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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. Obviously Event Job max health and armor would change with this to balance it out. The whole point of this so to get people to work together in combat rather than running about like headless chicken whenever they hear the npc spawning sound Now I do agree that it is a little bit of a grind but really is AFKing or gambling a grind? Majority of players go about it that way. I’d feel if getting more credits via gameplay got you skill points than it would be more of a grind. I am also open to changing the system as well as replacing it with something else to potentially grind for. I just felt like skill points have made a certain mindset on the server that everyone believes they are Anakin Skywalker and just go about situations wrong and this would slow people down and have them think.
  2. Name: Marvel RP Rank: MoH Private Suggestion: Removing Skill Points and making all jobs base health and armor at 100 and base speed and jump. These Skills would change depending on jobs and would make different jobs actually useful. I feel this would change the pace of the server forcing people to think before acting against not only Event Jobs but NPCs as well. Players would need to utilize more than Mouse 1, Space, and R to fight their battles. They would need placement, communication, and more to overcome their day to day obstacles. Now I know a lot of people would lose "credits" and all but maybe we could see getting some back and maybe something new to spend credits on. Implementation: Beaning the Skill Point system and balancing players and jobs forcing people to utilize their brains and communication in combat and utilize certain jobs for certain things rather than b hopping into a group of 15 npcs and then b hopping away or dying only to rinse and repeat after running back. Lore: Clones didn't tank 500 blaster shots and a couple rockets and actually had to use real strategies to win. Add or Change: (Any job modification requires all this information) Job: Every job... this includes Event Job rebalancing Weapon: They'd probably all need to be re-balanced considering ya know My Idea for Job Stats: (This is a bit of a stretch but this is what I would like considering lore and all) Battalion Health, Armor, Speed, and/or Jump buffs would be revoked and changed out for something else. Base Health and Armor for all players would be 100 for both and they'd have normal speed and jump. Medical Troopers would have base Health, Armor, and Jump but have increased speed in order to reach injured troopers quicker. Heavy Troopers would have base Health, increased armor by 150, and slightly decreased speed and/or jump because they're Heavy. Also the ability to hand out armor! Jet Troopers and Paratroopers would have base Health, Armor, and Speed but have increased Jump. Engineers and Pilots would have base Health, Speed, and Jump but increased Armor by 50 or 100. Also they have the repair tool and turret placer. ARF Troopers would have base Health, Armor but have increased Speed and Jump. ARC Troopers would have base Health and Jump but have increased Armor by 100 and increased Speed. (Lore: ARC have lightweight equipment that is very durable) BCMDs and Officers would have 150 extra Health to show battlefield dominance. (This ones a stretch but a reason to finally choose the Officer job over others yeah?) Republic Commandos would have base Health, Speed, and Jump but increased Armor by 400 (Total 500. Katarn Armor is literally this tough and armor isn't really that great but it would make sense for them to have a lot to emphasize their hardcore op armor) Null-Class and Alpha-Class ARCs would have increased Health by 150, increased Armor like the other ARCs, increased Speed like other ARCs, and increased Jump like Jet Troopers. (Genetically enhanced Clones right here. They have ARC equipment, which isn't as good as RC equipment, but they are crazy op even with less op equipment. The best of the best.) Also on the side: Classes would be standardized as well so there aren't battalions with the same job yet different names for no reason. (EX: ARF/Support, Heavy Trooper/Heavy Ordnance, Jet Trooper/Rocket Trooper I probably missed a lot and there would need to be a lot looked over and changed but I feel this would be a nice change for the server. I also wrote this pretty quick so if you have questions lemme know.
  3. 8/10 Thanks for letting me come.
  4. Ahaha I'm ahead of the competition
  5. This is already a suggestion.
  6. 8/10 Was a very very fun shoot em up deployment.
  7. A bird hit my car while I was driving at 3 in the morning and splattered blood all over the passenger side door
  8. I will +1 to shortening it to like a month or so but if any problems arise in the future from Aaron then I can 100% understand a perma ban. Though on a side note: This "Server is Dying" vibe that has been going off for quite a while now is only a mindset that is throwing yourself and other players off of the server and further away from having fun. It isn't solely up to High Staff to make the server fun, it's up to everyone. I was High Staff for so long and it can really drain a person because everyone that reaches those positions try their hardest to keep the server going and all we ever got was negativity and hate. It really sucked and it's what almost made me resign several times as an HA and what eventually led to my resignation from Director. All I ask is that y'all don't blame High Staff or Staff in general for this mindset and if you are either of these and agree that the "Server is Dying" then you should reconsider your position. In the end we all got to work together to create and promote RP on the server and keep the server fun. The people on the server was what always made Synergy so fun, not the events or trainings. (STAFF IS A VOLUNTEER SYSTEM)
  9. Ah Kron... er... Craig... It's been a wild ride watching you grow. You've straitened your act up and since returning to SO BDE and really the server you have been doing an amazing job not only in SO BDE, but in the Staff Team and the Jedi Order. I believe you are ready for this. Just try not to burn yourself out by overworking yourself and trying to balance too much at once. +1
  10. +1 I feel like you have served your time but just remember when messing around to take a second and think before you press ENTER. Good luck!
