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Everything posted by Marvel

  1. Alpha is Rancor +1 I don’t see anything negative from your first term personally.
  2. So there are positives to it and no negatives... no suggestion is ever necessary and if it improves anyone's time on the server, no matter how little that amount of people is, and doesn't harm anything, than why not?
  3. I'm sorry but, what? Just because they're not important to you doesn't mean they're not important to others, especially the people in those positions who slave away at their jobs to make their respective areas of the server a better place.
  4. Idk how anyone likes the current models lmao. Yeah the difference in models is cool and unique but they look like booty. ALSO idk why Cloud took pictures of the models without their helmets on but the Attack Reg has a Paratrooper helmet, the Mech Reg has a BARC helmet, and the Spec Reg has a Bacara helmet.
  5. +1 Valiant is gone! Commander Maze... Also @Brooklyn you forgot the bacta kit weapon string (weapon_bactakit) for Aven
  6. 3.5/4 Seriously good event even though it was short Keep it up and I want to see a PART 2!
  7. To add onto this maybe it's something that to be used it must a) be approved by directors (Like huge ass trainings) and/or b) be given permission by High Command to go onto
  8. Maybe if it was limited to like 30-50 players Idk it's a good idea but might not work out +1 unless Founder's say why not
  9. +1 I don't see you a lot but I know that's just our difference in timezone. I feel like you could handle the position well.
  10. Marvel


    -1 I believe the other candidates deserve the position more than you. Good luck though
  11. +1 I think you would fit the role of Regimental well Good luck
  12. +1 but you really need to work on that attitude. I have faith that you can do it.
  13. This faction imo would be the initiative for people to do these things. Yes it is true that everything that this faction can and will do, can already be done, but as we all know nothing happens. I dunno, I don't personally agree with the entire idea but one thing I do know is that it wouldn't hurt to try. It's not like it will kill the server or anything because if there are truly any negative side effects from it then it will just be beaned from existence.
  14. Cloud and Sniff in High Command +1 don’t fuck up, I mean it.
  15. Brother you need to read the post. This faction wouldn't be constant PVP and I was making a joke about MRP, although I do believe that MRP's failure mainly came from all the commanders being oldies who only got the spots because they could get em and then did fuck all with the positions, but hey, that's just me.
  16. I spoke with Chambers about this and I summed it up as CIS VIP Game Masters. Now I don't mean that in a negative way as I feel a near constant hostile presence on the server will give the Republic something to do rather than b-hop in courtyard. This is something I was hoping Bounty Hunters would do but sadly that wasn't the case. There are positives to this faction that make it somewhat worth the try and really we're not going anywhere just sitting in base. Also did MRP really fail because of the constant PVP or did it fail because all the commanders and staff were shit? Just sayin.
  17. lol people over here like "you done nothing as a Master" and I'm sitting here like what have any of the other Masters done that are so much more significant than anything he has done. +1 though you will have to drop Atin if you got the position and that's an SO BDE rule.
  18. -1 Imagine not living in the United States tho
  19. 3.5/4 Covert Operations? Delta Squad? Those don't mix!
  20. +1 for these new models. Although the pack is pretty big for three dudes but we did get rid of a lot of stuff and clear a lot of space and the General model in the pack could go to the General job as well. (DO NOT USE THAT RC MODEL I SWEAR TO GOD IT'S 4HEAD) ALSO: Remove their Jetboots they ain't got no jetpack bodygroupr and it's gay
  21. Bro I’m your deputy director your legally bound to be my valentine when I am done with Trad
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