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BlankNameAsshole last won the day on January 14 2020

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  1. Short Version: -1 Wait until Coruscant Underworld and we can try again with a new more shady map with new mission ideas. We'll try to overhaul the system and hopefully missions will be much more fun in what is an actually interesting environment for seedy activities. (If things don't get better after that then change this to a +1) Long Version AKA The Things That Went Wrong (with possible fixes): Sanchez said it a lot, players will decide whether or not they like the extra content and want BH to continue, I agree. I think it should be given more time and opportunity on the new map at the very least but that's just my opinion. If players ruin every new thing that comes in to add more content then after it is removed complain that there isn't any new content the onus is on them. People say they want change but then don't like change at the same time, and they bite their own nose to spite their face, instead of finding things to enjoy in player driven content being brought to them on a daily basis that isn't the same old "droid invasion everyone to courtyard", which is literally what many people ask for more of all the time. I hope it will get better. But I concede that it will probably be hard with groups of organized players trying hard to keep the server as boring as ever stifling it while actively complaining about it.
  2. My "essay" would be expected to prevent an application? What does this even mean? You expected me to post this because it stops people from posting applications? I'm not stopping anyone from posting an application, I'm saying why I think it is unnecessary for people to have a say in a position they know nothing about and that doesn't really affect them. Sorry if that went over your head, I enjoy fleshing out my thoughts when I type long-form. It wasn't a personal attack, there were no ad hominems I was literally saying what you did and drawing a connection to your naysayers and what you are saying right now. I'm sorry if that offended you, but using an example from the other persons experiences is perfectly reasonable tactic in an argument, it's supposed to draw on your experiences to help you get a new understanding of the situation from my point of view. I see that it missed the mark. Different steps for different organizations doesn't mean something is "skipping steps" it's different lore, different elective systems, and entirely different power and authority. There is nothing stopping anyone from saying what they want about the way the guild functions or issues they have with it, in fact we actively encourage it, we read every piece of feedback and discuss it to try and make the system as it stands better, but I just don't see the point why there should be direct influence from people who don't play Bounty Hunters, seem to have active hostility towards bounty hunters (not you but others), not understand very basic premises of the system they are want to vote on and have issues that either haven't materialized yet or wont happen because the Guild doesn't work the way they think it does. Keep in mind these critiques aren't all from you but also from other feedback in this thread. It was meant to be a more player-run organization within the game, functioning as a collective of disparate groups, each with different lore and goals with the Guild Leader running the administrative aspect and making sure everyone has jobs coming in with the Guild Leader specifically not acting as an authoritarian ruler, and I think the current system fits that idea. I'll leave it here but that's just where I stand on the subject.
  3. I wasn't personally offended, it just showed ignorance to the system as it stands and had no substance behind some of your critiques. There have been critiques in this thread that are misinformed or make little sense. My "personal attack" was perfectly reasonable, pointing out that by your logic because you did some dumb things when you first joined CG and people said what you did was dumb in quite a few situations would be a bad reason to assume that whoever was Fox at the time was protecting "rotten fruit" or that CG as a whole was somehow responsible for any mistakes you might have made. It's not saying that you are bad or still make those mistakes, it is pointing out that when you were starting out in that role you made mistakes, and people painting all of CG with the same brush because of little mistakes made by you would have been silly. The same is true for Bounty Hunters. We have had a few incidents within the past month of starting a brand new system, and many people are enjoying a more player-run free-form organization. I am not just thinking about it from a role play perspective, I am saying that pragmatically your points still don't work. For instance there was a time when Egg was fairly inactive but still got voted in again and again through the application process largely due to favoritism (he's much better now I understand he was busy while it was happening but as a new player during that time is was annoying.) I can see the uses of the system and understand why people would use it for battalions where their leader is directly in charge of everyone below them in a strict military