO BDE and Delta in particular that I could continue to make Delta better than before. Though I do not want to get the position solely based off of my experience alone but rather from my intentions and goals for Delta Squad. Below I will list some of my main goals that I want completed during my term: Reevaluating Delta Squad. My first step would be to evaluate the squad. What we do, how we present ourselves, and when we are active during the day. The only real issue the squad has currently (isn't really controllable) is difference in time zones. A strict zero strike policy will be in effect during my term. No arrests, no minging, no breaking rules, no bullshit. I want Delta Squad to be role models to the server all while having fun roleplaying as their characters and as a squad. Restructuring Delta Squad. My second step after reevaluating the squad would be to restructure certain things about Delta Squad. Tryouts have not been touched since I was Boss over half a year ago. I will admit they are set up nice and simple just like every squad tryout is now and hopefully with trainings potentially being able to be hosted on the Event Server I can come up with some new tryouts that would be more immersive and fun to host rather than boring and tedious. Another thing I would like to structure different is the rank held by members of Delta Squad. Upon joining Delta and other squads (besides Null) you are given the rank equivalence of Second Lieutenant but referred to as REDACTED. The only promotion that people are ever excited about is XO promos and no one really has anything to strive for when it comes to this front therefore I would toy with the idea of members coming in at the rank of Private. Delta Outreach. The Outreach Program has been thrown all over the place in the last year and has been constantly changed. The current system has everyone all over the place in SO BDE and there is no real structure or teamwork. For Delta Squad I would like for us to have a squad Outreach that we would work with together rather than us all having our own. This way we can work on our own communication and teamwork while helping out others. The Promotion of Roleplay and Activity. Instead of constantly b-hopping around base and such I will utilize my Senior Admin rank in game to host SIMs for Delta Squad and our Outreach, even have Delta host public SIMs, patrols, or anything else of that sort. I want the time spent on the server for Delta Squad to be productive rather than wasteful. Brainstorming to make Delta Squad more unique among SO BDE. I will be working with others to come up with stuff to make Delta Squad a little more unique in SO BDE Currently as it stands every squad in SO BDE have their own "Squad Buffs" besides Delta Squad. I want to spend my time trying to find things to implement/suggest during my term to make Delta Squad just a little more unique rather than having a game based off of them. I already have a few small ideas rolling around in my head but those can be refined some more and saved for a later date. It doesn't bother me if these don't even get implemented during my term as long as Delta is getting some love, I'm happy. Do you understand the lore of your Battalion or Squad? I do. Availability: I work 40+ hours a week and try to get on for several hours everyday. Estimate of how long you have played on Synergy Roleplay? | Delta Four-Oh ''Fixer'' has played for 5580:59:51 Do you have a microphone? I do. Where do you want your Battalion or Squad to be at the end of your term? By the end of my term I want to have completed all listed goals and intentions (and more hopefully) with the squad. I would have wanted to upkeep the activity and standard of the squad and have made a positive change to Delta and maybe even SO BDE. I want Delta to be ready to keep growing and becoming better after my time is up for the squad. I want an XO prepared to step up to the plate and knock it out of the park, even further than I hopefully will. In the end I want Delta to be better than ever and to constantly keep improving with new, active members who want to just have fun and roleplay together. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from the position? I understand. Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Commander rank? I understand.
  5. Marvel

    Add Etain Job

    Gotta -1 this one. Model looks awful and this pack is 16mb with models that don’t match the rest of our models, which is what we usually try to go for. I will +1 the job just not the model or this pack in general.
  6. Where is Jedi, SO BDE, Regiment deployments, and full server deployments? This is missing a lot from the original setup for these reports.
  7. I was only there for the butt end of the event but it seemed like a neat idea. 8/10
  8. +1 would be cool but needs rules for use in events by event jobs but that is on the Game Master Program side of things.
