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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. Perma weapons are lame but as long as we have them their stats should show how much you paid for it. 4mil for the LD-1 currently is not worth it imo
  2. That’s not true at all. We keep our spots filled for very long lengths of time and whenever positions happen to open up we fill them rather quickly.
  3. 501st has a stupid amount of channels ngl
  4. I feel Rancor Command could be used for what you want to use Embassy for...
  5. Nah man -1 One of the few things CG have. Without it they would be DU Dos.Oh Also when we can get staff to do something as simple as taking tickets with no issues then I can probably support this.
  6. Fortnite emotes when? Can’t wait to be AOS’d by my CO when I RDM him and default dance on his corpse! NLR MOTHER FUCKER
  7. Sorry to burst your bubble buddy but me and Sanchez liked to do things that we 100% agreed on and not argue about something as silly as a CT with the name Delta-42. Sanchez didn’t like it and I agreed that utilizing the CT job to bring this character onto the server wasn’t the best way to go about it. I was always for Delta-42 being a thing it was just the execution back then. Would prefer it if you didn’t spread false information my guy. Okay dude. :Thonk: Come to think about it I actually went and explained the situation to all of you (Delta at the time) and how if you boys wanted it you need a server suggestion. Nice. Guess you took it as me not wanting Delta-42 on the server and being super against it tho.
  8. This ain’t a buff or anything to make Delta Squad better and on par with the other squads it’s just a unique job that can easily be added to SO BDE. Pilots have plenty of RP if given the chance and with LFS coming to Event Server pilots will literally be stacked and having one/being one will be so much fun. We got rid of so many jobs just the other day ago where really adding one job won’t harm anything. If added this job would be one of a kind in SO BDE and be something for pilot fans to aspire for as he’s in SO BDE which is really kinda the point of Special Forces on RP servers. Yes I agree this isn’t 100% necessary but what is these days? I mean we’re here to have fun and role play and this ain’t going to ruin anyone’s fun or ability to role play and could add more RP to Delta which is what I’m looking at type job for. I have plenty of other ideas for Delta anyhow.
  9. that fucking blows dude. Real shame.
  10. okay dude First of all not that long ago we got rid of a squad. Now literally the other day we got rid of nearly 30 jobs on the server. How is one job going to kill you? Lol okay. Now I can understand the whole JT DC-17 argument but then again is it really a JT pistol? Last I checked majority of the JTs on the server don’t even have it in their kit...
  11. :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: :pepeLaugh: wtf phone no work :pepehands:
  12. Howdy partners! Which of the new Pepe emotes is your favorite? @ Joah is a boomer LET THE PEPE SPAM COMMENCE!
  13. Someone correct me if I am wrong but aren’t Pilots required to be ENG trained and have repair tools like Engineers? Aren’t they basically already Engineers? I don’t understand how you believe merging them (which would save space and not stretch out your already thin numbers to two different regiments when they already do the same exact things besides one also pilots ships) would kill both of them? I don’t see this as a “Super Trooper” because all jobs can get ENG trained which really renders the ENG class useless besides the fact that it has a repair tool, which the Pilot has too... and how could this inspire other branch merges if none of the others are similar in any way whatsoever when PLT and ENG are quite literally almost the same.
  14. We got rid of battalions recently. Not the time to start trying to add some. -1
  15. This isn’t to help the squad... nor does the squad need help? What do Fixer, Scorch, and Sev need help with exactly? Absolutely nothing. Their fine as is and if they needed help well I got plenty of time to do that. Also yes Pilots fly Pythin, so yes he would be flying majority of his time. He’s a pilot... which would be something ‘unique’ for the squad and SO BDE. The dude flew Delta Squad around and was named Delta-42 how in the flying fuck would he not be affiliated with Delta and SO BDE. Delta went on missions with Omega and Null all the time and way more squads as well so it’s very likely he flew those goons too. and I’m sick of everyone shitting on Delta-42 because a stupid little shit kid was given the name and was an absolute retard. That was nearly 2 years ago! Who cares anymore. Patrick isn’t Delta-42.
  16. Delta-42 is by no means a ‘buff’ as adding a pilot job adds no real advantage in game other than having an extra guy to shoot at for NPCs and Event Jobs. The point of the job is to give Delta something unique. I have several ideas for buffs for Delta to put them on par with the rest of the squads but I need to work on them a bit more as there’s really not a lot of amazing ideas other than buffing hp armor speed or a weapon. Omega and Null have two sets of models for use and lore Jedi for use and Bad Batch have crazy loadouts and role play capabilities due to their lore and the potential 5th squad member with the new season (technically canon even if we don’t see it) This is something to make Delta ‘unique’ not a buff
  17. 8/10 We had tons of fun and I know it probably was a crazy ride for you lot but you gave us a good time so your doing a great job
  18. It won't affect anyone but SO BDE. There is really no negative outcomes if it got added. I want it added to give Delta something unique in SO BDE as every other squad has their own unique buffs and Delta has none. This is just an idea.
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