structure but that isn't the case with the Guild Leader. The Guild leader helps set rules for the guild, kick people out who are breaking those rules, tries to resolve issues, and makes missions. Why should any of these things require input from the larger community? Why should people in the community who have never participated in the Guild, seemingly have no idea how it functions, how it is supposed to function, or the lore behind it have a say in who is leading the Guild? I could understand if there were large-scale problems with minging and fail rp or RDM and nothing was being done about it because the Guild Leader just didn't care and all of the Faction Leaders were such friends with him that they just kept him in power while the entire server turned against their group, that that isn't happening. Going immediately to the unlikely worst case scenario and using that as a problem that needs to be solved is silly. You contradict yourself with your second point, earlier you say that it is an "unofficial figurehead" and now you are saying that it is an important position. I never said it hinders any operations the bounty hunters are doing, I don't think I even hinted at that, because I don't think it would. I just don't see why random people with no knowledge of the Guild that aren't staff should have large input on what was meant to be a largely player-run institution. The guild leader helps guide the guild, they don't enforce server rules outside of their possible duties as staff, they don't set policy that affects troopers outside of their interactions with Bounty Hunters, they have no power outside of those who aren't also in The Guild. The comments section alone shows that almost every +1 here that has actual content doesn't understand how the guild functions. One said the cabinet elects people, it doesn't. One said there should be a vote, there is within the guild itself. One said that the Guild Leader had power because they had access to a discord where they can contact High Command, anyone in discord can send a message to anyone in high command unless they are blocked. If people can't be bothered to read through the Rules and Regulations to understand how the guild functions I don't really see why the guild should be affected about their uninformed opinion. That's really all it comes down to. Saying "I want the system changed because the system should be changed because it should" really just isn't a good enough reason in my opinion.
  4. You better have your old mic or I will be sorely disappointed. I look forward to you to cutting out during a debrief.
  5. 1. Bounty Hunters aren't always under one person, we have had two leaders within the very first month. It isn't that hard to make a new clan, only requiring a few weeks of grinding to do so, I think we had our first clan within a week of opening while there were more restrictions on missions per day. Even the smallest clan has an equal say to the largest clan, with the intention of letting new voices influence who leads the Guild. I can see this argument working if we were multiple months in and it was the same person throughout the entire time, but as it stands we are one month in and have had two different leaders, so it's kind of silly to say that something that isn't a problem and you don't know will be a problem is a problem that should be addressed. 2. The goal of cabinet members is ultimately to help fulfill the vision of the Clan Leader and administrate the Guild. That is it. Their ideas only matter so long as the Clan Leader says they matter. Clan Leaders are the one who have a chance of making their vision of the Guild a reality and it is their job to make political alliances to make it happen. Most clans take votes on things or at least talk it over, because if their members don't like the way their clan is being run there are zero restrictions on them leaving and that is one less source of income for the clan. Honestly this entire point shows you don't seem to understand the political aspects of the guild as it stands now. 1.This is a weird one to me, personally I don't give anyone credibility regardless of rank unless I know them personally, because I have seen some impressively dumb people in very high positions. This seems to be the attitude of if not a majority, a large minority of the server. People respect who they know, and when one gets high enough in Bounty Hunters they are generally at least known by the people participating in the guild. 2. Community members and random unknown bounty hunters shouldn't have a voice in the leadership of the guild, based both on the lore if nothing else. Why would experienced bounty hunters who have shown their talent and are known all around care about what some random bounty hunter who has two bounties to their name or some clone might think? Even pragmatically the system is meant for a fluid transfer of power with leadership going back and fourth very often, depending on the immediate needs of the clans who vote them in. 3. You say nothing stops Guild Leadership from becoming a friend group but that just isn't true. A Clan can be created with a week of bounties done by a group of 4 people. There might be a time where some clans work together to keep their person in charge but that is literally the point, and if they aren't doing a good job their isn't anything stopping members from leaving those clans, starting their own and electing a new person. This isn't even mentioning that huge established clans have no more voting power than the newest, tiniest clan when it comes to voting in a new Guild Leader. 