  9. All these Shaak Ti TS powerplays are getting a little weird. Really I do not believe any of this would really make Shaak Ti’s job any easier but one extra TS channel to scroll through isn’t going to kill me and there aren’t really any negatives for adding it. Sure why not.
  10. There is already a regular 501st Pilot model made in our packs.
  11. IQ Test for Staff tho hmmmmmmmmm
  12. Merrill is literally the deployment god. +1 don’t even bother with the interview guys
  13. Name: Marvel | Fixer Rank: "Corporal" Suggestion: Make Base Ops into a Naval Event Job and have High Command and Republic Command run the base. (Republic Command are CMD+) keeping Admiral Yularen as a Senator type position controlled by Palpatine. Maybe Tarkin too! Implementation: Removing Base Ops as a VIP faction and turning it into Naval Event Jobs for use during events. The reason for doing so is because since switching to a base and turning them into Base Ops they have lost their appeal. They generally do similar stuff compared to when we were on a Venator and they were Naval but somehow it hasn't worked out. Base Ops has been going in circles with Admirals/Commanders doing little to nothing within their term or getting removed. (This is a perfect time for Bounty Hunters!) MED and ENG trainings have been extinct due to people just going to their MEDOs or ENGOs within their Battalions for training. Quartermaster has been MIA since I was a Director. ATC is pretty rare due to the lack of flying in general so that could easily be handled by High Command. Pilot Training is a perfect example of something that was to be remodeled by Base Ops and failed horribly and the scraps had to be taken up by High Command. DEFCONs are called by BCMD+ already. This can be extended to battalion Officer whitelists maybe in the future? PTLs/PTEs are handled by CPT+ and that works fine. All these points above are things that Base Ops have handled since being on the server as Naval. Throughout their lifetime they may have had more responsibilities and such but these are their current ones which have been thoroughly neglected since their change to Base Ops. I feel that making them Event Jobs would create some interesting passive roleplay on the server in events which have also been lacking as of late. Now I do understand that people have paid money for Naval/Base Ops but it has been on a rapid decay for over half a year now and has already been wiped and restructured within that time frame and nothing has changed. Sadly I believe that Base Ops as of late has still added nothing to the server rather than hindering some battalions in how they operate with ATC, MED, ENG, and other little things and it may very well be time for it to go. With Bounty Hunters hopefully rolling out anytime soon (please so help me god) that would be a sufficient enough replacement as a VIP faction.
  14. Ah yes welcome back my friend. It truly is addicting. I do not know how or why, all I know is that it is
  15. 10/10 for those dope ass projections. Awesome idea!
  16. I agree that it shouldn’t but really Admiral holds a lot more to it than Shaak Ti. It is applicable while Shaak Ti isn’t. The Admiral tag lost its bypass not that long ago. Did it get it back?
  17. I don’t believe having channel bypass will increase your ability to communicate efficiently... If you need to talk to them use your channel? That you have Channel Admin in? Where you can move them? Or vice verse? They are BCMDs they have Channel Admin in their respective channels as well. -1 pointless tag in my opinion
  18. Or just make it a separate weapon like RC have the Anti-Armor Attachment for their DC-17M (Sadly its a rocket launcher when it should be a grenade launcher)
  19. Wait. Updating my vote to a -1. Reason: The suggestion added sharpshooters to the list of job additions to the battalion. The 501st already has ARF troopers which render the sharpshooter job useless. This was seen in the 187th as that job was never seen and the sharpshooter regiment was dead. Please reconsider. (Also that model is horrible) Overall: The best thing you can do is make the Hawk job into the "Pilot job" with the Hawk skin for the PLTL. Pilots could also be the Engineers for the 501st, giving them a use when not flying.
  20. +1 212th has 11 base jobs and 501st has 10. I suggest merge Pilots into the Hawk job and make the Hawk model a skin for the PLTL of the 501st therefore making your base job count to 11, equal to that of the 212th. Also another idea. Why not make Pilots the Engineer job? Would make them have a use when not flying.
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