  11. Ah it's been too long since I could do this. +1 Kurt/Molecule has been a great staff member time and time again. Would love to see him back at it again. Best of luck!
  12. Note: All resignations are final ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Marvel Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:445805193 Staff Rank: Director Were you VIP: Yeah but Director didn't have VIP so I didn't get my hecking ammo discount smh my head. Date: December 22nd, 2019. Reason for leaving: I have been Staff on this server for well over a year now with no real break. I'm burnt to a crisp and need a good long break with no real responsibilities. Farewells: @Tinovious - Absolute bafoon. Should stick to Halo brother. We've done our time here but I know you'll do a helluva good job if you come back. Not really a farewell to you as I know we will still talk and play games with each other. ONI Section Two Directive Nine-Three-Zero Initiating.... @traditional - Welcome to Hell. Good thing you landed feet first. Hardly a week in and I can already tell you'll do good and just know if you ever need anything you got my discord. @Sanchez Resident - LEGO STAR WARS RP DIRECTOR SANDBB | You better transfer dude. Someone's gotta make that server super serious RP. Glad to be Director with you. It was a fun ride. @Joah @ Jackson @Square @Carter @Dragon @Lighig - Thanks for all the opportunities. From the small staff promotions all the way up to HA and BCMD and now Director. You all have been apart of one or more of these steps of mine on the server and I thank you all for having faith in me. Hope I didn't disappoint @Loopy Newby @Rose @Foxey @Dolvek @Neptune - HeadAss boys. @Ron - Cool Pepe. 1337 Haxor Guy. The Man. The Myth. The Legend27. I have never heard you talk but the conversations I've had with you were still great. Keep up the good work with dev stuff and hurry up and apply for Palpatine already. @Korm @Omalic - Best of luck with High Command. Korm you've went from being my Papa to being my Emper... Chancellor. It's crazy looking back when we were Kal and Ordo. Miss those days. Omalic you went from my first BCMD to now the Marshal Commander and you were an amazing Reg and you are doing a great job as Marshal. Keep it up. @ISNIFFPROPANE @Fyi @Neptune - Keep up the good work in SO BDE. Gotta keep the ball rolling though. No breaks when you're a Squad Lead. @SO BDE - Stay the same. SO BDE has changed a lot since when I first joined and I'm glad to be apart of both times of SO BDE. It's never easy being in the special ed class. Probably missed some people. It's been too long lol. Imma get on here and there to help out and play to have some fun ya know.
  13. Yo @Tinovious time to start the GR and recruit everyone yeah
  14. Marvel

    Civilian for VIP

    Just because the war made it's way to this planet doesn't mean it's not inhabited... literally 90% of the planets we see in the Clone Wars have locals... Anaxes was a prominent planet within the Republic housing the GAR's largest shipyards meaning shitloads of workers either Droid, Human, or Alien. They'd probably have families and such. Hell we could see some of these people starting a small militia like we saw on Onderon. There are 100% civilians on Anaxes though there would be no way they'd be allowed to just stroll around on Military property unless seeking refuge from the CIS for a little bit. All in all I think this is a cool idea but I also feel like it would be abused without any staff presence. -1 unless some serious strict rules were set in place so that people aren't running around screaming and resisting the Clones by jumping all over the place before they get RDM'd by a CT PVT.
  15. The back and forth comments stop now. Leave it to a +1 / -1 vote and if you disagree with them use the reaction.
  16. You have been ACCEPTED as our newest Attack Regimental Commander! Your term will end on 2/17/2020 //moved to accepted
  17. You have been ACCEPTED for another term as Commander Cody! Your term will end on 3/16/2020 //moved to accepted
  18. This is actually kinda what @Carter’s Scenario idea is. (Encounter revamp)
  19. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 12/21/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
  20. You have been ACCEPTED for interview Please contact myself or Sanchez for your interview before 12/21/2019 or your application will be DENIED //locked //moved to Pending
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