3. The Guild Leader doesn't have the power to arbitrarily remove someone from the guild for speaking out, that entire point isn't an issue. If they don't want to listen to someone because they disagree with their views then it is perfectly possible for them to take their vote and try to drum up support for someone else. You say you are aware that the point is to power play but it seems like you either don't or you just want to change it just because. You haven't really done the most important things here, show how your suggested change would actually make things different than they are now, or show an understanding of what the powers of the Guild Leader actually are. That last one is important because you are arguing against a problem that doesn't exist with a solution that wouldn't fix it even if it did exist. Somehow posting on the forums would prevent the Guild Leader from persecuting you if you disagreed with them if they had the power to do so. Why? How? 1. The reports are moved up the chain if they are a serious issue. If they are breaking the rules of the Guild then they get a strike, with more punishment depending on how it affects the Guild Health as a whole and the severity of the rules they broke. You are someone who has had very similar reports about your behavior in the past, are you saying that your behavior when you were new to CG should have been a reason stamp down on CG as a whole, in fact how many times did you disagree with those assessments? 2. Every leadership position isn't unofficial, they are officially in charge of the Guild. Everything after this is untrue. Even if they were an "unofficial" official Guild Leader how would they - as a player - be able stop a director from stepping in, please elaborate. Why would a director not be able to punish a single person? Would they not be able to find out who did something wrong? Why, is someone hiding the person who did it, was there no documentation? Did they break a bounty hunter rule and then not get punished? Why wouldn't they get punished? Do you have a single piece of evidence of someone not being punished for breaking a rule in the Bounty Hunters? Even if they didn't what would that have to do with a director, if they aren't breaking a server rule? So much of this point makes no sense at all. 3. Your point about no one being able to pick out rotten fruits its dumb, its literally just a hypothetical. What if there were no admins to ban people? What is someone was bestest friends with Joah and he unbanned them when they did anything, the server would all fall apart. Therefore we need to specifically get someone to make sure Joah doesn't get a bestest friend that he will then unban. Just. In. Case. Seriously this entire point is based on something that hasn't happened, you don't have any evidence will happen, and even if it did happen, someone being elected on the forums doesn't magically enhance their character to the level where they are incorruptible. 4. Guild Leaders aren't commanders. They should be invited but I'm not surprised they aren't. If a Battalion Commander wants to voice a concern literally contact them. 5. What do you mean "giving suggestions without the permission from the Guild Leadership"? You don't need their permission to make a suggestion. Do you mean you want random Battalion Commanders to be able to make changes to the Guild without anyone in the guild having a say by overriding the Guild Leader? I mean, even with your suggestion that wouldn't happen, because they would still be contacting the Guild Leader who would just be chosen by everyone, even those completely uninvolved and uninformed about the guild. TL;DR I don't think you understand how the politics is supposed to work. Most of your points are random hypothetical of what could happen in the worst possible scenario, and even then your solution doesn't seem like it would actually solve the hypothetical problems you make up. -1
  6. He's trying his best, please try to be supportive. He really needs this.
  7. It has come to my attention that @Sanchez has released a new single. I want to just share this post and encourage everyone to show their support. He needs all the help he can get. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Mkpia9fdYE
  8. Watching a man RDM a room full of CG with a Bowcaster, then having said guy come into the teamspeak afterwards and tell us someone invisible gave it to him and told him to "have fun." Maybe not my favorite memory but definitely one of the funniest that immediately comes to mind when thinking about the server. That someone out there in a position of power decided to give some random minge a way to take out people who were trying to enforce the rules. Or when I was court-martialed after revealing that I had a family waiting for me on Tattooine and I had actually just found the armor and decided it seemed like a good opportunity for a moisture farmer like me. Eventually the clones who were my jury had some kind of uprising and had to be put down by the CG. I have the video of it on some hard drive but it needs some editing. I'll post it some day.
