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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. 7/10 Now surprisingly I had no issue with lag at all and it was a very fun shoot em up with the boys, but it was just that. There was a simple story as to why we're here and all but not much more after that. Still a very good/fun event so keep it up!
  2. +1 but you might have to be banned for having too big of a brain
  3. You beat me to this. I was going to suggest that we keep any battalion's trooper and BCMD job that gets removed and add WAC-47 as well so events can have Neyo and WAC
  4. +1 I see him around. Good guy. Means well. Will make a good staff member. Good luck!
  5. I remember meeting Joah. I was chilling in one of the SO BDE TS channels with everyone about a year ago and he joins everyone just chilling then I hear car noises and he's like where we eating? I have been on too many Joah eat and drive adventures to count now
  6. Yeah no I'm trolling that movie is almost as garbage as that Joah diss track someone made not that long ago
  7. Not trying to argue or anything and I respect your opinion but I dunno about this being non-important. This is eight people's loadout rendered useless due to it's scope being useless 9 times out of 10. Yes it isn't the most important thing in the world but -1ing it for probably not happening very soon is kind of... ya know.
  8. Name: Marvel | Delta Oh-Seven ''Sev'' RP Rank: [REDACTED] Suggestion: Fixing the DC-17M Sniper Rifle Attachment's scope (It is unbearable to use) Implementation: Now getting the owner to fix it is unlikely so I was thinking what if we take say the LD-1 and delete it's model and replace it with the 17M Sniper so it uses just the normal scope. Just an idea ya know but really I feel like there are smarter people out there that probably know better alternatives to fixing them. (If it requires a new one made I will pay) Lore: You could see through the scope on the DC-17M Sniper Rifle Workshop content if applicable: If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Change Job: All Republic Commando jobs in SO BDE. Model: tfa_swch_dc17m_sn Weapons: tfa_swch_dc17m_sn Other: Here are pictures of the scope, Note: I enjoy being immersive and using my lore accurate weapons and loadout but I usually have to resort to using the LD-1 instead. The DC-17M Sniper has 5 shots in a mag which is fine but with the scope like this it's better used in CQC and that sucks because my immersion is ruined!
  9. It's been a long road my brothers... but the mission... the nightmares... they're finally over...
  10. -1 Not only do I believe the other candidate is more deserving of the position, I just do not feel comfortable with your in-game activity and the fact that you copy and pasted lore from the Wiki in order to fluff your application. Your a good dude Kurama but I'm going to have to stick by my vote, Good luck nevertheless!
  11. +1 why not. I miss 99% of pms via game
  12. You’re fucking trolling dude... Imma be blunt, Stop applying for every position ever with shitty applications. You’ve been denied more times than I can keep count of at this rate. You’ve only ever been in the 91st and you don’t even bother to apply for Neyo when it opens when 91st is the most struggling battalion on the server. -1
  13. 7/10 Fun shoot em up with the bois. Thanks for letting me come along!
  14. o7 A real OG right here. (For me at least) Thank you for all your hard work on and off of the server. You did great in every position you've held and it was a pleasure working with you throughout my time on the server. See ya later Nade pepehands
  15. Marvel

    Kurt's GM App

    +1 Good ol GM Good luck!
  16. Means you are online @Fizzik ppl that have it are currently viewing the Forums
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