  9. I Like the breathing room this gives us in the cabinet to work on things that still need to be done and respond to feedback to (hopefully) make this faction for fun for everybody to interact with. There is also the fact that realistically, it just doesn't really make sense for the Republic to allow essentially dozens of random unknown foreign mercenaries for hire with unclear motives and loyalties onto their space ship, for defense purposes which they already have covered by thousands of well trained, loyal clones. -1
  10. +1 There should be a correlation between price and performance.
  11. Name: Grabbis RP Rank: Private Suggestion: Mandatory IQ Tests for Leadership roles. Implementation: Force everyone who wants to be a SGT or higher to take an IQ test, if they don't score high enough they will not be allowed to advance. We would need to install remote viewing on their computers and have a staff role dedicated to observing these tests to ensure the highest amount of accuracy and honesty on the part of the community. For Enlisted I don't think there should be a limit to IQ, after all there should always be more followers than leaders, that's just basic facts right there. We need plenty of sheep for each shepherd if you will. For NCO I don't think we should set the bar too high, for fear of dismissing perfectly good basic level shepherds, I'm thinking an IQ of 90+ For Officers we need some of the smartest players the server can offer, meaning at the very least an IQ of 105. Lastly XO and BCMD and should be the best and brightest we have among us, with an IQ of at least a staggering 115 we can be sure that we are being led by the best of us. Lore: In the republic they had strict tests for who would be allowed to be in their leadership roles. If you weren't up to par in the brain, you better hope you are up to par with a mop, because you would be mopping floors. By implementing mandatory IQ tests we can really improve the RP aspect of the servers, With the smartest, most well adjusted, and lets be honest here, fundamentally greatest people among us leading us, we will be stronger as a server. PS. This has all been already approved by Sanchez, who would at the very least be able to make officer with this new system. He is very supportive of this new proposal.
  12. Your Ree of defiance in the face of the guy paying for the server will live on in all of our memories. Seriously man, I don't even know what is going on the server anymore, all I know is that if you are going to try and argue with someone who owns the server, be ready to be banned. I can't really say I'm exactly surprised, I feel like you got a shitty situation coming into the battalion when you did, but your interpersonal skills and your Epic Gamer screeching on the forums probably didn't win you very many friends and allies. I appreciate the effort you have taken for instituting suggestions and it was fun working with you on some of the docs. I am proud to add you to the list of Epic Gamers along with Sanchez. Good luck in your future endeavors.
  13. Boys, boys, boys, one of you encouraged a toxic culture and the other spent a couple weeks removing people who were toxic and completely gutting the battalion with the intention of reforming it but then leaving after the gutting part, basically just destroying it without rebuilding. You know Sanchez there have been some servers out there where I just hate everyone so much I wish I had the attention span or the ability to hold a grudge strong enough that I could work my way up to a high position and then just destroy everything the people I hated cared about. I never could bring myself to do that to people but you actually did it. I'm not sure if you have been secretly planning this for months but that's hilarious. I love you buddy but at the same time I wish you'd watched the video posted to our resignation channel and took its advice. You did what I couldn't and wouldn't so good job. I have been laughing since I first heard the news and at the same time let me just sum up this goodbye with three words. Epic gamer moment.
  14. +1 Even when you've often been busy with admin stuff you make sure that the Battalion is taken care of, it's great to see and you, you are living up to your responsibilities as Blitz, and you definitely have proven that you should continue in your role.
  15. +1 I just don't like the idea of needing a training to be able to take a test to be able to take a training, especially when the entire thing is to see if I have what it takes to take that training that I have already completed. I agree that more people knowing how to use vehicles would be good but making it mandatory seems like it would just generate a negative response. Adding more moving parts to something that is already working just seems like it will increase the likelihood of things breaking down. If for some reason it is decided that there needs to be more trainings before we can do our trainings it would be much more practical to keep it within Rancor where we can do all of the scheduling without relying on two different battalions in conjunction with our own.
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